Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Following is from a private email I wrote earlier, thought others might find this of interest. Shared with permission. Elchanan _____ Patricia T. Adamkowski <603-237-5444> [patriciat1111] Monday, August 07, 2006 7:48 AM 'Elchanan' RE: [Rawschool] 14 year old daughter and sluggish weight loss was: ( Unkown) Hi Elchanan, Hmmm, very interesting and contrary to what I have been reading else where. So much to learn and misinformation. So would you say that people CAN be moved to greater levels of health using this particular fasting method (in comparison to say eating what one might in general put in their body - speaking from a more SAD or run-of-mill vegetarian diet. I did NOT know that about maple syrup. SO even the best maple syrup is really pretty much refined? Honey, then is not in the same category? But I've read that honey causes a more exaggerated blood sugar response from the body than does maple syrup - is that accurate? I guess it's a mute point from a raw dieter's stand point. But in my body honey feels too stimulating. Is it in suggested then either for use? the raw diet itself though is one ongoing perpetual cleanse. Yes.? and hence not need to do the kind of cleansing that cooked bodies are guided to do. Thanks Elchanan for sharing. Patricia _____ Hi Patricia, and good morning! My Teacher (capital " T " intentional), Ray Kent, loves to say that " all majority opinions are wrong. " LOL, but also pretty close to the truth. Before FDR became President, the US army's officer training manuals contained a page comparing a democracy to a republic. Democracy: mob rule Republic: orderly government designed to preserve individual liberty Roosevelt had all copies of these manuals destroyed, and we've been hearing all about " democracy " ever since. But every democracy in recorded history larger than a tiny group, and even most of those, has failed terribly. Why? Most people don't take time to understand things, they are not mindful, their sense of curiosity is buried under a mountain of fear, most of it contrived by their leaders, family, social norms, etc. Our species, its predecessors, and close relatives (anthropoid primates) have been on Earth for millions of years, and until very recent time, they all got along just fine without eating maple syrup and cayenne pepper to " cleanse " themselves. They didn't have toilet paper, soap, cosmetics, deodorants, toothpaste, or any of the other products with which we are culturally familiar. Yet somehow, these apparent deficiencies have not led to the demise of our species. Now, on the other hand, look around, particularly at the young. Their bodies are deformed, they look more like Neanderthals than Homo Sapiens. And they think more along those lines, as well -- can't make change, can't count. Autism, Down's, all sorts of other " diseases " exploding all around. We really are witnessing the devolution of our own species, or at least many of its members. Even orthodontia is an entire industry arising from the way we eat: the jaw structure has shrunk over several generations, so that the mouth can no longer contain all the teeth our species is designed to carry. EVERY organism is designed to monitor, cleanse, repair, restore, replenish, and reproduce itself. These are biological imperatives without which no species can long endure. In Nature, many animals fast. They sit by a puddle or some other water source, rest, drink until they are restored. Then they get up and eat. It is true that certain animals seek out certain plants -- specific plants that work for their species alone -- to maintain some of their homeostatic balance. But they do so not from any awareness of " cleansing " or " curing " anything; rather, they simply eat that to which they are presently attracted and which appears in their natural habitat. This is Nature's way, we do not require all these concoctions of the conscious mind. Regarding maple syrup, consider the consistency of what flows from the bottle. Now consider the consistency of sap, moving freely within a tree. Is there even the slightest possibility the tree could use a fluid resembling the consistency of syrup? Of course not, nor can we. Almost all life on Earth is water-based; syrup is the result of removing almost all the water from the sap. This conflicts with Nature's design, as does all dehydrating of foods. Honey is different in certain respects. Whereas maple syrup originates inside trees, honey is basically bee poop, in a manner of speaking. It is naturally thick, for storage purposes, and it is very high in sugar. Honey also contains a few other " minor " components, to which we don't react all that well. You write (below), " But in my body honey feels too stimulating. " Trust that feeling, that experience. We are indeed designed to consume large quantities of simple sugars, but only where the sugar is in solution in water AND in the presence of soluble (digestible) fiber. In other words, in whole plant foods, primarily fruits and greens. Finally, I wish to speak of " cleansing " from an entirely different perspective. When we ingest cleanse material, and our intent is to force the body to release " toxins " , we are, I believe, acting with force upon, indeed against, our selves (two words intentional). We take some harsh material ... psyllium husk, cayenne, whatever, mask that material in sugar or something else to fool our system into allowing it to pass through the mouth, then wait for it " to work " . But the cleanse material is inanimate, it has no awareness, no capacity to initiate any activity. In contrast, the body is animate, alive, with a vast array of responsive capacities. It is the body acting upon the cleanse material, not the other way around, that creates the perception that cleansing occurs. And, as I have written to you before, cleansing does indeed occur -- the body places very high priority upon elimination of the cleanse material itself. And since the body must first wrap that material in mucus and take other steps to protect the delicate lining of the digestive tract from damage and to inhibit absorption of the substance from the digestive tract into the system, what comes out looks like the body is cleaning house. We must only keep in mind what is actually being cleaned. Yet another perspective ... Nature's design incorporates the most advanced recycling " technologies " on Earth. In fact, ALL of our human-designed " recycling " technologies are completely dependent upon Nature to finish the job (and in most cases even to start the job). In a human context, consider fasting on water alone. How does the body not only survive, but repair and even restore itself when we supply zero external nutrients? The body recaptures and recycles all the materials it requires from the very stuff being cleansed. For example, tumors, polyps, and cysts are all storage facilities constructed to contain toxic material the body cannot presently eliminate, and to do so as safely as possible. These structures are all made of EXACTLY the same biological material as are " normal " tissues. So when we eat RF, and at an accelerated pace when we fast, the body eliminates the trash and recaptures and recycles the usable components. In contrast, when we apply force to the body (as in a " cleanse " ), to whatever extent the cleanse does succeed in motivating the body to remove foreign matter in addition to the cleanse material itself, there is an almost complete loss of the material eliminated; recapture and recycling are virtually impossible, as these require a slower, gentler biological process. So from several perspectives, forced cleansing is disharmonious with Nature's design, that is, with OUR design. Hope this helps! Elchanan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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