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The Eden Diet

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Hi, Robert,

As you know, I'm in the minority here with my belief in Doug Graham's

811rv. Without really saying so, he follows the Eden diet. Genesis 1:

29 says, " And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing

seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the

which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for

meat. " Genesis 2:16 says, " Of every tree of the garden thou mayest

freely eat: " The trees of the garden would have been fruit trees. I

don't know of any vegetables that grow on trees. Paul Nison is a

committed Christian with a strong belief in the Bible but his

teachings don't square with this. I'm not trying to get into a

religious debate, but how does little to no fruit square with what we

were given to eat by the Creator? I know the raw food diet is an

evolution. Many people start out in one camp and evolve and join

another. I'm just trying to learn the " why's " and " wherefore's " .





rawfood , <rbwest01 wrote:


> Hi Jennifer

> This is of course my philosofy but you are reading the right books.

I have met Robert and his wife Shelley and had some neat one on one

discussions with the both of them. I strongly believe in his position

as far as your PH level is concerned. You also are reading Gabriel's

latest book which is really a " coming on board " as to what Robert

believes. Two weeks ago I met and talked to Paul Nison and he to has

changed his approach and is now fully in line with the same thinking.

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I believe that the " herb bearing seed " is considered to be refering

to vegetables. I know I believe that. I have George Malkmus's books

and this is how he recomends eating as well.






> Hi, Robert,

> As you know, I'm in the minority here with my belief in Doug


> 811rv. Without really saying so, he follows the Eden diet. Genesis


> 29 says, " And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing

> seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in


> which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for

> meat. " Genesis 2:16 says, " Of every tree of the garden thou mayest

> freely eat: " The trees of the garden would have been fruit trees. I

> don't know of any vegetables that grow on trees. Paul Nison is a

> committed Christian with a strong belief in the Bible but his

> teachings don't square with this. I'm not trying to get into a

> religious debate, but how does little to no fruit square with what


> were given to eat by the Creator? I know the raw food diet is an

> evolution. Many people start out in one camp and evolve and join

> another. I'm just trying to learn the " why's " and " wherefore's " .

> Thanks,

> Tommie

> http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com



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Hi Tommy

Let me first state that we all need to do what we feel we need to do. Also, our

bodies are not the same. We tolerate different foods, we don't have the same

willpower, some of us are more toxcit, then we have different taste buds, some

love fruit (don't we all) and some love veggies. And on and on it goes.


So I am not trying to " argue " but learn from everybody, also I don't mind

religion discussions at all. As you know you can take any (almost) topic and

take opposite positions and each can defend it's position based on the bible. So

if I may state my believes and opinions: What is to say that the fruits in the

beginning of the world (paradise) were the same nutritionally are they are

today? Do we have the same fruits as they have today? Meaning may be some are

no longer here. Were their bodies the same as ours in terms of nutritional

needs? Somebody that is running naked (I like that ha ha) in the garden and

cannot die has no nutritional needs and only eats because of taste. I wonder if

they could gain weight. Even after the fall, The scriptures tell us that they

lived close to 800-1000 years. Well if those years were identical to ours, then

their bodies must have been different that ours. Yes, they had no man made

pesticides etc. Everything was organic, no GMO, WOW the more I type here the

more I like there situation. What, I am getting at is that it is very difficult

to really compare 6000 years back to today. am not saying that the bible is

irrelevant but you need to look at all the circumstances. When the israelites

were backpacking for 40 years through the dessert, I doubt that they were

fruitarians, God did not drop bananas, kiwis and apples fall out of the heavens

nor cauliflowers nor zucchinies. It was manna, which most scholars interprete

as cereal. (Kelloghs was right after all, ha ha) But, consider the blistering

heat in the daytime, food would spoil very fast. So manna was probably loaded

with 100% perfect nutrition. Also they were moving , not having time for

agriculture. So, I admire Paul's objectives, admire his believes, and his

integrity. He is honest and teachable as we know how he made a 180 degree turn.

But, I do not necessarily accept everything, But I do not accept that from

anybody. It was not too long ago when the earth was flat and now it is kind of

round. I am saying, who knows what we are going to discover tomorrow?

At the moment the dark field blood study results show us some very dramatic

evidence of what is going on in our bodies. At this moment, we do not really

have much counter arguments against it.


Oh boy my Email session is about to expire. Hurray. You need to study it out

That is the bottom line here is some knowledge look at it and decide what you

will do with it.



Robert W


> " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN

> 2006/03/04 Sat AM 08:28:21 EST

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet






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Thanks, Robert,

I feel some acceptance here now. As for how things were in the Garden-

-wouldn't it be wonderful to see the fruit and veggies they had? It's

amazing to even think about sitting down to a Garden of Eden mango. As

for the life span--have you noticed that it was after the Flood that

it was cut to a fraction of what it was before, and that was when God

gave permission to eat flesh food? People developed a taste for it and

most of them never looked back. As for the Children of Israel

wandering in the wilderness, their diet didn't keep them alive long.

The only ones that survived the whole 40 years were Caleb and Joshua.

Maybe they ate some of the grapes from the Land of Canaan. :)


I don't understand that your session was about to expire. Are you on a

timed system? :(

Better go eat!




rawfood , <rbwest01 wrote:


> Hi Tommy

> Let me first state that we all need to do what we feel we need to

do. Also, our bodies are not the same. We tolerate different foods,

we don't have the same willpower, some of us are more toxcit, then we

have different taste buds, some love fruit (don't we all) and some

love veggies. And on and on it goes.


> So I am not trying to " argue " but learn from everybody, also I don't

mind religion discussions at all. As you know you can take any

(almost) topic and take opposite positions and each can defend it's

position based on the bible. So if I may state my believes and

opinions: What is to say that the fruits in the beginning of the

world (paradise) were the same nutritionally are they are today? Do

we have the same fruits as they have today? Meaning may be some are

no longer here. Were their bodies the same as ours in terms of

nutritional needs? Somebody that is running naked (I like that ha ha)

in the garden and cannot die has no nutritional needs and only eats

because of taste. I wonder if they could gain weight. Even after the

fall, The scriptures tell us that they lived close to 800-1000 years.

Well if those years were identical to ours, then their bodies must

have been different that ours. Yes, they had no man made pesticides

etc. Everything was organic, no GMO, WOW the more I type here the

more I like there situation. What, I am getting at is that it is very

difficult to really compare 6000 years back to today. am not saying

that the bible is irrelevant but you need to look at all the

circumstances. When the israelites were backpacking for 40 years

through the dessert, I doubt that they were fruitarians, God did not

drop bananas, kiwis and apples fall out of the heavens nor

cauliflowers nor zucchinies. It was manna, which most scholars

interprete as cereal. (Kelloghs was right after all, ha ha) But,

consider the blistering heat in the daytime, food would spoil very

fast. So manna was probably loaded with 100% perfect nutrition. Also

they were moving , not having time for agriculture. So, I admire

Paul's objectives, admire his believes, and his integrity. He is

honest and teachable as we know how he made a 180 degree turn. But, I

do not necessarily accept everything, But I do not accept that from

anybody. It was not too long ago when the earth was flat and now it

is kind of round. I am saying, who knows what we are going to discover


> At the moment the dark field blood study results show us some very

dramatic evidence of what is going on in our bodies. At this moment,

we do not really have much counter arguments against it.


> Oh boy my Email session is about to expire. Hurray. You need to

study it out That is the bottom line here is some knowledge look at

it and decide what you will do with it.

> Love


> Robert W

> >

> > " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN

> > 2006/03/04 Sat AM 08:28:21 EST

> > rawfood

> > Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet

> >

> >




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Hi Belinda,

I agree. The herb bearing seed is veggies. I'm not a fruitarian. I eat

veggies every day. As a matter of fact, I eat a couple of veggie

meals. I didn't mean that we should only eat fruit. Genesis says that

we can freely eat of the fruit of the trees. I know that they are

different now and probably not as nutritious as they once were but I

don't think we should be sparing with them. Maybe we should eat even

more to get the same vitamins and minerals?

Take care,




rawfood , " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN wrote:


> -Tommie,


> I believe that the " herb bearing seed " is considered to be refering

> to vegetables. I know I believe that. I have George Malkmus's


> and this is how he recomends eating as well.


> Belinda




> > Hi, Robert,

> > As you know, I'm in the minority here with my belief in Doug

> Graham's

> > 811rv. Without really saying so, he follows the Eden diet. Genesis

> 1:

> > 29 says, " And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb


> > seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in

> the

> > which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for

> > meat. " Genesis 2:16 says, " Of every tree of the garden thou mayest

> > freely eat: " The trees of the garden would have been fruit trees.


> > don't know of any vegetables that grow on trees. Paul Nison is a

> > committed Christian with a strong belief in the Bible but his

> > teachings don't square with this. I'm not trying to get into a

> > religious debate, but how does little to no fruit square with what

> we

> > were given to eat by the Creator? I know the raw food diet is an

> > evolution. Many people start out in one camp and evolve and join

> > another. I'm just trying to learn the " why's " and " wherefore's " .

> > Thanks,

> > Tommie

> > http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com

> >

> >


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This dumb cox cable times you out after 30 minutes. I have 5 meg highspeed.

But does not let you longer tan 30 minutes apparently on. It warns you and then

you lose your message. Regarding the 40 years, it is my understanding that all

those that refused to enter the promised land initially, never entered. So they

cruised through the dessert until that whole generation was gone. I might be

wrong here. But yes, they must have had perrrfect fruit and veggies in those



Robert W


> jerushy1944 <no_reply >

> 2006/03/04 Sat PM 04:35:19 EST

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet






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If I were you, I'd call the company and find out why. Isn't cable

supposed to be " always on " ? I'm on dialup and it times out after five

hours. If I could have something faster, I would but I live where

faster doesn't exist except for satellite and that's EXPEN-SIVE!


Yes, you're right. All but Caleb and Joshua said NO, huh-uh! And they



Gotta get ready for work so I can pay the bills!




rawfood , <rbwest01 wrote:


> This dumb cox cable times you out after 30 minutes. I have 5 meg

highspeed. But does not let you longer tan 30 minutes apparently on.

It warns you and then you lose your message. Regarding the 40 years,

it is my understanding that all those that refused to enter the

promised land initially, never entered. So they cruised through the

dessert until that whole generation was gone. I might be wrong here.

But yes, they must have had perrrfect fruit and veggies in those days.


> Robert W

> >

> > jerushy1944 <no_reply >

> > 2006/03/04 Sat PM 04:35:19 EST

> > rawfood

> > Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet

> >

> >




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hmmm I have cox...I have the highest speed available and they never time me

out....I log in to play a game once in a while then the phone rings, or the door

chimes and I forget I am playing and come back even hours later and its still

how I left it!..







rbwest01 wrote:

This dumb cox cable times you out after 30 minutes. I have 5 meg highspeed.

But does not let you longer tan 30 minutes apparently on. It warns you and then

you lose your message. Regarding the 40 years, it is my understanding that all

those that refused to enter the promised land initially, never entered. So they

cruised through the dessert until that whole generation was gone. I might be

wrong here. But yes, they must have had perrrfect fruit and veggies in those



Robert W


> jerushy1944 <no_reply >

> 2006/03/04 Sat PM 04:35:19 EST

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet






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I also have Cox cable, and I love it! The 30 minute time-out is if you are

composing a message directly on the webmail site. That's the only time

limit I am aware of with Cox.









hmmm I have cox...I have the highest speed available and they never time me

out....I log in to play a game once in a while then the phone rings, or the

door chimes and I forget I am playing and come back even hours later and its

still how I left it!..







rbwest01 wrote:

This dumb cox cable times you out after 30 minutes. I have 5 meg

highspeed. But does not let you longer tan 30 minutes apparently on.





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I sorta have to agree some with Robert. And just for the record, I

am 100 percent Christian and I believe every single thing in the

Bible (OT and NT) as true.(even though I don't understand all of it)


Now with that said, Adam and Eve lived in Paradise and in a way none

of us could fathom or possibly live in, in this life. All their

needs were met and they had all the comforts with out having to work

for it or stress out about it. What they were given to eat in that

Garden changed after they were thrown out. Since all of us live in

a state of non-Paradise type living,(we have to work now and we are

not destined to live forever, in this life, as Adam and Eve were

before they sinned) I would think we should look a bit further into

the Old Testament to see what would be beneficial and healthy for us

to survive on. (that is if someone wants to look at the Bible for a

healthy diet) If fruit bearing seeds and herb bearing seeds were all

that were needed to survive healthy, then I think the Lord would not

have told them they could and would eat other things. Immediately

after they were cast out of the Garden, the Lord told Adam that he

would eat the herb of the field and by the sweat of his face he

would eat bread.(so I guess they learned to cook) Gen 3:18 & 19.

And then after the flood, He told Noah that they could eat animals

as well.

Later on it was clarified to the Jews which animals were safe

or " clean " to eat.


Also, I wonder. Adam and Eve were told that they were given herbs

that yields seed and trees whose fruit yeilded seed. So does that

mean that if one were to eat as Adam and Eve that one could not eat

seedless varieties of fruits and veggies? That no fruit that did

not grow on trees could be eaten?

The way I see it, if one wants to look to the Bible to find a

healthy way of eating and healthy living, I believe the laws that

were given to the Jews about eating would be about as close as you

can get. As well as the laws pertaining to hygiene, cleanliness,


But that is just my thought on it. I sure am no authority on this

by any means.:o)






rawfood , <rbwest01 wrote:


> Hi Tommy

> Let me first state that we all need to do what we feel we need to

do. Also, our bodies are not the same. We tolerate different foods,

we don't have the same willpower, some of us are more toxcit, then

we have different taste buds, some love fruit (don't we all) and

some love veggies. And on and on it goes.


> So I am not trying to " argue " but learn from everybody, also I

don't mind religion discussions at all. As you know you can take

any (almost) topic and take opposite positions and each can defend

it's position based on the bible. So if I may state my believes and

opinions: What is to say that the fruits in the beginning of the

world (paradise) were the same nutritionally are they are today? Do

we have the same fruits as they have today? Meaning may be some are

no longer here. Were their bodies the same as ours in terms of

nutritional needs? Somebody that is running naked (I like that ha

ha) in the garden and cannot die has no nutritional needs and only

eats because of taste. I wonder if they could gain weight. Even

after the fall, The scriptures tell us that they lived close to 800-

1000 years. Well if those years were identical to ours, then their

bodies must have been different that ours. Yes, they had no man

made pesticides etc. Everything was organic, no GMO, WOW the more I

type here the more I like there situation. What, I am getting at is

that it is very difficult to really compare 6000 years back to

today. am not saying that the bible is irrelevant but you need to

look at all the circumstances. When the israelites were backpacking

for 40 years through the dessert, I doubt that they were

fruitarians, God did not drop bananas, kiwis and apples fall out of

the heavens nor cauliflowers nor zucchinies. It was manna, which

most scholars interprete as cereal. (Kelloghs was right after all,

ha ha) But, consider the blistering heat in the daytime, food would

spoil very fast. So manna was probably loaded with 100% perfect

nutrition. Also they were moving , not having time for

agriculture. So, I admire Paul's objectives, admire his believes,

and his integrity. He is honest and teachable as we know how he

made a 180 degree turn. But, I do not necessarily accept

everything, But I do not accept that from anybody. It was not too

long ago when the earth was flat and now it is kind of round. I am

saying, who knows what we are going to discover tomorrow?

> At the moment the dark field blood study results show us some very

dramatic evidence of what is going on in our bodies. At this

moment, we do not really have much counter arguments against it.


> Oh boy my Email session is about to expire. Hurray. You need to

study it out That is the bottom line here is some knowledge look at

it and decide what you will do with it.

> Love


> Robert W

> >

> > " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN

> > 2006/03/04 Sat AM 08:28:21 EST

> > rawfood

> > Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet

> >

> >




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I agree Tommie about the fruit.

I think it is just as important as the veggies.

After giving more thought to the Genises, Garden of Eden way of

eating though. I wonder if we would be eating seedless fruits and

veggies and fruit that did not grow on trees.





rawfood , jerushy1944 <no_reply wrote:


> Hi Belinda,

> I agree. The herb bearing seed is veggies. I'm not a fruitarian. I


> veggies every day. As a matter of fact, I eat a couple of veggie

> meals. I didn't mean that we should only eat fruit. Genesis says


> we can freely eat of the fruit of the trees. I know that they are

> different now and probably not as nutritious as they once were but


> don't think we should be sparing with them. Maybe we should eat


> more to get the same vitamins and minerals?

> Take care,

> Tommie

> http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com


> rawfood , " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN@> wrote:

> >

> > -Tommie,

> >

> > I believe that the " herb bearing seed " is considered to be


> > to vegetables. I know I believe that. I have George Malkmus's

> books

> > and this is how he recomends eating as well.

> >

> > Belinda

> >

> >

> >

> > > Hi, Robert,

> > > As you know, I'm in the minority here with my belief in Doug

> > Graham's

> > > 811rv. Without really saying so, he follows the Eden diet.


> > 1:

> > > 29 says, " And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb

> bearing

> > > seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree,


> > the

> > > which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be


> > > meat. " Genesis 2:16 says, " Of every tree of the garden thou


> > > freely eat: " The trees of the garden would have been fruit


> I

> > > don't know of any vegetables that grow on trees. Paul Nison is


> > > committed Christian with a strong belief in the Bible but his

> > > teachings don't square with this. I'm not trying to get into a

> > > religious debate, but how does little to no fruit square with


> > we

> > > were given to eat by the Creator? I know the raw food diet is


> > > evolution. Many people start out in one camp and evolve and


> > > another. I'm just trying to learn the " why's "

and " wherefore's " .

> > > Thanks,

> > > Tommie

> > > http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com

> > >

> > >

> >


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What do you eat that doesn't have seeds? I don't know of anything I

eat that doesn't. Even lettuce has the ability to produce seeds. The

fruits and veggies that are advertised as " seedless " have seeds.




rawfood , " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN wrote:


> I agree Tommie about the fruit.

> I think it is just as important as the veggies.

> After giving more thought to the Genises, Garden of Eden way of

> eating though. I wonder if we would be eating seedless fruits and

> veggies and fruit that did not grow on trees.


> Belinda



> rawfood , jerushy1944 <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Belinda,

> > I agree. The herb bearing seed is veggies. I'm not a fruitarian.


> eat

> > veggies every day. As a matter of fact, I eat a couple of veggie

> > meals. I didn't mean that we should only eat fruit. Genesis says

> that

> > we can freely eat of the fruit of the trees. I know that they are

> > different now and probably not as nutritious as they once were


> I

> > don't think we should be sparing with them. Maybe we should eat

> even

> > more to get the same vitamins and minerals?

> > Take care,

> > Tommie

> > http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com

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Well, I was thinking first of seedless fruit. I eat tons of

seedless grapes. As well as navel oranges, clementines(seedless

variety of tangerine) Where are their seeds if not inside the fruit?


I guess I was also thinking about potatoes? Do they grow seeds?

It has been a long time and I am trying to remember if the plants

will seed out if you leave them. We planted potatoe eyes to get

more potatoes.





rawfood , jerushy1944 <no_reply wrote:


> Belinda,

> What do you eat that doesn't have seeds? I don't know of anything


> eat that doesn't. Even lettuce has the ability to produce seeds.


> fruits and veggies that are advertised as " seedless " have seeds.

> Tommie

> http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com


> rawfood , " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN@> wrote:

> >

> > I agree Tommie about the fruit.

> > I think it is just as important as the veggies.

> > After giving more thought to the Genises, Garden of Eden way of

> > eating though. I wonder if we would be eating seedless fruits


> > veggies and fruit that did not grow on trees.

> >

> > Belinda

> >

> >

> > rawfood , jerushy1944 <no_reply@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi Belinda,

> > > I agree. The herb bearing seed is veggies. I'm not a


> I

> > eat

> > > veggies every day. As a matter of fact, I eat a couple of


> > > meals. I didn't mean that we should only eat fruit. Genesis


> > that

> > > we can freely eat of the fruit of the trees. I know that they


> > > different now and probably not as nutritious as they once were

> but

> > I

> > > don't think we should be sparing with them. Maybe we should


> > even

> > > more to get the same vitamins and minerals?

> > > Take care,

> > > Tommie

> > > http://www.rawburchard.blogspot.com


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> WHAT about pineapples, avocado, mango etc


robert w


> jerushy1944 <no_reply >

> 2006/03/06 Mon PM 03:57:29 EST

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] The Eden Diet






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True, seedless grapes don't have seeds. Hadn't thought of that. I have

organic navel oranges and they have tiny seeds. I've gotten some

Clementines that have lots of seeds. It might be the variety. There's

more than one of Clementines (aka mandarin oranges). Potato plants

will bloom so I would think they could have seeds. The foliage is

poisonous so you wouldn't want to eat that. Potatoes aren't good to

eat raw (though they are tasty) because they are so starchy. I think

that we would have more to fear from GMO foods than from ones that

have been developed not to have seeds. However, if you feel you

shouldn't eat seedless fruits and veggies, I'd say don't.




rawfood , " Belinda " <MistyBlueTN wrote:


> Well, I was thinking first of seedless fruit. I eat tons of

> seedless grapes. As well as navel oranges, clementines(seedless

> variety of tangerine) Where are their seeds if not inside the



> I guess I was also thinking about potatoes? Do they grow seeds?

> It has been a long time and I am trying to remember if the plants

> will seed out if you leave them. We planted potatoe eyes to get

> more potatoes.


> Belinda



> rawfood , jerushy1944 <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > Belinda,

> > What do you eat that doesn't have seeds? I don't know of anything

> I

> > eat that doesn't.

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