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Day two master cleanse / killer migraine

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Day two of the master cleanse didn't end so well for me. Sunday night I awoke

sick, not related to the cleanse. Still feeling terrible, I stayed home from

work on Monday and went ahead with my plan for starting the master cleanse.

Thanks to being sick Sunday, I didn't need the tea. Monday, I drank only water

and the lemon aide. By late in the after I had a dull, but tolerable head ache.

I never was hungry, and during the time I would normally be making a meal,

eating and clean up the mess, I was very bored and decided on a 20 minute walk.

This morning when I awoke the headache was getting " louder " . I drank the salt

water and went for another 20 minute walk. The salt water had produced no

results by the time I left for work and hour and half later. (still hasn't

actually.) Still no hunger what so ever, but by 1-1:30 the headache had turned

to a migraine that felt like a knock out punch. I have had a serious migraine

problem, that with life style changes had been controlled fairly well. I barely

made it home before I started throwing up. I caved in and took the prescription

migraine medication, and when I finally woke up this evening I ended the fast

with steamed carrots.

I guess I am just a weenie, especially when it comes to migraines. I have to

say I am disappointed, but I know that a raw diet is the right path for me and

cleansing will have to take a slower route instead of some thing so extreme as

the master cleanse.































































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Hi Leah, no apologies please! Migraine pain/other symptoms is only understood by

it's suffers.



I guess I am just a weenie, especially when it comes to migraines.



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I guess I am just a weenie, especially when it comes to

migraines. I have to say I am disappointed, but I know that

a raw diet is the right path for me and cleansing will have

to take a slower route instead of some thing so extreme as

the master cleanse.




Hi Leah,


Don't feel too bad about not completing the Master Cleanse.

On Sunday my husband and I started Rainbow Green Live-Food

Cuisine Phase 1 (no peanuts, cashews, corn, mushrooms, or

yeast, and no fermented foods, sweet root veggies, or fruit

for three months). By Monday afternoon I was fantasizing

heavily about fruit: mangos., bananas, apples, kiwis. My

husband came home from work Monday night and said that he

had eaten an orange during the day by mistake. I said,

" Looks like the diet is off. Let's go to the co-op and get

some fruit! " So after dinner, we went and bought a box of

mangos, some apples, and some oranges!


Both of us feel so much better today, and we've decided to

keep plugging along on the raw diet for a slower




Love and light,







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Thank you for the kind words and sharing your experience.

I just can't imagine THREE MONTHS without fruit. Wow!

Would it be to cheesy to say, life is sweeter without the rainbow green live

food diet?




I started Rainbow Green Live-Food

Cuisine Phase 1 (no peanuts, cashews, corn, mushrooms, or

yeast, and no fermented foods, sweet root veggies, or fruit

for three months).





























































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I have been on the Rainbow diet for over five months. Having just spent

two weeks at the Tree of Life I would not recommend that you go

straight to Phase 1 unless you have some really serious medical

problems and some major support systems in place to help you cope with

the changes and the detox that it can trigger. It is much better to go

at it slowly and let your body get use to the changes gradually. Many

people who work at the Tree full time are not on and have never been on

Phase 1. Some who have been there for five months are just now doing a

total phase 1 diet. If you read all of Cousens books you will find

that he says in some places that it can take years to make the

transistion. It all depends on where you are starting from and why you

are making the changes. If you have Stage 2 diabetes and don't want to

take insulin then you may have to do it wham bamm. But then you should

be somewhere where you have support. At the Tree people who are going

from SAD directly to Phase 1 do things like the oxy bounce, ozone steam

baths, infra red sauna, hot tubs, colonics, massages, etc. They also

have a medical staff to give them support and someone else doing the

food prep so that all they have to do is make their choices from a

buffet filled with phase 1 items.


If you are able to do an 80 percent phase 2 with twenty percent cooked

to start that would be wonderful. If you do phase two fruits at the

beginning and use the high GI fruits such as mangos with moderation for

awhile you will feel a big difference. You don't have to do this

overnight. Be easy on yourself. You are trying to change a life time

pattern of eating. Take small steps that you know you can do and you

will get there. And, Don't beat yourself up when you eat something that

isn't on the list. There is no one out there judging you. I started

with phase 2 and worked my way down to 1.5 most of the time and 1 on

some days. It takes awhile to get use to the green drinks, sea veggies

and super foods.


If you need a sounding board to help you through the next few weeks,

feel free to contact me directly. I am certainly not an expert but I

may have picked up a few pointers that would make it easier for you.






You are not a weenie. If you are doing something that triggers a

migraine, the smartest thing you can do is stop doing it. You don't

want to lower the thershhold at which they occur.


I have been reading all this stuff on the Master Cleanse and can not

for the life of me figure why people are putting themselves thorough

it. You don't have to punish yourself to get healthier. It just seems

like a harsh way to treat your body to heal it. I have never done a

colon cleanse but after 4 months of being raw I had my first ever

colonic. The therapist was amazed at the results. She could not believe

that it was my first. She kept commenting on how I was releasing a lot

of very old stuff and how fast it happened. She had almost twenty years

of experience and felt that the raw diet was what made me respond as if

I had had a number of colonics in the recent past.


My intent is not to criticize those for whom the Master Cleanse works.

I am sure that there are things I do that they would not understand. I

am just trying to point out that you should not feel guilty about not

doing it.



On Mar 14, 2006, at 8:24 PM, Jennifer wrote:


> I guess I am just a weenie, especially when it comes to

> migraines.  I have to say I am disappointed, but I know that

> a raw diet is the right path for me and cleansing will have

> to take a slower route instead of some thing so extreme as

> the master cleanse. 


> Leah


> Hi Leah,


> Don't feel too bad about not completing the Master Cleanse.

> On Sunday my husband and I started Rainbow Green Live-Food

> Cuisine Phase 1 (no peanuts, cashews, corn, mushrooms, or

> yeast, and no fermented foods, sweet root veggies, or fruit

> for three months). By Monday afternoon I was fantasizing

> heavily about fruit: mangos., bananas, apples, kiwis. My

> husband came home from work Monday night and said that he

> had eaten an orange during the day by mistake. I said,

> " Looks like the diet is off. Let's go to the co-op and get

> some fruit! " So after dinner, we went and bought a box of

> mangos, some apples, and some oranges!


> Both of us feel so much better today, and we've decided to

> keep plugging along on the raw diet for a slower

> detoxification.



> Love and light,


> Jennifer





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Peace Everyone -

I've been on a raw Green Diet for 3 months, per my Candida, and it was really

hard at first but now because I feel so much better it is easier...every once in

a while I " cheat " and eat a date or put an apple in my green juice... and then

laugh that I feel so guily about it... all the work is worth it though because I

have never felt better in my life and the " brain fog " has left...amazing.




Leah Morrison <l_morrison2002 wrote:


Thank you for the kind words and sharing your experience.

I just can't imagine THREE MONTHS without fruit. Wow!

Would it be to cheesy to say, life is sweeter without the rainbow green live

food diet?




I started Rainbow Green Live-Food

Cuisine Phase 1 (no peanuts, cashews, corn, mushrooms, or

yeast, and no fermented foods, sweet root veggies, or fruit

for three months).






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If you need a sounding board to help you through the next

few weeks, feel free to contact me directly. I am certainly

not an expert but I may have picked up a few pointers that

would make it easier for you.




Hi Tammy,


Thanks for the info and offer of support. I've actually been

raw vegan for the last 16 months, and I often eat dishes

from Rainbow Green. My problem is that with the raw diet I

discovered the joy of dates, but dates don't like me.

Whenever I start eating dates in my diet on a regular basis,

a fungus (same as what I've had a few times over the years),

starts growing on my skin. I figure, this isn't good. It

means I've got fungus/yeast/mold-type stuff in my body, and

I'd like to get it out for good. So, I eliminated dates and

have been using agave nectar instead. Then I read The pH

Miracle by Robert O. Young. Gabriel Cousens based some of

his ideas in Rainbow Green on another of Young's works, Sick

and Tired?. Young says that when you eat ANY (sweet) fruit,

vinegar/fermented products, mushrooms, cashews, peanuts,

corn, etc. that it causes fermentation in the body and that

this leads to disease. After comparing his plan with

Cousens' phase 1, I decided to try phase 1 for the three

months. The biggest changes for me were giving up fruit and

fermented things. Boy, giving up fruit is a hard one! I'm

just not there yet! That's why I told Leah that I think a

slow, gradual cleansing is best for me, kind of how I've

been going all along. I think I just got a little impatient!


Tammy, have you tried eating phase 1 for breakfast? I am

allergic to buckwheat, so that is out for me. Nut porridges

are too heavy, especially without fruit! My husband and I

did green smoothies with just greens, lime, coconut oil, and

stevia. They weren't great! We followed that with avocado

and salsa, which was tasty. Have you come across any good

phase 1 recipes for breakfast that are not in either Rainbow

Green or the volume 1 given out to people who signed up for

Alive with Gabriel? I've looked over both volumes and

haven't found anything that sounds really great.


Thanks again for your info and support.



Love and light,







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I would not recommend that you go straight to Phase 1 unless you have some

really serious medical problems and some major support systems in place to help

you cope with the changes and the detox that it can trigger...


~ I was eating a living food diet for about 6 months when I started on Phase

1. I went straight into it becuase I also was on the mild phase of the Arise

and Shine cleanse. So there is a way to do it. Other than fighting cravings -

being the middle of summer and high fruit season - it was excellent. I was on

Phase 1 for about 3 months when I gave up. I wanted to eat fruit so BADLY!!!!

I think I took over a week to decide. It was a hard decision, as I had had so

much progress.


I also had a health coach to help me with what I was doing with the cleanse.



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A headache or migraine is a classic detox symptom. Your body is detoxing

faster than you can get the toxins out, so they are recycling back through from

your colon. I suggest a better cleanse like Arise and Shine which is made to

cleanse and support the body in a really awesome way. Or, you can do enemas

every day to make sure you are getting out the toxins. A colonic or two a week

would be another great addition.


Just FYI - use the info, or not.


To Your Health!



Leah Morrison <l_morrison2002 wrote:

Day two of the master cleanse didn't end so well for me. Sunday night I awoke

sick, not related to the cleanse. Still feeling terrible, I stayed home from

work on Monday and went ahead with my plan for starting the master cleanse.

Thanks to being sick Sunday, I didn't need the tea. Monday, I drank only water

and the lemon aide. By late in the after I had a dull, but tolerable head ache.

I never was hungry, and during the time I would normally be making a meal,

eating and clean up the mess, I was very bored and decided on a 20 minute walk.

This morning when I awoke the headache was getting " louder " . I drank the salt

water and went for another 20 minute walk. The salt water had produced no

results by the time I left for work and hour and half later. (still hasn't

actually.) Still no hunger what so ever, but by 1-1:30 the headache had turned

to a migraine that felt like a knock out punch. I have had a serious migraine

problem, that with life style changes had been controlled fairly well. I barely

made it home before I started throwing up. I caved in and took the prescription

migraine medication, and when I finally woke up this evening I ended the fast

with steamed carrots.

I guess I am just a weenie, especially when it comes to migraines. I have to

say I am disappointed, but I know that a raw diet is the right path for me and

cleansing will have to take a slower route instead of some thing so extreme as

the master cleanse.































































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Leah wrote:

> I drank the salt water and went for another 20 minute walk.

> The salt water had produced no results by the time I left

> for work and hour and half later. (still hasn't actually.)


Did you try an herbal laxative tea (I like Smooth Move or Celestial

Seasoning Laxatea) at night?

Did you mix the salt water EXACTLY per the recipe and then drink it

all down?

(what I do is mix it up in a big plastic measuring cup and drink it

directly from that, because I have no other receptacle which will hold

it all, and I might forget to finish it off)

The lukewarm salt water is not that easy to get down for me. I find

that if I make it a bit hot (what is lukewarm, anyway-- no don't tell

me!), it is easier, more like drinking bouillon. It rarely takes more

than 1/2 hour for the race to begin, so I am a bit surprised that you

have had such difficulty.


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I will go through my notes from the Tree and ask the women who were

there with me about breakfast. One of their husbands is recovering from

cancer and will be on Phase 1 for two years. I am thinking she will

have some ideas. I will get back to you when she gets back to me. They

always had a selection of greens for breakfast.


I know what you mean about the dates and other sweet things we can use

raw. I had been simple raw before going to the Tree and getting back

there is a little of a challenge. Have you tried Yacon. That has been

added to phase 1 as a sweetener.


This morning I had hemp hearts, Gogji berries, bee pollen, pine nuts

and cacao nibs with unfiltered almond milk, a TBS of each except less

of the cacao but this is partly a 1.5. It was good and very filling

but may be too heavy and have too much 1.5 for you.





On Mar 14, 2006, at 11:01 PM, Jennifer wrote:


> If you need a sounding board to help you through the next

> few weeks, feel free to contact me directly.  I am certainly

> not an expert but I may have picked up a few pointers that

> would make it easier for you.


> Tammy


> Hi Tammy,


> Thanks for the info and offer of support. I've actually been

> raw vegan for the last 16 months, and I often eat dishes

> from Rainbow Green. My problem is that with the raw diet I

> discovered the joy of dates, but dates don't like me.

> Whenever I start eating dates in my diet on a regular basis,

> a fungus (same as what I've had a few times over the years),

> starts growing on my skin. I figure, this isn't good. It

> means I've got fungus/yeast/mold-type stuff in my body, and

> I'd like to get it out for good. So, I eliminated dates and

> have been using agave nectar instead. Then I read The pH

> Miracle by Robert O. Young. Gabriel Cousens based some of

> his ideas in Rainbow Green on another of Young's works, Sick

> and Tired?. Young says that when you eat ANY (sweet) fruit,

> vinegar/fermented products, mushrooms, cashews, peanuts,

> corn, etc. that it causes fermentation in the body and that

> this leads to disease. After comparing his plan with

> Cousens' phase 1, I decided to try phase 1 for the three

> months. The biggest changes for me were giving up fruit and

> fermented things. Boy, giving up fruit is a hard one! I'm

> just not there yet! That's why I told Leah that I think a

> slow, gradual cleansing is best for me, kind of how I've

> been going all along. I think I just got a little impatient!


> Tammy, have you tried eating phase 1 for breakfast? I am

> allergic to buckwheat, so that is out for me. Nut porridges

> are too heavy, especially without fruit! My husband and I

> did green smoothies with just greens, lime, coconut oil, and

> stevia. They weren't great! We followed that with avocado

> and salsa, which was tasty. Have you come across any good

> phase 1 recipes for breakfast that are not in either Rainbow

> Green or the volume 1 given out to people who signed up for

> Alive with Gabriel? I've looked over both volumes and

> haven't found anything that sounds really great.


> Thanks again for your info and support.



> Love and light,


> Jennifer





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What are the " rules " for your raw green diet, if you don't

mind me asking? I'd be interested in what others, like you,

are doing.



Peace - the rules are that I can have no sugar refined or otherwise...so let

me tell you what I can eat because that list is shorter.


any and all greens, grains inlcude: buckwheat, barley, millet and quinoa,

seeds include; flax, sunflower and pumpkin, and nuts include almonds. thats

pretty much it. like I said I'll put a carrot or apple in my green juice or

I'll put a date in my sprouted buckwheat cereal.


and I do grapefruit lemon juice sometimes too.


there are other rules but those are the dietary rules







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Hi Tammy,


Thanks for checking on the phase 1 breakfast ideas for me.

I'd really be interested in what others are doing or have

found to be appetizing. Your breakfast this morning sounded

interesting/good. I'll have to experiment!


No, I haven't tried yacon yet--I think I heard it tastes

like caramel? Is that right?



Love and light,







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Thanks for the update on your raw green diet, Faatma. How's

it working for you? Have you noticed any positive results?



Love and light,








[rawfood ] On Behalf Of Faatma

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:56 PM


RE: [Raw Food] Day two master cleanse / killer



Peace - the rules are that I can have no sugar refined or

otherwise...so let me tell you what I can eat because that

list is shorter.


any and all greens, grains inlcude: buckwheat, barley,

millet and quinoa, seeds include; flax, sunflower and

pumpkin, and nuts include almonds. thats pretty much it.

like I said I'll put a carrot or apple in my green juice or

I'll put a date in my sprouted buckwheat cereal.


and I do grapefruit lemon juice sometimes too.


there are other rules but those are the dietary rules






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