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Is this recipe slimming?:


Celene's Celestial Stew

" The Compassionate Cook "


2 lbs potatoes, chopped into cubes

2 28-ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes

2 med. onions, diced

3 medium carrots, sliced

1 lb bag frozen corn kernels

1 lb bag frozen peas

1 cup dry sherry

2 T plus 1 t garlic powder

2 t oregano

1 T minced fresh basil

1 t. dried rosemary

2 bay leaves

1 t. thyme

1/2 t. sage

2 t minced fresh parsley

2 t. salt


Boil the potatoes until soft, about 20 to 25 minutes. Pour of the water and add

the 2 cans of tomatoes with the juice. Add the onions, carrots, corn and peas.

Stir well and cook for about 5 minutes.


Add the remaining ingredients and cook uncovered at a low heat for about 2






o Yes it is slimming - file with regular recipes

o No - you must use portion control

o No - eat all you want of this recipe



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I will never post another recipe




Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the



Is this recipe slimming?:


Celene's Celestial Stew

" The Compassionate Cook "


2 lbs potatoes, chopped into cubes

2 28-ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes

2 med. onions, diced

3 medium carrots, sliced

1 lb bag frozen corn kernels

1 lb bag frozen peas

1 cup dry sherry

2 T plus 1 t garlic powder

2 t oregano

1 T minced fresh basil

1 t. dried rosemary

2 bay leaves

1 t. thyme

1/2 t. sage

2 t minced fresh parsley

2 t. salt


Boil the potatoes until soft, about 20 to 25 minutes. Pour of the water and add

the 2 cans of tomatoes with the juice. Add the onions, carrots, corn and peas.

Stir well and cook for about 5 minutes.


Add the remaining ingredients and cook uncovered at a low heat for about 2






o Yes it is slimming - file with regular recipes

o No - you must use portion control

o No - eat all you want of this recipe



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I have a couple of questions about this poll.

1. Does the group (and I'm a newbie) have a definition or some criteria as to

what makes a recipe " slimming " ?

2. The choices include " No " (and I'm assuming that this means that it is judged

to be " non-slimming " ) " eat all you want " . What is the logic of eating all you

want of a non-slimming recipe?

3. The choice of portion control seems to be the only logical choice. I don't

know of anything that you can eat that doesn't require some sort of portion

control. (this was my vote by the way!).

PS: I did think this looked like a pretty good recipe; I definitely intend to

try it!




> o Yes it is slimming - file with regular recipes

> o No - you must use portion control

> o No - eat all you want of this recipe





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Oh, I wish you didn't feel that way. I've posted things on here that were filed

in the non-slimming file. Although most the people on here are actively trying

to lose weight, there a lot of different methods being used. What looks good

for one type of eating style or diet, may not look good for another. Your

recipe did get filed and so will be there for those who'd like to try it.

Please reconsider your decision not to share recipes.


Cindi, one of the moderators


zen white <zenbaby7 wrote:

I will never post another recipe

















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, jplynch <jplynch


> 3. The choice of portion control seems to be the only logical

choice. I don't know of anything that you can eat that doesn't

require some sort of portion control. (this was my vote by the way!).


That would be my comment, also, jp. Just out of curiosity, I was

looking in the files at the " slimming " recipes, and I found very,

very few of them that could be an " all you want " type deal. It just

seemed a little arbitrary to me to place this one in the non-

slimming category. I've never seen any guidelines in here, except

that this is a " low fat " type group. BTW -- this recipe has no

added fat which many of the " slimming " ones do have a little

added...so, to answer your question, I don't think there are any

formal guidelines.


I'm not a person who likes to stir up controversy and I'm sorry if

I've contributed to it here. But, really--just go through

the " slimming " files and see how many of those recipes would pass

the test on the poll. How many of those could be voted into

the " yes " category ( " eat all you want " implied), when the next

question specifies that anything you must use portion control on

is " non-slimming " and rates a " no. "


I feel that this poll is skewed to reach only one possible answer.

And it really doesn't matter where the recipe is filed. I feel it's

a good one.


Again, I'm sorry for any controversy, but just felt that I had to

voice my opinion. And I'm not going to participate in the poll,

because....well I just explained why because....LOL.







, jplynch <jplynch



> I have a couple of questions about this poll.

> 1. Does the group (and I'm a newbie) have a definition or some

criteria as to what makes a recipe " slimming " ?

> 2. The choices include " No " (and I'm assuming that this means

that it is judged to be " non-slimming " ) " eat all you want " . What is

the logic of eating all you want of a non-slimming recipe?

> 3. The choice of portion control seems to be the only logical

choice. I don't know of anything that you can eat that doesn't

require some sort of portion control. (this was my vote by the way!).

> PS: I did think this looked like a pretty good recipe; I

definitely intend to try it!


> wrote:


> > o Yes it is slimming - file with regular recipes

> > o No - you must use portion control

> > o No - eat all you want of this recipe

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Frankly I dont blame you!


I am flummoxed, as there are very few calories here- how or why did it become

such a big issue?




zen white

Monday, October 09, 2006 5:03 PM

Re: New poll for



I will never post another recipe



Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the



Is this recipe slimming?:


Celene's Celestial Stew

" The Compassionate Cook "


2 lbs potatoes, chopped into cubes

2 28-ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes

2 med. onions, diced

3 medium carrots, sliced

1 lb bag frozen corn kernels

1 lb bag frozen peas

1 cup dry sherry

2 T plus 1 t garlic powder

2 t oregano

1 T minced fresh basil

1 t. dried rosemary

2 bay leaves

1 t. thyme

1/2 t. sage

2 t minced fresh parsley

2 t. salt


Boil the potatoes until soft, about 20 to 25 minutes. Pour of the water and

add the 2 cans of tomatoes with the juice. Add the onions, carrots, corn and

peas. Stir well and cook for about 5 minutes.


Add the remaining ingredients and cook uncovered at a low heat for about 2






o Yes it is slimming - file with regular recipes

o No - you must use portion control

o No - eat all you want of this recipe


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