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Eat Right For Your Type/Leaky Gut Syndrome

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Does anyone have any knowledge of this book? I just posted that I had

seen an iridologist. I have a health issue, drusen, it can be a

precurser for macular degeneration. I am in my early 40's and drusen

is not commanly seen in someone my age. I was told by the

ophthamologist to just keep taking my supplements, eat healthy and

wear sun glasses. Other than that there isn't much to do but wait

till my next appointment and see if it's worse. Great! Not a day

goes by that I don't think about losing my sight in my 50's. My

parents do not have, nor grandparents did not have, macular

degeneration. They do not have drusen either. Sorry, it's taken me a

while to get to the reason for my question about the book. We've been

vegetarians for about 3 months now. I am happy with our diet. In the

book if you are an " O " blood type, which I am, you should not be

eating a vegetarian diet. Lots, if not all, grains are bad for you.

Legumes aren't too good either. Dairy is pretty much a no no too. If

you don't follow a diet that is good for your blood type it can result

in lots of different medical conditions. Inflammation of the

intestines, etc. Leaky Gut, which is supposedly what I have. This

leaky gut syndrome can cause macular degeneration. I'm trying to keep

this short so I hope it makes sense. I feel lost now and am not

really sure where to go.


Thanks in advance for any input/insight,

Debra M.

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OK...please tell me more!!

I AM type O and I am seriously..seriously allergic to dairy, grains try to

kill me, and legumes the same.

What the heck CAN I eat??????? I am 5'3 " and weigh about 105 lbs.

I also suffer from macular degeneration, and Im 45 and been a veggie most of

my life.


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Hi Debra. I have not heard of it, but i was diagnosed a few months ago by a

naturopath with leaky gut...

the only advice i can offer is to do what you think is best for you.

I dont particularly think I have leaky gut, BUT medical specialists have NO

idea what auto-immue disorder i DO have. Im also at a 'wait and see what the

next symptom is' stage. its not so fun.

I dont put much faith in the diets that require certain blood types needing

certain types of foods, etc. I may be wrong... but thats how i feel. (maybe

someone on here can prove me wrong..i dunno)

I know that my symptoms have eased up since i stopped eating red meat. I get

worse when i eat fatty things... and so on.

I try and base my 'diet' on how particular foods make me feel...

does that make sense?

hugs.. its hard to get different 'cures' or suggestions...

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Hi Debra, Bron here. I don't know about the book per se, but I was doing a

little research on that blood diet yesterday, and found this information.

It's pretty clinical, but it is very helpful, or at least I thought it was.


Go to:



I read about the blood type diet at Dr. Mercola's site, and while normally I

think he has his head on straight about an awful lot of things, this

particular idea sounded just plain wacked out to me. So I started lookin'. I

do hope this helps you! It sure did me.


And for recipe purposes, on the Vegan Lunchbox blog yesterday, (

www.veganlunchbox.blogspot.com) I also found a delicious recipe for

Chickpea Salad Sandwiches. It's very simple: Take one can chickpeas, drain

and rinse. Add 2 T. lemon juice, and mash up real good. (It said in the

recipe to 'mash with a fork' but I couldn't seem to get my fork to

cooperate, so I took my tater masher and used it instead.) Then add whatever

fixin's you like; the poster said she puts in relish, mustard, mayo, onions,

celery and mayo. I put in dill relish, chopped onions, a bit more mustard

than mayo ( " Nayo " , I should say, lol), and...whoops, I forgot the lemon

juice! and it still tastes fantastic! Couldn't find any organic celery, so

didn't buy the regular. Celery, if it's not organic, is supposed to be one

of the top sprayed with pesticides crops. Broccoli ranks right up there too.

<grimace> BUT! My dh and I found a great " green " Krogers within the past

month or so, and they have organic brocc AND celery (only, just not last

night, sad to say). <dances happy dance>


The chickpea stuff tastes remarkably like tuna...well...I should say, the

" memory " of tuna...I guess if you added some of that kelp powder stuff like

Donna says works, it would taste more like it. Maybe it's more along egg

salad that it tastes of. Yeah, I reckon that's it! It's SOOOO GOOD. I just

had a sandwich on tengrain bread a little while ago. Still a full tummy,

too. :-)


Donna, I do have kelp powder now finally, but I keep forgettin' to use it!



Deb, I sure hope that link helps you. Some of the same points you bring up

in this post are addressed in that article.




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I have a friend who swears by the eat for your type book, yet, she is

not especially healthy, still struggles to lose weight,...I can't put

faith into a plan that says vegetarianism would be bad for anyone : )

I can believe that vitamin deficiencies or lacking a nutrients by being

veg is possible, but that could happen on any diet plan. My

integrative practictioner had said that so many people have this " leaky

gut " and don't know it. Her advice was healthy diet (yes, veg) and

probiotic supplements and digestive supplements-many,until gut health



I would still think that every individual does have foods that work

better for him/her and has foods to avoid (intolerances,

allergies,...), but I would be surprised if it comes down to blood

type. There are diet guidelines based on your Aruvedic body type also-

don't know if these necessarily help either.


That said, you have to do what works for you.

melissa p

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