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New Vegetarian Please Help!

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I am a new vegetarian and just found this list. I know its for recipes so I

really hope this is ok. I need some help and wanted to ask as many people

as possible.


So, here are my questions. If you' like to e-mail them to me directly

please do.


1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or, did

you wean yourself off it?


2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?


3) Did you loose weight when you became a vegetarian?


4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or did

you handle this?


5) I'm looking for good started web sites to make a link list on my

homepage. Please e-mail me at: astreit with your favorites.


6) Can we discuss all things like this on this list? Or, can you direct me

to a good active vegetarian e-group?


Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to as many responses as I can get!


Blessings, Angela

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The owner of the list has granted liberty in discussing issues like this.


I cannot answer your questions from first-hand knowledge since I am not a

vegetarian. But I can answer some. Before I answer them, let me explain that

I grew up in a very carnivorous family. I don't know what it is, but when I

look back at barbeques where we eat steaks bigger than the plate, I can't

imagine how not everyone is dead from some sort of cancer. Some time in the

early nineties, I realised two things 1) we cannot sustain a such a large

meat-based protein diet as the generation(s) of the 1940s through 1980s. The

amount of grains required to produce the meats we eat would be better

utilised by humans than the animals 2) I had gone through the latter years

of university and the first few years after university eating a lot less

meat than I did a child and teenager, so I knew that it was possible. My

concern for a more vegetarian diet did not stem for a concern for animal

welfare or from a religious point of view, it was entirely from a



now to answer the questions at hand:


1) I moved towards the diet slowly, as I found foods that I appreciated.


2) I never had problems with soy.


3) n/a


4) My brother's middle daughter is the only vegetarian in her family. She

cooks for herself, but will eat food that has no animal flesh in it, when it

is served to the rest of the family. As the person who prepares the food,

you have an easier time. You get to make the decisions around the foods that

you prepare. You can make the majority of the foods vegetarian and leave one

meat dish that can be served with the rest.


5) can't help, sorry.




Angela [astreit]

January 9, 2003 5:57 PM


New Vegetarian Please Help!

Importance: High





I am a new vegetarian and just found this list. I know its for recipes so I

really hope this is ok. I need some help and wanted to ask as many people

as possible.


So, here are my questions. If you' like to e-mail them to me directly

please do.


1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or, did

you wean yourself off it?


2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?


3) Did you loose weight when you became a vegetarian?


4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or did

you handle this?


5) I'm looking for good started web sites to make a link list on my

homepage. Please e-mail me at: astreit with your favorites.


6) Can we discuss all things like this on this list? Or, can you direct me

to a good active vegetarian e-group?


Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to as many responses as I can get!


Blessings, Angela

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>>>1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became a vegetarian

did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or, did you wean

yourself off it?<<<<


I quit eating meat altogether. However, many people wean by immediately cutting

out all red meat & pork. Follow up with poultry. Finally, cut out seafood.

Then, if you wish, cut out dairy & eggs.


>>>2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats? I have

terrible gas will my body get used to this?<<<


Yes, it takes a few weeks for your intestinal bacteria to adjust - thus you get

more gas until your system gets used to all the roughage. It does get better.


>>>3) Did you loose weight when you became a vegetarian?<<<


Yes, as long as you eat whole grains, fruit & veggies. Limit dairy & eggs, if

not a vegan. Limit processed & prepackaged foods & nuts. Cut out white flour &

sugar. Otherwise, if you eat a bunch of " junk " foods: chips, cheesy pizzas &

mexican items, mac & cheese, peanut butter, etc.. you can actually gain weight.


>>>4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family? I'm a mom and

have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or did you handle



Yes, it's possible. I & one of my daughters are vegetarian. My other daughter

eats occasional meat & hubby is a meat & potatoes man. I cook a vegetarian main

dish, plenty of veggie side dishes we all can enjoy, and a small meat dish for

the omnivores. For instance, last night, daughter #1 & I ate veggie stir fry,

brown rice, corn & salad. Daughter #2 & hubby ate everything except the stir

fry & had a piece of roasted chicken instead. Tonight, we all had pizza - one

veggie & one pepperoni. Tomorrow, it will be gardenburgers & hamburgers. It's

a bit more trouble, but if you find dishes you all like & add a meat dish for

the omnivores, it's not too difficult.


>>>5) I'm looking for good started web sites to make a link list on my homepage.



My favorite site is www.vegsource.com It has great message boards.


Hope this helps!








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On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Angela wrote:


> 1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

> a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or, did

> you wean yourself off it?


Well, I'm not a vegetarian. I've never eaten seafood, so I didn't have

to worry about that. For the past 2 years I've not eaten cows. Now I

limit myself to chickens, turkeys and pigs.


> 2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

> I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?


I have no problems with soy and really like some of the soy substitutes.

Especially the Morning Star Farms foods (hotdogs and chicken).


> 4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

> I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or did

> you handle this?


I think its totally possible. I'm not a vegetarian but my boyfriend is.

Since you live with adults, it should be even easier (if they don't like

what you cook they can make dinner for themselves). I eat vegetarian most

of the time...but if I'm in a meat mood I can just make speghetti for both

of us and make a meat sauce for myself or tacos or burritos or

eggplant/chicken parm. Unless you make meat casseroles every night it

should be easy to feed meat and non-meat people. And even if you were

being nice and made meat for the people you live with...it doesn't mean

you have to eat it.

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>On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Angela wrote:


> 1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

> a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or,

did you wean yourself off it?


I was invited to dinner several years ago where the person served hamburgers

and they were burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. That was the last

time I had meat.


If you want a really good book check out:


Eating In The Light: Making the Switch to Vegetarianism on Your Spiritual


by Doreen Virtue, et al (Paperback)

Avg. Customer Rating:


List Price: $7.00

this is at amazon.com


> 2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

> I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?


I don't have a problem with soy but I don't miss meat and don't need a sub.

I love fruits and veggies.


> 4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

> I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or

did you handle this?


I am the only vegetarian in the family and I feed a husband and two sons. I

eat everything but meat when I cook and I love soups so I'm always making a

soup for myself. My husband enjoys meatless meals several times a week.

For instance I'll grill portobella mushrooms and treat them like a hamburger

patty and cook hamburgers for the guys. Or I'll make a spagetti sauce and

fix meatballs for them on the side. there is always a way. Best of luck.





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1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or, did

you wean yourself off it?


I have been a vegetarian since I was 12. I am now (GULP!) 55

years old (still look lots younger, say friends). For me, I stopped because I

was sitting at dinner one day, with my parents, and we lived in a small house

that had a lake across the street. " Mother Duck, " my favorite duck, would

dangerously cross that street and visit our gardens, so she could find a good

egg-laying location. So there we were, having our normal dinner, and she walked

across our backyard. I was laughing at her goofy demeanor, when I realized that

the drumstick (LEG!!!!) that I was about to bite into looked remarkably like HER

leg! I was shocked, because until then, I just plain had not made the obvious

connection. I mean, chopped meat doesn't look ANYTHING like what it comes from,

right? Hot dogs.... ditto. And I'd been raised that way, so just plain didn't

give it any thought. Now I'm embarrased by not realizing sooner. That's the

last time I ate any meat (fish, fowl, or animal, which I believe makes me a true


I became vegan about three-and-one-half years ago. I had already

been going through an early perimenopause, and I began gaining so much weight.

Then I began getting sick a lot, and made several trips to the E.R. (heart

pains). Because of my now ultra-SERIOUS health problems, I found a doctor

(Michael Hirt, Tarzana, California) who specializes in Integrative Medicine --

the only kind I respect -- and right away, he told me I was in major big-time

trouble (that I might even lose my life), but that he could help me help myself.

As he told me, none of this was my fault (heredity, raging hormones, etc.), but

it was now all my RESPONSIBILITY. I also learned I was pre-diabetic, by the

way, and had suddenly gotten high blood pressure -- me, the one who always had

LOW b.p. Sigh. ANYWAY, VERY lonnnnnnnnng story made short: within that single

visit (several hours, and many tears), I changed my eating habits --

specifically to LIVE, as I am the only parent of a son. I became a vegan that

very same day. The plus, the bonus? I lost nearly all that hideous weight,

which was NOT my goal, but sure was a magnificent " side effect " of my new

medical care. I also am no longer pre-diabetic, nor do I have heart pains, or

high b.p., or much else of any of the other negatives from which I was suffering

(knock on wood). I am SO grateful!!!!!


2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?


I had SOME. I think you and your body WILL get used to it, so I'd

not worry. Of course, the older we get, well, darn it all, that does happen --

anyway. But for me, personally, I don't think soy is the specific cause of any

gas. So I'd say stick with it, and see what happens.

By the way, someone mentioned the Morningstar Farms products

(which I used to enjoy) -- not all of them are, unfortunately, vegan, as most of

them contain egg whites.

I shop at Whole Foods Market, when I can afford to splurge, as

they carry lots of vegan-specific items. The rest of the stuff I prepare from

scratch, using soy cheeses, soy meats, lots and lots of beans, etc. Oh, since

my diet (not meant to lose weight, but to make me WELL again), I also eat only

WHOLE grain foods -- i.e., I'll have a bowl (or two) of Cheerios each morning,

with plain soy milk (I like Trader Joe's " SoyUm " ). I never buy any cereals or

breads or pasta unless the word " WHOLE " appears in front of each grain --

otherwise, it's just processed " crap " which, ahem, becomes just that (excuse my



3) Did you loose weight when you became a vegetarian?


Since I was so young when I became a vegetarian, no, I can't say I

did. I just changed my eating habits. In fact, in my late 40s, because I was

now eating so much CHEESE, and then was drinking lots and lots of

freshly-squeezed orange juice (thinking this was all healthy for me), that's

when I became extraordinarily overweight. So becoming a vegan has been a real

bonus for me, in that respect, as well, since I'm no longer getting all those

calories and/or fat.





4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or did

you handle this?


As an only child, it meant preparing my own stuff (especially pasta

dishes!) while my mother and father ate what they had always eaten. But it

wasn't a big deal and, besides, I became so creative with MY cooking, that I

made lots of dishes THEY both loved, too. But as an adult, I can't tell you,

because I never married, choosing to have a carefully-planned child on my own --

who, now at age 20, is still a vegetarian. I do know of vegetarian friends who

eat side-by-side with their non-vegetarian family members, and they've worked it

out. I can't imagine how difficult it is for those who have to PREPARE

non-vegetarian foods when they are vegetarians for moral reasons, though.



Well, I'd better head off for work. I hope I gave you some points

of mild interest.


Take care!




Susie (hi, Karen!)

















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1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat?

Or, did

you wean yourself off it?




I quit within one week




2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?



I eat very little soy products, and have no problem with those



3) Did you loose weight when you became a vegetarian?








4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or


you handle this?




Yes, but it takes some education and adjustment.




5) I'm looking for good started web sites to make a link list on my

homepage. Please e-mail me at: astreit with your favorites.




Don't know much about that. Sorry!




6) Can we discuss all things like this on this list? Or, can you

direct me

to a good active vegetarian e-group?


Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to as many responses as I can



Blessings, Angela







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Sorry for now responding sooner, but I always seem to be a little behind

:-) Better late than never, as they say.


At 1/9/03 07:56 PM, Angela wrote:


>1) For those of you that weren't raised veggans: When you became

>a vegetarian did you just quit all of a sudden one day eating meat? Or, did

>you wean yourself off it?


Becoming vegetarian was something I'd wanted to do for a long time. It had

gotten to the point that I just wasn't comfortable eating meat, but felt

that things would be too difficult unless the rest of the family (my

husband and teenage daughter at that time) were willing to join me. I

finally realized that neither one of them was willing to change their

habits and they haven't to this day. I also realized that there was no

reason that I couldn't do this for myself if I wanted to. What really

pushed me over the edge, so to speak, was a conversation we had with a

family friend about hunting. I was so put off by our talk, that I became a

vegetarian right then and there. It was Christmas day, 1989. No weaning

for me!


>2) Did you have trouble with Soy products? Like the soy meats?

>I have terrible gas will my body get used to this?


I have never had a problem and love soy products. It could be that you

have a sensitivity or allergy to soy or that you need to ease into using

them more slowly. You probably will get used to it. Maybe a product like

Beano would help you.


>3) Did you loose weight when you became a vegetarian?


Unfortunately, no. In fact, I got up to my heaviest weight since becoming

vegetarian. HOWEVER, while my Father was always quick to blame my being

overweight on vegetarianism, (but let's face it, I had the tendency to be

overweight when I was a carnivore as well,) I truly believe that I became

overweight because of poor eating habits in general and eating for

emotional/stress related reasons, etc., not because there is anything

magical about meat, fish and poultry that will prevent weight gain. About

a year ago I joined Weight Watchers (again :-) and have since lost about 52

pounds. I have about 7 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I did it while

still being vegetarian, so there goes my Father's theory!


On the other hand, I have heard that many people do lose weight when they

become vegetarian, especially if they become vegan, because they are

usually eating more healthfully.


>4) Is it possible to be the " only " vegetarian in your family?

>I'm a mom and have a husband and three teens to cook for. How can I or did

>you handle this?


It sure is! As I said, my husband and oldest daughter (she lives on her

own now, but still visits quite often) still eat meat/fish. A few months

after I became a vegetarian, my husband and I adopted another daughter and

then two years later we adopted a son. Both younger kids have always been

vegetarian. As far as the cooking part goes - here's how it works at our

house. Meat/fish is not banned, however, if you want to eat it you must

buy it, cook it, and clean up after yourself, YOURSELF. I do not get

involved with any shopping, preparations or cleaning up for meat. (Since I

am a vegetarian mostly for ethical reasons - although the health benefits

are nice too - I am just not comfortable with continuing to buy and cook

meat, etc.) My husband and oldest daughter know that's how it is and they

deal with it. In the nice weather, my husband grills alot, and he uses

mostly paper plates and plastic forks etc., so he doesn't have to bother

washing dishes ;-) Actually, the whole experience has probably been good

for him. We've been married for almost 21 years, but he came right from

his parents house to ours and never really learned how to do anything. I

always used to joke that if anything ever happened to me he would have to

go back to living with his parents because he could not have

survived. Since we've been married I made sure that he learned how to do a

few things around the house, and since he wants to continue to eat meat,

he's had to learn some simple food preparation techniques. So now if I

die, he won't starve to death. Just kidding.


Welcome to the group, Angela!




Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living things, we will

not ourselves find peace.


- Albert Schweitzer


It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.


- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets

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