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hidden animal yuckies, LOL

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I got this from another list.

ya know, I guess with a lot of these ingredients, when we see them we would

actually have to ask the company who makes the specific item if the ingredient

is from plant or animal sources:



WHAT IT IS: the protein component of egg whites

WHERE YOU FIND IT: as a thickener or texture additive in processed foods



WHAT IT IS: small, silver-colored fish

WHERE YOU FIND IT: worcestershire sauce, caesar salad dressing, pizza topping,

greek salads


INGREDIENT: Carmine (carmine cochineal or carminic acid)

WHAT IT IS: red coloring made from a ground up insect

WHERE YOU FIND IT: bottled juices, colored pasta, some candies, frozen pops,

" natural " cosmetics


INGREDIENT: Casein (caseinate)

WHAT IT IS: a milk protein

WHERE YOU FIND IT: an additive in dairy products like cheese, cream cheese,

cottage cheese & sour cream, as well as some soy cheeses



WHAT IT IS: protein from bones, cartilage, tendons, and skin of animals

WHERE YOU FIND IT: marshmallows, yogurt, frosted cereals, gelatin-containing



INGREDIENT: glucose (dextrose)

WHAT IT IS: animal tissues & fluids (some glucose can come from fruits)

WHERE YOU FIND IT: baked goods, soft drinks, candies, frosting


INGREDIENT: glycerides (mono-, di-, & triglycerides)

WHAT IT IS: glycerol from animal fats or plants

WHERE YOU FIND IT: processed foods, cosmetics, perfumes, lotions, inks, glues,

automobile antifreeze



WHAT IT IS: gelatin from the air bladder of sturgeon and other freshwater fish

WHERE YOU FIND IT: as clarifying agent in alcoholic beverages, some jellied



INGREDIENT: Lactic acid

WHAT IT IS: an acid formed by bacteria acting on the milk sugar, lactose

WHERE YOU FIND IT: cheese, yogurt, pickles, olives sauerkraut, candy, frozen

desserts, chewing gum, fruit preserves, dyes, textile printing


INGREDIENT:lactose (saccharum lactin, D-lactose)

WHAT IT IS: milk sugar

WHERE YOU FIND IT: as a culture medium for souring milk and in processed foods

like baby formulas, sweets, medicinal diuretics and laxatives


INGREDIENT: Lactylic stearate

WHAT IT IS: salt of stearic acid (see stearic acid)

WHERE YOU FIND IT: as a conditioner in bread dough



WHAT IT IS: waxy fat from sheep's wool

WHERE YOU FIND IT: chewing gum, ointments, cosmetics, waterproof coatings



WHAT IT IS: fat from pigs' abdomens

WHERE YOU FIND IT: baked goods, refried beans



WHAT IT IS: phospholipids from animal tissues, plants, and egg yolks

WHERE YOU FIND IT: breakfast cereals, candy, chocolate, baked goods, margarine,

vegetable oil sprays, cosmetics, ink



WHAT IT IS: deep yellow coloring from marigolds or egg yolks

WHERE YOU FIND IT: commercial food coloring


INGREDIENT: natural flavorings (unspecified in ingredients lists)

WHAT IT IS: could be from meat or other animal products

WHERE YOU FIND IT: processed & packaged foods


INGREDIENT: Oleic acid (oleinic acid)

WHAT IT IS: animal tallow (see tallow)

WHERE YOU FIND IT: synthetic butter, cheese, vegetable fats & oils, spice

flavoring for baked goods, candy, ice cream, beverages, condiments, soaps,




WHAT IT IS: enzyme from pigs' stomachs

WHERE YOU FIND IT: with rennet to make cheese



WHAT IT IS: resinous cement collected by bees

WHERE YOU FIND IT: food supplements, " natural " toothpaste


INGREDIENT: Stearic acid (octadecanoic acid)

WHAT IT IS: Tallow, other animal fats & oils

WHERE YOU FIND IT: vanilla flavoring, chewing gum, baked goods, beverages,

candy, soaps, ointments, candles, cosmetics, suppositories, pill coatings



WHAT IT IS: harde white fat around kidneys and loins of animals

WHERE YOU FIND IT: margarine, mincemeat, pastries, bird feed, tallow



WHAT IT IS: solid fat of sheep & cattle separated from the membranous tissues

WHERE YOU FIND IT: waxed paper, margarine, soap, crayons, candles, rubber,



INGREDIENT: Vitamin A (A1, retinol)

WHAT IT IS: vitamin obtained from vegetables, egg yolks, or fish liver oil

WHERE YOU FIND IT: vitamin supplements, fortification of foods, " natural "




WHAT IT IS: vitamin produced by microorganisms and found in all animal products;

synthetic form (cyanocobalamin or cobalamin on labels) is vegan

WHERE YOU FIND IT: supplements, fortified foods


INGREDIENT: Vitamin D (D1, D2, D3)

WHAT IT IS: D1 is produced by humans on exposure to sunlight, D2

(ergocalciferol) is made from plants or yeast, D3 (cholecalciferol) is made from

fish liver oils or lanolin

WHERE YOU FIND IT: supplements, fortified foods



WHAT IT IS: watery liquid that separates the solids in cheese-making

WHERE YOU FIND IT: crackers, breads, cakes, processed foods





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