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Vegetarian Amish Scrapple & Gravy

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* Exported from MasterCook *




Recipe By :Bryanna

Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:00

Categories :


Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 and 1/2 c. stoneground cornmeal

1/4 c. wheat or rice bran

1 c. cold water

3 c. boiling water with 4 vegetarian bouillon

cubes dissolved in it

2 c. crumbled cooked commercial vegetarian

" sausage "

1 c. grated scrubbed carrot or chopped

unpeeled apple

1/4 tsp. freshly-ground black pepper

1/4 tsp. crumbled sage

1/4 tsp. dried savory

1 whole grain flour for dredging

OPTIONAL: 1 tsp. salt if the bouillon is


minced celery and/or minced or grated



Mix the cold water and cornmeal and bran together in a heavy pot.


add the hot bouillon ( and salt, if using), along with the herbs,


apple and any optionals. Bring this to a boil, stirring with a heavy

wooden spoon. Turn it down, cover and cook until thickened, about 20

minutes, stirring occasionally.


When the cornmeal mush is thick, add the crumbled sausage and stir


well-distributed. Pour this into a nonstick or lightly-oiled 9 x 5 "


pan, cover and refrigerate overnight, or for several days.


When ready to cook, slice the loaf in 1/2 " -thick slices and dredge in

flour. Brown the slices on both sides on a nonstick or lightly-greased

heavy frying pan or griddle (an electric pancake griddle works well)


medium heat. (If you don't worry about fat, you can pan-fry the

slices in

a little oil with a few drops of roasted sesame oil added.) Turn the

slices carefully.


When they are crispy on the outside, serve with hot applesauce, gravy,

maple syrup, or ketchup.



" Vegsource.com "

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Per Serving (excluding unknown items): trace Calories; trace Fat

(14.5% calories from fat); trace Protein; trace Carbohydrate; trace

Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 1mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Grain

(Starch); 0 Fat.


NOTES : Scrapple is an old Pennsylvania Dutch or Mennonite dish made

from yellow corn meal mush with pork scraps and herbs, which is

chilled and sliced like Italian polenta, then fried and served with

syrup, gravy or applesauce as a breakfast dish. My version uses

stoneground cornmeal, a little bran, grated carrot and chopped apple,

and vegetarian sausage for a delicious, down-home breakfast or supper

dish which feels hearty, but is low-fat and high-fiber!


Make the scrapple loaf several days ahead of time, then slice it

and brown it at the last minute. Serve it with applesauce, maple

syrup, ketchup or a simple version of the gravy below.



* Exported from MasterCook *




Recipe By :

Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00

Categories :


Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

2 and 1/2 c. water

1/3 c. unbleached white flour

1/3 c. nutritional yeast flakes

2 T. soy sauce

1/2 tsp. salt

OPTIONAL: a few shakes of gravy

browner,which is darker or use mushroom soy sauce


In a heavy saucepan over high heat, whisk the yeast and flour

together until it smells toasty. Off the heat, whisk in the water,

soy sauce, salt and gravy browner, if using. Stir constantly over

high heat until it thickens and comes to a boil. Reduce the heat

and simmer for 2-5 minutes.

This can be made ahead and reheated.



In a 1 and 1/2 qt. microwave-proof bowl, mix the flour and yeast.

Toast this in the microwave on HI for 3 minutes, uncovered. Whisk in

remaining ingredients. Cover and cook on HIGH for 3 minutes. Whisk.

Cover and cook again for 3 minutes on HIGH. Whisk. Or, make 1/2 the

recipe in a 4 c.microwave-safe glass measuring container, and cook as

above, but in 2 minute increments.


VARIATIONS: You can use some wine instead of some of the water, if

you like, and you can add sauteed mushrooms, onions, vegetarian

" hamburger crumbles " and other vegetarian meat alternates, if you

wish. Makes about 2 and 1/2 c. (soy-free; can be wheat-free)


This fat-free and delicious brown gravy is one of our favorite



ALLERGY NOTE: To make this wheat-free, omit the wheat flour,toasting

the nutritional yeast flakes on their own. After that step is done,

add 5 T. of rice flour and continue with the recipe. (1/3 of a cup is

about 5 and 1/2 T.; you want a little bit less rice flour than wheat



Source: vegsource.com


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 305 Calories; trace Fat(1.3%

calories from fat); 30g Protein; 49g Carbohydrate; 5g Dietary

Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 33984mg Sodium. Exchanges: 11 1/2 Vegetable.



Nutr. Assoc. : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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