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Relearning to eat

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Hey there, I got on the phone with a friend so I could have some support in

eating salad again!! It was fine. Like everything anticipation and fear are

much stronger than reality.


I am sure my body will adjust to eating raw. It adjusted to eating junk just

fine so I am sure it can stand healthy too!! LOL!! And I will handle the

emotional stuff as it comes up. I was just sharing where I was/am, needing

emotional support.


It took me awhile to get used to exercising when I first started - lots of

emotional stuff around that too. I imagine this will be similar, but with a lot

less emotional stuff as I have done tons of healing.


I have not digested nuts well in the past so did not include them in the raw

diet for me. AND I eat a lot of fats in my every day diet when I am not eating

so much raw. So for me, it was a drastic reduction in fats and a reduction in

simple carbs. The combo plus other stuff I was going through was overwhelming.

Like I said in an earlier email,I will do it slower this time.









Walking this path laughingly one step at a time,


I AM Silon

The Down to Earth Spiritual Healer and Intuitive



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[down2earthspirit] Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:16

AM Re: [Raw Food] Relearning to eat




Well, I was on my way to 80% raw when my inner child completely threw a

tantrum about the lack of fat in my diet. That is why I was so intrigued by

these comments. Plus diebetes runs in the family and I have experienced

hypoglycemia in my lifetime. I actually didn't miss the sugar (surprise)

as much as I thought, but I had an very strong emotional reaction to the

lack of fat and was not able to continue eating so much raw. I may have had

a physical reaction to but the emotional was so strong, couldn't tell. AND

that was only after 2 weeks. Now I feel panic everyt ime I think of going

back to a diet so high in raw. I can't even make myself eat the lettuce I

have in the fridge and I don't have the extra money to waste food.


SIGH!!! I guess I will do some more inner work around it and try it slower

this time.




Diana of Dewberry Hill [cozad76078] Tuesday, July 12,

2005 5:00 PM Re: [Raw Food] Relearning to eat



, perhaps if you would consider that your body will get used to the

raw diet...then your mind may also be put at rest. During the first week or

two of the raw diet, I felt low in energy and weak and was concerned that

I'd lose too much weight. I was very faithful for three months to 99% raw.

After a couple of weeks I realized that nuts, avocados and good virgin oils

were plenty of fat to give me energy. I felt great, was thin and sexy but

not too thin as my body was adjusting to the raw. Suddenly I had a serious

emotional trauma in my personal life (not at all related to raw foods) and I

couldn't eat...so got too thin. To put weight back on and soothe myself, I

ate farm fresh quiche and heavy cooked " health " foods. I put weight back on

very fast and then put on my 10 pounds pre-raw which made me feel like a

piggy, got sick again like I was pre-raw...and had migraines again. Now

going back on raw again is NOT like starting over because I know I will soon

feel well again and get into my slimmer clothes. Your body will adjust to

raw after two weeks or so. I get tempted with cooked foods and backslide but

always pay such a heavy price for the " over the palate thrill " , that it's

not worth the ensuing suffering. Once you really stick with raw for a season

and see how good it is, you will want to go back. Cooked is suffering and an

early grave. I eat feta cheese, drink kefir and indulge in one boiled egg a

week so don't feel too deprived. Oh, a small dollop of potato salad on top

of my Jasons " to-go " salads. That's it!




Kristi Swanson [kswanson] Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:10

AM Re: [Raw Food] Relearning to eat




The same *exact * experience here the first few times I went raw! Then I let

myself eat as many avocados and coconuts (I'm not too hip on most nuts) as I

wanted, and I naturally began to rely on them less...



Greetings to all!




In every sharing of information in this thread, there is considerable

missing information. But please do not delude yourselves into thinking that

eating more fat solved anything, it only provides a treatment for a symptom.





This is a transitioning issue, confusing because it is multifaceted,

involving both physical and emotional factors. And there is a profound need

for knowledge. I am planning to offer some such information in August via

some free teleclasses (more information coming soon), and you may wish to

consider signing up for Doug and Frederic's upcoming teleclasses.




From the information provided, my sense is that each of you underate

severely on fruit during your " failed " forays into RF, as this is almost

universally the case with uncoached beginners approaching a high-water,

high-fruit RF lifestyle. Eventually, one's system simply explodes into a

craving frenzy. This occurs frequently and predictably. That none of you

seems to have found a way to stabilize with RF strongly supports this





The fats you now consume may satisfy your body's need for caloric intak, but

ONLY a great preponderance of high-water-content foods can satisfy your

body's generalized need for nutrients, particularly over time.You may like

your new body shape, but body shape does not equate with body composition,

nor does fitness equate with health-we learn repeatedly of brilliant

athletes keeling over. These are only two among many indicators of health.

Eventually, energy will likely diminish, and " new " and " unexplained "

symptoms will likely appear.




Further, it is extremely unlikely that any of you has experienced " a strong

emotional reaction to a lack of fat. " This would imply some severe and

LONG-TERM deficiency, hormonal imbalance, or the like. Such is the nature of

self-diagnosis in the absence of knowledge and in the absence of sufficient

connection with self to truly listen to AND INTERPRET communications from

one's own system.




Rather, when one begins cleaning up one part of one's act, the entire system

wishes to join in. In this context, it is VERY common for all sorts of

emotional issues to surface, particularly issues that have lain dormant for

decades and that have no name or description in your current self-awareness.





You may experience significant distress, and this surfacing of underlying

old emotions presents a wonderful opportunity to grow -- but ONLY if you

embrace what you experience, NOT if you suppress the emotional outpouring

with heavy foods. That is nothing more than an act of drugging oneself with

fats and indigestible fiber (in the case of nuts and seeds).




I am aware that almost no RF teachers deal with this aspect of the

transitioning process, other than as lip service. Dr. Tim Trader and I both

address such issues directly and specifically. In our view, no one can

attain AND SUSTAIN health and vitality without emotional balance and

resiliency, sometimes called " poise " in certain NH writings.




More to follow if requested. if anyone wishes to communicate privately

regarding similar issues, please feel free at <VLinfo

VLinfo or 650-938-9025.




Best to all,












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rawfood , rawschool .

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rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:49 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Relearning to eat


I have not digested nuts well in the past so did not include them in the raw

diet for me. AND I eat a lot of fats in my every day diet when I am not

eating so much raw. So for me, it was a drastic reduction in fats and a

reduction in simple carbs. The combo plus other stuff I was going through

was overwhelming. Like I said in an earlier email,I will do it slower this



Don't you mean a dramatic INCREASE in simple carbs?






* Visit your group " rawfood <rawfood> "

on the web.




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I may have misspoke. I mean a drastic reduction in starches - simple carbs no??

Starches are part of my comfort foods.


" INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo wrote:rawfood

[rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:49 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Relearning to eat


I have not digested nuts well in the past so did not include them in the raw

diet for me. AND I eat a lot of fats in my every day diet when I am not

eating so much raw. So for me, it was a drastic reduction in fats and a

reduction in simple carbs. The combo plus other stuff I was going through

was overwhelming. Like I said in an earlier email,I will do it slower this



Don't you mean a dramatic INCREASE in simple carbs?






* Visit your group " rawfood <rawfood> "

on the web.




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Thursday, July 14, 2005 4:45 PM RE: [Raw Food]

Relearning to eat


I may have misspoke. I mean a drastic reduction in starches - simple carbs

no?? Starches are part of my comfort foods.


Hi ,

Starches are part of everyone's discomfort foods.


Notice my language shift there. We all eat such foods to numb out

discomfort, not to create real comfort. So I'm just suggesting that if we

are more honest with ourselves about it, maybe that will help us stop doing



The most common craving/binge combinations for people struggling with RF are

almost always salt-fat-starch, and people almost always crave such

combinations as a result of some manner of undereating. Sometimes -- often

-- they undereat total calories. In other cases, they are eating enough

calories but far too few high-water-content foods. Much more could be said

about this, of course. Thanks for the opportunity for clarity!






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