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Possibly OT...Enzyme Inhibitors

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I'm currently on a Herbal remedies list, and I must say I've learned quite a

bit. Well the list owner just posted something that I believe is relevant to

anyone who wants to eat healthy, so I would like to share it here.




One of the most important areas in the field of Nutrition is the subject of

grains, seeds, tree nuts and beans, but especially grains.

This is one area that has been grossly misunderstood by many in the Naturopathic

field for quite some time. Many health food stores and authors of recipe books

are ignorant of this data. After reading

this article, you will understand why so many Americans are overweight and



You can take a kernel of Spelt, or Hard Red Winter Wheat, Rye, or Barley, or any

other grain, and place it on your dining room table and leave it there for the

next five years. Do you know, it won't rot or decompose one little bit?

They've even found grain in the pyramids over 2000 years old and when water was

added, some of the kernels actually started to grow.


This is an amazing fact. But, why is this???


Well - all grains, seeds, tree nuts, and most beans have in them a live,

biochemical agent called an enzyme inhibitor.


What is this??? And what is an enzyme???


Simply speaking, an enzyme is a substance similar to a protein that allows

nourishment to easily move around and feed the entire body.

Furthermore, enzymes are catalysts that allow biochemical changes to occur in

your system. There are literally thousands of different kinds of enzymes and

they allow every organ and gland in the body

to be in communication with each other.


I'll give you an example. Let's say that your Liver receives some enzymes from

some food you've just eaten. It will convert those enzymes into a different

enzyme, and use this newly created enzyme to communicate and send some

nourishment to your Pancreas. Your Pancreas then takes this enzyme it just

received from the Liver, converts it into a totally different enzyme and uses

this one to

communicate with and nourish the Spleen. And so on, and so on!

This happens throughout the entire body, and even organs and glands like the

uterus; ovaries, testes and the adrenals have their own enzyme usage and enzyme



So what is an enzyme inhibitor???


Inhibit means " stop " , so an enzyme inhibitor is an ingredient found in all

grains, seeds, tree nuts, and beans, and these stop enzyme activity from

happening. Their main purpose is to preserve these foods until the right

condition exists where they can now grow into a parent plant. It's nature's way

of preserving the life force for the purpose of future plant reproduction. The

main ingredient that triggers that " right " condition where the seed will start

growing is Water.


But what happens when we eat foods that have these enzyme inhibitors in them???


You got it! Go to the head of the class. They begin stopping the natural

enzyme activity in our bodies. These foods are very difficult to digest and

actually stop the enzyme action that is supposed to be happening naturally.

This means, that every time you eat pasta, bread, cake, cereal, and all other

grain products that are not made from " sprouted grains " , you are slowing down

the communication processes

throughout the entire body, and are therefore suppressing the body's ability to

function at peak performance. The same data applies when it comes to seeds,

tree nuts, and most beans. Enzyme inhibitors

exist in all of these foods, but they exist in the greatest quantity in grains.

This explains the latest craze where everyone and their grandmother are

diagnosed with gluten intolerance. It is not gluten

that the body finds intolerable, but the lack of the body's ability to process

gluten due to the enzyme inhibitors.


Does this mean we need to knock off all of these foods because they're bad for



Absolutely not! On the contrary! It just means we have to prepare them

correctly so that the enzyme inhibitors are no longer present.

Grains, seeds, tree nuts and beans are some of the most perfect foods when

prepared correctly. They are very high in assimilable amino acids (proteins)

once the enzyme inhibitors are gone. Used properly they are extremely rich in

the exact kinds of enzymes our

bodies need to keep us in good physical condition.


So - how does one go about getting rid of enzyme inhibitors???


The answer to this is very simple. SPROUTING! You soak these foods in water

for 6 to 12 hours depending on the food. The water sends them into " sprout "

mode or in other words starts the germination process. Then you drain the

water and rinse the sprouts 2 to 4

times over the next 12 hours. The entire process of completely removing ALL

enzyme inhibitors takes a total of 24 hours. Read on, as I'm going to get into

this a little deeper.


Some of the problems encountered by ingesting enzyme inhibitors are: Obesity,

Lethargy, Gas, Bloating, High Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal

difficulties, an enlarged Pancreas, Diabetes initiation, destruction of the

body's own natural production of enzymes and an overall general

condition of poor health. I have even observed all of the mental symptoms

associated with the bogus psychiatric diseases ADD and ADHD.


From my research, it is obvious that there are many associated negative effects

as well. I have concluded that meat protein will tend to clog in the presence

of enzyme inhibitors becoming less utilizable, while animal fats concentrate and

raise cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels.


Do you see how all the different levels of nutrition dovetail with each other?

What an amazing system?


An awesome discovery you'll make when you get into sprouting is how great

everything tastes! When you place those sunflower seeds into that sprouting

jar, add water and let them soak for 8 hours, the germination process starts.

Empty the water at the end of 8 hours and place the jar on a 45 degree angle out

of direct sunlight and in a place where it can drain for the next 12 to 16


Your sprouts need air circulation so be sure that the seeds do not cover more

than half of the jar lid opening. Sprouts should be rinsed 2 to 4 times during

this 12 to 16 hours and returned to the position described above. At the end of

the 24 hour period, drain sprouts well and spread them on unbleached paper

towels on a cookie sheet and let dry. The enzyme inhibitors are gone and you'll

have a taste treat you've never had before. These seeds are now bursting

with flavor! Sprouting makes all grains fully utilizable and the only bread you

eat should be made from sprouted grains - Ezekiel or Manna.


A great book to read which has all the charts on germination time for the

various foods is: " Dining in the Raw " by Rita Romano, published by Kensington

Books. Additionally, read the article written by

Valorie Shillington entitled " How to Grow your own Sprouts " .


The above information will put your family on the road to health. It's very

powerful. Use it!


Much love,


Ian " Doc " Shillington N.D.


Copyright © 2002 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved.





1. Measuring, Soaking and Draining: Measure seeds into a wide mouth quart jar

and add 4 parts distilled water to 1 part seeds.

Screw on a sprouting lid or use a canning jar lid ring (or rubber band) over

mesh cloth. Soak seeds for 6 to 12 hours depending upon the nut, seed or bean.

Drain soak water through the screen. Soak water from most seeds is full of

valuable nutrients. You can use

it for making soups, teas, or even watering your plants.


Alfalfa - 2 Tablespoons Mung

Cabbage - 3 Tablespoons Beans - 4 Tablespoons

Lentils - 1/4 Cup Wheat

Radish - 3 Tablespoons Berries - 1/2 to 1 1/2 Cups




2. Rinsing: Your seeds should be rinsed each morning and evening and more

often if possible for. To rinse, place screen under a faucet and fill jar with

water. Turn the jar upside down to drain the water and place the jar at a 45

degree angle on a dish drainer

with the screened lid down. Make sure the seeds do not fall forward and cover

the entire screened lid. The seeds should never cover more than half of the

screened opening. This will allow proper air circulation and drainage during

sprouting. Avoid growing sprouts in direct sunlight. The ideal sprouting

temperature is 65 to 75 degrees F.


Seed Hulls: Some sprouts, like Alfalfa, throw off seed hulls as they grow. As

sprouts get bigger, you can change to lids with larger holes. Then when you

rinse your sprouts, the hulls will wash away.

Seed hulls are not harmful but most people prefer removing them to minimize mold

problems and ensure the freshest tasting sprouts!


3. Harvesting: When your sprouts have grown to the size you desire, eat and

enjoy as many as you like and store the remainder in the refrigerator. They can

be kept in a plastic bag for 1 or 2 days.


Tips: To freshen stored sprouts, rinse with cold water and drain well. For

maximum nutrition and freshness, sprout often and in quantities that you will

eat within 48 hours.

Valorie Shillington 2002


Hope this helps. :)






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