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100# Celebration (Warning: LONG!)

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Hello All!


I'm celebrating today, and I was thinking of an appropriate way to do

that, and I decided to share some of my story with others:


100# Milestone/signpost Celebration


Jan 2001:

It's almost 5 years now, or it will be very shortly. This is what

I've chosen as my starting point, and it was

also the most I'd ever weighed in my life.


I was almost 50 years old, and my Health was beginning to fade

rapidly: one of the outward signs was

that I weighed 247 pounds. I'm 5'9 " tall, and that equates to a BMI

(Body Mass Index) of 35.95, which put

me in the Obese II classification, although at the time, I had no idea

of what a BMI or any Obese classification was.

Waist size: 45 " , chest about 54 " .

I had some trouble " breathing " while exercising - of course, the easy

answer was just not to do that!

At this time, my % body fat was just about 40%, which meant that I was

carrying around just under 100# of fat. I'd never

really thought about it that way. I haven't actually found any good

pictures from this time frame, since I wasn't wild

about my body shape/size at this point, I really didn't go out of my

way to have any pictures taken.


Only real thing different in 2001 was more cardio activity: I'd

started playing tennis recreationally, and I was lucky, very lucky to

be able to play 3 consecutive games of singles. (for those who don't

follow tennis - it takes a minimum of 6 games, winning by two games

usually, to win a set. and it normally takes 2/3 sets to win a match.

Matches can have anywhere from a minimum of 12 games to upwards of 30

games.) Somewhere in here I'd learned about Hulda Clarke and the Cure

for All Diseases, and I thougth, " yes, *this* is it: this is how I'll

be " cured " . Enter: the Zapper. Minor improvements overall.

Herbal tinctures, flushes, etc.



Jan 2002:

With various struggles over the next year, I'd managed to get my

weight down to 237 pounds, a BMI of 34.5

and right at the top of the Obese I classification. My body fat was

slightly better. I continued to play tennis,

learned more about effective use of my Heart Rate Monitor (HRM), and

spent a lot of time working out.

I could play a few more games now, and the NSAIDs (non-steroid,

anti-inflammatory drugs), Advil, Ibuprofen, etc. and I

were all good friends now: if I didn't take some pills before I

played tennis, and afterwards, the knee pain would actually keep me

awake at night.


By July, something had me more focused: I was " tracking/recording "

more data - I had a spreadsheet setup, and had now

begun to set some goals for myself: both short and long term. My long

term goal was to get my weight down to the top of the " normal " range,

which for me, meant weighing 168 pounds. This seemed too big: so I

set smaller, shorter goals. I set as my first target to get down to

the " overweight " category, which would be about 202 pounds. That

seemed more manageable.



Did the Men's Health weight loss, body firming program. Minor help.


Jan. 2003:

Weight: 225.6 pounds. 37.5% body fat. waist size about a 40-42. Had

a better scale now. BMI: Obese I. I'd made some progress, and not

enough. The hunt continues.


7/15/03 - BP: 117/70 (decided to periodically check my BP)


8/1: weight: 228. (graph pt. #17) note minor backsliding..Somewhere

prior to August, I'd read about the " Zone " system --- so, I embarked

upon that. It's basically a program of counting " blocks " of

ingredients, fat, protein and carbs. It " helped " some with my weight.

The thing that I thought was really helping me was pharmaceutical

grade fish oil - (@~$60/8oz. - it should help! arrghhhh!) - the first

time I ingested it, I felt like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz - my

joints no longer creaked or ached. I replace the NSAIDs with fish

oil. (not thinking at all about it being 100% fat!)


9/03 - in the middle of a " series " of colonics - I somehow thought

they would help. At $65/pop, they helped the colonic therapist

financially. taking various supplements and digestive enzymes, etc.

10/18 - reached short term goal of 202! small victory! (graph pt.

#32) BMI now 29.4. Started Dr. Schulz's programs - more supplements,

flushes, magic formulas, and money expended. I continue to flounder,

making some progress.


Jan. 2004 -

Weight: 199 pounds. continuing to play more and more tennis: game

improving, and weight dropping.

New goal is 168 pounds, the top of a " normal " weight range.


somewhere right in here, I made several large changes, mostly in

intent and attitude:

What made a bell go off for me was taking a seminar, Premier

Educational Systems, LLC, called " Values " And making a commitment to

Health as one of my values, and we have since then incorporated it

into our Family Values.


With the definition of a value being: " …consciously chosen guiding

principle that permeates every area of my life.. "


Out of this, and putting together several pieces of information, one

Raw Food, and then the next being a saying from an earlier Premier

Seminar, Discovery: " …that which is not acted upon is not learned… " ,

coupled with " …the Universe rewards action not just thinking about

it… " coupled with " …you are 100% accountable for your outcomes and

results. If you do not like your results, then choose something

different… " I chose to become a Raw vegan in late September, 2004.

This process assisted me in moving from fear to action.


3/9 - weight 196 (graph pt. 51) BP: 120/74

10/6/04 - Weight: 194.8 pounds (note the very low change from

January.) couple of days now on Dr. Ehret's muscusless diet, and had a

massage yesterday, and a colonic last Friday; started juicing - I

describe myself as still floundering here.


11/2 - weight: 187.4 (graph pt. #58) BMI: 27.3

24 hr. fast yesterday - from dinner Sunday to dinner Monday

Note first fast in a long time. Just water. by now,

have started re-reading many of the old classics on Health in

my library - Dr. Shelton, T.C. Fry, Dr. Bernard Jensen,

and others.

11/8 - weight: 184.6 (graph pt. #62) BMI: 26.87 - and a new low in

weight since 1998! it's now all feeling very possible.

12/8 - weight: 182.8 (graph pt. #70) BMI: 26.6 - almost 4 hrs. of

tennis last night (note the huge difference by now

in my cardio endurance)

12/22 - 183.2 - some backsliding - did " ok " through the Thanksgiving

holidays, I thought...


1/22/05 - 194 (graph pt. 74) - something's not working well - I was

eating mostly raw Vegan, and my weight was going up!

I was having mostly fruit during the day and then a

large salad at night with just a " few nuts/seeds " , a " little "

avocado, and some homemade dressing, made from pure, virgin, organic,

olive oil. I'm somewhat discourage here.


2/27/05 - I've somehow stumbled across/discovered the Raw Food board

at . very quickly, I'm reading as much as I

can, seeing what people are saying works and doesn't

work. From Elchanan and Laurie Masters, I'm introduced

to the concept of getting most of our calories from

fruit, especially sweet fruit, and not from fats! I thought: hey, no

problem - I'm only eating a " little " fat each day. From Laurie, I was

introduced to Nutridiary (www.nutridiary.com), and I checked to see

what percent of my calories were coming from fat: I was completely

shocked! it was over 42%. From there,

I became familiar with Dr. Doug Graham's work on 80/10/10, and

modified my diet and lifestyle accordingly.


At almost the exact same time, from some references I'd seen from

other folks, and I'd been " searching " for it for alomst 6 months, I

found T.C. Fry's " Life Science Health System " on Nora Lenz's site,

www.rawschool.com, and I purchased it (for like $200.) And this

expenditure now ranks as among one of the absolute best investments

I've ever made!

I'm now in the middle of an explosion in my life: my

knowledge/understanding is taking off, and I truly feel that for the

first time in my life, that my weight control is no longer going to be

an issue. I've also begun the shift from weight to " % body fat " ,

again following Dr. Doug Graham's lead


Note that, as a result of reading/studying the LSHS, (I've almost

finished it: I'm on lesson #96 of 106 lessons), I've also made

numerous other changes in my life: as far as consistent exercise,

fresh air, getting enought sunshine (sunbaths), etc...etc.

The Journey continues.


3/1 - 188.8 - (graph pt. 75)

3/21 175.4 (graph pt. 91) - fasted since 6pm Sat. night. Note that,

with little other changes, my weight has

dropped almost 20# in two months. (just slightly

over the recommended maximum safe weight loss of 2#/week)

3/23 170.4 (graph pt. 93) - Normal! I'd miscalculated originally,

and this weight brought me down to the top of the Normal

weight range. broke fast yesterday, and 3:51 tennis, 2072 Kcal

expended. Note that I can now play almost

four hours of tennis, and expend over 2,000 Kcal and actually feel

great doing it!

4/11 165.6 (graph pt. 101 ) new fruit " Star Fruit " yesterday, and

USF botanical gardens sale.. - I'm now much more

into high fruit Raw - experimenting with different


7/18 155.8 (graph pt. 127) BMI:22.67 Pounds of fat recycled: 66.86


9/9 BP: 89/53


9/14 147 (graph pt. 152) BMI: 21.39 %fat: 19.8 Pounds of fat

recycled: 69.7 Waist size: between 30-31 " .



New goals: reduce % of body fat to between 5 and 10%.


Happy journey to all!


actual pic of the graph will be posted over on 's raw school

group photo section, called Bob_weight_graph

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What a marvelous thing to be celebrating! Hearty congratulations to

you, Bob. I see it has indeed quite the process, with some amazing

rewards. Thank you for sharing with us.



(Washington State)




rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:


> I'm celebrating today, and I was thinking of an appropriate way to

do that, and I decided to share some of my story with others:


> 100# Milestone/signpost Celebration

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What a wonderful job you have done documenting your progress! It takes

determination to stick with your goals and you sure have that. Congratulations

on the 100#. What an encouragement you are to all of us. By the way how do you

determine your BMI. I have seen some Tanita InnerScan scales that are suppose

to be pretty good at determining this. Thank you for sharing.







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Thanks, Sharon and Annette...


as far as the BMI, two quick ways:


1. go to an online BMI calculator, like



or type BMI calculators into google search engine and tons of 'em will





2. or calculate it:

.. [the formual for the BMI is {weight(lbs)/(height in.)2 <=

squared]*703 (a factor). Writing that ugly formula out it's : your

weight in pounds, divided by your height in inches squared, (just the

height in inches is squared) all of that times 703. Whew.


and the " guidelines " are:

a. BMI - Body Mass Index - a " signpost " - (and trying to make a

table here using ...may not come out that well...lol!)

BMI Category Obese I 30- 34.9

Overweight 25 - 29.9

Normal : 18.5 - 24.9

under: <18.5


Thanks, again...and hope this helps.









rawfood , " Vegigran " <vegigran@h...> wrote:

> Bob,

> What a wonderful job you have done documenting your progress! It

takes determination to stick with your goals and you sure have that.

Congratulations on the 100#. What an encouragement you are to all of

us. By the way how do you determine your BMI. I have seen some

Tanita InnerScan scales that are suppose to be pretty good at

determining this. Thank you for sharing.

> Sharon





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