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9 hours of sleep dangerous?

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The amount of sleep an individual needs depends on the individual. Some

need less than seven... others need MORE than nine!






On 7/25/06, jem_3000 <jem_1000 wrote:


> I don't know.. how much sleep do you think we need? Something about

> this study seems a bit fishy to me, but here, check it out:












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rawfood , " jem_3000 " <jem_1000 wrote:


> I don't know.. how much sleep do you think we need? Something about

> this study seems a bit fishy to me, but here, check it out:


> http://www.mercola.com/2006/jul/25/




Both too much sleep and too little sleep are problematic. I think studies like

this can be a bit

misleading though as they are not based on a healthy population. The problem

with modern

medicine is that it studies disease and not health.


My advice is to eat well, listen to your body, sleep when it's tired and wake

when it's rested.



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Mike I have to agree. Balance is the key to anything in life. Lord Buddah said

" If a string is too tight it will snap and if it is too loose, the instrument

will not play. Listening to one's body is paramount. I know when I am tired I

sleep, and when I am rested I wake. I think it is also prudent to be careful

what one believes when one reads articles, especially on the internet. Just

because some website (or book) looks professional doesnt mean it is. Do the

research behind the research. Who conducted this study? What were the

perameters? What were the outcomes? Could the fact that the nurses didn't

develop Parkinson's Disease be contributed to any other factors. All these

questions need to be asked. I wouldn't start some austere practice and deprive

myself of sleep simply because some " study " says so. I really think the balanced

approach goes for anything in life. I am new to the Raw lifestyle and there are

days where I don't eat raw. My goal is not to be completely raw

but to increase the amount of raw fruits and veggies in my diet. This is

totally doable for me, and only me. Perhaps there are others who can't stand to

eat meat ever, and thats okay for them. I just want to be a happy, healthy, well

rounded person. Taking into consideration that on occasion I may want a burger

or chicken sandwich is okay, and not beating myself up because I go ahead and

have one. I also think its important to partner with your Primary care Physician

when it comes to one's health. I know that alot of people here are rather

skeptical of traditional/western medicine and I am too, to some degree. However,

I have noticed a trend lately, not necessarily on this board, but in life in

general. There seems to be alot of self diagnosing, self medicating, self

treatment going on. This can be extremely dangerous. I don't know anyone here

who has graduated from Medical school, I know I certianly havent, so if there is

something going on with my body that doesnt seem

right, I will go consult my physician. I also have a chiropractor who deals

alot with nutrition, so between my GP, My Chiropractor, and my Psychatrist I

think its pretty well rounded. All of them are in the loop and all are working

together to help me maintain optimum health.





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I just read this from the Mercola Healthnews elist. I wondered if the people

who slept longer didn't already have the early stages of Parkinson's. Hmmmm.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?




jem_3000 <jem_1000 wrote:

I don't know.. how much sleep do you think we need? Something about

this study seems a bit fishy to me, but here, check it out:











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