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FW: [NVIC] News Briefs July 17, 2006

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Hi Julie,




Thanks so much for the link to the video! It is absolutely excellent and

well worth listening to.




> http://video.

<http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8610554679207090010 & q=Vaccination+-


google.com/videoplay?docid=8610554679207090010 & q=Vaccination+-+The+Hidden+Tr


and the site where you can purchase the video :

http://www.vaccinat <http://www.vaccination.inoz.com/> ion.inoz.com/




Below is an article telling more about the story with the 16 year old forced

to do chemo.




Kathleen Scheps


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NVIC [news]

Monday, July 17, 2006 11:27 AM


[NVIC] News Briefs July 17, 2006





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National Vaccine Information Center Newsletter




July 17, 2006






In this issue


:: Teen Fights for Right to Pick Cancer Treatment


:: Autism in UK Children 10 Times Higher


:: HPV Vaccination: Right or Wrong?


:: Autism, Mercury & Politics






BL Fisher Note:


Teen Fights for Informed Consent


Abraham Cherrix, 16, has cancer. The first round of chemotherapy almost

killed him. After he and his parents conducted independent research into

alternative therapies, he told medical doctors at a hospital in Virginia,

where he was given the first round of chemotherapy, that he does not want

more chemo.


His parents have backed him up. But the medical doctors who gave Abraham the

first round of chemo, apparently irate that their orders are being

disobeyed, told a state social services agency about his disobedience. Now

Abraham's parents have been charged with child " medical neglect, " a charge

that is often brought against parents who refuse to give their children all

of the more than 3 dozen doses of a dozen vaccines the federal government

dictates they should have by age six; who refuse to give hyperactive

children toxic drugs to control behavior while they are in school; or who

refuse to submit children to to other kinds of potentially harmful medical



A Virginia juvenile court is now deiberating about whether doctors can force

Abraham to undergo chemo that could kill him without his voluntary, informed

consent or the voluntary, informed consent of his parents.


In an online USA Today poll, in which more than 250,000 Americans weighed in

by July 13, 2006 on whether the state should force Abraham to undergo

another round of potentially deadly chemotherapy, 85 percent of those

Americans voted " NO " to the idea of state-forced medical treatment. Putting

themselves in Abraham's shoes and the shoes of his parents, these men and

women are voting for the human right to informed consent to any medical

intervention which can kill or cripple.


Most Americans don't talk about it much, but when they are asked, a lot of

them are tired of being told what to do by M.D./Ph.D. " experts " inside and

outside of government who have set themselves up as the judge, jury and

police enforcers of what we can and cannot do with our bodies. It is

becoming apparent that, as if by the virtue of the letters written after

their names and the titles given to them by their colleagues, medical

doctors assume they have some God-given right to tell other people what to

risk their lives and their children's lives for when making health care



Reading about Abraham's struggle for the human right to informed consent to

medical treatment, I am reminded of what I wrote in the concluding chapter

of the book " A Shot in the Dark " which I co-authored with Harris Coulter in



" We have been taught to trust and believe in our scientists and doctors, to

believe they are among the brightest and best in our society. We have

willingly given them our respect and accorded them wealth, privilege and

power. And we have given them the right to tell us what to do with our

children, because we always believed they knew what was best. We have

treated them as gods, forgetting they are our fathers and mothers, wives and

husbands, sons and daughters. They are us, with all the frailty and

ignorance and susceptibility to temptation that is implicit in being human.


" Mothers and fathers in cities and towns across America are entering

libraries and reading medical literature on all the vaccines and drugs that

doctors prescribe. They are educating themselves about medicine, and in the

process they are finding that it is by no means beyong their comprehension.

It is becoming clear that their learning may save children's lives. This is

an awakening that has been a long time coming, a necessary first step in

making medical decisions ar shared responsibility between parents and

doctors. "


I knew in 1985 and know today that no medical doctor or Ph.D. " bioethicist "

inside or outside of government has the moral right to take away someone

elses' human right to informed consent to medical interventions which can

injure or kill.. The human right to individual inviolability, to self

determination in matters of life and death, is at the heart of what it means

to be free in a nation that has always stood for freedom.






Teen Fights for Right to Pick Cancer Treatment


USA TODAY, July 12, 2006



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By Martha T. Moore, USA TODAY


(July 12) - Abraham Cherrix, 16, went through chemotherapy for Hodgkin's

disease that left him so weak that his father carried the 6-foot-1 youth

from the car to the house. Doctors tell him he needs a second round of chemo

to get rid of the cancer that reappeared in February. Abraham says no, and

his parents are backing him up.


Now the Virginia family is in juvenile court, the parents are charged with

medical neglect and the Accomack County social services agency has joint

custody of Abraham. The agency asked the court to order the boy to undergo



A court hearing continued Tuesday. Each side plans to appeal an adverse

ruling, family lawyer Barry Taylor says.


Abraham and his family are treating his cancer with an herbal remedy four

times a day and an organic diet under the guidance of a clinic in Mexico.

The remedy, called the Hoxsey method, has not been clinically tested, and

there is no scientific evidence that it is effective, the American Cancer

Society says.



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Full story










HPV Vaccination: Right or Wrong?


'A Healthy Conclusion', The Washington Post, July 7, 2006



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A Healthy Conclusion

The CDC moves a step closer to eradicating cervical cancer.


Friday, July 7, 2006; Page A16


WHAT HAPPENED -- or, rather, what did not happen -- at the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention last week was more than refreshing.


A CDC panel recommended a new vaccine against the human papillomavirus

(HPV), by far the most common sexually transmitted disease in the country,

for widespread administration to girls at ages 11 and 12. There were

predictions that conservative groups might claim the recommendation

encourages promiscuity. Instead, most such groups, including the Family

Research Council, praised the committee's conclusions


By all indications, the Department of Health and Human Services will soon

put the vaccine on its recommended inoculation schedule, a federal guide for

doctors and state policymakers, and include it in the Vaccines for Children

program, which provides shots free to almost 40 percent of American

children. If so, good science and sound policy will be ascendant.



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06%2FAR2006070601478.html> Full story










Autism in UK Children 10 Times Higher


The Daily Telegraph (UK), July 14, 2006



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Autism in children '10 times higher' than first thought


By Nic Fleming, Medical Correspondent


Far more children than previously thought have autism, according to research

to be published today.


Researchers who studied 56,946 children in south London found that almost

0.4 per cent had " classic " childhood autism and just below 1.2 per cent had

autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), including Asperger's and milder forms.


Until the 1990s, the generally accepted figure in Britain was four to five

cases of autism per 10,000 - 10 times lower than the rate suggested in the

new study.


More recently, estimates have put the prevalence of broad spectrum ASDs at

around 60 children per 10,000.


Some campaigners have talked of an " autism epidemic " , but experts differ on

whether the increase is due to better diagnosis or a real growth in the

proportion of children with the condition.



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Full story










Autism, Mercury & Politics


The Boston Globe, July 1, 2005



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Autism, mercury, and politics


By Robert Kennedy Jr.


MOUNTING EVIDENCE suggests that Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in

children's vaccines, may be responsible for the exponential growth of

autism, attention deficit disorder, speech delays, and other childhood

neurological disorders now epidemic in the United States.


Prior to 1989, American infants generally received three vaccinations

(polio, measles-mumps- rubella, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis). In the

early 1990s, public health officials dramatically increased the number of

Thimerosal-containing vaccinations without considering the cumulative impact

of the mercury load on developing brains.


In a 1991 memo, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck's

vaccination programs, warned his bosses that 6-month-old children

administered the shots on schedule would suffer mercury exposures 87 times

the government safety standards. He recommended that Thimerosal be

discontinued and complained that the US Food and Drug Administration, which

has a notoriously close relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, could

not be counted on to take appropriate action as its European counterparts

had. Merck ignored Hilleman's warning, and for eight years government

officials added seven more shots for children containing Thimerosal.



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s%2F2005%2F07%2F01%2Fautism_mercury_and_politics%2F%3Fp1%3DMEWell_Pos3> Full










NVIC e-newsletter is a free service of the National Vaccine Information

Center and is supported through membership

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NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not

receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co-



Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent

rights http://www.nvic.org

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