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My intro....

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thought I should say hi....introduce myself and such.



I currently live in the suburbs of Seattle, WA. Yes, it rains A LOT! Gorgeous

weather today, though. I have an 11 year old son, and have been divorced 4 1/2





September 11th, of 2003, I was diagnosed with cancerous tumors on my thyroid.

My Naturopath said I needed to have my thyroid removed immediately and possibly

follow up with radio active iodine. I had a surgery scheduled for mid October.

Finally, about two weeks before the surgery I told my parents and sister. (you

see, I didn't want to cause worry until I knew which road I was going to take as

my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks before my diagnoses.)

As each day passed and I drew closer to surgery I became more and more

distressed. After spending three days of straight crying I woke the morning of

the surgery. I called at 9 am (1.5 hours before surgery, mind you) and

cancelled. I knew that surgery and a lifetime dependency on hormone medication

was not the answer for me. But I had no alternatives. I ended up scheduling a

second surgery which I cancelled about 1 week before the date. The tumor was

about the size of a ping pong ball and very visible to

the human eye. I was scared to death. FINALLY, I met my health coach (and now

very dear friend), Arnoux Goran.




Arnoux was a friend of a friend. I knew he taught about raw food. I went to a

Holiday / New Year party and after talking to him made the decision to do my

first cleanse. He agreed to coach me through it. I began eating 100% raw food

and cleansing on January 19th of 2004. My first commitment was to eat raw food

for the duration of the cleanse and a few weeks afterward. I did a lot of

reading, as suggested by my coach, and had many long talks about nutrients and

the way my body should be working. After two weeks I had committed to 6 months

on raw food. I was totally LOVING it!! At the end of the cleanse I knew I

could easily commit to 1 year of 100% raw food.




I extended the cleanse 9 days, so it was 39 days total. I lost 51 pounds, and

the tumor was no longer visible to the naked eye - unless I tilted my head back,

then you could see a little knob. It was so awesome! I have an ultrasound done

every three months to measure the progress. I believe that once I purge the

underlying emotions that created the dis-ease within my body, the tumor will go

away completely!.




I am still 100% raw (vegan). At this point I am committed for the rest of my

life. It's hard to fathom what I used to put in my body and I have no desire to

ever do that again!!




My son still eats the standard American diet. I am troubled about this, and

hope that one day he will see the light, so to speak, and stop being so stubborn

(he gets it from his mom!).




It is my intent to move to San Diego by December 1st of this year. I have

started a business with three colleagues (www.sunlightunlimited.com), and since

they are all located in San Diego, I am moving down there. I am so excited!!.




I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and sharing my own.




To your health! Paula (lala)




When it is dark enough you can see the stars



Start your day with - make it your home page



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> -

> Paula Wood

> I extended the cleanse 9 days, so it was 39 days total. I lost 51 pounds,

and the tumor was no longer visible to the naked eye - unless I tilted my head

back, then you could see a little knob. It was so awesome! I have an

ultrasound done every three months to measure the progress. I believe that

once I purge the underlying emotions that created the dis-ease within my

body, the tumor will go away completely!.


rich: that's what they say and i believe it. they say this diet can cure all


and i believe it can from what i've read and heard lectured about. from my

own background i know that the mental creates the physical, that anything

that's going on with me is a manifestation of my own consciousness, my own

thoughts and beliefs. so if i can change my beliefs, my package of thoughts

about some area of life, then i can change the physical circumstances to that

aspect of my life.


it's important for me to rid myself of all immorality, as i understand it, it's

the " purging " of those underlying emotions that i'm trying to do. although i


no great physical ailment i have serious character defects in terms of behavior

that keep me from being as mentally healthy as i'd like. in other words, i'm


experiencing the degree of joy and peace that i would be if my character was

morally good.


> I am still 100% raw (vegan). At this point I am committed for the rest of


life. It's hard to fathom what I used to put in my body and I have no desire to

ever do that again!!


i'm commited to this diet for the rest of my life too, wish me luck, i'm going


need it for the first two years while i purge away that unwanted mental energy

that i still have. that stuff could trip me up pretty easily until i get rid of

at least

the bulk of it, and not just into the cooked food but other areas.


everything starts small and grows strong, that's just the way god designed it,

there's no getting around it, rome truly was not built in a day, nor could it


been. and everytime i start over on raw, i'm practically starting completely

over on the mental health, the purging process all over again from scratch,

from home base, from the starting point, all over again.


> My son still eats the standard American diet. I am troubled about this, and

hope that one day he will see the light, so to speak, and stop being so

stubborn (he gets it from his mom!).


yeah right, this diet is next to impossible to really do right and never go back

to sad, very few raw fooders will ever get it, let alone those who have little


no interest in it, no sense in troubling yourself about those who eat sad, even

your own son.


> It is my intent to move to San Diego by December 1st of this year. I have

started a business with three colleagues (www.sunlightunlimited.com), and

since they are all located in San Diego, I am moving down there. I am so



i lived in san diego for six years then again for a year, loved it, beautiful

all the

time, too bad you missed the summer there, they have a lot of fun activities,

fairs and such, lots of concerts. i'll probably go back for a summer sometime

but hopefully i'll reside permanently in philadelphia, where i currently am.


of produce places in san diego, can't miss them.


> I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and sharing my own.


share and share alike. hopefully i can stay committed to this forum for awhile

and get myself comfortably raw again, i'm not there yet and with my character

defects wanting to creep out, i'd like to stay raw even if i fail in this area,

and a

committment to this forum is pretty much the only chance i have. this forum

has to mean something to me in order to stay raw if i fail in some other way.

it's not hard right now staying raw as i don't see myself as doing anything

wrong, anything outside of god's will, but that could happen, and i'd like to

remain raw through it if it happens.


so dialoguing with you will help me with my committment to this forum. thanks

for the help.




> To your health! Paula (lala)


to your happiness!


> When it is dark enough you can see the stars


i want it all bright like the sun. i want the world to stop spinning and i want


live on the border of the light and the dark so i can play in the day and get a

good nights sleep.



> Start your day with - make it your home page


i'm here on every day, committed to my rawfood forum and going

through my e-mail, a account. i go to twice or thrice a day.



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Hi Paula,


I commend you for making such a wise decision. I am appalled that a so-called

Naturopath would recommend surgery etc. It is this trend in the Naturopathic

world that makes me distance myself from it although it is one of the

disciplines which I graduated in. Unfortunately many are unaware that

Naturopathy and Nature Cure are not synonomous. That Nature Cure as practised in

the UK by the followers of the late James C Thomson of Edinburgh, and Natural

Hygiene are, by and large.


The Naturopaths of today practice " alternative medicine " not an " alternative to

medicine " .


And yes, I do believe there is a place for all of these people, and it will

continue to be so until such time as we all come to understand and believe in

the laws of nature. Knowing human nature I doubt that this will ever be. Well

not in my lifetime at least.



John L. Fielder, DO,DC,ND(Adel)

Osteopath & Lifestyle Consultant

Academy of Natural Living



Paula Wood


Monday, August 29, 2005 9:50 AM

[Raw Food] My intro....



thought I should say hi....introduce myself and such.



I currently live in the suburbs of Seattle, WA. Yes, it rains A LOT!

Gorgeous weather today, though. I have an 11 year old son, and have been

divorced 4 1/2 years.




September 11th, of 2003, I was diagnosed with cancerous tumors on my thyroid.

My Naturopath said I needed to have my thyroid removed immediately and possibly

follow up with radio active iodine. I had a surgery scheduled for mid October.

Finally, about two weeks before the surgery I told my parents and sister. (you

see, I didn't want to cause worry until I knew which road I was going to take as

my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks before my diagnoses.)

As each day passed and I drew closer to surgery I became more and more

distressed. After spending three days of straight crying I woke the morning of

the surgery. I called at 9 am (1.5 hours before surgery, mind you) and

cancelled. I knew that surgery and a lifetime dependency on hormone medication

was not the answer for me. But I had no alternatives. I ended up scheduling a

second surgery which I cancelled about 1 week before the date. The tumo r was

about the size of a ping pong ball and very visible to

the human eye. I was scared to death. FINALLY, I met my health coach (and

now very dear friend), Arnoux Goran.




Arnoux was a friend of a friend. I knew he taught about raw food. I went to

a Holiday / New Year party and after talking to him made the decision to do my

first cleanse. He agreed to coach me through it. I began eating 100% raw food

and cleansing on January 19th of 2004. My first commitment was to eat raw food

for the duration of the cleanse and a few weeks afterward. I did a lot of

reading, as suggested by my coach, and had many long talks about nutrients and

the way my body should be working. After two weeks I had committed to 6 months

on raw food. I was totally LOVING it!! At the end of the cleanse I knew I

could easily commit to 1 year of 100% raw food.




I extended the cleanse 9 days, so it was 39 days total. I lost 51 pounds, and

the tumor was no longer visible to the naked eye - unless I tilted my head back,

then you could see a little knob. It was so awesome! I have an ultrasound done

every three months to measure the progress. I believe that once I purge the

underlying emotions that created the dis-ease within my body, the tumor will go

away completely!.




I am still 100% raw (vegan). At this point I am committed for the rest of my

life. It's hard to fathom what I used to put in my body and I have no desire to

ever do that again!!




My son still eats the standard American diet. I am troubled about this, and

hope that one day he will see the light, so to speak, and stop being so stubborn

(he gets it from his mom!).




It is my intent to move to San Diego by December 1st of this year. I have

started a business with three colleagues (www.sunlightunlimited.com), and since

they are all located in San Diego, I am moving down there. I am so excited!!.




I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and sharing my own.




To your health! Paula (lala)




When it is dark enough you can see the stars


Start your day with - make it your home page


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>it's important for me to rid myself of all immorality, as i


it, it's

the " purging " of those underlying emotions that i'm trying to do.

although i have

no great physical ailment i have serious character defects in terms of


that keep me from being as mentally healthy as i'd like. in other


i'm not

experiencing the degree of joy and peace that i would be if my



morally good.


Fasting is best for that.


rich: eating airy produce is just like fasting to me.


>i'm commited to this diet for the rest of my life too, wish me luck,


going to

need it for the first two years while i purge away that unwanted



that i still have. that stuff could trip me up pretty easily until i


rid of at least

the bulk of it, and not just into the cooked food but other areas.


That might work -- or 3 weeks of fasting instead.


rich: i don't see a point to fasting, i don't think it's natural, i

don't see any of the other animals fasting and my body wants a

certain amount of food each day. as long as it's getting healthy,

raw plant food i think that's a good thing. why go hungry? i see no

point to it, unless someone is so totally messed up or seriously ill

physically that they desperately need a fast in order to heal some

serious ailment of the body.


but in general i don't see fasting as something that i would do for

the long term, so why do it at all?


>yeah right, this diet is next to impossible to really do right and


go back

to sad, very few raw fooders will ever get it, let alone those who


little or

no interest in it, no sense in troubling yourself about those who eat

sad, even

your own son.


I did it.


rich: keep on trucking, what do you specifically eat?


>hopefully i'll reside permanently in philadelphia, where i currently



of produce places in san diego, can't miss them.


Why do you like Phillly?


rich: lots to do, large city but not overwhelming, there's u penn

near center city which adds to activities, lots of places where they

hold lectures, plays, services, discussions, lots of good museums and

parks to go to, an interesting independence area, it's all very

manageable in a certain large radius for me. i could go on, there's

a trememdous amount to enjoy about philly.


>what are the non-text portions of this message that have been



does this message at the bottom of everything mean?


Perhaps it means there were italics, bold, underlining, or pictures.


rich: i'll go with that.


>it should be so fast that i'd have to go back ten pages to find what


said and see if i got any responses. do we think we'll ever see that


on this



If so, I'll unsub.


rich: i'm sure some good forums will branch off if it ever gets that

big, we'll probably have rawfood1, rawfood2, etc. just to keep it


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>rich: eating airy produce is just like fasting to me.


It's obvious you've never fasted. You're just embarrassing yourself.


>rich: i don't see a point to fasting, i don't think it's natural


(a) The point is to accomplish in 3 weeks what you haven't been able


do in 3 years.


(b) It's natural. All species do it. Not every animal has the



being able to find food whenever it wants it.


rich again: yea, but they're on the look for food when they're



<What's unnatural is


having food around whenever you want it.


>i don't see any of the other animals fasting


They do it when you aren't watching them then. Some even hibernate.


>and my body wants a certain amount of food each day.


It also wants cooked food, but that doesn't mean it's wants are



>as long as it's getting healthy, raw plant food i think that's a good



Yes, it's a good thing.


>why go hungry? i see no point to it,


To get well faster.


>but in general i don't see fasting as something that i would do for

the long term, so why do it at all?


Changing the oil in your car is not something you'd want to do every


either, but it's still a good idea to do it periodically.


rich again: we've obviously reached an impasse here with the

fasting, some prescribe to such as yourself, some don't.


>rich: keep on trucking, what do you specifically eat?


Specifically, different foods at different times of year, depending on

what's in season, what I can afford, and what I grow in my garden --




Today, I ate bananas, grapes, raisins, tomatoes, a zucchini,


brazil nuts, walnuts, an egg, broccoli, and kale.


rich again: instead of raisins, eat grapes, i don't know what you

use flaxseeds for, what are they and why do you consider them a

food? an egg is not raw vegan, i don't like the taste of kale, i

don't eat it.


>Why do you ask?


to get an understanding of a feature from where you're coming from


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Have faith John! The critical mass theory states that only 2.5 to 5 percent of

a population has to buy into a new idea or conciousness before it becomes a part

of everyones conciousness. We are so close!! Give it a few more years!!


And, thank you for your compliments.....


Namaste, Paula


" John L. Fielder " <academy.natural.living wrote:

Hi Paula,


I commend you for making such a wise decision. I am appalled that a so-called

Naturopath would recommend surgery etc. It is this trend in the Naturopathic

world that makes me distance myself from it although it is one of the

disciplines which I graduated in. Unfortunately many are unaware that

Naturopathy and Nature Cure are not synonomous. That Nature Cure as practised in

the UK by the followers of the late James C Thomson of Edinburgh, and Natural

Hygiene are, by and large.


The Naturopaths of today practice " alternative medicine " not an " alternative to

medicine " .


And yes, I do believe there is a place for all of these people, and it will

continue to be so until such time as we all come to understand and believe in

the laws of nature. Knowing human nature I doubt that this will ever be. Well

not in my lifetime at least.



John L. Fielder, DO,DC,ND(Adel)

Osteopath & Lifestyle Consultant

Academy of Natural Living



Paula Wood


Monday, August 29, 2005 9:50 AM

[Raw Food] My intro....



thought I should say hi....introduce myself and such.



I currently live in the suburbs of Seattle, WA. Yes, it rains A LOT!

Gorgeous weather today, though. I have an 11 year old son, and have been

divorced 4 1/2 years.




September 11th, of 2003, I was diagnosed with cancerous tumors on my thyroid.

My Naturopath said I needed to have my thyroid removed immediately and possibly

follow up with radio active iodine. I had a surgery scheduled for mid October.

Finally, about two weeks before the surgery I told my parents and sister. (you

see, I didn't want to cause worry until I knew which road I was going to take as

my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks before my diagnoses.)

As each day passed and I drew closer to surgery I became more and more

distressed. After spending three days of straight crying I woke the morning of

the surgery. I called at 9 am (1.5 hours before surgery, mind you) and

cancelled. I knew that surgery and a lifetime dependency on hormone medication

was not the answer for me. But I had no alternatives. I ended up scheduling a

second surgery which I cancelled about 1 week before the date. The tumo r was

about the size of a ping pong ball and very visible to

the human eye. I was scared to death. FINALLY, I met my health coach (and

now very dear friend), Arnoux Goran.




Arnoux was a friend of a friend. I knew he taught about raw food. I went to

a Holiday / New Year party and after talking to him made the decision to do my

first cleanse. He agreed to coach me through it. I began eating 100% raw food

and cleansing on January 19th of 2004. My first commitment was to eat raw food

for the duration of the cleanse and a few weeks afterward. I did a lot of

reading, as suggested by my coach, and had many long talks about nutrients and

the way my body should be working. After two weeks I had committed to 6 months

on raw food. I was totally LOVING it!! At the end of the cleanse I knew I

could easily commit to 1 year of 100% raw food.




I extended the cleanse 9 days, so it was 39 days total. I lost 51 pounds, and

the tumor was no longer visible to the naked eye - unless I tilted my head back,

then you could see a little knob. It was so awesome! I have an ultrasound done

every three months to measure the progress. I believe that once I purge the

underlying emotions that created the dis-ease within my body, the tumor will go

away completely!.




I am still 100% raw (vegan). At this point I am committed for the rest of my

life. It's hard to fathom what I used to put in my body and I have no desire to

ever do that again!!




My son still eats the standard American diet. I am troubled about this, and

hope that one day he will see the light, so to speak, and stop being so stubborn

(he gets it from his mom!).




It is my intent to move to San Diego by December 1st of this year. I have

started a business with three colleagues (www.sunlightunlimited.com), and since

they are all located in San Diego, I am moving down there. I am so excited!!.




I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and sharing my own.




To your health! Paula (lala)




When it is dark enough you can see the stars


Start your day with - make it your home page


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look at the guilty looks that people have over the way they eat or high

they almost cry over admitting the way they eat (hidden through overt



rawfood , Paula Wood <wolfmother1> wrote:

> Have faith John! The critical mass theory states that only 2.5 to 5

percent of a population has to buy into a new idea or conciousness

before it becomes a part of everyones conciousness. We are so close!!

Give it a few more years!!


> And, thank you for your compliments.....


> Namaste, Paula

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