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Hi I've been eating raw for about a week. I eat soaked oatmeal with walnuts and

maple syrup before bed, but that is a grain, also is corn out, the brief time we

have it? I am 56 and 5'3 " and 1160 lb. I'm recovering from extensive back

surgery and have no thyroid, have IBS, am bi polar and add. I also have low

blood sugar and just had cantaloupe and banana for breakfast. I think I will

take a few almonds to church, in case. I am off my add med, but I cannot eat

cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. . Got to run, anyone one with any

helpful advise? mj <><



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Hi Mary Jo!


welcome to the list, and to the raw community.


Looks like you've got your hands full...my very best wishes to you.


as far as specific questions you asked --


oatmeal, walnuts and maple syrup ---

only the walnuts are really a " raw " food, the other two both have



as far as what to eat, suggest aiming toward the following:


" whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or better mostly fruits, a few

vegys and a very few nuts and seeds. "


many new RFers, myself included, have found that it helps immensely to

establish a " base " of some sweet fruits, like bananas, fresh dates,



As Elchanan has pointed out previously,:

[ " " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo

Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:36 pm

[Raw Food] Succeeding with RF -- vs. Failing by Craving


oringinally posted on RawFood

Just taking a moment to remind everyone, particularly those new to the

group, that if you build around a base of bananas, you will ALWAYS have

fruit available, you will always have enough calories/fuel (once you learn

to eat enough of them), and you will always feel physically satisfied.


energy and moods will stabilize at least somewhat, your blood sugar level

and hormonal production will rapidly normalize, etc. Add whatever other

fruits you wish and a nice pile of greens, and you're on your way.

But for most people, having a foundation of one or two foods that are


always available and that can truly account for the majority of all


consumed is a big help. Honest injun, I'm not monkeyin' around!

Best to all,


as you move along, look at food-combining, and go here for a way to

search these boards:


Suggest getting lots of rest, and some sunshine. Our bodies are

wonderful inventions, given that we provide what they need to function


Once you're over at RawSchool, since we can't post files here,

you'll see more info in the files section including one on " reading

resources "

all the best,

Bob Farrell

Personal Health Creation Coach

rawfood , " MARY JO RAIN " <mjrain@m...> wrote:

> Hi I've been eating raw for about a week. I eat soaked oatmeal with

walnuts and maple syrup before bed, but that is a grain, also is corn

out, the brief time we have it? I am 56 and 5'3 " and 1160 lb. I'm

recovering from extensive back surgery and have no thyroid, have IBS,

am bi polar and add. I also have low blood sugar and just had

cantaloupe and banana for breakfast. I think I will take a few

almonds to church, in case. I am off my add med, but I cannot eat

cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. . Got to run, anyone one with

any helpful advise? mj <><



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Welcome, Mary Jo ~


First, I'm quite sure that there's a typo in your message! LOL [see below]


Bob has given you good food advice. I'd like to give you encouragement

and the hope that with increased following of the raw food diet, you

may find that you are no longer bi polar or with ADD.


I also was diagnosed bi polar in the early 90s. I did more than my

share of hospital time, and at some time was on every antidepressant

then known, plus other meds (lithium). It was not easy to keep me

regulated, if we even did at all. I began following the raw eating

plan back in October 2000. Even though I've not been consistently raw

for more than two months at a time (with usually a week or two in

between of eating what I refer to as " cooked c**p " ), my moods and

temperment have certainly smoothed out. Almost immediately I was able

to discontinue my meds (under supervision). To this date, I am totally

drug free -- I don't even take aspirin. Friends and employers remark

that I am one of the most even-tempered people they know. Quite an

amazing change.


Last winter, when I'd pretty much fallen off the raw path, I felt the

depression returning. (The manic stage didn't bother me as much.) For

myself, I am totally convinced that my mental well being depends upon

what I am eating.


If you're willing to take the steps toward eating a totally raw diet

(you can get lots of support from people in this group), you will soon

find yourself feeling incredibly better on all fronts.


I wish you well.



(Washington State)


rawfood , " MARY JO RAIN " <mjrain@m...> wrote:

> I am 56 and 5'3 " and 1160 lb.

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Thanks, yes, I only weigh 160, and I can stay fairly well off head meds, but I

generally need something to sleep at night, or I really get in trouble. I am

vegan even when not raw, but I have lots of raw veggies and fruit now, and I

actually like raw food better. I don't have a distiller so I'm trying to stick

with bottled water right now.

My favorite is PB & J so I guess the oatmeal fits in that category. I eat

sprouted grain bread so if I do relapse it will be to PB & J.

I'm seeing the digestive specialist tomorrow and I think they will be glad, I

had a colon plop . I may have broken a bone in my foot, so tomorrow I also need

to see about that.

Tuesday I see the neurosurgeon and hopefully will be able to walk in the pool

(at the Y) to get some exercise. One of these days I will be back to exercising

and everything will be better.

I too live in Washington, in the Puget sound area. I'm hoping to be able to

take the train to OR in the fall to see a friend and detox. I need my thyroid

med, but I'd love to pitch the rest! You know, I'm divorced and love not having

to cook meat and potatoes. I have a Boston Terrier for company, but we both

need to get to walking. Thanks for the feedback, mj <><

And blessed be His Glorious Name forever! And let the whole earth be filled

with His Glory. Amen and Amen

PS 72:19



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i eat raw corn, that's probably the only grain i do it, i had a

wonderful piece of it at a fair today as a matter of fact, you know

where they sell roasted corn, it always entertains them when i say i

want a piece of raw corn.


i eat a pretty light breakfast, a little fruit for breakfast sounds

good to me. i don't eat cabbage or brussel sprouts because i don't

like them.




rawfood , " MARY JO RAIN " <mjrain@m...> wrote:

> Hi I've been eating raw for about a week. I eat soaked oatmeal

with walnuts and maple syrup before bed, but that is a grain, also is

corn out, the brief time we have it? I am 56 and 5'3 " and 1160 lb.

I'm recovering from extensive back surgery and have no thyroid, have

IBS, am bi polar and add. I also have low blood sugar and just had

cantaloupe and banana for breakfast. I think I will take a few

almonds to church, in case. I am off my add med, but I cannot eat

cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. . Got to run, anyone one

with any helpful advise? mj <><

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i would also add avocados to that foundation talk.


rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:


> Hi Mary Jo!


> welcome to the list, and to the raw community.


> Looks like you've got your hands full...my very best wishes to you.


> as far as specific questions you asked --


> oatmeal, walnuts and maple syrup ---

> only the walnuts are really a " raw " food, the other two both have

> problems.


> as far as what to eat, suggest aiming toward the following:


> " whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or better mostly fruits, a few

> vegys and a very few nuts and seeds. "


> many new RFers, myself included, have found that it helps immensely


> establish a " base " of some sweet fruits, like bananas, fresh dates,

> etc.


> As Elchanan has pointed out previously,:

> [ " " INFO @ Vibrant Life " <VLinfo@>

> Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:36 pm

> [Raw Food] Succeeding with RF -- vs. Failing by Craving


> elchananpc

> oringinally posted on RawFood


> Just taking a moment to remind everyone, particularly those new to


> group, that if you build around a base of bananas, you will ALWAYS


> fruit available, you will always have enough calories/fuel (once

you learn

> to eat enough of them), and you will always feel physically


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---on the depression bit


that is if you are realy serious about getting well -alot just dont

want it seems to apply themselves


Tell me what you think if you will about this info and what you do

with this info

you will need good analytical skills btw




This is an article on depression, touching upon some of the most

powerful healing principles we know about .

I do quite a bit of research into various different ailments over

many years and will share this info with you and I also practice

spiritual healing .


I have depression my self and have felt the healing which these

things have brought .


Depression is curable . don't let anyone tell you any different.


The only promise being made quite clear here is that these things

mentioned- can be a major influence in treating depression.


A total cure might very well center around a thing called karma/



As well as that we have our own web site where it is possible to

research quite a few healing principles and therapies. The therapies

and principles have been in use for thousands of years; a lot

emerged from ancient Egypt.


We have many testimonies and some research papers and can also

point you to links to other research studies indicating some remark

able results.


It is called the Orion project. We make the point quite clear that

we sell nothing health related or make any charge for the healing,

which comes through.


We actively share information, much of which has been suppressed or

not actively promoted.


We only promote good health this is not spam neither are we

promoting products , we leave it up to u to evaluate the material we

present we have tried this and can vouch for some excellent results.


WE do not advertise anything


There are quite a few points to consider one of which is why if

this is so good as you say why are we not being told about it. Why


Well I am going to tell you about something that maybe less than 1%

of the population even understand.


The answer –vested interest and quite a bit of apathy and scientific



There are a few very important points that I would like to cover on

the subject of drugs and research and treatment At present the

system in England is this, all treatment recommended by the NHS

should be tested and approved and quite rightly so. Obviously it

costs vast sums of money to test and approve treatments because of

the possible damage to people and the subsequent litigation costing

millions of pounds. The point is this Where does this money come

from to test and approve treatments?


By far the biggest source is the drug companies.


So take for example a researcher might go along to his local drug

company and tell them his findings about this treatment he has been

working on which is of outstanding value but needs testing further

or approving, you might think they would be falling over themselves

to know more –right, you could not be more wrong.


By and large only treatments, which show the promise of good deal of

a profit, will even get examined.


Because they are in business to make a profit, not for serving the



So many of the thousands of therapies which they see as having no

profit potential do not get approved and thus by and large do not

get recommended by your local doctor or hospital.


Despite The fact that some of them do have overwhelming benefits

some, which have saved needless operations, needless amputations,

needless pain and trauma, needless kidney failures and much loss of



This will apply to any country where most research is being done by

drug companies –


they would probably laugh in your face if you went there with a

promising therapy which was so cheap anyone could get it.


Do you really think they would invest thousands of pounds in any

therapy which did not show the promise of good profit.


Your local G.P/ doctor is not a researcher,


in the main he is told…………… what to prescribe …………. he does not

even have the time often to look at research.


In fact some G.P .s doctors have had action taken against them for

prescribing simple supplements.


At this minute 2004 approx 5000 Beds are being taken up by people

in the UK who have had adverse reactions to drugs. Some will die

others will be maimed .A serious amount of suffering is taking place

on a scale that makes some wars look like a minor infringement. That

is a fact


So Mr/Mrs patient in 99% of the time because of this system you will

probably only get recommended drugs.


Primarily because of deliberate government policy not to fund

research into other therapies.


Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage, Spiritual

healing, Knieisiology Herbs, Light therapy, Colour therapy,

Regression therapy, Osteopathy, Zappers, Magnetic devices,

Electrical Frequency devices.


Has he ever mentioned the power of nutrition what you eat how much

protein, carbo, vitamins, water you take in etc.


Has he ever recommended a detox ..


All of these have shown their inherent worth with thousands if not

millions of testimonials.


As you can see this system in its present state is inherently

flawed, that is


Until the day comes when most of the research and testing is done

by an agency with no vested interests attached and a very clear

agenda of being objective. Acting for the people. Printing and

revealing all results good and bad.


What also clouds the issue further is the fact that some of these

drugs work well but that is not to say that there isn't something

more natural better.


Moving on to a more positive note .One of the biggest problems we

see when giving this material is that a lot of people do not have

good evaluation skills. They rely on a white coat, a hospital

building, the sound of a persons voice to sway their thinking into

accepting treatments when they are ill. Like lambs they are taken

down paths some of which will lead them into untold suffering .


Of course this is what some of these drug companies rely on the vast

sums of money which can be generated are enormous.


So as the wise among you will see a little investment in time over

your health could be a very wise move indeed. Well we move now along

to our little protocol the principles of which will apply to many

other health problems as well.


As an overview of this topic it would seem that depression in a lot

of cases stems from a lack of certain energies which we need. It

could be love, a loving partner, or a whole host of negative

energies from out side of ourselves. Or a combination of them.


There are many things which play on us these are called influences,

depression can teach you by making you more aware of your innate

nature. This spiritual nature of ourselves is often buried deep or

at a more subconscious level, I believe that depression can make you

more conscious of other parts of your being. Your may find your

behaviour may alter to incorporate much more of the energies you

need. selves.


Now you are faced with this task to evaluate the material in front

of you and people In general have very poor evaluation skills

especially ill people. How sometimes can an ill person be expected

to think straight –a tip –pray on it point by point – ie pray on one

point and wait for an answer then the next point and so on, with a

sincere heart- ask your god the universe or whatever you believe in

to be shown the value of this material .


Experience has shown it takes about 3 readings of this stuff to sink

in, more in some cases.


I waste no time with fools spouting off convoluted comments –ill

thought out words etc. those of you who want to get well to

sincerely explore this before making judgment I will help, but by e

mail only .



Depression protocol


We have personnel experience of the effectiveness of them and they

do work. Every one of them can have a major influence on you. It is

hard to pull out which are the most important

Probably tackling karma and doing voluntary work is the most

important, however it depends on how you feel and there will be many

people where work may not be possible on a daily basis.


1. Firstly find someone to massage your back and legs at least 3

times a week

Use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil. Paying

particular attention to the spine and choose someone who is sympathy

with your condition. It is by no mere chance that massage has been

around for thousands of years .It is effective speeds up the toxic

removal process, enables blood to flow to many more capillaries and

can be a major factor in your well being. We advocate massage on a

weekly basis as a normal healthy practice.


Here are some reported benefits of massage:


Preliminary results suggested cancer patients had less pain and

anxiety after receiving therapeutic massage at the James Cancer

Hospital and Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio.


Women who had experienced the recent death of a child were less

depressed after receiving therapeutic massage, according to

preliminary results of a study at the University of South Carolina

Medical school students at the University of Medicine and Dentistry

of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School who were massaged before an

exam showed a significant decrease in anxiety and respiratory rates.

as well as a significant increase in white blood cells and natural

killer cell activity, suggesting a benefit to the immune system



Studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found

massage beneficial in improving weight gain in HIV-exposed infants

and facilitating recovery in patients who underwent abdominal

surgery. At the University of Miami School of Medicine's Touch

Research Institute, researchers have found that massage is helpful

in decreasing blood pressure in people with hypertension,

alleviating pain in migraine sufferers and improving alertness and

performance in office workers.


An increasing number of research studies show massage reduces heart

rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph

flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases

endorphins (enhancing medical treatment). Although therapeutic

massage does not increase muscle strength, it can stimulate weak,

inactive muscles and, thus, partially compensate for the lack of

exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also

can hasten and lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or



Research has verified that:


Office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better

and were less stressed than those who weren't massaged.


Massage therapy decreased the effects of anxiety, tension,

depression, pain, and itching in burn patients.


Abdominal surgery patients recovered more quickly after massage.

Premature infants who were massaged gained more weight and fared

better than those who weren't.

Autistic children showed less erratic behavior after massage therapy.


" Often times people are stressed in our culture. Stress-related

disorders make up between 80-and-90 percent of the ailments that

bring people to family practice physicians. What they require is

someone to listen, someone to touch them, someone to care. That does

not exist in modern medicine.


One of the complaints heard frequently is that physicians don't

touch their patients any more. Touch just isn't there. Years ago

massage was a big part of nursing. There was so much care, so much

touch, so much goodness conveyed through massage. Now nurses for the

most part are as busy as physicians. They're writing charts, dealing

with insurance notes, they're doing procedures and often there is no

room for massage any more.


Physical Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Massage also provides another therapeutic component largely absent

in today's world: tactile stimulation, or, more simply, touch. In

1986, the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami

published groundbreaking research on the effects of massage on

premature babies.


The preterm babies who received massage therapy showed 47% greater

weight gain and six-day shorter hospital stays than the infants who

were not receiving massage. But is this study evidence of what

loving touch can do spiritually, or rather what massage can do on a

physiological level? Regardless, babies are not the only benefactors


Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation


Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness. Alleviates discomfort

during pregnancy


Fosters faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments;

reduces pain and swelling; reduces formation of excessive scar



Reduces muscle spasms. Provides greater joint flexibility and range

of motion.


Enhances athletic performance; Treats injuries caused during sport

or work.


Promotes deeper and easier breathing Improves circulation of blood

and movement of lymph fluids.


Reduces blood pressure. Helps relieve tension-related headaches and

effects of eye-strain.


Enhances the health and nourishment of skin Improves posture.


Strengthens the immune system. Treats musculoskeletal problems.


Rehabilitation post operative Rehabilitation after injury.

(Source: AMTA


Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy


Fosters peace of mind Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness.


Helps relieve mental stress Improves ability to monitor stress

signals and respond appropriately.


Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity Emotional



Satisfies needs for caring nurturing touch Fosters a feeling of well



Reduces levels of anxiety Creates body awareness Increases awareness

of mind-body connection.


Emotional Level benefits

Feeling of well-being

Reduced levels of anxiety

Increased awareness of mind-body connection

Enhanced self image

A sense of being unified and in harmony



2.The violet ray is also a wondrous electrical device. Basically a

high frequency electrical device very popular in the 1900s it

produces static like electricity and the end of a glass wand which

turns purple


..Use this 3 times a week on the other days of massage, especially on

the spine. This device can be used for many other problems as well;

many people who have problems with the spine pain have got relief.


I have noticed immediate relief and a feeling of betterment very

quickly. Some therapists will have these but I recommend owning one

yourself as they can be bought quite cheaply. There is even a

group on these but make no mistake these devices do have an

influence on us.



Even the great Edgar Cayce recommended this device in hundreds of

readings for all manor of complaints.


Get physical relaxation and stimulation through the use of massage

or the Violet Ray and you will find a cure.

Cayce said that the Violet Ray stimulates the sympathetic and

cerebro-spinal nervous system and it creates a balance.


In one reading, on possession, Cayce said that it will drive out

negative earth bound entities. These are entities that try to stop

you changing the way you think. I did two of these treatments and

they were both a success. I gave them the Violet Ray up and down

both sides of the spine, three times at a slow to moderate pace.

Both had very unhappy childhood's.


Their behavior improved from then on and they appear to be still

stable. Each needed two treatments only. I believe it would help

children with behavioral problems.



3.Connect with mother earth, get a tent sleep out side 3 times a

week utilising earth energy. Connect with this planets lovely

vibration, to some of you this may seem silly.


Without doubt this energy is one of the most profound and

beneficial. Generally we are surrounded by whole structures of

inanimate matter, matter which is lifeless .A few examples would be

concrete brick, dead wood, plaster, carpets, metal radiators and

that is just the average living room. When we work or are surrounded

with living things such as gardens, nice scenery, mountains, rivers

lakes, we generally gain something from these things.


This is why so many people retreat to the mountains, lakes, and

seaside to gain sustenance from just being there. Each area has its

own innate energy and you will have noticed some people attracted

with real desire to live near the sea, or the south, north or other

areas. Nearly everyone wishes to have a Mediterranean climate with

loads more sunshine and thousands migrate there each winter.


The earth is a living breathing being of immense power and is quite

literally alive and very conscious, many people are engaged in

keeping her in a better state of balance and repairing her of which

in general we know little about. Just think for a moment of the vast

number of plants, trees, etc. that spring out from the planet.

Literally billions of different life forms each possessing life



Being close to earth can be very interesting and by close what I

mean here is having your back against her and feeling the energy of

the earth from the closeness. Don't feel that the energy is going to

hit you hard, it is far subtler than that. As an experiment try

laying on the floor of your average house and then comparing the

feeling you get from laying on the earth on your average lawn.


There is a vast difference. Throughout the many trials and

tribulations of life this energy has been one of the keystones which

has helped many people .It provides a lovely sustenance which helps

us keep in balance. I cannot think of any medical problem where this

would not help and would and recommend that everyone try it.


Those with M.E. or any energy problem in particular would be well

advised to try this. Obviously only give yourself just enough, if

you feel you are slightly irritated after a while I would say this

could be your limit at that time. Like any energy it has to be

treated with respect.


This is very much filling our more spiritual natures and I would

love to see more research done with this energy on the many

complaints, which we have to deal with.


Very often when camping out much better sleep and a greater sense of

refreshment is experienced even when sleeping on air beds as we are

much closer to the earth .If one was psychic one could possibly see

this energy which would be an entirely new field to explore. Many

people will have hugged trees or will have sat with their backs to

trees to experience a different kind of energy.


4. Ensure your diet is good raw salad once a day ideal or 5 portions

vegetables or fruit daily ensure adequate protein women 60 grams day

men around 70grams. Ensure you get adequate minerals all of them

particularly calcium and magnesium, iron in the right proportions

and combinations. See and get a decent book on nutrition like Adele

Davis book lets eat right to keep fit ISBN 0046410171.


A new study published in the February 15, 2005 issue of Biological

Psychiatry shows that certain foods are better at treating

depression than antidepressant drugs. The study found that omega-3

fatty acids and foods high in a compound called uridine were able to

reduce the symptoms of depression as well as or better than three

different antidepressant drugs that were tested.


This research was conducted at the McLean Hospital, which is

affiliated with Harvard.


It's very exciting to see this kind of study, because it shows yet

more scientific evidence for the healing effects of food as well as

the relative uselessness of prescription drugs.



Based on the results of this study, it seems silly that anyone would

continue to use antidepressant drugs to try to treat depression when

there are simple healing foods available that do a better job.


This is especially true when considering the potentially dangerous

side effects of antidepressant drugs that are now coming to light,

including increased risk of suicides, violent behavior, and other

similar acts of aggression.


Ensure adequate water intake of the order 1-2 litres per day that's

right water. Blood sugar make sure you are not suffering low blood

sugar as this can very quickly affect your mood.

Also according to a known therapist who says that some of her

patients had food intolerance's or reactions to certain foods which

were a significant contributory cause of depression .when certain

foods were taken out it seems immediate results were found.

So it might pay you to have a test done on the relationship of your

foods and you. It seems a great many benefits are obtained when you

cut out foods that don't suit you.


5.Ensure your thyroid is working well – producing the correct amount

of thyroxin not to much or too little. This can be an important

factor we have seen underactive thyroid almost putting people in a

state of comatose with brain functioning at a minimal level.


6.Ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work

when you are able. Now this touches on a concept where by

contributing something to other peoples welfare it is hoped that the

universe will respond by offsetting some of the not so good things

we have done. I have a whole paper devoted to this subject called

karma. I will send a copy of this to you – just e-mail me.

I believe that this could be a real key needing total importance in

treating many ailments, Edgar cayce devoted many hours to this very

topic, and there are many references to it in the bible. The wise

among you will consider this very carefully




7.Be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you

who love you.

What a lovely statement this is but as you become more aware of

people and their energies it is very important to choose who to be

with for any length of time. Choose people who are good company,

people you like to be with.


8.Be or get to a place which personally love or like-very important

this, you derive sustenance from the place you are in or the area.

Why do you think people travel so far getting to places they like

such as the sea, or amongst the mountains. They derive something

from being there. Some areas can be very depressing and can be the

cause of your depression.


9.Get and do some work which you like or love, no matter if its

voluntary, work can be very therapeutic. Hopefully you enjoy it; in

fact you could do a little self-analysis here to discover throughout

your life which areas of work you enjoyed the most. While you are

there you can discover the ones you least liked but don't dwell on

them too much. What we want there with this therapy is a real

positive experience you may look forward to on a daily basis if

possible. Of course do work when you are able.


10.Ensure you do no acts of a hurtful nature be really mindful of

your words which hurt or inflict on anyone –don't want to add to

your karma do we!


11.Get an radial appliance and use it.


Radial appliance

This machine is basically a box with two wires coming out of it, the

wires are connected within the box to two pieces of carbon steel

which are insulated from each other. The steel is surrounded by

blocks of carbon and further surrounded by granulated carbon. The

two wires have German silver disks on them which are then connected

to the body at special places depending on the treatment being

effected. When in use the box is placed in to ice to cool it and

then applied to the body.


Some of the Edgar cayce research on this device


This appliance was prescribed by the readings for at least one

hundred and fifteen different ailments. (Its use, without solution

jar, would benefit everyone.)


It was mentioned in 1027 different readings. An aid to meditation -

unite the body, mind and soul (The appliance was activated after 15

minutes in the ice and water



3119-1 as to build up in one extremity and discharge in the other.

The system would be improved in every condition that relates to the

body being kept in attunement.


(The appliance is for) bringing rest to the weary - those who have

been under great periods of stress and strain. To those who seek to

find an equalizing influence that will assist them in producing a

coordination in their physical and mental beings with the spiritual

affluence and effect of activity of spirituality upon the body -

physical. The appliance will put the body to sleep - irritation will



Rids cold feet the active battery, when kept clean and tight, will

last the life of use of the person, there's no ending.


- (The R-A Appliance is good for those) that need an equalizing of

the circulation; which is necessary for anyone that uses the brain a

great deal - or that is inactive. Will aid the body in every



For those who are able to build small items like this I would

recommend the book the radial appliance and the wet cell battery by

David Macmillin and Doug Richard's obtainable from the Cayce center

in Durham England or the ARE in Virginia beach USA.Or you can buy

the item from these sources.



Radial appliance feedback

Psychiatrists have used these and indeed one had built 22 of them

and were well satisfied with them. They have put them in their

freezers for about 15 or 20 min. before using and the energy

generated is terrific.


Better sleep has been reported and waking feeling totally rested.

Energy levels have also improved. Better sense of well being has

also been experienced. Meditations are much better!


One person reported a change from the shaky feelings he was having.

Sleep was also deep and refreshing which was a great change from

previous years The (Edgar Cayce) readings say this heightens all the

senses, including memory. Specifically, sight, hearing, and taste

are improved.


One person noted improved sleep with less sleep required, when using

the RA.

Improved mental activity with better comprehension.


A better sense of well being sense of well being, with a more

happier disposition.

A dramatic decrease in negative thoughts and an increase in energy

disposition was also noted


More energy and constipation of long standing is much improved...



12 Spiritual healing, Reiki, find a good healer - but someone you

feel an attunement with at a soul level otherwise you can have

negative results making your situation worse. We are know witnessing

one of the great turnings in our century where old healing practices

are re-emerging such as Reiki healing, Colour healing, Seichim,

Spiritual healing, Osteopathy, Massage and many others.


Some of these are thousands of years old, Spiritual healing is one

of those. It is exactly the same kind of energy used by Jesus in so

many of his healings.


Put simply Spiritual Healing, Reiki is the transference of certain

energies through a channel which could be a person or an animal or

even the planet, the wavelengths of this healing energy are well

outside the limits of most scientific equipment but a lot of people

can feel this energy .


The energy in my experience has been very uplifting and beautiful

which can touch and vastly influence parts of us such as the spirit

or soul or our mental selves and our physical selves. It can bring a

steadiness and balance and sense of well-being second to none .Its

limits as to its use are in the realms of the infinite.


A very simplistic analogy would be to liken it to a massive energy

reservoir which can be tapped into by people and animals which act

as the conduits of this energy and like wires of electricity some of

which are bigger than others and so therefore big wires can transmit

more energy than smaller wires.


Bearing this point in mind the reader can soon appreciate that going

to one healer can be vastly different than going to another as it is

with so many things whether it be dentists, doctors, policeman or

what have you.


Spiritual Healing is natural healing energy, which is present in

this universe. Spiritual healers work in many different ways to some

it is the laying on of hands onto a person or animal, to others it

can be sent through the power of thought. To be even in the presence

of some healers can have a profound and beneficial effect on people

and one wishes that there were more people giving off just as

beautiful vibrations as these people were this world would truly

transform it.



13 Think good positive thoughts, thoughts are real and have real

influence they can make you or break you. Right now we are building

you, so encouraging thoughts to your self and others are the order

of the day. Laughter, comedy, music, -pick your favourite films

your favourite songs your best comedy clips .If it helps make a list

of them we are surrounded by so much dross and duty it is all to

easy to forget what makes us laugh, us smile, us enjoy . If it

helps, find in your life some of the good times when things were a

whole lot better. Write them down and dwell there, you will find

that sometimes just remembering the good times helps uplift.



14 -avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering,

death, tragedies, this is what is pumped at us and they call it the

news. Beware of films, which have this too. You had better

understand this, what you witness can have an effect on you this

includes the TV and real life.

There is so much of this lower muck around it is hard to avoid, feed

upon good things, uplifting things, things that feel like a breath

of fresh air. More- steer conversation's to dwell on these things

rather than flow with someone else's dwelling on the muck. Very

subtle this but you will find there are a lot of negative people out

there – all dying to let you feel like them. Be careful who you



15 Positive affirmation- that's right programme your self in the

mirror, thoughts are things words are things actions are things, all

have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect

on themselves using these things.


16 sunshine particularly at this time of year Seasonal affected

disorder is real

We need light and many people are affected in winter by the very

short days and lack of sunshine.


Light is extremely important for the needs of man. Edgar Cayce

recommended 2 hrs a day but not at the height of the day. Sunlight

metabolizes vitamin D which is needed for the absorption of Calcium,

with osteoporosis now affecting one in three women over 50 and one

in twelve men, anything we can do to absorb calcium must be looked

at. According to one reputable light therapist who listed ten main

benefits from sunlight which include.


1 Production of vitamin D,

2.Lowers blood pressure.

3.Increases heart pumping efficiency.

4.Improves ECG readings.

5.Reduces Cholesterol and hypertension

6.Assists weight loss.

7.Effective with Psoriasis.

8.Increases the level of sex hormones.

9.Helps alleviate Asthma and other lung disorders.

10.Helps improve mood.



Tests have also been done with florescent lighting at a school in

Florida; the tests clearly showed evidence for increased

Hyperactivity, Irritability, Depression and Fatigue.Surprisingly the

lighting also affected blind people as well.


The clear alternative for florescent lights are the full spectrum

type lights where they very nearly replicate sunlight, again tests

have shown improved Health and performance, a decrease in headaches,

Depression and fatigue.


The nice thing about light therapy is that the side effects are

experienced by only a small percentage of people, and typically are

temporary. They can include a jittery feeling, excitability, mild

nausea, and mild burning of the eyes. These typically are go after a

few days and/or by temporarily adjusting the distance one sits from

their light.


An interesting measurement was taken of the amount of lux which was

present in an typical office with florescent lighting – the meter

used read about 170 lux, which is highly problematic when an average

sunny day is between 5000 –10000 lux but can be up to 100000lux.


Some people ask can just replacing my ordinary bulbs with full

spectrum ones cure me.

Interestingly for the majority of people afflicted with seasonal

affective disorder Medical research indicates the therapeutic effect

comes from the high intensity of light. This high intensity,

generally ten to twenty times brighter than regular room light,

stimulates the brain to produce the chemical changes responsible for

the antidepressant effect.


See the research here with all sorts of people



where they are

Treating people with light therapy on people who have alcohol

problems, Eating disorders, winter depression, sleep disorders,

obesity, Bulimia, anorexic nervosa, general food intake and sad,

Alzheimer's, Behavioral problems with elderly people, Suicidal

tendencies are also explored and make interesting reading.


The symptoms of SAD usually recur regularly each winter, starting

between September and November and continuing until March or April.


Sleeping problems - Usually desire to oversleep and difficulty

staying awake but, in some cases, disturbed sleep and early morning



Lethargy- Feelings of fatigue and inability to carry out normal



Overeating – A real craving for carbohydrates and sweet foods,

usually resulting in weight gain


Depression- Feelings of misery, guilt and loss of self-esteem,

sometimes hopelessness and despair, sometimes apathy and loss of



Anxiety Tension and inability to tolerate stress


Mood changes - In some sufferers, extremes of mood and short periods

of hypomania (overactivity) in spring and autumn.


Some light boxes emit higher intensity of light, up to 10,000 lux,

which can cut treatment time down to half an hour a day. According

to some researchers the light has to be full spectrum fluorescent

lighting. Although there is evidence it seems for using high

intensity florescent lighting. This could be a crucial factor and

caution is recommended here as fluorescent lighting has shown to be

problematic in a lot of situations.



Interesting feedback

A doctor had a patient with severe SAD who was from a psychiatric

hospital interested. The patient in question was a woman who was

about 35. She was an emergency admission because she had tried to

commit suicide.


He hadn't realized until then that SAD could be so life threatening.

He found out that she suffered SAD every winter, but was able to

hang on until her kids' February holiday from school when the family

took a vacation in sunny Florida, which immediately lifted her

spirits. Apparently this year the February' vacation didn't come

until the first week of March. She couldn't hold out any longer.


Another patient aged Male mid-20s was admitted to this same hospital

year after year, generally for several months at a time so severe

was his depression. He always came in about the same time of year,

usually late September, then mysteriously got well and was fine to

go in about Feb/March .He tells us that at other times of the year,

he was just fine. Light therapy was used. Staff noticed that he

became more sociable. Later he paid better attention to personal

hygiene, caring to change his clothes, to bathe himself and to

shave. There is a further report of music then coming from his room

indicating a better mood.


In another study some people can become more vulnerable to feelings

of aloneness and other sad thoughts because of the decreasing hours

of daylight and that it is the shorter day's length which sets the

stage for depression. Scientists.


In a now classical research paper authored by Norman Rosenthal and

his colleagues found they could predict how many of the people they

studied would develop SAD symptoms on the basis of how brief the

daylight hours were. As daylight began noticeably decreasing in

September, some people were affected.


By the time the days bracketing the winter solstice came, almost

everyone in the study group was affected. Then, as the season moved

away from the solstice toward spring with lengthening daylight

hours, the number of affected people began to decline. By the end of

May, almost everyone was back to their old selves, some

unfortunately even switching into what psychiatrists call mania.



To make sure that this association between change in mood and amount

of light was more than just mere coincidence, the next step was to

supply light to see if it they could reverse the SAD mood. They used

two different kinds of light; just to make sure the extra attention

paid to the SAD patients wasn't what helped resolve the depression.


The dimmer, yellow light they used had no effect. However, the

brighter light with a frequency spectrum more or less simulating the

frequencies in sunlight, produced a marked change in mood in most

(but not all) the patients who received that treatment. Their mood

lightened, as it were, with the administration of light.


Researchers at medical centers and clinics in the U.S., Canada,

Europe, Asian and Australia have had much success with light therapy

in many thousands of patients with clear histories of SAD for at

least several years. Marked improvement is usually observed within

four or five days, if not sooner and symptoms often return in about

the same amount of time when the lights are withdrawn. Some people

take longer than the usual few days to respond to light.


Soon after, several research centers initiated clinical trials, and

more than 2,500 SAD patients have been studied to date. The method

has also been used in private practices, in most cases by

psychiatrists, but also by family doctors, psychologists, and

psychiatric social workers and nurses


17. There are other spiritual influences present in many cases of

depression which I wont go into here , they are real and can be

extremely damaging to the self .But mentioning them here could be

distressing to many people but for the 1% of you who are aware of

spiritual matters I will send this info by e mail. Unfortunately it

has been my experience that these can play a major role in giving

you depression .


18 another thing that helps more than you think--- hugs – get

someone who has some empathy with you to give you a 2-3 min hug not

10 secs but a real hug - see how that feels


19 exercise for those of you who are up to it –find an exercise

though that you enjoy walking , running fencing ,climbing, whatever –

but something you enjoy




20. the option method - i see this at the minute as a discovery

tool for the person about himself or about the conditions they find

them self in. About discovering why they are unhappy


i can conceive of this also aiding change to some degree within a

person . of course this can help with depression where the problem

lies within the person ,about himself .


see http://www.optionmethodnetwork.com/ or www.option.org


Hope you enjoy the read and find the will to tackle the problem, as

I said at the beginning getting these things in place can be

challenging but not impossible.



Like I said at the beginning I consider these to be major

influences that can affect the way you feel –there are no promises

of a total cure here.




















In rawfood , " MARY JO RAIN " <mjrain@m...> wrote:

> Hi I've been eating raw for about a week. I eat soaked oatmeal

with walnuts and maple syrup before bed, but that is a grain, also

is corn out, the brief time we have it? I am 56 and 5'3 " and 1160

lb. I'm recovering from extensive back surgery and have no thyroid,

have IBS, am bi polar and add. I also have low blood sugar and just

had cantaloupe and banana for breakfast. I think I will take a few

almonds to church, in case. I am off my add med, but I cannot eat

cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. . Got to run, anyone one

with any helpful advise? mj <><



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Hi Phil!


I first checked, and saw that you'd been a list member since 2003.

sooo.. you know that one of the foci of the list is Natural Hygiene,

and rawfood.


Most of the modalities/therapies you've listed are just offshoots of

the medical model - they are working on treating the symptoms, and not

the body healing itself.





> 1. massage your back and legs at least 3

> times a week

> Use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil.


*** as a previously state_licensed massage therapist (FL), I'm very

familiar with the stated claims of MT. the mixture above, just adds

fat to the body, and clogs the pores.


> 2.The violet ray is also a wondrous electrical device. Basically a

> high frequency electrical device very popular in the 1900s it

> produces static like electricity and the end of a glass wand which

> turns purple

> >

> **Working on alleviaing symptoms...not on healing.


> 3.Connect with mother earth, get a tent sleep out side 3 times a

> week utilising earth energy. Connect with this planets lovely

> vibration, to some of you this may seem silly.


rest, sleep and fresh air are some of the NH principles.


> 4. Ensure your diet is good raw salad once a day ideal or 5 portions

> vegetables or fruit daily ensure adequate protein women 60 grams day

> men around 70grams.


**very outdated, and way too high: we don't anywhere near that level

of protein. See T. Colin Campbell's " China Study " for better updated

data. it's at least 2x what we really need.


Ensure you get adequate minerals all of them

> particularly calcium and magnesium, iron in the right proportions

> and combinations.


yes, and only usable by the body directly from plants - not in any

supplement form.


See and get a decent book on nutrition like Adele

> Davis book lets eat right to keep fit ISBN 0046410171.


Not needed - other animals can't even read, and they get fine nutrition.


> A new study published in the February 15, 2005 issue of Biological

> Psychiatry shows that certain foods are better at treating

> depression than antidepressant drugs. The study found that omega-3

> fatty acids and foods high in a compound called uridine were able to

> reduce the symptoms of depression as well as or better than three

> different antidepressant drugs that were tested.


pure hogwash: no foods can treat anything - only the body can heal itself.




> Ensure adequate water intake of the order 1-2 litres per day that's

> right water.


yes, good clean water is one of th NH elements...

Blood sugar make sure you are not suffering low blood

> sugar as this can very quickly affect your mood.

> Also according to a known therapist who says that some of her

> patients had food intolerance's or reactions to certain foods which

> were a significant contributory cause of depression .when certain

> foods were taken out it seems immediate results were found.


yes, we need to eat " whole, raw, fresh, ripe fruits, vegys, and some

nuts and seeds " for an optimal dietary...


> So it might pay you to have a test done on the relationship of your

> foods and you. It seems a great many benefits are obtained when you

> cut out foods that don't suit you.


can do the test ourselves - don't eat it for 3-4 weeks, and then eat

it and see what happens..



> 5.Ensure your thyroid is working well – producing the correct amount

> of thyroxin not to much or too little. This can be an important

> factor we have seen underactive thyroid almost putting people in a

> state of comatose with brain functioning at a minimal level.


given the correct ingredients, the body can manage this just fine.

Health can only be obtained by Health Living.


> 6.Ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work

> when you are able.


connecting with others - ok...



> 7.Be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you

> who love you.

> What a lovely statement this is but as you become more aware of

> people and their energies it is very important to choose who to be

> with for any length of time. Choose people who are good company,

> people you like to be with.


good company - yes...


> 8.Be or get to a place which personally love or like-very important

> this, you derive sustenance from the place you are in or the area.

> Why do you think people travel so far getting to places they like

> such as the sea, or amongst the mountains. They derive something

> from being there. Some areas can be very depressing and can be the

> cause of your depression.




> 9.Get and do some work which you like or love, no matter if its

> voluntary, work can be very therapeutic.

yes, fulfilling work...


> 10.Ensure you do no acts of a hurtful nature be really mindful of

> your words which hurt or inflict on anyone –don't want to add to

> your karma do we!




> 11.Get an radial appliance and use it.


not needed - not found in nature..

> more gadgets a go-go.



> 12 Spiritual healing, Reiki, - \


more therapeutic modalities - Health can only be obtained by Healthy



> 13 Think good positive thoughts, thoughts are real and have real

> influence they can make you or break you. Right now we are building

> you, so encouraging thoughts to your self and others are the order

> of the day. Laughter, comedy, music, -pick your favourite films

> your favourite songs your best comedy clips .If it helps make a list

> of them we are surrounded by so much dross and duty it is all to

> easy to forget what makes us laugh, us smile, us enjoy . If it

> helps, find in your life some of the good times when things were a

> whole lot better. Write them down and dwell there, you will find

> that sometimes just remembering the good times helps uplift.


positive - good...



> 14 -avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering,

> death, tragedies, this is what is pumped at us and they call it the

> news. Beware of films, which have this too. You had better

> understand this, what you witness can have an effect on you this

> includes the TV and real life.

> There is so much of this lower muck around it is hard to avoid, feed

> upon good things, uplifting things, things that feel like a breath

> of fresh air. More- steer conversation's to dwell on these things

> rather than flow with someone else's dwelling on the muck. Very

> subtle this but you will find there are a lot of negative people out

> there – all dying to let you feel like them. Be careful who you

> with.


opposite of #13...redundant...


> 15 Positive affirmation- that's right programme your self in the

> mirror, thoughts are things words are things actions are things, all

> have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect

> on themselves using these things.





> 16 sunshine particularly at this time of year Seasonal affected

> disorder is real

> We need light and many people are affected in winter by the very

> short days and lack of sunshine.


yes, sunshine, sunbathing is one of the NH elements/principles.

and despite how wonderful it is, sunlight does none of those things;

it's just part of what our bodies need to function optimally.




> Tests have also been done with florescent lighting at a school in

> Florida; the tests clearly showed evidence for increased

> Hyperactivity, Irritability, Depression and Fatigue.Surprisingly the

> lighting also affected blind people as well.


> opposite of above : yes, sunshine/light is optimal...


> 17. There are other spiritual influences present in many cases of

> depression which I wont go into here , they are real and can be

> extremely damaging to the self .But mentioning them here could be

> distressing to many people but for the 1% of you who are aware of

> spiritual matters I will send this info by e mail. Unfortunately it

> has been my experience that these can play a major role in giving

> you depression .


> 18 another thing that helps more than you think--- hugs – get

> someone who has some empathy with you to give you a 2-3 min hug not

> 10 secs but a real hug - see how that feels


connecting with other humanity....


> 19 exercise for those of you who are up to it –find an exercise

> though that you enjoy walking , running fencing ,climbing, whatever –

> no, not optional - it's required....we're made to move...




> 20. the option method - i see this at the minute as a discovery

> tool for the person about himself or about the conditions they find

> them self in. About discovering why they are unhappy


> no idea what this is, and suggest that we remain focused on proven

NH principles.



all the best,















In rawfood , " MARY JO RAIN " <mjrain@m...> wrote:

> > Hi I've been eating raw for about a week. I eat soaked oatmeal

> with walnuts and maple syrup before bed, but that is a grain, also

> is corn out, the brief time we have it? I am 56 and 5'3 " and 1160

> lb. I'm recovering from extensive back surgery and have no thyroid,

> have IBS, am bi polar and add. I also have low blood sugar and just

> had cantaloupe and banana for breakfast. I think I will take a few

> almonds to church, in case. I am off my add med, but I cannot eat

> cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. . Got to run, anyone one

> with any helpful advise? mj <><

> >

> >

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THANK YOU for sharing the depression information. I was so happy to

see that it was not biased by the medical industry or any

other 'industry', lol. I intend to take allll of the advice listed and

am also planning to read this information to my mother when I visit

her in the hospital tommorrow. I am planning to purchase a Violet Ray

asap as well!!


I am extremely grateful and would give you a 2-3 minute hug if I

could, lol. ***hugsss***


Also, I am looking forward to eating one great salad per day with my

family. THanks again and have a great day!



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  • 2 weeks later...

That is an excellent question, and one I may not be able to answer.


I get as much sunlight as possible. I live in an area that gets lots

of light during the summer, plus additional light reflected off the

river. During parts of the winter, I am fortunate to be able to travel

to sunny climes.


Exercise is something I get quite a bit of, especially since I am a

member of the county's Search & Rescue team. I also have a Golden

Retriever who is much happier running the trails than sitting.


This is all to say that because I get these two things in fairly high

doses, I don't know what the results would be if I just ate the raw

vegan diet and didn't exercise or spend time in the sunshine.


I do know that the two together, without the raw vegan diet, did not

reverse my symptoms.



(Washington State)



rawfood , " John L. Fielder "

<academy.natural.living@i...> wrote:


> I am most interested to know how much you feel certain other aspects

of life are to you with regard to bi-polar, such as exercise and sunlight?


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i've been diagnosed bi-polar, but it's really irrelevent as long as

i'm raw. my exercise is a lot of walking everyday.


rawfood , " Annette " <cloudriver> wrote:

> That is an excellent question, and one I may not be able to answer.


> I get as much sunlight as possible. I live in an area that gets lots

> of light during the summer, plus additional light reflected off the

> river. During parts of the winter, I am fortunate to be able to


> to sunny climes.


> Exercise is something I get quite a bit of, especially since I am a

> member of the county's Search & Rescue team. I also have a Golden

> Retriever who is much happier running the trails than sitting.


> This is all to say that because I get these two things in fairly


> doses, I don't know what the results would be if I just ate the raw

> vegan diet and didn't exercise or spend time in the sunshine.


> I do know that the two together, without the raw vegan diet, did not

> reverse my symptoms.


> Annette

> (Washington State)



> rawfood , " John L. Fielder "

> <academy.natural.living@i...> wrote:

> >

> > I am most interested to know how much you feel certain other


> of life are to you with regard to bi-polar, such as exercise and


> >

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