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The language we choose (WAS: Using correct terms)

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Helen Bargas [bargas] Friday, July 15, 2005 9:20 AM

[Rawschool] Using correct terms


I don't post on here too often because I'm afraid of using the wrong words.

Can't use " cure " , can't use " detox " . Can't say " I caught the flu " . Can

someone make up a list of words we can use when we want to try to describe

what we are going through, what we went through, or if we want to ask a



I know: If I eat right my body will repair itself - but not I'm afraid that

maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? I know cure isn't the word, but I'm

not sure what word to use, even though everyone knows that I mean. I eat

right and whatever I had is gone. But maybe it isn't " gone " , maybe it's

been " healed " ? What is the right word when your thyroid is " normal " after

" not being normal " ? Repaired? Cured? Healed? Disease Free? Now normal?

Gone? . . . maybe using the word " normal " and " not being normal " isn't good



I'm not going to write anything more so I don't get corrected for using the

wrong words. Please make a list, then when I post, I'll be sure to use the

right word, even though we all know what I meant by using the word " repair " ,

I'll be sure to use the right one. I know cleanse apparently is okay to

use, BUT have to be careful not to confuse it with a " cleanse " , you know

when you take supplements to cleanse yourself, because that isn't



I do want to say, though, I'm serious about this, getting the list of

acceptable words. I learn a lot from this board, I'm just too afraid to

post in fear of being CORRECTED, and not lead positively into " this is how

natural hygiene would do this " or " this is how I would approach it " .


<>< Helen of Tennessee


Hi Helen and all,


I'm responding to your message, above, with a combination of gratitude,

empathy, and laughter. Gratitude to you, for having the courage to come

forward and share your feelings. Empathy, as I can really hear your fear,

perhaps of " saying the wrong thing " or of " being corrected " ?? And laughter,

because the way you expressed yourself here seems genuinely humorous to me

(as " If I eat right my body will repair itself - but not I'm afraid that

maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? " )


I can only speak for myself here, of course. I believe that we learn largely

by asking questions and sharing our experiences, and I love when people ask

and share lots. I have the sense that many people come to these groups

seeking knowledge, support, and understanding, and my sense is that lots of

all 3 of these things occur constantly. But that is only my experience of

these groups, perhaps others experience them differently.


Again speaking only for myself. I believe that the language we choose exerts

significant influence upon the life we experience. Whatever we write returns

to us through our eyes, whatever we say, through our ears, sticking in our

minds, reinforcing...something. What shall we choose to reinforce in our own



Whenever I comment about language, my intention is in this spirit, that I

wish to reinforce in my own mind only what serves the highest and best good,

and that I wish to support and encourage others in doing the same.


I never intend to " correct " anyone nor to make anyone " right " or " wrong. "

Through my self-discovery and NVC work, I have learned that all such notions

are inherently violent and destructive, both of myself and others.


When I suggest that we use " cleanse " instead of " detox, " or " repair,

restore, and sustain " instead of " cure " or " fix, " my underlying intention is

to to suggest how we might choose, with conscious forethought, the way in

which we would most love to perceive ourselves and the world around us. What

would be most life-affirming? What would serve the highest and best good?


I encourage each and all of us to speak whatever words come to us, then to

open ourselves to receive new insights, including new ways of speaking, that

may better serve us and those close to us. This, in and of itself, may seem

a paradigm shift to some. Each time one of us feels afraid to speak, afraid

of " being wrong " or " being corrected, " that person has available an opposite

choice: instead of running away into silence, turn the opposite direction,

come straight forward, speak openly and clearly, and most important, seek

and welcome whatever feedback, from any source and in any form, that springs



Growth often involves stretching ourselves beyond our present comfort zone.

It involves challenging and being challenged, stepping forward into

unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory.


And such growth is, I believe, the real stuff of life for any conscious,

sentient being.


Best to all,



PS: Regarding that thyroid example, would you consider using words such as

healthy, vital, perfect, whole and complete?


Here's a clue: Anything in the past tense does not describe what is present

now. So " healed, " as either a verb or a participle, reaches back into the

past. Seek language that expresses what is present right now, and language

that expresses what you intend or desire as if it were present right now.

Another large paradigm shift, I realize, but one that can bring forth

wonderful fruits over time.


And here's one more clue: Speak only of what you desire, not of what you

" don't want. " Never try to " get rid of " anything. IN fact, never " try. "

Instead, express what is coming in that replaces the older thing, appreciate

the older thing for whatever constructive purposes it has served in the

past, and gracefully and peacefully return that thing to the world, where it

may be otherwise used in some way.


Example: body weight. Never speak in terms of " losing weight, " for whatever

may lost, may again be found. Rather, speak of the wonderful new body you

are creating (present tense), the percent of body fat you intend for

yourself, that sort of thing. Then just allow that new body to emerge from

within your present body.


Michelangelo is famous, among other things, for his statue of David.

Michelangelo is said to have commented that he did not carve the David from

the marble; rather he saw the David within the marble, and removed whatever

part was not David. For Michelangelo, David merely emerged from the stone.


So, too, let it be for us. Let us be kind and gentle with ourselves,

allowing what we seek to emerge, forcing nothing.


I hope this is helpful!


Best to all,









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Another 2 cents from Lane: I vote for letting people speak freely, in their own

way, and giving advice only when it is asked for. For me it's very unpleasant to

post about some happy experience and have someone come back and correct what I

did or how I did it. On the other hand there are times when I would like advice,

and , like many here, post to the group asking for thoughts and feedback. At

this time, the advice is welcome. This used to be a community of folks exploring

together. Now sometimes it feels like pupils and experts. I notice a lot of the

old people don't seem to post any more and there are a few who post all the

time...........Where have those folks gone? Is there another group somewhere?

Thankyou, Lane


INFO @ Vibrant Life

Rawschool ; rawfood

Friday, July 15, 2005 5:10 PM

[Raw Food] The language we choose (WAS: Using correct terms)



Helen Bargas [bargas] Friday, July 15, 2005 9:20 AM

[Rawschool] Using correct terms


I don't post on here too often because I'm afraid of using the wrong words.

Can't use " cure " , can't use " detox " . Can't say " I caught the flu " . Can

someone make up a list of words we can use when we want to try to describe

what we are going through, what we went through, or if we want to ask a



I know: If I eat right my body will repair itself - but not I'm afraid that

maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? I know cure isn't the word, but I'm

not sure what word to use, even though everyone knows that I mean. I eat

right and whatever I had is gone. But maybe it isn't " gone " , maybe it's

been " healed " ? What is the right word when your thyroid is " normal " after

" not being normal " ? Repaired? Cured? Healed? Disease Free? Now normal?

Gone? . . . maybe using the word " normal " and " not being normal " isn't good



I'm not going to write anything more so I don't get corrected for using the

wrong words. Please make a list, then when I post, I'll be sure to use the

right word, even though we all know what I meant by using the word " repair " ,

I'll be sure to use the right one. I know cleanse apparently is okay to

use, BUT have to be careful not to confuse it with a " cleanse " , you know

when you take supplements to cleanse yourself, because that isn't



I do want to say, though, I'm serious about this, getting the list of

acceptable words. I learn a lot from this board, I'm just too afraid to

post in fear of being CORRECTED, and not lead positively into " this is how

natural hygiene would do this " or " this is how I would approach it " .


<>< Helen of Tennessee


Hi Helen and all,


I'm responding to your message, above, with a combination of gratitude,

empathy, and laughter. Gratitude to you, for having the courage to come

forward and share your feelings. Empathy, as I can really hear your fear,

perhaps of " saying the wrong thing " or of " being corrected " ?? And laughter,

because the way you expressed yourself here seems genuinely humorous to me

(as " If I eat right my body will repair itself - but not I'm afraid that

maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? " )


I can only speak for myself here, of course. I believe that we learn largely

by asking questions and sharing our experiences, and I love when people ask

and share lots. I have the sense that many people come to these groups

seeking knowledge, support, and understanding, and my sense is that lots of

all 3 of these things occur constantly. But that is only my experience of

these groups, perhaps others experience them differently.


Again speaking only for myself. I believe that the language we choose exerts

significant influence upon the life we experience. Whatever we write returns

to us through our eyes, whatever we say, through our ears, sticking in our

minds, reinforcing...something. What shall we choose to reinforce in our own



Whenever I comment about language, my intention is in this spirit, that I

wish to reinforce in my own mind only what serves the highest and best good,

and that I wish to support and encourage others in doing the same.


I never intend to " correct " anyone nor to make anyone " right " or " wrong. "

Through my self-discovery and NVC work, I have learned that all such notions

are inherently violent and destructive, both of myself and others.


When I suggest that we use " cleanse " instead of " detox, " or " repair,

restore, and sustain " instead of " cure " or " fix, " my underlying intention is

to to suggest how we might choose, with conscious forethought, the way in

which we would most love to perceive ourselves and the world around us. What

would be most life-affirming? What would serve the highest and best good?


I encourage each and all of us to speak whatever words come to us, then to

open ourselves to receive new insights, including new ways of speaking, that

may better serve us and those close to us. This, in and of itself, may seem

a paradigm shift to some. Each time one of us feels afraid to speak, afraid

of " being wrong " or " being corrected, " that person has available an opposite

choice: instead of running away into silence, turn the opposite direction,

come straight forward, speak openly and clearly, and most important, seek

and welcome whatever feedback, from any source and in any form, that springs



Growth often involves stretching ourselves beyond our present comfort zone.

It involves challenging and being challenged, stepping forward into

unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory.


And such growth is, I believe, the real stuff of life for any conscious,

sentient being.


Best to all,



PS: Regarding that thyroid example, would you consider using words such as

healthy, vital, perfect, whole and complete?


Here's a clue: Anything in the past tense does not describe what is present

now. So " healed, " as either a verb or a participle, reaches back into the

past. Seek language that expresses what is present right now, and language

that expresses what you intend or desire as if it were present right now.

Another large paradigm shift, I realize, but one that can bring forth

wonderful fruits over time.


And here's one more clue: Speak only of what you desire, not of what you

" don't want. " Never try to " get rid of " anything. IN fact, never " try. "

Instead, express what is coming in that replaces the older thing, appreciate

the older thing for whatever constructive purposes it has served in the

past, and gracefully and peacefully return that thing to the world, where it

may be otherwise used in some way.


Example: body weight. Never speak in terms of " losing weight, " for whatever

may lost, may again be found. Rather, speak of the wonderful new body you

are creating (present tense), the percent of body fat you intend for

yourself, that sort of thing. Then just allow that new body to emerge from

within your present body.


Michelangelo is famous, among other things, for his statue of David.

Michelangelo is said to have commented that he did not carve the David from

the marble; rather he saw the David within the marble, and removed whatever

part was not David. For Michelangelo, David merely emerged from the stone.


So, too, let it be for us. Let us be kind and gentle with ourselves,

allowing what we seek to emerge, forcing nothing.


I hope this is helpful!


Best to all,








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I am new to this group and would like to address

Helen's dilemma. There is no right or wrong, only

degrees of correctness. I suggest you communicate your

feelings to the best of your abilities and remember

that the spirit of sharing is ultimately what is of

the most importance. Every discipline has it's own

jargon, don't get caught up in dogma, simply eat raw,

enjoy and share your feelings genuinely. I apologize

if anyone that disagrees with me is offended by what I

say. I also believe that the words we use are

influential in our lives and existence but let us not

create barriers between other raw fooders. Thank you

for your time ...eatinraw


--- " John L. Fielder "

<academy.natural.living wrote:


> Hi Helen & Elchanan,


> Now some may not think this such a good idea, but

> the Nature Curists of Europe and UK have always used

> the term " healing crisis " to describe any acute

> symptoms(flu etc). And when we speak of repairing

> itself are we not referring to " healing itself " ? I

> would like to point out that Nature Cure and

> Naturopathy,are not synonomous. They really are two

> distinct approaches. Although today Naturopathy has

> endeavoured take over many of the principles of

> Nature Cure. One is the practic of " alternative

> medicine " , with all its mumbo jumbo and is very

> little, if any different from orthodox medicine,

> except in the remedies it uses. Whereas Nature Cure

> is ver much in line with Natural Hygiene. In fact Dr

> Shelton published many of their articles in his

> magazine, Hygienic Review. I am referring here to

> Kingston Clinic in Edinbrgh, Scotland, which was

> operated by James C., and his son C. Leslie Thomson

> and published a magazine " Rude Health "


> The so-called " detox " symptoms are those of the body

> carrying on the natural process of regeneration,

> which it will always do, and be doing, given half a

> chance. The simple processes which are primarily

> observed in child hood, such as

> measles,mumps,chicken-pox, etc., are simply just

> that as the body works toward homeostasis.


> John

> John L. Fielder, DO,DC,ND(Adel)

> Osteopath & Lifestyle Consultant

> Academy of Natural Living

> www.iig.com.au/anl

> -

> INFO @ Vibrant Life

> Rawschool ;

> rawfood

> Friday, July 15, 2005 2:10 PM

> [Raw Food] The language we choose (WAS:

> Using correct terms)



> Helen Bargas [bargas] Sent:

> Friday, July 15, 2005 9:20 AM

> [Rawschool] Using correct terms


> I don't post on here too often because I'm afraid

> of using the wrong words.

> Can't use " cure " , can't use " detox " . Can't say " I

> caught the flu " . Can

> someone make up a list of words we can use when we

> want to try to describe

> what we are going through, what we went through,

> or if we want to ask a

> question?


> I know: If I eat right my body will repair itself

> - but not I'm afraid that

> maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? I know

> cure isn't the word, but I'm

> not sure what word to use, even though everyone

> knows that I mean. I eat

> right and whatever I had is gone. But maybe it

> isn't " gone " , maybe it's

> been " healed " ? What is the right word when your

> thyroid is " normal " after

> " not being normal " ? Repaired? Cured? Healed?

> Disease Free? Now normal?

> Gone? . . . maybe using the word " normal " and " not

> being normal " isn't good

> either?


> I'm not going to write anything more so I don't

> get corrected for using the

> wrong words. Please make a list, then when I

> post, I'll be sure to use the

> right word, even though we all know what I meant

> by using the word " repair " ,

> I'll be sure to use the right one. I know cleanse

> apparently is okay to

> use, BUT have to be careful not to confuse it with

> a " cleanse " , you know

> when you take supplements to cleanse yourself,

> because that isn't

> acceptable.


> I do want to say, though, I'm serious about this,

> getting the list of

> acceptable words. I learn a lot from this board,

> I'm just too afraid to

> post in fear of being CORRECTED, and not lead

> positively into " this is how

> natural hygiene would do this " or " this is how I

> would approach it " .


> <>< Helen of Tennessee

> ________

> Hi Helen and all,


> I'm responding to your message, above, with a

> combination of gratitude,

> empathy, and laughter. Gratitude to you, for

> having the courage to come

> forward and share your feelings. Empathy, as I can

> really hear your fear,

> perhaps of " saying the wrong thing " or of " being

> corrected " ?? And laughter,

> because the way you expressed yourself here seems

> genuinely humorous to me

> (as " If I eat right my body will repair itself -

> but not I'm afraid that

> maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? " )


> I can only speak for myself here, of course. I

> believe that we learn largely

> by asking questions and sharing our experiences,

> and I love when people ask

> and share lots. I have the sense that many people

> come to these groups

> seeking knowledge, support, and understanding, and

> my sense is that lots of

> all 3 of these things occur constantly. But that

> is only my experience of

> these groups, perhaps others experience them

> differently.


> Again speaking only for myself. I believe that the

> language we choose exerts

> significant influence upon the life we experience.

> Whatever we write returns

> to us through our eyes, whatever we say, through

> our ears, sticking in our

> minds, reinforcing...something. What shall we

> choose to reinforce in our own

> minds?


> Whenever I comment about language, my intention is

> in this spirit, that I

> wish to reinforce in my own mind only what serves

> the highest and best good,

> and that I wish to support and encourage others in

> doing the same.


> I never intend to " correct " anyone nor to make

> anyone " right " or " wrong. "

> Through my self-discovery and NVC work, I have

> learned that all such notions

> are inherently violent and destructive, both of

> myself and others.


> When I suggest that we use " cleanse " instead of

> " detox, " or " repair,

> restore, and sustain " instead of " cure " or " fix, "

> my underlying intention is

> to to suggest how we might choose, with conscious

> forethought, the way in

> which we would most love to perceive ourselves and

> the world around us. What

> would be most life-affirming? What would serve the

> highest and best good?


> I encourage each and all of us to speak whatever

> words come to us, then to

> open ourselves to receive new insights, including

> new ways of speaking, that

> may better serve us and those close to us. This,

> in and of itself, may seem

> a paradigm shift to some. Each time one of us

> feels afraid to speak, afraid

> of " being wrong " or " being corrected, " that person

> has available an opposite

> choice: instead of running away into silence, turn

> the opposite direction,

> come straight forward, speak openly and clearly,

> and most important, seek

> and welcome whatever feedback, from any source and

> in any form, that springs

> growth.


> Growth often involves stretching ourselves beyond

> our present comfort zone.

> It involves challenging and being challenged,

> stepping forward into

> unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory.


> And such growth is, I believe, the real stuff of

> life for any conscious,

> sentient being.


> Best to all,

> Elchanan


> PS: Regarding that thyroid example, would you

> consider using words such as

> healthy, vital, perfect, whole and complete?


> Here's a clue: Anything in the past tense does not

> describe what is present

> now. So " healed, " as either a verb or a

> participle,

=== message truncated ===



Peace be with you...Jerry






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Hi Helen & Elchanan,


Now some may not think this such a good idea, but the Nature Curists of Europe

and UK have always used the term " healing crisis " to describe any acute

symptoms(flu etc). And when we speak of repairing itself are we not referring to

" healing itself " ? I would like to point out that Nature Cure and Naturopathy,are

not synonomous. They really are two distinct approaches. Although today

Naturopathy has endeavoured take over many of the principles of Nature Cure. One

is the practic of " alternative medicine " , with all its mumbo jumbo and is very

little, if any different from orthodox medicine, except in the remedies it uses.

Whereas Nature Cure is ver much in line with Natural Hygiene. In fact Dr Shelton

published many of their articles in his magazine, Hygienic Review. I am

referring here to Kingston Clinic in Edinbrgh, Scotland, which was operated by

James C., and his son C. Leslie Thomson and published a magazine " Rude Health "


The so-called " detox " symptoms are those of the body carrying on the natural

process of regeneration, which it will always do, and be doing, given half a

chance. The simple processes which are primarily observed in child hood, such as

measles,mumps,chicken-pox, etc., are simply just that as the body works toward




John L. Fielder, DO,DC,ND(Adel)

Osteopath & Lifestyle Consultant

Academy of Natural Living



INFO @ Vibrant Life

Rawschool ; rawfood

Friday, July 15, 2005 2:10 PM

[Raw Food] The language we choose (WAS: Using correct terms)



Helen Bargas [bargas] Friday, July 15, 2005 9:20 AM

[Rawschool] Using correct terms


I don't post on here too often because I'm afraid of using the wrong words.

Can't use " cure " , can't use " detox " . Can't say " I caught the flu " . Can

someone make up a list of words we can use when we want to try to describe

what we are going through, what we went through, or if we want to ask a



I know: If I eat right my body will repair itself - but not I'm afraid that

maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? I know cure isn't the word, but I'm

not sure what word to use, even though everyone knows that I mean. I eat

right and whatever I had is gone. But maybe it isn't " gone " , maybe it's

been " healed " ? What is the right word when your thyroid is " normal " after

" not being normal " ? Repaired? Cured? Healed? Disease Free? Now normal?

Gone? . . . maybe using the word " normal " and " not being normal " isn't good



I'm not going to write anything more so I don't get corrected for using the

wrong words. Please make a list, then when I post, I'll be sure to use the

right word, even though we all know what I meant by using the word " repair " ,

I'll be sure to use the right one. I know cleanse apparently is okay to

use, BUT have to be careful not to confuse it with a " cleanse " , you know

when you take supplements to cleanse yourself, because that isn't



I do want to say, though, I'm serious about this, getting the list of

acceptable words. I learn a lot from this board, I'm just too afraid to

post in fear of being CORRECTED, and not lead positively into " this is how

natural hygiene would do this " or " this is how I would approach it " .


<>< Helen of Tennessee


Hi Helen and all,


I'm responding to your message, above, with a combination of gratitude,

empathy, and laughter. Gratitude to you, for having the courage to come

forward and share your feelings. Empathy, as I can really hear your fear,

perhaps of " saying the wrong thing " or of " being corrected " ?? And laughter,

because the way you expressed yourself here seems genuinely humorous to me

(as " If I eat right my body will repair itself - but not I'm afraid that

maybe " repair " isn't the right word????? " )


I can only speak for myself here, of course. I believe that we learn largely

by asking questions and sharing our experiences, and I love when people ask

and share lots. I have the sense that many people come to these groups

seeking knowledge, support, and understanding, and my sense is that lots of

all 3 of these things occur constantly. But that is only my experience of

these groups, perhaps others experience them differently.


Again speaking only for myself. I believe that the language we choose exerts

significant influence upon the life we experience. Whatever we write returns

to us through our eyes, whatever we say, through our ears, sticking in our

minds, reinforcing...something. What shall we choose to reinforce in our own



Whenever I comment about language, my intention is in this spirit, that I

wish to reinforce in my own mind only what serves the highest and best good,

and that I wish to support and encourage others in doing the same.


I never intend to " correct " anyone nor to make anyone " right " or " wrong. "

Through my self-discovery and NVC work, I have learned that all such notions

are inherently violent and destructive, both of myself and others.


When I suggest that we use " cleanse " instead of " detox, " or " repair,

restore, and sustain " instead of " cure " or " fix, " my underlying intention is

to to suggest how we might choose, with conscious forethought, the way in

which we would most love to perceive ourselves and the world around us. What

would be most life-affirming? What would serve the highest and best good?


I encourage each and all of us to speak whatever words come to us, then to

open ourselves to receive new insights, including new ways of speaking, that

may better serve us and those close to us. This, in and of itself, may seem

a paradigm shift to some. Each time one of us feels afraid to speak, afraid

of " being wrong " or " being corrected, " that person has available an opposite

choice: instead of running away into silence, turn the opposite direction,

come straight forward, speak openly and clearly, and most important, seek

and welcome whatever feedback, from any source and in any form, that springs



Growth often involves stretching ourselves beyond our present comfort zone.

It involves challenging and being challenged, stepping forward into

unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory.


And such growth is, I believe, the real stuff of life for any conscious,

sentient being.


Best to all,



PS: Regarding that thyroid example, would you consider using words such as

healthy, vital, perfect, whole and complete?


Here's a clue: Anything in the past tense does not describe what is present

now. So " healed, " as either a verb or a participle, reaches back into the

past. Seek language that expresses what is present right now, and language

that expresses what you intend or desire as if it were present right now.

Another large paradigm shift, I realize, but one that can bring forth

wonderful fruits over time.


And here's one more clue: Speak only of what you desire, not of what you

" don't want. " Never try to " get rid of " anything. IN fact, never " try. "

Instead, express what is coming in that replaces the older thing, appreciate

the older thing for whatever constructive purposes it has served in the

past, and gracefully and peacefully return that thing to the world, where it

may be otherwise used in some way.


Example: body weight. Never speak in terms of " losing weight, " for whatever

may lost, may again be found. Rather, speak of the wonderful new body you

are creating (present tense), the percent of body fat you intend for

yourself, that sort of thing. Then just allow that new body to emerge from

within your present body.


Michelangelo is famous, among other things, for his statue of David.

Michelangelo is said to have commented that he did not carve the David from

the marble; rather he saw the David within the marble, and removed whatever

part was not David. For Michelangelo, David merely emerged from the stone.


So, too, let it be for us. Let us be kind and gentle with ourselves,

allowing what we seek to emerge, forcing nothing.


I hope this is helpful!


Best to all,








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