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eat produce, or enjoy raw recipes, maybe there's a restaurant that

sells raw cuisine within reach of where you are. there's lots of good

recipe books, i suppose a google search will come up with many of

them. congratulations on trying to get yourself and the family

healthier, try not to make it a temporary thing, but really prepare

yourself for the long haul ups and downs of wanting to be raw and not

wanting to be raw.


just know that raw, plant food is best for you, nothing more need be

said from a book. i say switch completely, you'll be most comfortable

that way. there are many good forums about rawfood, i like this one

because the format is just one post after another, i don't have to pick

between threads or categories.




rawfood , " healthy_2_stay " <healthy_2_stay>


> Hello everyone! I am learning and researching about changing to a raw

> lifestyle. This is very overwhelming with all of the info I have come

> across! Any tips on keeping it simple to start?

> I have been interested in switching for quite a while, but with a

> husband and two kids who aren't particularly interested, it has been

> too hard to switch just myself. Well, my hubby watched that

> documentary 'Super Size Me' a couple of days ago and he is definitely

> on board now! I figure the kids will get there as we do :o)!

> I have a couple of other quick questions. Is it recommended to

> gradually switch, or just switch 'cold turkey'. What are the best

> books to read to start? I don't anticipate us going 100% at


> husband is a meat eater...I can take it or leave it...but I see him

> still incorporating a small amount of healthier meat into his diet. I

> just need some direction, my head is swimming from all the wonderful

> info on boards like this and various internet sites!

> Thanks in advance!

> Jaima

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Welcome to the group, and good luck with the lifestyle!


as far as what to read:


over on RawSchool, where we can post files (run by Nora, and I'm a

moderator over there) , there's one called Reading Resources --


once you've joined, then go to files>Reading Resources> and you'll

find several..


as far as simplifying it, here's a simplistic, " what to eat " -


" ...whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or better, fruits, vegys, and a

few nuts and seeds... "


as for cold turkey, or gradual, obviously, a personal choice - with

both of them having pros and cons..


if the objective is to improve health, I suggest looking at all of the

elements of health, of which diet can be viewed as one of the 19 -32

elements/factors of Health, and look all of them as being on their own

individual continuum - with optimal, vibrant health at the positive

end of the continuum, and disease/death at the other end of the

continuum. Then, each side of the continuum has individuals

" activitites/things " that are either builders of health, or destroyers

of health.


For example, on the " food " continuum, we might have alcohol as a

health destroyer, and then on the positive side we could have

any piece of whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic fruit as a builder,



For the Health factor of Water, we could have flouridated, mineral and

sodas/pops (diet and reg.) on the destroyer side, and we could have

pure, steam distiller water on the positive side out near optimal.


Suggest as you learn and understand more of what the builders are,

work on adding more of those to your Life, and, simultaneously, as you

learn what the destroyers are, begin to reduce/eliminate those.


Start wherever you'd like: small steps combined can lead to large



For example, for both you and you husband, cutting down/eliminating

meat would begin to improve Health --

a nice saying that I like is:


" Health can only be achieved by Healthy Living "


The real issue is not just " knowing/learning " what to do, but it is in

the " doing " of it - most of have years of habit, and even more years

of " unlearning " to do -


" It ain't what you forget that hurts you, it's what you know for sure

that just ain't so. " Wynne Stewart


most of what we've learned growing up may be false. It can be most

unsettling to realize this.


and, I also find that the difference for me between Knowledge and

Learning is the taking of " purposeful " action --


My saying for this is: Knowledge combined with purposeful action

creates learning. We can have all the knowledge in the world, and if

we don't *do* something with that knowledge, no real learning takes



I've recently started a Personal Health Creation Coaching business;

It's in the very early stages, and rates are very reasonable for

individual, or couple, coaching. If you'd like more information,

please contact me offline.


Hope this provides you some places to start.


all the best,


Bob Farrell

Personal Health Creation Coach


rawfood , " healthy_2_stay " <healthy_2_stay>


> Hello everyone! I am learning and researching about changing to a raw

> lifestyle. This is very overwhelming with all of the info I have come

> across! Any tips on keeping it simple to start?

> I have been interested in switching for quite a while, but with a

> husband and two kids who aren't particularly interested, it has been

> too hard to switch just myself. Well, my hubby watched that

> documentary 'Super Size Me' a couple of days ago and he is definitely

> on board now! I figure the kids will get there as we do :o)!

> I have a couple of other quick questions. Is it recommended to

> gradually switch, or just switch 'cold turkey'. What are the best

> books to read to start? I don't anticipate us going 100% at first...my

> husband is a meat eater...I can take it or leave it...but I see him

> still incorporating a small amount of healthier meat into his diet. I

> just need some direction, my head is swimming from all the wonderful

> info on boards like this and various internet sites!

> Thanks in advance!

> Jaima

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the recipes. I

figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH! Anyhow, I am Bren from

Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse guy, Austin..yep, like the capitol of

Texas. He just graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in History,

moves stock for Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent State

University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad health. I

have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc disease. I love to cook,

read, and spend time with our cats. I am mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning

one is due to arrive any moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited,

I try to enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed in

my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...





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Welcome to the group, I am glad you are here


take care for now


Buckeyebren <buckeyebren wrote:

I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the

recipes. I figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH! Anyhow, I am

Bren from Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse guy, Austin..yep, like the

capitol of Texas. He just graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in

History, moves stock for Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent

State University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad health.

I have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc disease. I love to cook,

read, and spend time with our cats. I am mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning

one is due to arrive any moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited,

I try to enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed in

my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...





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Bless you heart. Your new AC must feel wonderful. I don't know how anyone

lives without it. I hope it makes you feel more comfortable and that your

health issues become less inhibiting and heal. Here's praying that the new one

on the way, is born healthy and the it is easy on the mom.




Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:12 PM

New here too



I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the recipes. I

figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH! Anyhow, I am Bren from

Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse guy, Austin..yep, like the capitol of

Texas. He just graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in History,

moves stock for Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent State

University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad health. I

have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc disease. I love to cook,

read, and spend time with our cats. I am mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning

one is due to arrive any moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited,

I try to enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed in

my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...




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Welcome to the group. We would like you to stay longer with Austin,

the group and your grandchildren. Here is a yogic recipe

specifically for pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has the

lowest survival rate of any cancer including lung cancer. Garlic is

specific to the lungs. You may want to try this. This is a 40 day

or longer diet so if you do it you would have to be diligent. If

you just do it a couple of days, it will not change anything. You

could probably add some steamed veggies if you like but nothing else

if you do it. Otherwise don't do it and eat cheesecake.:>)) I will

say it is not that tasty but look at the upside compared to the

downside. Here is the recipe and it is up to you. Another

alternative is to just eat kitcheree for 40 days or more and that is

it. Best wishes nonetheless.


Garlic Pudding


1 cup white Basmati rice

3 cups milk

1 cup garlic, chopped


Simmer milk add rice and garlic and cook until rice is fluffy about

15-20 minutes.






Heat milk to simmer



, " Buckeyebren "

<buckeyebren wrote:


> I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the

recipes. I figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH!

Anyhow, I am Bren from Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse

guy, Austin..yep, like the capitol of Texas. He just graduated from

Ohio State University with a degree in History, moves stock for

Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent State

University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad

health. I have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc

disease. I love to cook, read, and spend time with our cats. I am

mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning one is due to arrive any

moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited, I try to

enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed

in my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...


> Bren



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-Welcome Bren,

Looks like you have lovely feline family oh and a nice hubby too. LOL

I too love to cook but not doing much now that it is summer. Life

here on this Earth is a great adventure and I agree with you I try to

enjoy every minute even the so called 'bad times'.Keep sending in

those recipes. I am sending healing thoughts your way.

Also smiles and hugs from Colorado



In , " Buckeyebren " <buckeyebren



> I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the

recipes. I figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH!

Anyhow, I am Bren from Columbus Ohio.

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Thanks Marie :)



Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6:57 PM

Re: New here too






Welcome to the group, I am glad you are here


take care for now


Buckeyebren <buckeyebren wrote:

I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the

recipes. I figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH! Anyhow, I am

Bren from Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse guy, Austin..yep, like the

capitol of Texas. He just graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in

History, moves stock for Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent

State University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad health.

I have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc disease. I love to cook,

read, and spend time with our cats. I am mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning

one is due to arrive any moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited,

I try to enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed in

my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...




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Ohhh the AC feels wonderful!!!





Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6:58 PM

Re: New here too



Bless you heart. Your new AC must feel wonderful. I don't know how anyone

lives without it. I hope it makes you feel more comfortable and that your

health issues become less inhibiting and heal. Here's praying that the new one

on the way, is born healthy and the it is easy on the mom.




Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:12 PM

New here too



I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the recipes.

I figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH! Anyhow, I am Bren from

Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse guy, Austin..yep, like the capitol of

Texas. He just graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in History,

moves stock for Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent State

University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad health. I

have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc disease. I love to cook,

read, and spend time with our cats. I am mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning

one is due to arrive any moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited,

I try to enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed in

my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...




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This looks like a good idea although so does the kitcheree. I have always loved

garlic and vegetables and eat great quantities of them, which may explain why

so far this tumor has not grown. I am now attempting to reverse the damage done

to my body in the past, so far changes in lifestyle and diet have worked. I am

still debating what to do.


I will also pass this recipe on to my mother. She has pancreatic cancer and has

chosen to forgo treatment because she was a nurse for 40 years and she knows the

odds. We can use all the healthy recipes you can pass on to us.





Tuesday, June 06, 2006 7:13 PM

Re: New here too





Welcome to the group. We would like you to stay longer with Austin,

the group and your grandchildren. Here is a yogic recipe

specifically for pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has the

lowest survival rate of any cancer including lung cancer. Garlic is

specific to the lungs. You may want to try this. This is a 40 day

or longer diet so if you do it you would have to be diligent. If

you just do it a couple of days, it will not change anything. You

could probably add some steamed veggies if you like but nothing else

if you do it. Otherwise don't do it and eat cheesecake.:>)) I will

say it is not that tasty but look at the upside compared to the

downside. Here is the recipe and it is up to you. Another

alternative is to just eat kitcheree for 40 days or more and that is

it. Best wishes nonetheless.


Garlic Pudding


1 cup white Basmati rice

3 cups milk

1 cup garlic, chopped


Simmer milk add rice and garlic and cook until rice is fluffy about

15-20 minutes.






Heat milk to simmer



, " Buckeyebren "

<buckeyebren wrote:


> I kinda forgot to introduce myself and just started sending in the

recipes. I figure, Hey! That's what the group is for right? DOH!

Anyhow, I am Bren from Columbus Ohio. I am married to an aweomse

guy, Austin..yep, like the capitol of Texas. He just graduated from

Ohio State University with a degree in History, moves stock for

Target and just applied for graduate school at Kent State

University. We are awaiting an answer. I no longer work due to bad

health. I have a lung tumor and severe degenerative spinal disc

disease. I love to cook, read, and spend time with our cats. I am

mom to 2 and grama to 1 3/4...meaning one is due to arrive any

moment now. SInce my time on earth my well be limited, I try to

enjoy each and every moment. I just had an air conditioner installed

in my apartment about 2 hours ago so I am enjoying it...


> Bren



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