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How Do You Choose A 'Diet' To Follow?

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This is not a question to which I have the answer - so I'm asking:


When you decide/have decided that you need to lose weight and

therefore to change your eating habits, HOW do you decide which

of the all-so-many weight-loss diet plans out there to follow?

(I am speaking of vegetarian and/or vegan plans - or those

which are vegetarian- or vegan-friendly - not the ones that suggest

me*t is good for you.)


I know some people here follow Weight Watchers, others follow

Dr Fuhrman, Dr McDougall or Dr Barnard. And of course there are

others (many others!) that are good. So how do you choose between them?

Is there some easy way for you personally? Or is it a hit-and-miss



No easy answer I know as to the BEST way to choose, but what's

your way?


Please, anyone?


Love, Pat

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This may not answer your question, but I started this process by changing to a

vegetarian diet about two years ago. I didn't get completely vegetarian until

perhaps eight months ago. My next step was to limit portion sizes, which has

always been a problem for me (I love to eat and speak with my husband over

dinner). Now I've started exercising (walking, bike riding, yoga stretches,

push-ups, sit-ups). It's been a slow process, but I've lost about 12 pounds in

the past year. It's nothing to do backflips about, but I'm happy with the whole

process as I am feeling better and getting healthy.


My next step is to get the sugar out of my diet. I love sugar in my coffee, on

my oatmeal, and in my tea. I've been decreasing the amount of sugar I add. This

morning, no sugar in my coffee. Oh, I also love baked goods (cookies, cakes,

etc). My husband is the same way. We've made a deal. One time a week we'll have

a treat. That started this past week. So far, so good. I expect this will speed

up the weight loss.


So, my 'diet' is to eat less and exercise more.



Pat <drpatsant wrote:

This is not a question to which I have the answer - so I'm asking:


When you decide/have decided that you need to lose weight and

therefore to change your eating habits, HOW do you decide which

of the all-so-many weight-loss diet plans out there to follow?


Love, Pat











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Well my doctor suggested WW for me to lose some weight before trying to get

pregnant. I put it off and put it off but Kymberli and I finally got to a point

where we both wanted to do something about our health & weight. Plus we have 2

good friends that we had seen visible results on and heard glowing remarks about

the local group meeting leader. The program worked well for us both as veggies.

We don't go any longer as it was getting too expensive but we may return as

we've both put some weight back on. Mostly due to starting up some bad eating

habits again. :-(




Pat <drpatsant wrote: This is not a

question to which I have the answer - so I'm asking:


When you decide/have decided that you need to lose weight and

therefore to change your eating habits, HOW do you decide which

of the all-so-many weight-loss diet plans out there to follow?

(I am speaking of vegetarian and/or vegan plans - or those

which are vegetarian- or vegan-friendly - not the ones that suggest

me*t is good for you.)


I know some people here follow Weight Watchers, others follow

Dr Fuhrman, Dr McDougall or Dr Barnard. And of course there are

others (many others!) that are good. So how do you choose between them?

Is there some easy way for you personally? Or is it a hit-and-miss



No easy answer I know as to the BEST way to choose, but what's

your way?


Please, anyone?


Love, Pat








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Lifestyle changes have been hard for me (there has been a LOT of stress in my

life lately), but I do have a good " crash diet/jump start " that works for me

very well. It's called a " Daniel Fast, " and it basically consists of 10 days of

vegetables and water. I have a baked potato every morning for breakfast, usually

covered with a half-cup of mushrooms sauteed in a little Bragg's Liquid Aminos

(or low-sodium soy sauce) and water, then a salad for lunch. Dinner is usually

another potato dressed up with the mushrooms or canned tomatoes or whatever, or

some cooked veggies. I drink all the water I want, but no diet drinks or coffee

or any stimulants. The last time I did it, I lost 15 pounds - mostly water

weight, of course, as with any crash diet, but enough real weight to provide











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> This may not answer your question, but I started this process by changing to


vegetarian diet about two years ago.


That's interesting - I have often wondered how many vegetarians who are in this


actually became vegetarians (at least in part - I know reasons can be complex)

as a step

on the road to weight loss (as well, of course, possibly to other things). Who

else? We'd be

interested to hear from you!


You go on to say:


> I didn't get completely vegetarian until perhaps eight months ago. My next

step was to

limit portion sizes . . .


That was always MY chosen method of weight loss - that and, of course, avoiding


very high-calories foods :)


> Now I've started exercising (walking, bike riding, yoga stretches, push-ups,



That helps a lot, doesn't it? If one can do that, it can help to boost the rate

at which one

slims down _and_ of course it makes one feel good, happier, etc., which is

always a good

thing if one is to stay on a weightloss programme!


It's been a slow process, but I've lost about 12 pounds in the past year. It's

nothing to do

backflips about, but I'm happy with the whole process as I am feeling better and




> My next step is to get the sugar out of my diet.


There are a number of books on beating that sugar crabing ;) And if you don't

want to go

that route, then there is stevia - not an 'artificial' sweetener, but from a

plant. Lovely!


> I also love baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc). My husband is the same way.

We've made

a deal. One time a week we'll have a treat. That started this past week. So far,

so good. I

expect this will speed up the weight loss.


It will indeed! Good for you. I'm proud of you - and you also say you've lost 12

pounds this

year, which is good. If you lose more, you'll feel even happier about yourself

too - am I

right? Good luck.


Best love, Pat

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> Well my doctor suggested WW for me to lose some weight . . .


Nice to have that kind of doctor - who makes good suggestions, not just telling

you to

lose weight as if it were to fall through a hole in your pocket!


> Kymberli and I finally got to a point where we both wanted to do something

about our

health & weight.


And the two go together :) Isn't it good, too, that your partner is doing the

same thing - I

do feel for those members who have to do it all by themselves!


> Plus we have 2 good friends that we had seen visible results on and heard


remarks about the local group meeting leader.


So between the doc's recommendation and your friends' recommendation/example AND

the time being right to make the change, you decided WW. Excellent. I think most


get to their chosen programme through recommendations of those kinds.


Hey, Cindi - can I give you a little push? Why not get back to it as a present

to yourself/

yourselves for the autumn!!! Just a thought!!


Love and hugs, Pat

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> I do have a good " crash diet/jump start " that works for me very well. It's

called a " Daniel

Fast, " and it basically consists of 10 days of vegetables and water. . . .


Wow - the weight would indeed drop off - and that'd be a great jump start, as

you say. But

what then? What weightloss diet to follow? And how to pick it? I'd think you'd

be heartily

sick of both veggies and water by then LOL


Best love, Pat

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When you decide/have decided that you need to lose weight and

> therefore to change your eating habits, HOW do you decide which

> of the all-so-many weight-loss diet plans out there to follow?


Hi Pat,

I found when I am looking for an eating plan you will know it when

you come across it, you just know... for me it was the Hiller Method

and common sense. I read the China study and I belive alot there

makes sense too. Which sounds like your mother or grandmother would

have said to you when you are little.


Chew your food....digestion begins in the mouth let your teeth grind

the food up really small that is why they are there.


Turn off the TV... no backround eating- pay attention to what you are

putting in your mouth.


Eat your vegetables...


Don't eat all those sweets... mega calories without much benefit, but

it tastes so good! Now stop and think how many bites until you are

just finishing off that sundae instead of savoring it? For me it is a

half scoop of ice cream-ish(there are better choices than cream) with

the toppings right down to the cherry.


Stay away from that " fake food " ... if you cannot grow it or pronounce

it or know it's origins do you want that in your body?


I have also thought about the whole eating " triggers " and I found

that I eat comfort food when I get stressed. Rather than fight it I

avoid the stress, not the eating. When I come across the unavoidale

stressfull situations - I eat! And it IS a comfort.


Also you know what is and isn't right for you. And it will change as

time goes on. My one major weakness used to be Skittles. After eating

right and avoiding chemicals I found I am losing my taste for them.

The last 2 times I gave in and bought a bag they were " icky " nothing

wrong with the candy other than I have grown beyond that part in my

eating past. I hope am am some help and not just rambling on.


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Hi Pat


I decided to track my food and exercise through Weight Loss Resources, basically

it lets me know if I am under eating! (for instance today after my three meals

and a snack, plus lots of cups of tea I have only just got over 1000 kcals and

at the moment for my portliness (in the extreme!) I am supposed to have 1,800

kcals!), it also lets me know (if I look at the nutrition pie chart) if I am

overdoing the fat (too much cheese for instance!).


It is the only thing I have found so far that works for me!



The Dragon (aka High Priestess Enchanting Evenweave)

WIPs/UFOs = Teresa Wentzler, Celtic Summer, exchange 6/10ths done, RRs in






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> I decided to track my food and exercise through Weight Loss Resources,

basically it lets

me know if I am under eating! (for instance today after my three meals and a

snack, plus

lots of cups of tea I have only just got over 1000 kcals and at the moment for


portliness (in the extreme!) I am supposed to have 1,800 kcals!), it also lets

me know (if I

look at the nutrition pie chart) if I am overdoing the fat (too much cheese for



Well, that's a good system if it works :) I don't understand it since I've never

looked into

Weight Watchers, although I have had friends on their programme. It is important

not to

eat too little, of course, and that's what you're guarding against. But doesn't

some of it

depend on activity level too? The less active, the fewer calories? But I guess

you have

factored all that in too! I guess you can tell best whether you're eating enough

or too much

by how the pounds are coming off.


> It is the only thing I have found so far that works for me!


Well, 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' is a good motto :)


Thanks for telling us about that. How many others are using this system? Let's

hear it,



Love, Pat

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I do the same type of thing periodically. There are a lot of different

websites that let you track your food intake and activity level, and then

you can check to make sure you are getting enough calories, not too many

calories, enough (but not too much) of the various other nutrients, fat,

protein, vitamins, minerals, etc.


Once you track for a few days to a couple of weeks, you have a good idea of

what sort of daily intake and activity level is right for you, and can

continue on that " diet " on a go-ahead basis. Then if your weight loss drops

off, or you feel you are sliding in the wrong direction one way or another,

you can track it for a few days again and make adjustments as necessary.


I like to tweak my diet/exercise periodically like this rather than

concentrating on it all the time. I think if you are concentrating on food

all day every day, you are more likely to over eat! Just sort of a " reality

check " every so often to make sure you are not slipping up on portion sizes,

your favourite sauce/snack, getting all your nutrients, etc.




On 10/22/07, Pat <drpatsant wrote:


> > I decided to track my food and exercise through Weight Loss Resources,

> basically it lets

> me know if I am under eating! (for instance today after my three meals and

> a snack, plus

> lots of cups of tea I have only just got over 1000 kcals and at the moment

> for my

> portliness (in the extreme!) I am supposed to have 1,800 kcals!), it also

> lets me know (if I

> look at the nutrition pie chart) if I am overdoing the fat (too much

> cheese for instance!).


> Well, that's a good system if it works :) I don't understand it since I've

> never looked into

> Weight Watchers, although I have had friends on their programme. It is

> important not to

> eat too little, of course, and that's what you're guarding against. But

> doesn't some of it

> depend on activity level too? The less active, the fewer calories? But I

> guess you have

> factored all that in too! I guess you can tell best whether you're eating

> enough or too much

> by how the pounds are coming off.


> > It is the only thing I have found so far that works for me!


> Well, 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' is a good motto :)


> Thanks for telling us about that. How many others are using this system?

> Let's hear it,

> okay?


> Love, Pat







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Yes, my doctor is good that way. And you're right it is a lot easier when you

have someone to change your ways with! We've thought about going back to it but

with trying to get me pregnant and all, it's just not the right time financially

or otherwise... We will go back though, one day.




Pat <drpatsant wrote: Nice to have that

kind of doctor - who makes good suggestions, not just telling you to

lose weight as if it were to fall through a hole in your pocket!


> Kymberli and I finally got to a point where we both wanted to do something

about our

health & weight.


And the two go together :) Isn't it good, too, that your partner is doing the

same thing - I

do feel for those members who have to do it all by themselves!


> Plus we have 2 good friends that we had seen visible results on and heard


remarks about the local group meeting leader.


So between the doc's recommendation and your friends' recommendation/example


the time being right to make the change, you decided WW. Excellent. I think

most people

get to their chosen programme through recommendations of those kinds.


Hey, Cindi - can I give you a little push? Why not get back to it as a present

to yourself/

yourselves for the autumn!!! Just a thought!!


Love and hugs, Pat








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I chose Weight Watchers because I had to choose something I could stick with

long term. A " diet " that made me lose weight then I couldn't stand it

anymore then I go and regain it all back again wouldn't do me any good,



WW is very veggie friendly because I count points, they encourage healthy

oils & fruits & veggies. They do have me@t in their plans, but that's

because people do eat it, but they have vegetarian food ideas & plans as

well on their website.

Hope this helps!


PS. I'm a online member, I do not go to meetings and have lost 28 lbs so



On 10/19/07, Pat <drpatsant wrote:


> This is not a question to which I have the answer - so I'm asking:


> When you decide/have decided that you need to lose weight and

> therefore to change your eating habits, HOW do you decide which

> of the all-so-many weight-loss diet plans out there to follow?

> (I am speaking of vegetarian and/or vegan plans - or those

> which are vegetarian- or vegan-friendly - not the ones that suggest

> me*t is good for you.)


> I know some people here follow Weight Watchers, others follow

> Dr Fuhrman, Dr McDougall or Dr Barnard. And of course there are

> others (many others!) that are good. So how do you choose between them?

> Is there some easy way for you personally? Or is it a hit-and-miss

> proposition?


> No easy answer I know as to the BEST way to choose, but what's

> your way?


> Please, anyone?


> Love, Pat







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> . . . And you're right it is a lot easier

> when you have someone to change your ways with!


Well, those members who *don't* have a partner (or friend, sibling,

parent or child) to do the weight-loss with them DO have us :)

(We're not much, guys, but we do try!!!! It's called support and

it is sooooo important!!!! Just shout out what you're doing and

we'll be here - all 700-some of us (or at least those who read the

posts regularly :))


>We've thought about

> going back to it but with trying to get me pregnant and all


Trying right now? (I don't mean this second LOL but this year?) That

can be so stressful, of course, as well as a delight to contemplate.

Best of luck!!!


> it's just

> not the right time financially or otherwise... We will go back though,

> one day.


Oh I can see that, for sure! Well, there are other ways of following such

things as Weight Watchers (a rose by any other name, so to speak) that

don't cost or don't cost as much when you're ready for it :) And of course

you'll go back to it!!


Love and hugs, Pat



Dr Patricia Sant

Bean Vegan: http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

" The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'Can they talk?' but rather, 'Can

they suffer?' " (Jeremy Bentham, 1749-1832)






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> I chose Weight Watchers because I had to choose something I could stick

> with

> long term. . . .

> PS. I'm a online member, I do not go to meetings and have lost 28 lbs so

> far.


That's so important. A diet that isn't followed is no diet at all!

And hey, congrats on the lost 28 pounds. <cheering loudly>


Hugs and love, Pat



Dr Patricia Sant

Bean Vegan: http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

" The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'Can they talk?' but rather, 'Can

they suffer?' " (Jeremy Bentham, 1749-1832)






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