Guest guest Posted July 10, 2006 Report Share Posted July 10, 2006 > If this was true you could eat dirt and if your mind said it was > salad, it would be salad. Actually, quantum physics is proving that fact every day. You should read " The Biology of Belief " by Bruce Lipton or " The Field " by Lynne McTaggart. This idea touches on the earlier posts -- the body just doesn't do what it's going to do -- it responds DIRECTLY to your thoughts and your beliefs. Watch " What the Bleep " or " The Secret " , or even read the bible. It all says it -- over and over again. " As you believe, it shall be done unto you " . Again, quantum physics is actually proving this point. This is how miracle cures occur -- the person believes so fervently that if they travel to the mineral springs in France or Mexico or the churches where others have had super-natural experiences that they will be healed, and what happens? They are healed! Before healings Jesus would ask, " Do ye believe I have the power to do this? " Doctors of modern times (say 17th century on) have used observation to " tell " us what's going on with our bodies. We actually don't need the drs to tell us -- we already know! And it's very simple, too as it's based on the current psychological trend in happiness studies -- if you expect (believe) to be happy, then you simply will be! It's taking all the academic fields by storm. The problem is a HUGE medical field built up around the markets of illness and dis-ease, rather than wellness. If we are all well, there is no money for the pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, insurance companies, etc. It is actually a law in most of the US that drs are not allowed to treat cancer through any other means than chemo, surgery, and radiation. They are not even allowed to tell their patients any differently. That law is beginning to be challenged in some states and now in Texas, Arizona, Washington, and California they allow alternative treatments which have been proven to work for a hundred years -- think Linus Pauling, Nobel prize winner. There is no money in health or in our individual power, that's why this information is not mainstream. Even the " Natural Cures " author, although he doesn't publish academic writing, still ranted about this fact in his book. He's not the first to be saying it, nor will he be the last. That's why there are so many clinics in Mexico. But our gov't does its best to prevent us from accessing those clinics and when something happens at one (like when Rosa Parks died), they do their best to lambast the treatments. If only we all knew how much power we had internally (and the bible and Jesus told us we did), we wouldn't need the medical community at all. Think about it -- raw foods cures everything. What drs are out there (besides a few) advocating all their patients a raw food, or even a whole food diet? Got diabetes? Don't worry, I have a pill that the drug company is pushing me to sell and I'll get kickbacks on the scripts I write. Have high blood pressure? Don't worry, I have a pill for that, too, and more kickbacks! Anything, I have a pill to cure, you don't have to watch what you eat! Good grief. Think about it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 10, 2006 Report Share Posted July 10, 2006 Terrific post. I am so excited by the discoveries in quantum physics finally " proving " what religion has been telling us for years. Our society is vastly overmedicated, and the medical establishment is out to maintain illness instead of promote health. I'd even go so far as to say that natural lifestyles are made fun of in popular culture to feed the resistance against health. Think of how many times you've seen vegetarians characterized as " weak " or " flighty " in mainstream television and movies. And pardon my lack of knowledge, but what happened with Rosa Parks' death? Courtney On 7/10/06, melanieburtis <melanieburtis wrote: > > > If this was true you could eat dirt and if your mind said it was > > salad, it would be salad. > > Actually, quantum physics is proving that fact every day. You should read > " The Biology of > Belief " by Bruce Lipton or " The Field " by Lynne McTaggart. This idea > touches on the earlier > posts -- the body just doesn't do what it's going to do -- it responds > DIRECTLY to your > thoughts and your beliefs. Watch " What the Bleep " or " The Secret " , or even > read the bible. > It all says it -- over and over again. " As you believe, it shall be done > unto you " . Again, > quantum physics is actually proving this point. This is how miracle cures > occur -- the > person believes so fervently that if they travel to the mineral springs in > France or Mexico > or the churches where others have had super-natural experiences that they > will be healed, > and what happens? They are healed! Before healings Jesus would ask, " Do ye > believe I have > the power to do this? " > > > . > > > -- Point, laugh and add - come visit Come learn about and share the wonders of RAW FOOD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 I agree with Courtney. And, I have to say that I would be cautious of any kind of radio frequencies emitted into our body - we already know of the potential dangers that exist in our environments concerning elactricity and wireless technologies, etc. I am familiar with the recent quantum physics findings on the smallest measurable unit of life being those little vibrations called the " string theory " . But I believe it's far too soon to apply what we know into a therapy using this new knowledge. -Tiffany Courtney Ramirez <courtney.writes wrote: Terrific post. I am so excited by the discoveries in quantum physics finally " proving " what religion has been telling us for years. Our society is vastly overmedicated, and the medical establishment is out to maintain illness instead of promote health. I'd even go so far as to say that natural lifestyles are made fun of in popular culture to feed the resistance against health. Think of how many times you've seen vegetarians characterized as " weak " or " flighty " in mainstream television and movies. And pardon my lack of knowledge, but what happened with Rosa Parks' death? Courtney On 7/10/06, melanieburtis wrote: If this was true you could eat dirt and if your mind said it was salad, it would be salad. Actually, quantum physics is proving that fact every day. You should read " The Biology of Belief " by Bruce Lipton or " The Field " by Lynne McTaggart. This idea touches on the earlier posts -- the body just doesn't do what it's going to do -- it responds DIRECTLY to your thoughts and your beliefs. Watch " What the Bleep " or " The Secret " , or even read the bible. It all says it -- over and over again. " As you believe, it shall be done unto you " . Again, quantum physics is actually proving this point. This is how miracle cures occur -- the person believes so fervently that if they travel to the mineral springs in France or Mexico or the churches where others have had super-natural experiences that they will be healed, and what happens? They are healed! Before healings Jesus would ask, " Do ye believe I have the power to do this? " Point, laugh and add - come visit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 > why there are so many clinics in Mexico. But our gov't does its best to prevent us from > accessing those clinics and when something happens at one (like when Rosa Parks died), I believe you are referring to Coretta Scott King. Emily Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 > And pardon my lack of knowledge, but what happened with Rosa Parks' death? > > Courtney > Hi Courtney, She was in Sanoviv alternative medical clinic for treatment (not sure if it was cancer or not) in Baja, Mexico. The US has had restrictions on the treatment of cancer for a long time, so that's why the clinics all opened up just south of the border. The clinics send a bus to pick clients up at the SD airport. Anyway, there are SO many success stories in each of the clinics (there are many) and even say at Hippocrates and Gerson here in the US. Anyway, Rosa Parks died there this spring, so of course, now the dr. is under investigation and the clinic was shut down, etc. etc. Interestingly, all the clinics concentrate on fresh raw veggies & juices. Some use meat & protein, some use a little cooked food, but 90% of what they prescribe are green veggies. They all limit sugar intake, even fruits. That's why I asked Elchanan the other day about fruits in a private reply but I haven't heard back. Also, I am into some other alternative thinking such as quantum physics and energy medicine and I am certified in Reiki. It is well- known in those circles how eating raw food can change your (energetic) vibration to be more open spiritually. Changing your energy, it is thought, is what brings about healing. Not sure what everyone else thinks of that. I agree -- there seems to be a mainstream-fed deragoratory attitude towards health. Calling healthy eaters & hikers " granola heads " and such. I've been a vegetarian a long, long, time. I get teased at work all the time. I'd make cookies (before I was raw), and everyone would rave about them and then say, " Oh, they need some meat juice! " , etc. My mom thinks I'm nuts, and I experienced a health crisis last year, and I told her how being vegetarian is supposed to be so good, and her reply was, " I think that's what did you in! " . Melanie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 Thanks for the information on Parks Melanie. I was a vegetarian throughout high school, and then briefly returned to meat while I was in college. Part of it was due to social pressure and a total lack of confidence in myself at the time. But I felt so ill all of the time. The public perception of vegetariansim bothers me a lot. Phoebe on Friends is flighty and unreliable, I saw an episode of Seinfeld the other day where an alternative healer where the man spit in the characters face to cure something. It just goes on and on. On the connection between energy and food, have any of you tried doing strength tests? My acupuncturist introduced me to the concept, and then I saw Wayne Dyer doing the same thing on one of his PBS specials. You hold an object of any type over your heart and then hold your opposite arm out straight. Another person will push down on your arm with two fingers. The results vary depending on the object you are holding. With fresh fruits and vegetables, I was able to maintain my strength, but when I held the television remote my arm was pushed down easily by my husband's two fingers. My acupuncturist uses small vials of different herbs and things to find allergies this way. Courtney On 7/11/06, melanieburtis <melanieburtis wrote: > > > And pardon my lack of knowledge, but what happened with Rosa Parks' > death? > > > > Courtney > > > > Hi Courtney, > > She was in Sanoviv alternative medical clinic for treatment (not sure > if it was cancer or not) in Baja, Mexico. The US has had restrictions > on the treatment of cancer for a long time, so that's why the clinics > all opened up just south of the border. The clinics send a bus to pick > clients up at the SD airport. Anyway, there are SO many success > stories in each of the clinics (there are many) and even say at > Hippocrates and Gerson here in the US. Anyway, Rosa Parks died there > this spring, so of course, now the dr. is under investigation and the > clinic was shut down, etc. etc. Interestingly, all the clinics > concentrate on fresh raw veggies & juices. Some use meat & protein, > some use a little cooked food, but 90% of what they prescribe are > green veggies. They all limit sugar intake, even fruits. That's why I > asked Elchanan the other day about fruits in a private reply but I > haven't heard back. > > Also, I am into some other alternative thinking such as quantum > physics and energy medicine and I am certified in Reiki. It is well- > known in those circles how eating raw food can change your (energetic) > vibration to be more open spiritually. Changing your energy, it is > thought, is what brings about healing. Not sure what everyone else > thinks of that. > > I agree -- there seems to be a mainstream-fed deragoratory attitude > towards health. Calling healthy eaters & hikers " granola heads " and > such. I've been a vegetarian a long, long, time. I get teased at work > all the time. I'd make cookies (before I was raw), and everyone would > rave about them and then say, " Oh, they need some meat juice! " , etc. > My mom thinks I'm nuts, and I experienced a health crisis last year, > and I told her how being vegetarian is supposed to be so good, and her > reply was, " I think that's what did you in! " . > > Melanie > > > -- Point, laugh and add - come visit Come learn about and share the wonders of RAW FOOD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 Hello, everyone! Melanie, I am curious about something. I have investigated Sanoviv Medical Institute for myself. I've done extensive reading on their website, and never heard anything about Rosa Parks, Dr. Wentz being under investigation, or the clinic having been shut down. It's going just fine, I've talked to Sanoviv over the phone as well. Courtney, I know what you're talking about when you mention strength testing. My chiropractor does the same kind of testing. He uses that to determine what kind of herbs are best for treatment, and the strength and functioning of various organs in the body. I was skeptical of it at first, but he quickly showed me the accuracy of it. For example, he did not know I have a thyroid problem. However, when he was testing organ function that way, he put one hand to where my thyroid is, and then pushed lightly down on my arm. Up to that point I had been able to keep my arm up with no effort, but with the thyroid, my arm went right down. It was the oddest thing. I'm glad you wrote about this, because I'd never heard of it anywhere else till now, and am glad to know that Dr. Dunn isn't the only one who does that kind of work. Alicia MSN Messenger and Email: Alicia716 AIM: bubbles98a Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 It was NOT Rosa Parks, she died of old age. The woman is Mrs. Martin Luther King - Rosetta King (I believe that was her first name). Shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 12, 2006 Report Share Posted July 12, 2006 Alicia, I'm feeling the way you do in your shoes concerning this type of alternative treatment. I UNKNOWINGLY had this done in 1999 by a chiropractor as a last resort. When making the appointment, I was under the impression that he was just a 'regular', mainstream one. I went to him to treat my chronic neck pain from scar tissue accumulation. Instead of regular treatment therapies, he surprisingly prescribed a customized herbal tincture remedy, and now I remember it to be the same thing you're describing! I thought he was off his rocker, but went through with it anyway because I had tried everything else to no avail. He did that weakness test with my arm holding stuff, reiki, along with a regular adjustment. No x-rays, which I liked. Then he had me hold onto a magnet type of receiver to a machine which magnetically centrifuged these tinctures into dosage bottles according to my results. Although I was trying to hold back the fact that I was weirded-out, he told me to remain hopeful during the process as it was 'guaranteed', and I had nothing to lose. I took these dosages as prescribed faithfully, four times a day for the next 9 months. The pain seemed to gradually relieve, but I attributed most of it to the daily stretching exercises I had to do or else be in extreme pain. Also, I had been an organic vegetarian/vegan for 4 years already, at about 60% raw. It wasn't until 3 months after I had consumed his prescriptions that I realized these effects would be attributed to them - no more pain, full mobility, less need for sleep, increased energy, I became a social butterfly, persued 2 careers at once, and lost weight from 124 to 112, at five foot four. This is what I'm looking for in a raw food diet, but I know I can't acheive these results again by going less than 100% raw. (The pain stayed away, but my weight came back as soon as I started eating turkey and chicken again 4 1/2 years ago and couldn't afford organic, all because I moved back to California and lost everything in a theft incident). The problem is that I'm still the type of person to 'transistion' and have no time to exercise. Nevertheless, I came down since from 140 to 132 since I went 75% raw, 80% organic and 80% vegan, and am always on a cleansing routine, all starting last March. -Tiffany Alicia Richards <Alicia716 wrote: Hello, everyone! Melanie, I am curious about something. I have investigated Sanoviv Medical Institute for myself. I've done extensive reading on their website, and never heard anything about Rosa Parks, Dr. Wentz being under investigation, or the clinic having been shut down. It's going just fine, I've talked to Sanoviv over the phone as well. Courtney, I know what you're talking about when you mention strength testing. My chiropractor does the same kind of testing. He uses that to determine what kind of herbs are best for treatment, and the strength and functioning of various organs in the body. I was skeptical of it at first, but he quickly showed me the accuracy of it. For example, he did not know I have a thyroid problem. However, when he was testing organ function that way, he put one hand to where my thyroid is, and then pushed lightly down on my arm. Up to that point I had been able to keep my arm up with no effort, but with the thyroid, my arm went right down. It was the oddest thing. I'm glad you wrote about this, because I'd never heard of it anywhere else till now, and am glad to know that Dr. Dunn isn't the only one who does that kind of work. Alicia MSN Messenger and Email: Alicia716 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 12, 2006 Report Share Posted July 12, 2006 rawfood , emilyminerva <no_reply wrote: > > > why there are so many clinics in Mexico. But our gov't does its best to prevent us from > > accessing those clinics and when something happens at one (like when Rosa Parks died), > > > I believe you are referring to Coretta Scott King. > > Emily > I was! Thanks for the correction.... Melanie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 12, 2006 Report Share Posted July 12, 2006 rawfood , " Alicia Richards " <Alicia716 wrote: > > Hello, everyone! > > Melanie, I am curious about something. I have investigated Sanoviv Medical Institute for myself. I've done extensive reading on their website, and never heard anything about Rosa Parks, Dr. Wentz being under investigation, or the clinic having been shut down. It's going just fine, I've talked to Sanoviv over the phone as well. > Alicia Ack! My apologies! Hospital Santa Monica, AND, as someone else pointed out, Coretta Scott King. Some days are obviously better than others for me. I had a friend who was in Hospital Santa Monica right when she (CSK) was there. She is back home and doing well. She had great success there. Melanie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 12, 2006 Report Share Posted July 12, 2006 rawfood , " melanieburtis " <melanieburtis wrote: > > rawfood , " Alicia Richards " <Alicia716@> wrote: > > > > Hello, everyone! > > > > Melanie, I am curious about something. I have investigated Sanoviv Medical Institute for > myself. PS, Alicia - I also know of 2 people who used Sanoviv and loved it, and also had great success there. Again, I apologize for the confusion and incorrect information! Melanie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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