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Introduction, and questions!

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Hi. I'm Micele. I live in Southern California. I just started

getting back into the raw food thing, and I need direction! I am

basically following the principals of the Hallelujia diet. I have

Barley Green then carrot/vegie juice 3 times a day. I take Herbal

Fiberblend 1-2 times a day, unless it feels too cleansing. I just

learned about Acai powder, so I add that to a smoothie a few times a

week. I have fruit mid-morning, a veggie salad for lunch and dinner,

and I have been eating rather unhealthy cooked meals at night, just

as I ease into things. I just started taking apple cider vinegar

before my meals. How often, and how much of that should I take? How

long before a meal do I take it? Do I take it before I eat fruit?

Other than these things, what are the most important things I should

do when I am first starting out? I do not have a lot of time to

read. If there was one excellent resource out there, what would be

most worth my time? I prefer to take a class or watch a video. Is

anybody from Southern CA? Please e-mail me directly if you could

invest some time in guiding me. Thanks so much! I hope I didn't ask

too much. There are just so many sites to look at, and many of the

links did not work for me! I want to dive right into this, so what

would you recommend I add, or change, as I am working on educating


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Welcome. Personally, I wouldn't take any of those supplements and yes, I'm a

Hallelujah Acres Health Minister since 2001.


Raw fruits and vegetables make up my diet. No fats, no oils, no salt, no

spices. And I feel 200% better than I've felt in years.


Good luck gleaning information from all the lists out there.





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Hello there,


Welcome and congratulations on discovering raw food!! I agree with Shari,

you definitely do not need all those supplements and will do better without

them. You get everything you need from fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds. A

great site for you to get some basic information from is www.rawschool.com.



All the best,




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HI Micele!!


Nice to meet you! I'm brand new myself but I just thought I'd

suggest books on cd. They are great in the car or at home while you

prepare food. For me it also helps my brain get used to HEARING

these new ideas and its sometimes more powerful than just reading

about them. I am a So-Cal native born and raised but I'm living in

Florida at the moment. I don't know where you are exactly but I

know some yummy places to go for vegan eating and shopping. Let us

know where you're at or feel free to pm me. Good Luck!




P.S. The more info you get, the easier it will be to create a good

program that works for you long-term instead of following someone

else's program to the letter.


rawfood , " hesavedmebygrace "

<hesavedmebygrace wrote:


> Hi. I'm Micele. I live in Southern California. I just started

> getting back into the raw food thing, and I need direction! I am

> basically following the principals of the Hallelujia diet. I have

> Barley Green then carrot/vegie juice 3 times a day. I take Herbal

> Fiberblend 1-2 times a day, unless it feels too cleansing. I just

> learned about Acai powder, so I add that to a smoothie a few times


> week. I have fruit mid-morning, a veggie salad for lunch and


> and I have been eating rather unhealthy cooked meals at night,


> as I ease into things. I just started taking apple cider vinegar

> before my meals. How often, and how much of that should I take?


> long before a meal do I take it? Do I take it before I eat fruit?

> Other than these things, what are the most important things I


> do when I am first starting out? I do not have a lot of time to

> read. If there was one excellent resource out there, what would be

> most worth my time? I prefer to take a class or watch a video. Is

> anybody from Southern CA? Please e-mail me directly if you could

> invest some time in guiding me. Thanks so much! I hope I didn't


> too much. There are just so many sites to look at, and many of the

> links did not work for me! I want to dive right into this, so what

> would you recommend I add, or change, as I am working on educating

> myself?


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> I just thought I'd suggest books on cd.


Hi Noelle! Thanks for the response! Can you suggest any specific books

on tape regarding raw eating? I live near Temecula. Do you know where

that is? Happing eating!



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> Welcome. Personally, I wouldn't take any of those supplements and

yes, I'm a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister since 2001.




Hi! So if H.Acres tells people to use these things, just what do you

teach someone that would be attempting the diet for the first time???

This is not my first time going raw, but I am just surprised that as a

health minister, that you don't suggest these things. HELP! Please

educate me!! All of the info. out there is so contradicting of each

other. How do you know what advice to follow?? Thanks for your time!



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> www.rawhealing.com



Hi Audrey! Thanks for the websites. Now I guess I wil spend the entire

week looking over them! Awesome! Just what I was looking for! I might

just have to call you! So, how does one figure out what advice to

follow when so many " experts " have contradicting advice? I thought

Apple Cider vinegar was great for enzymes and helping with food

digestion. Now I'm being told it's too acidic. I am told not to use

supplements, that I can get it all in my foods. Uggg! Who do I listen

too??? Thanks for your time and info!!



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Hi Micele,


You're welcome. I know that it is very easy to be confused by all the

conflicting advice out there in the raw food world. My advice is to listen

to your instincts and follow what you feel makes the most sense. You can

also try out the different approaches that work for you. I found out through

trial and error that the natural hygiene approach (a simple, high fruit, low

fat diet with no salt and spices) is what works best for me. I also believe

that it is the diet that all humans are meant to eat. A lot of raw fooders

find that they want and need to eat more complicated " gourmet " type recipes

to replicate the cooked food that they are used to. These recipes are

helpful during transition but I feel that everyone should be aiming to eat a

pure, simple diet of fruits and greens on their own with some nuts and

seeds. You can still make yummy recipes without salt and spices by the way.



Apple cider vinegar is not good for you. I like what Dr Graham advocates

about how to select foods: If you wouldn't give to a baby or can't make an

entire meal out it by itself, you shouldn't eat it.


All the best,






> " hesavedmebygrace " <hesavedmebygrace



>Re: [Raw Food] Introduction, and questions!

>Sun, 06 Aug 2006 19:52:44 -0000





> > www.rawhealing.com

> >


>Hi Audrey! Thanks for the websites. Now I guess I wil spend the entire

>week looking over them! Awesome! Just what I was looking for! I might

>just have to call you! So, how does one figure out what advice to

>follow when so many " experts " have contradicting advice? I thought

>Apple Cider vinegar was great for enzymes and helping with food

>digestion. Now I'm being told it's too acidic. I am told not to use

>supplements, that I can get it all in my foods. Uggg! Who do I listen

>too??? Thanks for your time and info!!







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Micele - it depends on what level of healing your are comfortable doing. The

more fresh food and I'm talking the way it came off the tree, the faster you

will heal. For some this is very uncomfortable and for some it is very

difficult to ignore the years of conditioning and eat for optimum health.


And as far as supplements go, look at who is recommending taking them - the

people selling them! When I finally trusted my body and my higher self to make

my food decisions, I was much more comfortable.





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" SV " <shavig wrote:

> And as far as supplements go, look at who is recommending taking

them - the people selling them! >



It is true that most of the people that suggest products, are making

something off of them. But, there are some friends of mine that just

use them and swear by them. It is hard to let go of what you have been

previously taught. Especially if it seemed to be such a positive

change. Thanks for your response. I'm looking forward to learning from



Micele in CA

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" It is hard to let go of what you have been previously taught. "


It sure is, but look how far you've come from thinking meat and potatoes was a

good diet! It's all a matter of learning and gleaning as much information as

you possibly can hold in your brain. Then start experimenting.


I know for us we went from BarleyMax and all the extras that go along with it

and I do mean ALL to eating primarily fruits and greens. It has taken about 10

years to come to this conclusion and not without some very serious discussions

and gnashing of teeth! But we have decided our bodies are ready to go for the

gusto and not ingest anything processed - at all - ever or until we again decide

to experiment, whichever comes first! I'm not saying I will NEVER eat a baked

potato again or I will NEVER eat a chip in a Mexican restaurant again, but not



In fact I went to lunch for the first time in a very long time with some dear

friends. They wanted Mexican. I ordered a side of pico de gallo (raw salsa),

guacamole, and lettuce leaves. I asked for romaine, but they were out so it was

iceburg, but that's okay. They did a beautiful job of presentation and I made

lettuce burritos. It was marvelous and I made sure I tipped very well so they

will remember me next time! My friends were rather envious when their cheese

laden lunches showed up. I feel great and they went home to nap!





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