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david wolfe! raw food!

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Hi everyone i need to ask you what you think of the book david

wolfes 'eating for beauty' any good?


the thing is i want to go raw, thinkin about it everyday then i panic

when i think i cant ever eat a mcdonalds or get a big bag of chips or

chocolate, noooooo! lol


well anyways i wanted to know is the raw diet really beneficial, and

if so in what way?


i have dry thick bushy hair kind of dull looking skin, ofcourse my

main reason is to have whiter skin thats permanant, achievable?


need your thoughts/advice asap.



besides i need some motivation and some recipes, i keep thniking " oh

no, no ice cream yikes! " haha

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No need to think you have to be perfect when you go towards raw. Don't think of

it that you can NEVER have other stuffs. You can have whatever you want! What

you will find is that after you turn to raw and you eat those things you

mentioned you will no longer enjoy them - you will almost instantly feel ill. I

know when I turned to the raw lifestyle and I ate those things I was addicted to

(cooked foods are addictive) that I became EXTREMELY ill. Needless to say,

McDonalds is now a place in my distant past. I cannot say I am 100% 100% raw...

There are occassions that I HAVE to have something - and I do. Many times eating

the cooked foods, meats, etc is an emotional response. If I can get through the

emotion of why I want that particular food and do not give into the craving I

find I grow in leaps and bounds, but there are times I just do not want to deal

with the issue and give in. Turning to a new lifestyle is not about being

perfect right out of the cage - there is alot to

learn about eating well and about the reasons we eat what we do in the first

place. Be easy on yourself, if you need to start slow - convert ALL your snacks

to raw.. then start with one meal a day all raw...etc... you will notice quickly

how much better you feel by just making the small changes and soon you will

crave raw and the cooked foods will become memories of your past.


Regarding your question about raw diet being beneficial. For me it is an

astounding YES! My skin is clear, I sleep better, I have more energy, my

allergies have disappeared, when all my co-workers were ill this past winter I

didn't catch a thing, I could go on and on and on. Try it, the worst it will do

for you is remove the toxins from you body and make you feel better.


I haven't read the book, so no advice there. There are many books and boards

out there, lots of good stuff to learn and make a decision on if this lifestyle

is for you. If you want to feel great and be healthy I would recommend going



Good luck and don't beat yourself up! We are all here to help each other on

this journey of life <HUGS>.



whateverwhenever007 <whateverwhenever007 wrote:

Hi everyone i need to ask you what you think of the book david

wolfes 'eating for beauty' any good?


the thing is i want to go raw, thinkin about it everyday then i panic

when i think i cant ever eat a mcdonalds or get a big bag of chips or

chocolate, noooooo! lol


well anyways i wanted to know is the raw diet really beneficial, and

if so in what way?


i have dry thick bushy hair kind of dull looking skin, ofcourse my

main reason is to have whiter skin thats permanant, achievable?


need your thoughts/advice asap.



besides i need some motivation and some recipes, i keep thniking " oh

no, no ice cream yikes! " haha









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Dear whatever...

You will only be able to acheive what you are willing to commit to. but let me

say.. raw is very beneficial in all areas of your life... I am not 100% and

still eat the bad foods every now and then... but I do feel I am leaning more

and more toward 100% raw.. Anytime I do go bad.. I feel the difference in the

way my legs feel and my energy level. My personality changes also. My hubby

surely notices.. He may not agree with me enough to do this himself but since I

have been doing this he sure notices the attitud changes... I feel the changes

in my body... no more arthritis.. happier... clearer mind.. For real... not just

repeating others.. I truely feel this... my problem now is trying to figure out

the emotional aspect of why I keep sabotaging myself... working on it.... so

please do keep reseaching and do try raw for at least 30 days... thats all...

you will WANT to keep going... and there is no food police... if you want to

have mickey d's then do it.. your body will

scream at you but you will not feel deprived...


great books to read are any book by David Wolfe, gabriel cousens, Herbert

Shelton, Alissa Cohen and many more like them.. the Boutenko's also..(sp?)


If you can not afford the books right now.. go to a library and have them

order them for you... there are many many yummy recipes also that do not require

alot of work and machines..




whateverwhenever007 <whateverwhenever007 wrote:

Hi everyone i need to ask you what you think of the book david

wolfes 'eating for beauty' any good?


the thing is i want to go raw, thinkin about it everyday then i panic

when i think i cant ever eat a mcdonalds or get a big bag of chips or

chocolate, noooooo! lol


well anyways i wanted to know is the raw diet really beneficial, and

if so in what way?


i have dry thick bushy hair kind of dull looking skin, ofcourse my

main reason is to have whiter skin thats permanant, achievable?


need your thoughts/advice asap.



besides i need some motivation and some recipes, i keep thniking " oh

no, no ice cream yikes! " haha





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whateverwhenever007 wrote:

> Hi everyone i need to ask you what you think of the book david

> wolfes 'eating for beauty' any good?


I think it has its merits. People like it, yet it has its detractors,

as well. I think that happens with any book.


> i panic when i think i cant ever eat a mcdonalds or get a

> big bag of chips or chocolate, noooooo! lol


Well, nobody has ever said you cannot eat what you want to eat. There

will be no chains on you, nor video cameras. You will eat what you

choose to eat. You will do so guilt free because you will have chosen

it. You will not be sneaking around, because you will be the only one

who cares and there will be no need to try to hide your choices from

you.(I suggest you not hire a loudspeaker and broadcast your choices

to your neighborhood)


Now when you think of it that way, what is it that you want to do?

If you want to go raw, or go 80% raw, or even 50% raw, or if you just

want to eat in more healthy way, then do that. If you decide that you

need a break do that, and see how you do. Just accept the

responsibility for your choices, and refuse to kick yourself for

making ones that you regret, and do pat yourself on the back for

successful ones.


> i have dry thick bushy hair kind of dull looking skin, ofcourse my

> main reason is to have whiter skin thats permanant, achievable?

Well, that is going to sort of depend on where you are starting. If

you are of African descent, your complexion is probably not going to

get any whiter. Sorry about that. Regardless of your genetic/racial

heritage, you may expect, after an initial cleansing period, clearer

skin (the fun part is that, if you go very raw, and then you

" backslide " , or make " personal choices " , you may get breakouts either

when you eat the " no-no " foods, or when you get back to the raw.)


I hope this helps.


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