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Carrots Carrots Everywhere

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A good friend went to New Mexico to live for a month

before she decides whether or not she wants to move

there for good.


Over the weekend she gave me some produce from her

fridge...she gave me a big thing of collards (which I

made into saag paneer, using the collards instead of

spinach and tofu instead of paneer) and also a big bag

of carrots. 2 bags of regular carrots and one bag of

baby carrots. She said she had had them for a week, so

I think I should use them ASAP.


Do you know any good dinner/lunch type recipes in

which I can use tons of carrots for? I'm not in a

baking mood with the weather getting humid, so nothing

cake or bread related.




A faithful friend is a strong defense, and (s)he that hath found her/him, hath

found a treasure. Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend and no weight of

gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of her/his fidelity. -

Ecclesiasticus 6:14-15





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Ya know,

Mine and my family's favorite carrot recipe is this: Carrots and butter.

I slice the carrots thin, that is the ticket ;o) and microwave them until

they are tender. These I do not like crunchy like broccoli and other veggies,

the cooked carrots nave to be nice and soft, and then put a ton of butter in

them. My family just loves them just like that. They eat piles of them with


I am going to be going Vegan very soon, sooooo... will have to start separating

mine out and using some kind of margarine instead of the butter.

Anyone have a margarine that tastes like Butter? It BUTTER be good, ar ar ar ar

....... it's early for this isn't it?





Jen Lott

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:18 AM

Carrots Carrots Everywhere



A good friend went to New Mexico to live for a month

before she decides whether or not she wants to move

there for good.


Over the weekend she gave me some produce from her

fridge...she gave me a big thing of collards (which I

made into saag paneer, using the collards instead of

spinach and tofu instead of paneer) and also a big bag

of carrots. 2 bags of regular carrots and one bag of

baby carrots. She said she had had them for a week, so

I think I should use them ASAP.


Do you know any good dinner/lunch type recipes in

which I can use tons of carrots for? I'm not in a

baking mood with the weather getting humid, so nothing

cake or bread related.




A faithful friend is a strong defense, and (s)he that hath found her/him, hath

found a treasure. Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend and no weight of

gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of her/his fidelity. -

Ecclesiasticus 6:14-15





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There's one with Olive Oil, Olivio.


My brother is lactose intolerant and he uses

Fleishman. I don't know how much it tastes like

butter, but I think it's ok.


I found this recipe on VegWeb that looks good...I

think I will put it over quinoa instead of couscous so

it can be a main dish:


Caramelised Carrot Couscous

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

~ 1 lb carrots, very coarsely grated

3-4 large onions, peeled and chopped

~2 teaspoon vegan sugar

salt to taste

spices to taste, such as ground coriander,

prepared couscous (I just pour over 2x boiling water

and let stand for about 10-15 minutes...)

veg non-hydrogenated vegan margarine for frying

Fresh lemon juice (optional)

toasted sesame seeds (optional)



Saute onion in margarine over medium heat until soft,

then add carrot, salt, vegan sugar and spices. Amount

of sugar can be varied according to taste and original

sweetness of carrots, but must be sufficient to allow

caramelisation to take place. Cover and leave on

medium to low medium heat, checking occasionally to

ensure that it doesn't burn, but not stirring so

frequently that it don't get a nice variation of

browning. Should be done in about 10 minutes. Serve

over warmed couscous -- I like it topped with toasted

sesame seeds, but others like it with lemon juice and

freshly ground pepper. You may find that the above (or

quantities of ingredients) need some tweaking -- sorry

for any inaccuracies, I never measure anything unless

I'm baking so this is all approximations from memory!


Serves: 4 or so


Preparation time: 30 minutes




A faithful friend is a strong defense, and (s)he that hath found her/him, hath

found a treasure. Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend and no weight of

gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of her/his fidelity. -

Ecclesiasticus 6:14-15






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oh,,,,,,, one more thing..... I have noticed that the baby carrots perish

quickly. I have even gotten a bag that smelled kinda funky right from the

market, but the regular carrots last long. I have used carrots many times that

were over 3 weeks old and I am still here typing about it.

<falls over on floor turning green clutching stomach>


Jen Lott

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 8:18 AM

Carrots Carrots Everywhere



A good friend went to New Mexico to live for a month

before she decides whether or not she wants to move

there for good.


Over the weekend she gave me some produce from her

fridge...she gave me a big thing of collards (which I

made into saag paneer, using the collards instead of

spinach and tofu instead of paneer) and also a big bag

of carrots. 2 bags of regular carrots and one bag of

baby carrots. She said she had had them for a week, so

I think I should use them ASAP.


Do you know any good dinner/lunch type recipes in

which I can use tons of carrots for? I'm not in a

baking mood with the weather getting humid, so nothing

cake or bread related.




A faithful friend is a strong defense, and (s)he that hath found her/him, hath

found a treasure. Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend and no weight of

gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of her/his fidelity. -

Ecclesiasticus 6:14-15





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Jen -


You can shred them and use them in a salad/slaw...either traditional

or a little more sweet with raisins...I'm still plodding thru messages

here (you guys were busy yesterday!) and if you don't get some recipes

I'll go get mine.


Also, they are great cooked and pureed and served as soup!



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> I am going to be going Vegan very soon, sooooo... will have to start

> separating mine out and using some kind of margarine instead of the

> butter.

> Anyone have a margarine that tastes like Butter? It BUTTER be good,

> ar ar ar ar ...... it's early for this isn't it?


Congrats on the upcoming switch...


I don't know if SmartBalance tastes like butter, but it tastes good.

My husband's side of the family loves it; my mom doesn't. But a small

tub might be worth your trying it.



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, " Maria/Chanda "

<puterwitch@c...> wrote:

> oh,,,,,,, one more thing..... I have noticed that the baby carrots

perish quickly. I have even gotten a bag that smelled kinda funky

right from the market, but the regular carrots last long. I have used

carrots many times that were over 3 weeks old and I am still here

typing about it.

> <falls over on floor turning green clutching stomach>


Chanda, here's some fresh carrot-apple-ginger juice to revive you!

*hands glass*


Lots of the so-called baby carrots in the market now are actually

regular carrots, cut down. Read the name - chances are it says " baby

cut " ... real baby carrots last better, but are harder to find and more




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yeah I will. I hear it's good for ya too.





Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:28 PM

Re: Carrots Carrots Everywhere



> I am going to be going Vegan very soon, sooooo... will have to start

> separating mine out and using some kind of margarine instead of the

> butter.

> Anyone have a margarine that tastes like Butter? It BUTTER be good,

> ar ar ar ar ...... it's early for this isn't it?


Congrats on the upcoming switch...


I don't know if SmartBalance tastes like butter, but it tastes good.

My husband's side of the family loves it; my mom doesn't. But a small

tub might be worth your trying it.








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wow, check that out, that is my favorite home juiced juice! I make it for uncle

and me after all have left he house ;O)



Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:30 PM

Re: Carrots Carrots Everywhere



, " Maria/Chanda "

<puterwitch@c...> wrote:

> oh,,,,,,, one more thing..... I have noticed that the baby carrots

perish quickly. I have even gotten a bag that smelled kinda funky

right from the market, but the regular carrots last long. I have used

carrots many times that were over 3 weeks old and I am still here

typing about it.

> <falls over on floor turning green clutching stomach>


Chanda, here's some fresh carrot-apple-ginger juice to revive you!

*hands glass*


Lots of the so-called baby carrots in the market now are actually

regular carrots, cut down. Read the name - chances are it says " baby

cut " ... real baby carrots last better, but are harder to find and more









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> wow, check that out, that is my favorite home juiced juice! I make it

> for uncle and me after all have left he house ;O)


*grin* Cool!

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