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On Potatoes.....

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Here is Texas " New " potatoes are the small red skinned ones, so like I said it

is a region thing. This article sorts our the 'new' and 'old' potatoe issue :)

Good info, too




Why Eat It


Only a few other foods are as nutritious, delicious, and versatile as the

potato. Not only does a potato give you an energizing supply of complex

carbohydrates, but it also provides protein and important vitamins and minerals,

including potassium, vitamins B6 and C, copper, and manganese. For a substantial

helping of fiber, eat potatoes with the skin.


The United States produces about 35 billion pounds of potatoes annually.

Americans consume about 126 pounds per person per year, on average--far more

than any other vegetable. In fact, simply by virtue of the quantities eaten, the

potato is the leading source of vitamin C in the American diet. Unfortunately,

about 65% of America's potatoes are not sold fresh, but in various " convenience "

forms that increase the fat and sodium content.




The world of potatoes divides into so-called waxy potatoes, starchy potatoes,

and all-purpose potatoes. Waxy potatoes are better for boiling, starchy for

baking, and all-purpose falls somewhere between the two (see " Preparation, "



In addition, potatoes can be differentiated according to age. They may be sold

soon after they are dug ( " new " potatoes) or kept in cold storage for up to a

year before sale. Only potatoes that are freshly harvested may be called " new. "

Many consumers believe that " new " simply denotes a small, round red or white

potato, but true new potatoes have thin " feathering " skins that can be brushed

off with your fingers. Mature potatoes, by contrast, have thick skins. True new

potatoes, which are freshly dug potatoes, may be as small as marbles or

full-sized. They have a high moisture and sugar content, so they cook quickly

and have a delicately sweet flavor.


In the United States, the most common potato varieties grown commercially fall

into one of four categories: Russets, long whites, round reds, and round whites.

There is also a growing market for specialty potatoes.


Long russets: Typified by the Russet Burbank, they are the favorites among

baking potatoes and are the leading variety grown. These large, ovoid potatoes,

which can weigh over a pound apiece, have a sturdy brown skin with a meshlike

netting on the surface, and starchy flesh. Most baking potatoes labeled " Idaho

potatoes " are Russet Burbanks, though this does not actually mean they are from

Idaho. Idaho certainly produces the lion's share of these potatoes, but russets

can come from a number of other potato-growing states. The term " Idaho potato "

is merely a tradition, and one that is disappearing as other states and local

growers stake their claim to this classic baking potato.


Long whites: The White Rose is one of the better-known varieties of all-purpose

potatoes. When new (freshly dug), they are thin-skinned and waxy; when mature,

they are starchy and weigh an average of half a pound.


Round reds: These red, smooth-skinned potatoes, notably the Red LaSoda and Red

Pontiac, are most commonly sold " new " (small and relatively young); when more

mature, they are waxy and good for boiling.


Round whites: The Katahdin (the predominant variety grown in Maine) is

representative of these multipurpose potatoes. They have a light tan skin and

are smaller than the long whites, averaging three per pound.


Specialty potatoes: Uncommon potato varieties are sold at some supermarkets,

specialty greengrocers, and farmers' markets. They include yellow-fleshed

potatoes, such as Finnish Yellow Wax, which has deep yellow flesh and a rich

taste; and blue potatoes, such as Blue Carib and All Blue, which have

grayish-blue skin, dark blue flesh, and a delicate flavor. The Rose Fir is a

small, waxy potato with a pink to red skin. Farmers' markets also sell

diminutive fingerling potatoes. About the size of a thumb, they cook in no time

and have a firm texture and wonderful flavor.




Potatoes are harvested somewhere in the United States in every month of the year

as they are a commercial crop in 48 states. They also keep well if stored under

the proper conditions. As a result, there is an endless peak season, with no

periods of short supply. The principal growing states with an autumn harvest

include Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Maine, and New York; major winter and spring

crops are harvested in the South and Southwest. New potatoes are not stored, but

the overlapping growing seasons mean that they, too, may be found in stores

throughout the year, though in limited quantities.


With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes should be used only in culinary

emergencies. Although nearly the nutritional equivalent of boiled, peeled

potatoes, they may contain more than 400 milligrams of sodium per cup, compared

with about 6 milligrams of sodium per cup of freshly cooked potatoes.




If possible, choose individual potatoes from a bulk display. Buy a large bag

(five or 10 pounds) only if you can check the condition of the potatoes through

the packaging--and if you are going to use them before they spoil. Look for

clean, smooth, well-shaped potatoes. Potatoes should feel firm, the " eyes " --the

buds from which sprouts can grow--few and shallow, and the skins free of cracks,

wrinkles, or dampness. Reject potatoes with black spots, bruises, or other

discolorations. Reject potatoes with a green tinge to the skin: This is an

indication that solanine--a naturally occuring toxin--is present, a result of a

potato's exposure to the sun (green-tinged potatoes are often called

" sun-burned " ). Also reject potatoes that are sprouting--a sprouting potato,

though edible, has started to age and may contain increased amounts of solanine.


The USDA has established grades for potatoes, according to appearance and size.

" U.S. Extra No. 1 " is a premium grade, followed by " U.S. No. 1, " which is the

most common grade and denotes potatoes that have few defects and must be at at

least 1 3/4 " in diameter. However, grade labeling is not required, and many

potatoes are not marked.




Few modern homes have root cellars, but a cool (45°F to 50°F), dark, dry place

makes the best storage area, as warmth and moisture encourage sprouting, and

direct sunlight can " sunburn " the potato (causing the potato skin to form a

toxin called solanine). Don't put potatoes in the refrigerator, or store them at

temperatures below 45°F. Their starch will turn to sugar, giving them an

undesirable sweet taste (although leaving them at room temperature for a few

days allows the sugar to turn back into starch). Keep the potatoes in a burlap,

brown paper, or perforated plastic bag. Check them occasionally and remove any

that have sprouted, softened, or shriveled; a bad one can adversely affect the

condition of the others.


Mature potatoes will keep for up to two months under optimum conditions; new

potatoes are more perishable and should be used within a week of purchase. Don't

wash potatoes before storing, or they will spoil more quickly. And don't store

onions together with potatoes: The gases given off by onions accelerate the

decay of potatoes, and vice versa. Neither raw nor most cooked potatoes freeze

well; however, mashed potatoes may be packed into containers and frozen.




Nutritionally speaking, the less you do to potatoes, the better. The skin is an

excellent source of fiber, so try to leave it on. But if you decide to peel it

because you don't like the taste of the skin, do so carefully. Use a

swivel-bladed vegetable peeler to remove the thinnest possible layer, and thus

preserve the nutrients just below the skin. Better yet, simply scrub unpeeled

potatoes under cold water before cooking; remove any sprouts, green spots, or

deep eyes with a sharp paring knife.


Generally speaking, low-starch, high-moisture " waxy " potatoes, such as round

reds, are best for boiling or steaming. They remain firm-textured when sliced or

diced (before or after cooking), and are therefore a good choice for stews,

casseroles, or salads in which you want the potato pieces to hold their shape.

Starchy potatoes, such as Russet Burbanks, have a drier flesh. They turn out

fluffy when baked or mashed and may fall apart if cut into chunks or slices

after cooking. They are best used in soups and stews in which the potatoes are

meant to break up and thicken the cooking liquid. All-purpose potatoes are sort

of a compromise potato, neither too starchy nor too waxy.


Potatoes occasionally turn gray or dark after they are boiled; this color change

may be caused by the conditions under which they were grown or stored. It's

impossible to tell which potatoes will turn dark, but the discoloration does not

affect flavor, texture, or nutritional value. Contact with aluminum or iron will

also discolor potatoes, so cook them in stainless steel pots. For the same

reason, raw potatoes should not be cut with a carbon steel (nonstainless) knife.

If exposed to air, peeled raw potatoes will also discolor. Cook the potatoes

immediately in a pot of water that has already been brought to a boil. And if

you are interrupted while preparing them, place them in a bowl of cold water,

then add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar. This trick will help to keep the

potatoes white.


Baking: Russets are truly the best for baking. Do not wrap them in foil,

however, as the covering traps moisture, which will steam rather than bake the

potatoes. Pierce their skin in a few places with a fork before baking; this

allows steam to escape, thus producing dry, fluffy potatoes. Thick-skinned

potatoes may actually burst if baked without piercing.


A large baking nail inserted lengthwise into a potato will conduct heat to the

interior of the vegetable and speed the baking process. If you do not have one

of these nails, use a metal skewer. Test for doneness by squeezing the potato:

It should give slightly. Cooking time: 45 to 60 minutes in a 400°F oven.


Boiling: To help potatoes maintain their shape when boiling, especially if you

are using an all-purpose potato, boil small to medium-sized potatoes whole. Cut

larger ones into halves or quarters and leave the skins on; if you want to

remove the skins for eating, they will slip off easily after cooking, while the

potatoes are still warm.


To keep unpeeled potatoes from bursting, pare a band of skin around the

circumference with a paring knife or vegetable peeler. Place the potatoes into

boiling water (not cold water) to retain more of the vitamin C. (Adding garlic,

onion, or herbs to the water will give the boiled potatoes a subtle flavor.)

Cover and cook until the potatoes can be easily pierced with the tip of a sharp

knife. Drain the potatoes, return them to the pot, and toss gently over the

still-warm burner to dry them. Cooking times: for small potatoes, 10 to 15

minutes; for cut-up potatoes, 15 to 20 minutes; for medium to large whole

potatoes, 20 to 40 minutes.


Microwaving: Pierce the potatoes several times with a fork as they can explode

if the skins are left intact. If microwaving a single potato, place in the

center of the oven; for two or more, place in a circle or spoke pattern. Turn or

rotate the potatoes halfway through cooking time; wrap or cover after removing

them from the oven and let stand for five minutes. Cooking times: for one

8-ounce potato, five minutes; for two potatoes of that size, 10 minutes; for

four potatoes, 15 minutes.


Steaming: This method conserves more nutrients than boiling, since the potatoes

are in minimal contact with water. Arrange a single layer of small, whole

potatoes, thick slices, or chunks in a steamer basket and cook over boiling

water. Cooking times: for cut-up potatoes, 15 to 20 minutes; for whole ones, 30

to 40 minutes.


Mashed potatoes: For fluffy mashed potatoes, boil and dry baking or all-purpose

potatoes as directed above. Don't overbeat the potatoes or mash them in a food

processor, which will turn them gummy. Use a potato masher, food mill, or a

hand-held electric mixer.


Nutrition Chart


Potato/1 medium baked with skin


Calories 133

Total fat (g) 0.1

Saturated fat (g) 0

Monounsaturated fat (g) 0

Polyunsaturated fat (g) 0.1

Dietary fiber (g) 2.9

Protein (g) 3

Carbohydrate (g) 31

Cholesterol (mg) 0

Sodium (mg) 10

Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.4

Vitamin C (mg) 16

Copper (mg) 0.4

Manganese (mg) 0.3

Potassium (mg) 510





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How interesting!!


I got a kick out of this:

" With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes should be used

only in culinary emergencies. "


I was trying to imagine what emergency would cause me to even buy

canned potatoes!


Like I said, love potatoes..


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Excellent article. Thank you for posting it. Yes our new taters are

red, and everything in Texas is bigger except our tiny New Potatoes.




, " ~Candace~ " <carvers@c...>


> Here is Texas " New " potatoes are the small red skinned ones, so like

I said it is a region thing. This article sorts our the 'new' and

'old' potatoe issue :) Good info, too




> Why Eat It


> Only a few other foods are as nutritious, delicious, and versatile

as the potato. Not only does a potato give you an energizing supply of

complex carbohydrates, but it also provides protein and important

vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamins B6 and C, copper,

and manganese. For a substantial helping of fiber, eat potatoes with

the skin.


> The United States produces about 35 billion pounds of potatoes

annually. Americans consume about 126 pounds per person per year, on

average--far more than any other vegetable. In fact, simply by virtue

of the quantities eaten, the potato is the leading source of vitamin C

in the American diet. Unfortunately, about 65% of America's potatoes

are not sold fresh, but in various " convenience " forms that increase

the fat and sodium content.



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At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:


>How interesting!!


>I got a kick out of this:

> " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes should be used

>only in culinary emergencies. "


>I was trying to imagine what emergency would cause me to even buy

>canned potatoes!


Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes. It's probably just as cheap

(if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general canned veggies aren't as

tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste nothing like real peas but

they're good in their own, weird way.





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Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any of

us kids ever bought much in the way of canned veggies

except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

the off season.




--- Diamond Dog <diamonddog wrote:


> At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:


> >How interesting!!

> >

> >I got a kick out of this:

> > " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes

> should be used

> >only in culinary emergencies. "

> >

> >I was trying to imagine what emergency would cause

> me to even buy

> >canned potatoes!


> Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes. It's

> probably just as cheap

> (if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general canned

> veggies aren't as

> tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste nothing

> like real peas but

> they're good in their own, weird way.


> Veronica


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








Meet the all-new My - Try it today!


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I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

can get canned, and the poor receive them.



--- Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:



> Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> of

> us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> veggies

> except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> the off season.


> ~Mel


> --- Diamond Dog <diamonddog wrote:


> > At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >How interesting!!

> > >

> > >I got a kick out of this:

> > > " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes

> > should be used

> > >only in culinary emergencies. "

> > >

> > >I was trying to imagine what emergency would

> cause

> > me to even buy

> > >canned potatoes!

> >

> > Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes.

> It's

> > probably just as cheap

> > (if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general

> canned

> > veggies aren't as

> > tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste

> nothing

> > like real peas but

> > they're good in their own, weird way.

> >

> > Veronica

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >






> Meet the all-new My - Try it today!







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At 08:51 PM 1/12/2005 -0800, you wrote:

>I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

>assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

>can get canned, and the poor receive them.


Well, that's a good point. They will preserve well that way. :) I don;'t

know why they sell them in stores though. ;)





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I like canned potatoes.




Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:51 PM

Re: Re: On Potatoes.....



I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

can get canned, and the poor receive them.



--- Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:



> Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> of

> us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> veggies

> except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> the off season.


> ~Mel


> --- Diamond Dog <diamonddog wrote:


> > At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >How interesting!!

> > >

> > >I got a kick out of this:

> > > " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes

> > should be used

> > >only in culinary emergencies. "

> > >

> > >I was trying to imagine what emergency would

> cause

> > me to even buy

> > >canned potatoes!

> >

> > Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes.

> It's

> > probably just as cheap

> > (if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general

> canned

> > veggies aren't as

> > tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste

> nothing

> > like real peas but

> > they're good in their own, weird way.

> >

> > Veronica

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >






> Meet the all-new My - Try it today!







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They're probably good for camping/hiking/climbing type of things,

emergency situations (as we've seen plenty as of late) and soup





, Laura-Marie

<veralinnyumsweet> wrote:

> I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

> assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

> can get canned, and the poor receive them.


> Laura-Marie

> --- Melissa Hill <assilembob> wrote:


> >

> > Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> > of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> > of

> > us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> > veggies

> > except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> > the off season.

> >

> > ~Mel

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How do you fix the canned potatoes? LOL I love canned cream corn...

Now canned spinach is pretty bad though. Eeeuuuu


Maria/Chanda <puterwitch wrote:

I like canned potatoes.




Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:51 PM

Re: Re: On Potatoes.....



I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

can get canned, and the poor receive them.



--- Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:



> Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> of

> us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> veggies

> except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> the off season.


> ~Mel


> --- Diamond Dog <diamonddog wrote:


> > At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >How interesting!!

> > >

> > >I got a kick out of this:

> > > " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes

> > should be used

> > >only in culinary emergencies. "

> > >

> > >I was trying to imagine what emergency would

> cause

> > me to even buy

> > >canned potatoes!

> >

> > Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes.

> It's

> > probably just as cheap

> > (if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general

> canned

> > veggies aren't as

> > tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste

> nothing

> > like real peas but

> > they're good in their own, weird way.

> >

> > Veronica

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >






> Meet the all-new My - Try it today!







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I like them! I do, I like them with eggs Sam I am!





Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:01 PM

Re: On Potatoes.....




They're probably good for camping/hiking/climbing type of things,

emergency situations (as we've seen plenty as of late) and soup





, Laura-Marie

<veralinnyumsweet> wrote:

> I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

> assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

> can get canned, and the poor receive them.


> Laura-Marie

> --- Melissa Hill <assilembob> wrote:


> >

> > Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> > of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> > of

> > us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> > veggies

> > except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> > the off season.

> >

> > ~Mel






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I fry em' up in some olive oil and I grate some onion into them, maybe a half of

a small onion per can of taters. I add some freshly ground black pepper and salt

to taste. My kids like them too. :o)





Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:14 PM

Re: Re: On Potatoes.....



How do you fix the canned potatoes? LOL I love canned cream corn...

Now canned spinach is pretty bad though. Eeeuuuu


Maria/Chanda <puterwitch wrote:

I like canned potatoes.




Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:51 PM

Re: Re: On Potatoes.....



I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

can get canned, and the poor receive them.



--- Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:



> Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> of

> us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> veggies

> except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> the off season.


> ~Mel


> --- Diamond Dog <diamonddog wrote:


> > At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >How interesting!!

> > >

> > >I got a kick out of this:

> > > " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes

> > should be used

> > >only in culinary emergencies. "

> > >

> > >I was trying to imagine what emergency would

> cause

> > me to even buy

> > >canned potatoes!

> >

> > Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes.

> It's

> > probably just as cheap

> > (if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general

> canned

> > veggies aren't as

> > tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste

> nothing

> > like real peas but

> > they're good in their own, weird way.

> >

> > Veronica

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >






> Meet the all-new My - Try it today!







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Now that doesn't sound bad at all.



Maria/Chanda <puterwitch wrote:

I fry em' up in some olive oil and I grate some onion into them, maybe a half of

a small onion per can of taters. I add some freshly ground black pepper and salt

to taste. My kids like them too. :o)





Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:14 PM

Re: Re: On Potatoes.....



How do you fix the canned potatoes? LOL I love canned cream corn...

Now canned spinach is pretty bad though. Eeeuuuu


Maria/Chanda <puterwitch wrote:

I like canned potatoes.




Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:51 PM

Re: Re: On Potatoes.....



I got canned potatoes while I was on a gov't food

assistance. I guess when there's a surplus, potatoes

can get canned, and the poor receive them.



--- Melissa Hill <assilembob wrote:



> Oh my. I have never seen canned potatos that I know

> of. Lazy stuff. Of course my mom would flip if any

> of

> us kids ever bought much in the way of canned

> veggies

> except the occasional mixed veggie or canned corn in

> the off season.


> ~Mel


> --- Diamond Dog <diamonddog wrote:


> > At 04:01 AM 1/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >How interesting!!

> > >

> > >I got a kick out of this:

> > > " With potatoes so easy to obtain, canned potatoes

> > should be used

> > >only in culinary emergencies. "

> > >

> > >I was trying to imagine what emergency would

> cause

> > me to even buy

> > >canned potatoes!

> >

> > Good point! Why do people buy canned potatoes.

> It's

> > probably just as cheap

> > (if not cheaper) to buy fresh, and in general

> canned

> > veggies aren't as

> > tasty. I love canned peas though. They taste

> nothing

> > like real peas but

> > they're good in their own, weird way.

> >

> > Veronica

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >






> Meet the all-new My - Try it today!







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