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Bibical beginning

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B " H


Genesis 1:29:

And G-d said Behold! I have given to you all grass that grows of

seeds that is on the face of all the earth and all the trees that

have on them fruits of the trees that grows of seeds for you they

will be as food. (BTW, the animals at that point were only given the

green grasses and not the fruit -- that was only for humans)


(don't go looking in your version for this translation -- it's my own

directly from the Hebrew)


It was in the time of Noah that permission was given to eat meat (the

verse makes it sound like it was reluctantly given, but that's just

MY take on it ;-) -- Genesis 9:3 -- and all creatures that (s)he

lives to you they will be as food like the green grass I have given

to you all. (this is right AFTER 9:2 where G-d says that the fear of

humanity will be in all the creatures)


The laws of kashrut (kosher) which limits the animals that may be

consumed and directs for the most humane (that is a comparitive -- no

slaughter is humane but this is the least inhumane) form of slaughter

are mostly in Leviticus. In Deutoronomy, there is a verse that says

that when the Children of Israel go into the land (Canaan at that

point to become Israel) they may eat meat. That verse uses a verb

that basically means that you can eat meat if you have such a strong

craving that you just can't stand it, well, then you are PERMITTED to

eat meat.....)


Debbie (think I've studied this stuff at all????? ;-)





In the first page of any Bible, it clearly says '' everything that

has the breath of life in it shall eat the plant foods!just because

Adam and eve or somewhere in history we went wrong with our eating

habits,it doesn't mean it is good to eat fish or any other creature!

The word God and Good come from the same origin,so whether you

believe in God or not,Veggies still believe it is good to not eat

creatures,which is in keeping with the Bibles interpretation of what

God intended us to eat from the beginnning,why so called christians

ignore that or misinterpret it, is a mystery to me.


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I often wondered about that. If Noah was given permission to eat, and he

took only two animals on board, how come none of them were extinct.



> It was in the time of Noah that permission was given to eat meat (the

> verse makes it sound like it was reluctantly given, but that's just

> MY take on it ;-) -- Genesis 9:3 -- and all creatures that (s)he

> lives to you they will be as food like the green grass I have given

> to you all. (this is right AFTER 9:2 where G-d says that the fear of

> humanity will be in all the creatures)





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Hi Vegicate


> The word God and Good come from the same origin


Of course, the word God is ultimately a proper name based on the word god.

The " name " of the Christian God is Yahweh or El (depending on which part of

the Bible you read).


> Veggies still believe it is good to not eat

> creatures,which is in keeping with the Bibles interpretation of what

> God intended us to eat from the beginnning,why so called christians

> ignore that or misinterpret it, is a mystery to me.


Looking at it from a purely theological point of view, I believe it comes

from the point where God tells Noah that he can eat the flesh of animals.

Followed up by the fact that Jesus (an avatar to Christians) quite happily

ate fish and lamb.







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Hi Jo


(taking the chance of getting laughed at for answering you over e-mail!!!)


> I often wondered about that. If Noah was given permission to eat, and he

> took only two animals on board, how come none of them were extinct.


Unicorns, Phoenices (I assume that's the plural of Phoenix), Sabre-toothed

tigers, Mammoths, etc. Quite a feast if you ask me!







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Hi Jo


(taking the chance of getting laughed at for answering you over e-mail!!!)


> I often wondered about that. If Noah was given permission to eat, and he

> took only two animals on board, how come none of them were extinct.


Unicorns, Phoenices (I assume that's the plural of Phoenix), Sabre-toothed

tigers, Mammoths, etc. Quite a feast if you ask me!


What I'd like to know is how the crows survived!!








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all he needed to do was eat one diplodocus, that should have sustained them 40

days and nites easily..

they rest apparantly got used as trophies, er maybe an early version of an

outboard motor...

" what do you mean giant tree sloths can't swim? "




" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>Hi Jo


>(taking the chance of getting laughed at for answering you over e-mail!!!)


>> I often wondered about that.  If Noah was given permission to eat, and he

>> took only two animals on board, how come none of them were extinct.


>Unicorns, Phoenices (I assume that's the plural of Phoenix), Sabre-toothed

>tigers, Mammoths, etc. Quite a feast if you ask me!


>What I'd like to know is how the crows survived!!








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, " Peter " <Snowbow@b...> wrote:

> Hi Vegicate


> > The word God and Good come from the same origin


> Of course, the word God is ultimately a proper name based on the

word god.

> The " name " of the Christian God is Yahweh or El (depending on which

part of

> the Bible you read).


> > Veggies still believe it is good to not eat

> > creatures,which is in keeping with the Bibles interpretation of


> > God intended us to eat from the beginnning,why so called


> > ignore that or misinterpret it, is a mystery to me.


> Looking at it from a purely theological point of view, I believe it


> from the point where God tells Noah that he can eat the flesh of


> Followed up by the fact that Jesus (an avatar to Christians) quite


> ate fish and lamb.


> Peter



I think you are correct Peter,regarding the latest Bibical accounts

of Noah and Jesus,I would have liked to have witnessed the events or

to read the original texts,but anyway, The point I am making

is,Bibically speaking,in the beginning God says I give you every

fruit-bearing seed across the whole earth,that shall be yours for

food and for the animals and every thing that has the breath of life

in it, the plants should be theirs' for food.The reason Adam and Eve

were kicked out of the garden was because God didn't want them eating

from the tree of life,where by, they would live forever in a

wrongfull way,so it seems to me,God wanted Adam and Eve to eat from

the tree of life and live forever in the right way,I think the

original plan sounds ideal and thats where people need to look to

find out what Gods plan is!as the best place to start anything is at

the beginning!


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i thought it was the tree of knowledge??

different translation??




The reason Adam and Eve

>were kicked out of the garden was because God didn't want them eating

>from the tree of life,where by, they would live forever in a

>wrongfull way,so it seems to me,God wanted Adam and Eve to eat from

>the tree of life and live forever in the right way,I think the

>original plan sounds ideal and thats where people need to look to

>find out what Gods plan is!as the best place to start anything is at

>the beginning!


>> ---

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B " H




Actually, if you check out the text, it mentions the number of

animals taken in two places and in one of those places, it says to

take 7 pairs each of the " pure " animals (our Rabbis interpret this as

meaning those who are fit for eating -- aka kosher) and 1 pair

of " impure " (non-kosher) animals. (see Genesis 7:2)


But anyway, by the time the eating laws were amended, these animals

had had sufficient time to repopulate.....






Hi Jo


(taking the chance of getting laughed at for answering you over e-



> I often wondered about that. If Noah was given permission to eat,

and he took only two animals on board, how come none of them were



Unicorns, Phoenices (I assume that's the plural of Phoenix), Sabre-

toothed tigers, Mammoths, etc. Quite a feast if you ask me!




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They are selfish and don't care about animals that they do not know ,or who are not in their neighbourhood imo







creatures,which is in keeping with the Bibles interpretation of what God intended us to eat from the beginnning,why so called christians ignore that or misinterpret it, is a mystery to me.vegg





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So god wasn't good enough was he !! IMO ------------That is of course ,

if the original bible writer understood gods wishes ,

or if no one in the following centuries tampered with the words and meanings

,or if any of it was the word of god and not thought up by ordinary people's imagination


The laws of kashrut (kosher) which limits the animals that may be consumed and directs for the most humane (that is a comparitive -- no slaughter is humane but this is the least inhumane) form of slaughter are mostly in Leviticus. In Deutoronomy, there is a verse that says that when the Children of Israel go into the land (Canaan at that point to become Israel) they may eat meat. That verse uses a verb that basically means that you can eat meat if you have such a strong craving that you just can't stand it, well, then you are PERMITTED to eat meat.....) Debbie (think I've studied this stuff at all????? ;-)





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So we are more compassionate than Jesus then !!???


Looking at it from a purely theological point of view, I believe it comesfrom the point where God tells Noah that he can eat the flesh of animals.Followed up by the fact that Jesus (an avatar to Christians) quite happilyate fish and lamb.BBPeter





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B " H


I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say, but basically, G-d

knows what will happen, but permits people to make choices. People

have freedom of choice. There are consequences to one's actions,

though. You might notice if you check in the Torah (or a reasonable

translation thereof) that after Noah, the age at death got

progressively lower. The longest life was Noah's grandfather

Mesushelah (also known as Methuselah) who lived 959 years. He also

died before people ate meat.


There are actually a number of things that G-d made concessions to

human weakness but made the laws difficult to encourage people to

give these things up. This is true about slavery (which has a number

of laws attached to it, but this practice has died out in Jewish

communities), polygamy (which is permitted, but the Torah goes out of

its way to show the problems with polygamy -- polygamy has been

phased out in Judaism and is now not permitted by ordinance), and

several other things. This includes eating meat -- the laws of

kashrut were originally a way of having people experience the death

of the animal so as to limit their desires in this area. But

nowadays, getting kosher meat is a very sanitized experience.


I'm not quite sure if I addressed your concern, but G-d knows all and

G-d understands human nature. But there is a lot of evil that people

have brought upon them/ourselves. This is where the challenge in

being a person lie... and this is where we can grow the most, by

choosing good over evil, choosing love over hatred, choosing to eat

what G-d originally created for us to eat, not G-d's other creatures.





So god wasn't good enough was he !! IMO ------------That is of

course ,

if the original bible writer understood gods wishes ,

or if no one in the following centuries tampered

with the words and meanings

,or if any of it was the word of god and not thought up

by ordinary people's imagination



The laws of kashrut (kosher) which limits the animals that may be

consumed and directs for the most humane (that is a comparitive -- no

slaughter is humane but this is the least inhumane) form of slaughter

are mostly in Leviticus. In Deutoronomy, there is a verse that says

that when the Children of Israel go into the land (Canaan at that

point to become Israel) they may eat meat. That verse uses a verb

that basically means that you can eat meat if you have such a strong

craving that you just can't stand it, well, then you are PERMITTED to

eat meat.....)


Debbie (think I've studied this stuff at all????? ;-)

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, " compugraphd " <compugraphd@e...> wrote:

> B " H


> I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say, but basically, G-d

> knows what will happen,




I find it interesting that you speak of god as though its existence

is a fact. I understand that this is your belief, but it is my

belief that god is a fantasy figure that people made up because they

don't like the idea that when they die they cease to exist.

Simplistic - very, but I've not much time to be less so. However, if

I were to post here that I believe that all this is baseless non-

fact, I suspect that I would be pilloried. There does not seem to be

a right to expression of non-belief.


(I would just like to say that having attended a Jewish kindergarten

in my formative years and heaving learned (and just as quickly

unlearned) to speak Hebrew, I have nothing but respect and affection

for Jewish people. Just can't believe in something I can't see and

for which there is no actual evidence).



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Hi Angie


> So we are more compassionate than Jesus then !!???


How do you compare? Based on our meat eating habits - maybe. On many other criteria, probably not. Also, considering the time and place Jesus lived, it would have been much harder (although not impossible) to be veggie.





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Hi Debbie


> The longest life was Noah's grandfather

> Mesushelah (also known as Methuselah) who lived 959 years.


I believe that many of the ancient Sumerian kings top that - something along

the lines of 10,000 years for many of their reigns.







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Hi Cathy / Debbie


> However, if

> I were to post here that I believe that all this is baseless non-

> fact, I suspect that I would be pilloried. There does not seem to be

> a right to expression of non-belief.


I suspect you are probably right, but I would hope not. It is interesting,

because I tend to curtail stating what my beliefs are concerning the Jewish

/ Christian god (although I'll happily have a discussion based on historical

facts, which is very different) in case I offend Christians / Jews - yet

they rarely seem to have the same courtesy for those with other beliefs. So,

since the conversation has gone this far, I will express my personal



I believe that all gods have been created by humanity to give people

something to worship - this enables the inventors, and their successors, to

represent these gods, and thereby control other humans. I see it as

something base purely on a human need for power over others. But at least I

accept that this is my belief, and that others differ.







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anyone have any knowledge of a group in thrace who didn't partake in eating

meat, in preclassical times??


then of course, you have the lotus eaters




" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>MessageHi Angie


>> So we are more compassionate than Jesus then !!???


>How do you compare? Based on our meat eating habits - maybe. On many other

criteria, probably not. Also, considering the time and place Jesus lived, it

would have been much harder (although not impossible) to be veggie.







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and here is my grea tgreat great grandfather sargon..he certainly in spry fer

being 2,000 yrs old, look at him go, and here comes my dear cousin, he runs the

city stae of UR, he is a bit senile tho, being 42,000 yrs old..but, he is a

darling man...he still can collect heads with the best of em...



" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>Hi Debbie


>> The longest life was Noah's grandfather

>> Mesushelah (also known as Methuselah) who lived 959 years.


>I believe that many of the ancient Sumerian kings top that - something along

>the lines of 10,000 years for many of their reigns.







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" Angie Wright " <angiewright@n...> wrote:

> They are selfish and don't care about animals that they do not

know ,or

> who are not in their neighbourhood imo



> Angie




> creatures,which is in keeping with the Bibles interpretation of


> God intended us to eat from the beginnning,why so called christians

> ignore that or misinterpret it, is a mystery to me.

> vegg




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B " H


Ok -- first of all, when I talk about my beliefs, they are that and

nothing more -- my beliefs. They are not even always (though on

occasion they are) the views of Orthodox Judiasm or even my Rabbi.

They are MY beliefs, nothing more and nothing less.


I don't really care at all about a person's beliefs... I find them

interesting, but it's what they do and who they are that is most

important. I truly believe that G-d gave us the Torah for OUR benefit

and if you choose to not take advantage of G-d's wisdom, that's your

perogative, but I trust G-d. I do think the life I lead is more

fulfilling than it would be if I didn't live this way. But I also

know that this sort of life isn't for everyone. That's cool. I don't

judge people based on their beliefs. I don't judge people (even

Jewish people) on whether or not they keep the Torah laws. I think

you're missing something, but there are many people who think I'm

missing something by not eating meat or never having eaten pork or

shellfish (I figure that wouldn't be most of the people on this

list ;-) Everyone lives his/her life the way (s)he feels is right for

him/her and, as long as (s)he doesn't hurt anyone else, that's fine.


BTW, I was just answering someone's question. I didn't bring this

subject up. But I have a feeling that I'm probably the only person

here (or one of the only people here) who can pull a Hebrew Tanach

(Bible) off the shelf and rattle off my own translation of the Torah.

Just trying to add to some accuracy here........








, " compugraphd " <compugraphd@e...> wrote:

> B " H


> I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say, but basically, G-d

> knows what will happen,




I find it interesting that you speak of god as though its existence

is a fact. I understand that this is your belief, but it is my

belief that god is a fantasy figure that people made up because they

don't like the idea that when they die they cease to exist.

Simplistic - very, but I've not much time to be less so. However, if

I were to post here that I believe that all this is baseless non-

fact, I suspect that I would be pilloried. There does not seem to be

a right to expression of non-belief.


(I would just like to say that having attended a Jewish kindergarten

in my formative years and heaving learned (and just as quickly

unlearned) to speak Hebrew, I have nothing but respect and affection

for Jewish people. Just can't believe in something I can't see and

for which there is no actual evidence).



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B " H


You know, I didn't make any comments about any of the Christian stuff

since it's not my belief system. I wouldn't make any comments about

other beliefs either, since they are also not mine. But it seems to

me that some people are taking quite a number of liberties with my

beliefs, assuming they know what Judaism is and what it says about

this or that. I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.


If you have a question about my beliefs, ASK me, don't assume. And,

BTW, don't assume that the Jewish G-d and the Christian deity are the

same. They are not.....







Hi Cathy / Debbie


> However, if

> I were to post here that I believe that all this is baseless non-

> fact, I suspect that I would be pilloried. There does not seem to


> a right to expression of non-belief.


I suspect you are probably right, but I would hope not. It is

interesting, because I tend to curtail stating what my beliefs are

concerning the Jewish / Christian god (although I'll happily have a

discussion based on historical facts, which is very different) in

case I offend Christians / Jews - yet they rarely seem to have the

same courtesy for those with other beliefs. So, since the

conversation has gone this far, I will express my personal beliefs:


I believe that all gods have been created by humanity to give people

something to worship - this enables the inventors, and their

successors, to represent these gods, and thereby control other

humans. I see it as something base purely on a human need for power

over others. But at least I accept that this is my belief, and that

others differ.




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Hi Debbie


> But it seems to

> me that some people are taking quite a number of liberties with my

> beliefs, assuming they know what Judaism is and what it says about

> this or that. I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.


As I have been studying the history of religions for about 10 years, and

obviously quite a bit of that time has involved study of the history of

Judaism - I also run the Ancient Bible History list, which is filled with

some very knowledgable people from all religions - I believe that I am

probably more qualified to comment on the history of that religion than

anyone else on this list. I do not see that, just because you follow that

religion, you have any right to stifle debate on how it began or what it has

entailed in the past. I guess Cathy was right - it's OK for you to state

your beliefs as though they are fact, but it's not acceptable for anyone

else to even state their beliefs!







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Hi Debbie


Why should religion be above comment? We say that we disagree with what

people eat, and comment on most aspects of behaviour. Religion is an item

that would appear to be fair game for discussion, whether on historical fact

or belief. In fact we would have been totally unaware of your religion

unless you had discussed it on the list.





> You know, I didn't make any comments about any of the Christian stuff

> since it's not my belief system. I wouldn't make any comments about

> other beliefs either, since they are also not mine. But it seems to

> me that some people are taking quite a number of liberties with my

> beliefs, assuming they know what Judaism is and what it says about

> this or that. I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.


> If you have a question about my beliefs, ASK me, don't assume. And,

> BTW, don't assume that the Jewish G-d and the Christian deity are the

> same. They are not.....


> Debbie





> Hi Cathy / Debbie


> > However, if

> > I were to post here that I believe that all this is baseless non-

> > fact, I suspect that I would be pilloried. There does not seem to

> be

> > a right to expression of non-belief.


> I suspect you are probably right, but I would hope not. It is

> interesting, because I tend to curtail stating what my beliefs are

> concerning the Jewish / Christian god (although I'll happily have a

> discussion based on historical facts, which is very different) in

> case I offend Christians / Jews - yet they rarely seem to have the

> same courtesy for those with other beliefs. So, since the

> conversation has gone this far, I will express my personal beliefs:


> I believe that all gods have been created by humanity to give people

> something to worship - this enables the inventors, and their

> successors, to represent these gods, and thereby control other

> humans. I see it as something base purely on a human need for power

> over others. But at least I accept that this is my belief, and that

> others differ.


> BB

> Peter




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