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New to list-question on fasting/ulcerative colitis

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Hi I'm new to the list and am currently experiencing an ulcerative colitis flare

up. I was feeling so bad/so much pain I wanted to die. Now I am fasting and

feeling really good. I've used fasting and fruit / juicing to get me through

every flare for 10 years only to not continue a raw lifestyle. I'm ready to

change for good. I have a question about elimination while fasting. Sorry if

it's too graphic, but I've read about people getting rid of the stuff in their

colon while fasting. I am not eliminating since I'm not eating. Is this normal ?

Do I need a colon cleanse supplement?







Wednesday, March 08, 2006 10:38 AM

RE: [Raw Food] Re: eye lightening through raw diet



Wow! Thank YOU for responding, whatever whenever...I was beginning to think

that only my replies were not being sent to the group through email because I've

posted a few times since late January, but haven't received any word in return.

Good to know; I'll have to officially introduce myself in my next post!

What I know about genetics is that we all carry copies of the same genes that

both our parents have. Even if both parents have brown eyes, if one of your

grandparents or great grandparents had (a) hazel, blue, green, or grey eye(s),

you also carry a gene for that color; it's just not being expressed because

brown eyes are the dominant genes in your family.

Concerning change of expression, a protein (which codes for genes) would

have to change the way it folds in order to 'switch on' or express a different

eye color gene. In order to fold for that effect, the protein would have to be

influenced at the molecular level; certain molecular compounds 'get in the way'

of protein folding patterns when there's a significant hormone response to the

body's internal environment, be it excess intake of a certain minerals or

toxins, etc.

I don't know yet if it would make sense to determine that say, a Latino or

African whose entire ancestry had brown eyes, could change eye color. I'd have

to research the makeup of iris pigmentation more thoroughly.

That's the best way I can explain it briefly. Studying genetics has been

only my hobby since 10th grade (I'm 31 now), but some day I'm going to be a

Nutritional Geneticist and perform nutritional gene therapy when there's a job

market for it.


whatever whenever <whateverwhenever007 wrote:

Thank you Tiffany, i appreciate your response, but am not familiar with the

whole holistic approach you mentioned. did someone experience a dramatic shift

in eye color through a method?


i mean if you are born with dark brown eyes theres still hope that it could

change from dark brown to hazel or even green?




Tiffany <bluelairess wrote:

Yes, I care to elaborate. I wanted to bring this topic back just in case

one of us in this group has heard anything about what I have to say:

First, I read the article in whatever whenever's post (below), and I liked

how the author gave his opinion at the end of it from his own experience with

the holistic practioner who used iridology in a combination of other alternative

medical tests and procedures to diagnose him very accurately.

But have any of you heard of altering genetic expressions by means of

nutrition? Apparently one can change (turn on or off) a single gene expression

by altering their diet in certain ways when already eating mostly raw. I

understand how this can work against cancer and disease, but more research needs

to be done about cosmetic changes. I'm already aware that a more direct

clinical gene therapy approach could be used to change hair color, as scientists

have before inserted a green flourescent gene from another species (I think it

was a jelly fish) into the mouse genome and within 1-3 months the mice grew hair

that glowed green in the dark.



whatever whenever <whateverwhenever007 wrote:

hmmm you reckon? but i mean i will be losing so much weight etc. I seriously

dont want to lose weight, call me vein but i need that awesome six pack lol.


and the eye lightening theories anyone think its possible? any other means?

theres an article i found, heres the link, anyone care to elaborate?




theres no laser iris depigmentation surgery at the moment is there? guess

not. so this may sound hysterical to some but im just really fascinated by this

subject and would relish the idea of changing my dark brown eyes to a lighter

color from either eating raw (not that anyone has ever experienced this? ) or by

the way of some form of eye drops etc.



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Hi again, Pam!

I haven't researched into raw food lifestyles enough to know whether or not

others would agree to use a colon cleansing supplement, but I do every 3 months

because I'm not 100% raw yet.

I found an all organic blend of very gentle herbs with flax called

" CleanseSMART First Cleanse " by Renewlife and after that I take their

" CleanseSMART Advance Cleanse " . It doesn't make me feel icky or like running to

the bathroom frequently because it works differently than other cleansers. I

bought it from a mostly organic chain market in S. California called " Wild

Oats " , but it's cheaper online if you 'Froogle' on " Google " .

Your post wasn't graphic at all! I think it's safe to say that everybody is

interested in how their body is performing - it's important to monitor your

progress naturally.

If my bowel isn't moving for any odd reason, I go jogging. Not swimming or

walking, just a carefully slow paced jog. Then while sitting I lean forward,

putting one elbow on my knee for support and relax my midriff while gently

jabbing my belly with four fingertips. This will cause your diaphram to force

your breathing with every jab, so let that happen.



Pam Beall <beallp wrote:

Hi I'm new to the list and am currently experiencing an ulcerative colitis

flare up. I was feeling so bad/so much pain I wanted to die. Now I am fasting

and feeling really good. I've used fasting and fruit / juicing to get me through

every flare for 10 years only to not continue a raw lifestyle. I'm ready to

change for good. I have a question about elimination while fasting. Sorry if

it's too graphic, but I've read about people getting rid of the stuff in their

colon while fasting. I am not eliminating since I'm not eating. Is this normal ?

Do I need a colon cleanse supplement?





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