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Amazing Raw Food Class!!!

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You know how hard it is to be healthy?


Some of you may not know that I began eating raw food about 2 years

ago because of cancerous tumors on my thyroid. I knew the answer

for me was NOT surgery and medication for the rest of my life. I

met Arnoux (are-know) Goran (my health Consultant) through a mutual

friend. He began coaching and educating me about raw food and I

have been 100% raw ever since!! Because of the technology he shared

with me, How to Overcome Addictions Without Willpower Program™

(included in the 10 Week Telecourse, Total Health Mastery), I have

been easily able to stay 100% raw ever since the first day.


I've assisted in the past 4 courses and I can tell you a few of the

amazing things people get from it:


-People start eating more or even 100% raw food depending on their

personal goals during and after the class. It's extremely

motivating and inspiring. Arnoux has the answers for all those

obstacles and questions that stop us, making it easier for people to

eat healthier.


-The 7-Steps to Reprogramming Yourself technique helps people stop

emotional eating, AND people report unbelievable healings and

transformations with this technique. Everything from letting go of

a lifetime of anger towards mom, to feeling peaceful and calm on a

daily basis. People understand the power of feeling good within and

how it impacts their life, AND apply it to their diet so they can

eat healthier too.


-The causes of cravings are all revealed in a simple way and people

are able to have a craving free life, eating whatever they want!

It's so incredibly empowering, words cannot express.


-Most people think that the cleansing reactions or feeling ill while

doing a cleanse is just part of it…Arnoux teaches in the most simple

terms how that is not necessary and how you can cleanse your body of

toxins without suffering reactions. It's awesome!


-Personally I feel this is the best class on Raw Foods in the

country, and for that matter in the world. There is nothing like it

to empower someone to eat as much raw as they want whenever they

want. The techniques he teaches to reprogram the subconscious mind

are so easy yet so effective. It makes it easy to be healthy. You

won't really understand until you take the class. It'll be the best

thing you've ever done for yourself. I guarantee it.




I've collected a few of the things people have said who took the



" I've been studying raw foods for over 5 years, reading book after

book and I didn't know half of the stuff taught in the class. " -

Mari Chambers, Executive, Boston, MA


" During the class I was so inspired that I went on a cleanse that I

had done in the past with mixed results but with the knowledge in

the class completed very successfully. In fact, I even went a few

days longer! I lost over 30lbs and felt many times better. It was

awesome! I couldn't have done it without the class. I wish I had

met Arnoux before I did it the first time. "

- Jonathan Duran, Graphic Designer/Artist, Santa Fe, NM


" Arnoux's class is phenomenal. I recommend it to everyone. The

principles he teaches really work. With Arnoux's help I was able to

get off of my heart and high blood pressure medication. I also lost

a lot of weight, over 30lbs and keep losing. It's really been great

for me and my family. Please take his course, it's for your own

benefit. " - George R. Adams, Attorney, Washington, D.C.



There were so many testimonials I didn't know which ones to choose!

Ha, ha!


Some obvious questions about the class are answered below:


It's held over the phone like a conference call with questions and

answers happening throughout the class. When you register you'll

get an email with the call-in number and pin number. It's not a

toll free number so you may want to get a calling card from

www.nobelcom.com they're very inexpensive and have good customer



The next class starts on Sunday, August 20th at 6:30-8:30PM Pacific

Standard Time.


It is ten-amazing weeks. Don't worry if you miss a class they are

all recorded on the system for 3 weeks so you can listen to the

class and you won't miss a beat.


It's $247 but if you register early you can get the early bird price

of $197 (ends August 13th). Registering now makes sense because you

may forget later…Compare this to the cost of a college course, a

month of health insurance, the value of your health and life.


Payment plans are available.


There are no refunds.


It's $50 to review the course (many people do).


Free introductions are available by phone. The next free

introduction is Thursday, June 8th or on Wednesday, June 14th from

7:15-8:15PM Pacific time. You and your friends simply call into 620-

782-8800 and use pin: 68785. You'll have a chance to ask questions

then as well.


Arnoux does have a 10-hour video that covers the first half of the

class, the physical body, diet and cleansing. It's a VHS of his 2-

day course done in November of 2004. It's $197 plus shipping and

comes with all of the articles and recipes from the class.


Each week you will receive articles covering the topics in class.


Each week you will receive a recipe to practice at home including

Arnoux's infamous chocolate milkshake recipe (totally raw and

vegan). After the class you will have a full menu giving you a

balanced diet. You'll also learn how to invent your own recipes

using the secret principles of food preparation.


You can email in as many questions as you want throughout the ten

weeks. In this way you will have a personal health consultant as

well as benefit from the questions of others. You may ask

confidential personal questions.


Assignments are: One recipe, a few pages of articles to read, and

some quick and simple assignments designed to reprogram your

subconscious mind each week. They are mostly quick and easy



You'll get out of the course what you put into it. Some people

change their entire life, more than just their health. Others heal

themselves of illnesses or lose weight. Some create greater well-

being emotionally. Others achieve their goal to eat 100% raw food.

It's up to you what you get out of it. There will be no judgment or

righteousness during the course. All ways and beliefs are accepted

and honored.


To register or to ask questions you can call Arnoux directly at 858-


You can email to Arnoux


You can email me Paula Wood at WolfMother1 if you have any



It's obvious that I highly recommend this course. I just want to

say again that it will be the greatest thing you have ever done in

your life!


Many blessings!

Paula Wood

PS…keep reading to see what one of Arnoux's students sent to Oprah.


Arnoux (are-know) Goran has been into raw foods for over 6 years,

but has been studying health, meditation and healing for over 15

years. He has also been a teacher for 15 years including a martial

arts instructor, Reiki Master, and other subjects. His passion for

raw foods and health grew after he cured himself of several

incurable diseases and his doctors telling him " you won't be around

much longer. " He was diagnosed with arthritis, chronic fatigue

syndrome, fibromyalgia, candida, ulcers, hemorrhoids, allergies,

asthma, ulcers, hypoglycemia, anemia, total adrenal failure and

more. He has lived in better than perfect health for over 5 years

now and has helped many people to heal themselves from supposedly

incurable diseases, sometimes in weeks. His Total Health Mastery

course changes lives and is highly sought after. You can view his

bio and full autobiography at www.IAmHealthyInc.com under About Us.


To receive Arnoux's free newsletter with amazing information about

health send an email to Arnoux with " " in

the title.



Dear Oprah,


How I got from picture Before (warning – terrible photo's on

display – I'm sure they were taken by some rag tabloid) what I call

my `sumo wrestler' picture, to After, what I call my `!! — look

at me now,' picture, is an amazing, amazing journey, and one that I

would like to share with all of you. (To see the pictures go to the

internet link at the end of the story.)


My name is Samara Christy; I am age 57 and I have been, like many

others, overweight for most of my life. As I got older, my

inability to lose weight got increasingly worse. I would try diet

after diet with my friends, and they would lose 30-40 pounds and I

would lose about ten. Then in a few months, I would return to my

original weight and then over a period of about six months I would

gain an additional ten to twenty pounds. What made matters worse,

was I had been a health care practitioner for more than 25 years and

I was truly embarrassed and humiliated by my inability to lose

weight. My heart would break when my clients, all meaning to be

helpful, would hand me yet another diet to try. In retaliation, I

threatened to wear to the Healing Center, my super size tee shirt

over my 200lb plus body, that said, `I fought anorexia and won.' I

often made jokes about my weight in an attempt to cover up my pain.

When my husband Ken, fiancé then, and I were first dating, he took

me on a wonderful vacation to Puerto Vallarta. We had a wonderful

time as we set on the beach and sipped margaritas as we watched the

sun set so magnificently as only Puerto Vallarta is famous for. I

was in love, and as my fiancé and I looked dreamily into each others

eyes while we ate our sumptuous dinner, I shared my concerns that

what we were eating was more than I usually ate and that I would

probably gain weight on this trip. Ken looked at me incredulously,

and blurted out, " that's impossible. " You see, to support me in

losing weight, we would order one lunch or one dinner and ask for

another plate so that we could split our meal. In fact, we would

split all our meals on that trip. Because I did not speak the

language and Ken spoke enough Spanish, we agreed that he would carry

all the cash and pay for everything. So my fiancé knew everything

that I ate because he was the only one with the money to buy

anything. When we returned from our vacation, we both weighed in on

our first morning home. He had lost eight pounds and my worst fears

had been realized, I had gained five. My fiancée apologized to me

saying that he had a confession to make. That all those nights that

we were dating and that we had been splitting our meals, he had just

assumed that I must be eating when I went home from our dates.

Ouch! That really hurt!! Don't get me wrong, my fiancé truly loved

me in spite of my weight, but as you know, unless you have lived it,

you don't fully understand it.


Finally I just gave up (picture A) and resigned myself that this was

going to be my fate. I still continued to pray, " God you have had

an answer for everything else in my life, why not the weight??

There just has got to be an answer -- somewhere?? " Soon a group of

clients started coming to me, many of them like me, over fifty and

overweight. This group was in a ten-week program and they all lost

about 25 – 30 lbs in three months. Well that really got my

attention and I wanted to meet this guy who taught that class. His

name is Arnoux (pronounced `are know') Goran. He was 27 years old

at the time and looked about nineteen. I began having second

thoughts. What could this kid teach me? Then I remembered my

wonderfully thin clients. I immediately arranged to meet with him.

Arnoux shared with me his amazing story of how he had come to

embrace this program. It was hard to imagine that this handsome,

articulate man/boy was born to deaf parents who were drug addicts.

As a result of their drug addition, Arnoux's health was seriously

compromised. Though he was never overweight, he shared with me that

his doctors didn't give him long to live. As Arnoux went from

doctor to doctor desperately looking for help, he finally discovered

the Raw Foods Program and went on to heal every single one of his

many aliments. Then he went on to teach what he knew to help others

by creating the " How God Eats " course, and making himself available

as a Raw Food Coach. His clients began to get radiantly healthy,

and his hopelessly overweight and over fifty women began to lose

weight and to keep it off.


Arnoux asked me to trust him, so I decided to give his program a

try, after all what did I have to lose (about eighty pounds to be

exact) so I plunged headlong into the world of raw foods, and to my

shock, I too lost ten pounds the very first month. What happened

next was even more amazing. My energy just shot through the roof.

My food before, though healthy food, left me feeling tired all the

time. I know the experts preach exercise is key, but how do you

exercise when you only have enough energy to barely get though your

day? After a month on raw foods, I had energy to burn and I began

going to Curves where at first I could only get half way around

their circuit. Six months into raw foods, the curves owner offered

me a job at curves, telling me people asked when I worked out

because they found me supportive and inspiring and they wanted to

work out with me.


To my delight, the Raw Foods Program worked. I lost 50 lbs in the

first five and ½ months and I am still losing. I am 5'4 " and I

weighed 213 lbs, and I weighed 163 lbs when the after picture was

taken. Not only did I lose the weight but I am in glowing health.

To my amazement the loose skin that many women who have lost a lot

of weight have to have surgically removed, didn't happen to me or

any of the other raw foodist that I met. We are all living proof

that all the enzymes in raw foods completely changes your skin to



However, about two months into my raw foods program, the emotional

issues that were keeping me from losing weight did come up, big

time!! I owe many thanks to Arnoux, my Raw Food Coach, who helped

me and encouraged me through that terrible, terrible time. You see,

I didn't lose weight like normal people while doing this program.

Most people would lose about 2 to 21/2 pounds a week. I would go

for about three weeks without losing any weight. Then I would feel

a tremor in my body that would last for about two days followed by

my getting emotionally hysterical. It seemed my body was fighting

for its life not to lose the pounds. Then the very next day, I

would lose about six pounds all at once. Yes, you probably guessed

it, I had been sexually assaulted at a very young age. I was

kidnapped and assaulted near my school at age 15 by a man who posed

as a cop. I have done a lot of talk therapy over the years to help

heal this trauma, but I soon discovered that the shock from this

episode was somehow locked in my body. EMDR, rapid eye movement

therapy released me from the terrible fear that was coming up as my

weight, my protection, began to drop. Arnoux has several techniques

designed to handle the emotional reasons people can't lose weight

and these techniques are contained in the complete package, " The

Total Health and Weight Loss Package " which I like to call " The

Ultimate Weight Loss Program. " I also, highly recommend you hiring

Arnoux or one of his staff as a Raw Food Coach to encourage you and

to help you navigate your way through any tough spots.


Overeaters Anonymous, a free program, has a wonderful support system

as well, with sponsors who will assist you in staying on your raw

food program. There is another therapy called tapping that is also

very effective for releasing negative emotions that are trapped in

the body. Anyone can go online (www.emofree.com) and download their

manual for free and learn how to do this very effective technique.


I am forever grateful to Arnoux for introducing me to raw foods that

not only helped me to lose my weight for the very last time (because

this program is not a diet but a way of life) but a way of life that

put me on a journey that would ultimately lead to my letting go of

the baggage I had been carrying for more than forty two years.


Oprah, many of your famous guests, Demi Moore for one, as well as

many other well known celebrities, like Alicia Silverstone, Woody

Harrelson, Carol Alt, and Donna Karan are serious Raw Foodists. Not

only do they know that this program can manage their weight but it

can seriously restore their health. Perhaps you are thinking that

raw food sounds boring, well I hope you will visit one of the very

best Raw Food Restaurants, Karen's Fresh Corner right there in

Chicago. They are at 1901 North Halsted Street 312-255-1590. I

guarantee you will be amazed.


Well that's my story Oprah. Thank you so much for listening.

Sincerely, Samara Christy, Health Care Practitioner, Scottsdale,


(602) 315-2986


Pictures below…






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