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Hi everyone, I'm so glad to be here. I've been using for

ages now for scrapbooking groups but I've been in a rut with my eating

habits and hoping something like this can help me.


I am 30yo SAHM and live in Australia. I cant remember the last time I

ate red meat ... a good 10 years ago. I stopped eating chicken

probably about 4 years ago and have gone thru stages of sometimes

eating fish and sometimes not. I would prefer not to ever eat it but I

just lack total imagination with cooking meals and worry very much

about my protein intake because I dont go much for the legumes and

tofo type things. I went thru a short stage of vegan but now I eat the

cheeses and eggs and stuff no problems. I would be happy just eating

vegetables my whole life though!! DH and DD eat meat and I'm at a

stage with my little girl starting to eat family meals ... trying to

get into a habit of making meat for DH and DD and another meal for me.

Until now Dh just eats what I do with the odd exception. He came home

the other night all upset after talking with the boys at work that he

feels he needs to be eating more meat, lack of it will make him sick

and blah blah usual pro stuff. I have no problem with him eating meat

or me preparing it for him, it's just a matter of organising myself

better in the Kitchen. I'm in a real rut at the moment with this meal

preparation thing and protein intake. I want my DD to eat meat, end of

story. When I was pregnant and breast feeding I was very concerned coz

of everything you read but asked around various professionals but

didn't seem to get anywhere or any special advice on what to do.

That's when I started eating fish again to boost protein and was

taking pregnancy vitamin suppliments which included Fish oils.


Sorry this is so long I did just want to say hi but kinda got into my

whole life history LOL. I feel I'm not being healthy by not eating

meat and worry about the long term effects and also the fact I'm at

child bearing age and plan on having more babies. I have to say I dont

enjoy being vegetarian .. it is difficult and complicated but I just

cant eat meat, I hate the taste, texture and cant stand the thought of

eating dead animals. UGH. I tell people I dont look at it as a " meal "

or " steak " on the plate or a " saussage " or whatever ... I seriously

look at it as a body part. Is anyone else like that? Even when I eat

fish I have to eat it fast and distract myself so I dont think about

it. Sometimes even with eggs too!


Anyway gosh I had better stop typing before I put you all to sleep.



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hi Michelle,

I too am rather new to this list, and I understand your concerns. I

entered the world of vegetariansim/veganism quite slowly. it has been a

one and a year half progression from meat with dinner every night to

fish once a week, maybe. i was introduced to this lifestyle by a dear

friend who is vegan, and her husband is a celiac (can't eat any gluten),

so she has to be very creative. i would say that unless I get to plot

and plan in the kitchen, that i would rather not be there. I have foud

that if I plan the meals for one week, then post the meal plan on the

fridge, I do SO much better than if i just walk in when i am hungry, and

try to whip something up.

I was rasied on ice cream, and cereal, literally. Sometimes I would

vary my diet with fast food burgers. So dairy has had a big influence

on my life. The hardest part for me has been that I am used to the

portein load, and therefore easy and fast eating, of dairy and meat. I

love to eat fast, and fill up quick, and that is surely hard to do with

a salad! I substitute my meat for nuts and flax/walnut/sesame oil. If I

plan the meal ahead of time, I do great, adding variety and eating

across the spectrum. Dr.William Sears and Martha Sears, RN's book, The

Family Nutrition Book. This book, along with these wonderful authors

(baby-wearing, extended breastfeeding, attachment parenting advocates:)

) has been amazingly helpful to me (quite akin to a bible, really). I

gave one to all my extended family members for winter solstice this


They write about all the different vitamins, minerals, and other

nutrients that you should be aware of, and always included a top ten

list of foods for each needed item. They have specific chapters on each

area of food, and have a special chapter on vegetarianism/veganism.

This book is based on his own research on healthy eating after being

diagnosed with cancer. They are both pesco-ovo vegetarians, but don't

push that lifestyle, just present the facts. Using this book, I have

incorporated the top nutrient-rich fruits and veggies into my diet, and

make soy a big part of my life. They also use a ffod circle that details

the amount from each category of food that you can use for optimum

health. I take out the meat, dairy, sweets, but I still feel confident

in the basic premise of the food circle.

That is where this list has been most helpful. I don't know what to do

with tofu. From this list, I have added one or two recipes for making a

tofu meal, and with that, and making soy shakes twice or thre times a

week, I am feeling moe confident in the soy intake for my family.

If you would like to email me privately, I can send you some of the tofu

recipes that I use.




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Hello Jenn, thanks for your emails and info re; Sears book. It looks

full of great information and when I'm at my Local store next I'm

going to see if I can find it to have a look at. You are exactly right

with planning each meal or at least most of them before you to go the

store then you aren't impule buying and it works out cheaper when you

plan coz your not buying things wondering if you are short of stock at

home etc.


Sending you a private email now for those receipes. Thanks for your help.


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Hi Michelle


I just wanted to say hello...its great to see another Aussie on the

list. What state in Australia are you in?


I'm 21 and live in Melbourne, VIC. I was a vegetarian for many years and

have recently become a vegan. I must admit I've been reading these posts

for a while but haven’t contributed any recipes as yet - hopefully that

will change soon!! ;)


Hope you find the group helpful.


Best regards, Es.



Michelle L <burlof


Friday, 7 February 2003 10:30 PM


Hello I'm new !!


Hi everyone, I'm so glad to be here. I've been using for

ages now for scrapbooking groups but I've been in a rut with my eating

habits and hoping something like this can help me.


I am 30yo SAHM and live in Australia. I cant remember the last time I

ate red meat ... a good 10 years ago. I stopped eating chicken

probably about 4 years ago and have gone thru stages of sometimes

eating fish and sometimes not. I would prefer not to ever eat it but I

just lack total imagination with cooking meals and worry very much

about my protein intake because I dont go much for the legumes and

tofo type things. I went thru a short stage of vegan but now I eat the

cheeses and eggs and stuff no problems. I would be happy just eating

vegetables my whole life though!! DH and DD eat meat and I'm at a

stage with my little girl starting to eat family meals ... trying to

get into a habit of making meat for DH and DD and another meal for me.

Until now Dh just eats what I do with the odd exception. He came home

the other night all upset after talking with the boys at work that he

feels he needs to be eating more meat, lack of it will make him sick

and blah blah usual pro stuff. I have no problem with him eating meat

or me preparing it for him, it's just a matter of organising myself

better in the Kitchen. I'm in a real rut at the moment with this meal

preparation thing and protein intake. I want my DD to eat meat, end of

story. When I was pregnant and breast feeding I was very concerned coz

of everything you read but asked around various professionals but

didn't seem to get anywhere or any special advice on what to do.

That's when I started eating fish again to boost protein and was

taking pregnancy vitamin suppliments which included Fish oils.


Sorry this is so long I did just want to say hi but kinda got into my

whole life history LOL. I feel I'm not being healthy by not eating

meat and worry about the long term effects and also the fact I'm at

child bearing age and plan on having more babies. I have to say I dont

enjoy being vegetarian .. it is difficult and complicated but I just

cant eat meat, I hate the taste, texture and cant stand the thought of

eating dead animals. UGH. I tell people I dont look at it as a " meal "

or " steak " on the plate or a " saussage " or whatever ... I seriously

look at it as a body part. Is anyone else like that? Even when I eat

fish I have to eat it fast and distract myself so I dont think about

it. Sometimes even with eggs too!


Anyway gosh I had better stop typing before I put you all to sleep.







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Hello Es, I'm in Melbourne too. Ferntree Gully. I'm 30 yo.

Have you checked out Sanitarium's online recipes ??- they have some

awesome ones. If you do, the Medieteranium Lasagne is the best lasagne

in the whole wide world...well pretty darn close anyway. I am not too

much into the meat substibutes like their Tender Bits coz I find they

have the meat texture which I dont like. If I liked the texture I'd

darn well eat meat LOL. I had Tender Bits tonight , first time in

years. I ate it, find it's better if you cut into little bits. Cant

say it will be a regular. I really suprised myself with the Tofu. Cant

believe it tasted so good.

Nice to meet you, well you know what I mean.





Veg-Recipes , " Esther Burgess " <esther_b@i...>


> Hi Michelle


> I just wanted to say hello...its great to see another Aussie on the

> list. What state in Australia are you in?


> I'm 21 and live in Melbourne, VIC. I was a vegetarian for many years and

> have recently become a vegan. I must admit I've been reading these posts

> for a while but haven't contributed any recipes as yet - hopefully that

> will change soon!! ;)


> Hope you find the group helpful.


> Best regards, Es.


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