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Transition to raw

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I am trying to transition to a raw foods diet but I am having a hard

time with it. I am going to have a baby in 2-4 weeks (I hope not sooner

or longer) and want to have a nice pure diet for my baby girl while she



I have had a very weird diet in the last year. I started out as a junk

food vegetarian, then I ate meat for awhile and got rid of the junk

food, then I stopped the meat and drank milk and protein

shakes....Which made me SO sick. FOr the last month I have been quite

close to a vegan but am trying to transition to a raw-vegan, which has

been really hard.


My midwife, accupuncturist and doctor would all throw a fit if they

knew how I was eating. They all want me on meat.



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This thing about eating meat with the AMA people.!!!! It's how Hilary and Bill

got rich....beef stocks. I am a diabetic and was completely vegan for a year.

Then the AMA found out I had diabetes and I got told to quit carbing it so much

and eat more meat. At the time they discovered my diabetes the number <fbs> was

119!!!!! Before they lowered the guidlines 140 used to be the cut off number.

So I went back to meat as told to do by my doctor. No matter what I did my

numbers kept climbing......... and the meds kept getting switched around til

finally I shrugged it all off~~~~ going to be diabetic if I did eat meat and

diabetic if I don't................ so guess what I am attempting to do

again??????????? Talk about them killing the goose that laid the golden egg!!

I've had it!! I struggle like you but I tell you something my numbers were

WORSE after going back to meat!!!!! An average 30 day fbs number of 119 is not

a bad number if I can ever get back to that. I think it's <american medicine &

big drug companies > all about making money these days and NOTHING to do with

helping and caring for others.It's all about manipulating the masses and making

HUGE amounts of money. One has to dive deep and do what feels good to *YOU* to

do. One has to watch very closely what works and then do it!




Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:23 AM

[Raw Food] Transition to raw





I am trying to transition to a raw foods diet but I am having a hard

time with it. I am going to have a baby in 2-4 weeks (I hope not sooner

or longer) and want to have a nice pure diet for my baby girl while she



I have had a very weird diet in the last year. I started out as a junk

food vegetarian, then I ate meat for awhile and got rid of the junk

food, then I stopped the meat and drank milk and protein

shakes....Which made me SO sick. FOr the last month I have been quite

close to a vegan but am trying to transition to a raw-vegan, which has

been really hard.


My midwife, accupuncturist and doctor would all throw a fit if they

knew how I was eating. They all want me on meat.











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Nicole, I've been *trying* to get 100% raw for 4 years now, so I don't know

if you'd even want to listen to what I have to say or not! LOL! I just

wanted to advise you to be careful when making drastic diet changes while

pregnant. Your body is not going to know what to expect next! Personally, I

would go ahead any do 100% raw while pregnant but I'd want to make sure I

was getting PLENTY of calories! Try lots of green smoothies and only 1 or 2

handfulls of nuts/seeds each day. Just be careful not to go back and forth

from one diet to another.


I hope your delivery goes well!




I am trying to transition to a raw foods diet but I am having a hard

time with it. I am going to have a baby in 2-4 weeks (I hope not sooner

or longer) and want to have a nice pure diet for my baby girl while she



I have had a very weird diet in the last year. I started out as a junk

food vegetarian, then I ate meat for awhile and got rid of the junk

food, then I stopped the meat and drank milk and protein

shakes....Which made me SO sick. FOr the last month I have been quite

close to a vegan but am trying to transition to a raw-vegan, which has

been really hard.


My midwife, accupuncturist and doctor would all throw a fit if they

knew how I was eating. They all want me on meat.














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I have a good friend who transitioned to raw while pregnant with twins with

great success. You will not find any kind of medically related person,

alopathic or alternative who will assure you that it is OK because they are all

too scared to be sued. You need to listen to your instincts and do what feels

best. I disagree with the person who advises against nuts because while

nursing a baby you will need lots of extra calories and with a newborn you will

be short on time to prepare food and nuts and seeds can be a nice quick and

filling snack. Later, when you've been eating raw for a while, you can cut

down on nuts, when you don't crave them as much, but take it one step at a

time and don't hold yourself up to an impossible standard while living with a

newborn and just starting to eat Raw. She is going to need lots of your time,

so be patient with yourself. You need plenty of healthy fats while nursing, so

don't avoid them (eat olives and avocadoes galore as long as you are craving

them), your pregnancy weight will come off (if you have any to come off) in it's

own sweet time. Mothers' bodies are the most in touch with their instincts in

my opinion, I believe that's why pregnant women experience morning

sickness. Their bodies are so toxic, it wants to do a cleanse so that the baby

has a nice clean environment to grow in, so it forces the Mom to fast by

refusing food.

It wouldn't hurt to get a really good quality supergreen food to get a good dose

of all the vitamins and minerals you need while you fine tune your raw diet

and so you'll feel more satisfied, less hungry. It is especially hard to learn a

new way of eating when you are pressed for time, so use the next month to

experiment with quick easy Raw Foods you can make. Two books come to

mind: " Raw Food in 10 minutes " by Bryan Au and " Raw Food for busy people "

by Jordan Maerin.

Do you have a partner who is willing to learn how to prepare Raw Foods? If

not, stick with simple stuff like bags of prewashed lettuce and make dressing

ahead in large batches. If you have people who want to bring you food when

the baby is born, ask them if they would bring over shredded veggies to put

over lettuce for salads, you will be much more likely to eat salads if someone

can pre cut/shred the stuff for you.

Satsuma Tangerines are particularly good this time of year and easy to peel,

no seeds, you can keep a bowl of them by your bed for when you wake up for

middle of the night nursings and they'll hydrate you too! drink plenty of water

as well. when people come over to see your baby make it a habit of asking

them to get you a glass of water.

You might find simple things like almond butter mixed with honey or agave

nectar spread onto a banana or apple slices filling and satisfying. My favorite

is almond milk with agave nectar and cinnamon or vanilla. You can make it

ahead and have it in the fridge ready to gulp down when you get hungry. Most

people who go raw a ravaneous for the 1st month or so and most people who

are nursing a newbon are ravenous. So don't be surprised if you find it hard to

stay full, that will pass in a few months. If you can't eat raw all day because


this, try healthy cooked filling things like brown rice, baked potaoes, oatmeal

to get you through and then eat raw again when you can. Mostly enjoy your

baby girl and spend lots of time with her and don't stress out because of the

diet because the stress will inhibit your milk supply. Also avoid parsley and

there's one other herb to avoid, I can't remember, you'll have to look it up or

ask a midwife because they dry up breastmilk. (Someone at La leche League

might know too.)

Check out Jinjee and Storm's web site: http://www.thegardendiet.com/

Jinjee has had 3 or 4 raw pregnancies, so she's had lots of experience and

she has an e-book out I believe about her experience.

My friend is about 90% raw striving for 100%, her twins are now 15 months

old and 100% raw and the most beautiful healthy babies you'd ever see. They

eat salad, and fruit and drink juice mixed with green superfood powder, it's

such a pleasure to see these beautiful beings eating the way nature meant

them too without corrupting their tastes with junk. I wish I had known about

raw when I was pregnant! My 2 kids are 90% raw for 1 & 1/2 years now, but

they still ask for junk at Halloween, x-mas, birthdays. Their palates were

corrupted early on when I fed them junk!

I think the important thing regarding transitioning is to slow down if you get


sick that you are in pain. Back off a little on Raw Foods and start again when

the symptoms are tolerable. Any detoxing your body does while transitioning

in my opinion can't hurt the baby any more than eating a SAD diet would, as

long as you listen to YOUR body's clues. It will let you know what it can


There is a I encourage you to join and post your intro:


You might also enjoy reading about Shazzie who had a mostly raw



E-mail again if you have any other questions or just need encouragement

Denise Thomas



rawfood , " angelgirl50266 " <nicolemariekline@h...>





> I am trying to transition to a raw foods diet but I am having a hard

> time with it. I am going to have a baby in 2-4 weeks (I hope not sooner

> or longer) and want to have a nice pure diet for my baby girl while she

> breastfeeds.


> I have had a very weird diet in the last year. I started out as a junk

> food vegetarian, then I ate meat for awhile and got rid of the junk

> food, then I stopped the meat and drank milk and protein

> shakes....Which made me SO sick. FOr the last month I have been quite

> close to a vegan but am trying to transition to a raw-vegan, which has

> been really hard.


> My midwife, accupuncturist and doctor would all throw a fit if they

> knew how I was eating. They all want me on meat.


> Nicole


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