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MSM supplements, Mostly Hype or worth the $ ?

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Hello i would like to know if anyone here has seen real true beneficial

results from taking MSM as a supplement. David Wolfe amongst others ,

claim this is an Amazing supplement that brings real and Lasting results.

Is the current MSM marketing blitz just a con job for more $.... or is

this supplement the 'real deal' ?







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" ..just a con job for more $... "







rawfood , dj7510 wrote:


> Hello i would like to know if anyone here has seen real true beneficial

> results from taking MSM as a supplement. David Wolfe amongst

others ,

> claim this is an Amazing supplement that brings real and Lasting


> Is the current MSM marketing blitz just a con job for more

$.... or is

> this supplement the 'real deal' ?


> thanks,

> Dave




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I looked into it to, not saying that I agree with

everything on this site (very much a sceptic's site),




makes interesting reading.



--- dj7510 wrote:


> Hello i would like to know if anyone here has seen

> real true beneficial

> results from taking MSM as a supplement. David

> Wolfe amongst others ,

> claim this is an Amazing supplement that brings

> real and Lasting results.

> Is the current MSM marketing blitz just a con

> job for more $.... or is

> this supplement the 'real deal' ?


> thanks,

> Dave



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











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I have seen the benefit of taking MSM supplements. I used it for

allergies and inflammed joints. I have also given it to others to

relieve respiratory congestion and tightness due to colds and asthma

and have seen results there also.


However, I am of the belief that if we are 100% raw, with much

variety in our diets, we do not need supplementation. I believe

that supplementation may have it's benefits for people who are

dealing with specific health crises. But once the body is

detoxified and stabilized on a raw diet, there should be no need for

dried, freeze dried, shelved for years at a time " nutrients " . I try

to remember that anything that we can buy off of a shelf, we can

also get through our diets in it's freshest state. And of course,

this is my humble opinion.


So, if you decide to get the benefits of MSM through your diet,

since it is basically organic sulfur...contained in all living

organisms...you can get MSM from fruits and veggies. Veggies with

the most MSM are high in sulfur, such as onions, garlic, cabbage,

brussel sprouts, red peppers, and algae.


If you are going to go for the supplement, I would suggest powder

form so that you have more options as to the way that you take it

and how much. I bought the pills and the biggest bottle that I

could find. They tend to deteriorate rather rapidly, turning yellow

and breaking down around the edges. I would have preferred to have

been able to add the powder to a smoothie or something.


Hope this helps!







rawfood , Elaine Bruce <lilelil wrote:


> I looked into it to, not saying that I agree with

> everything on this site (very much a sceptic's site),

> but:

> http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/DSH/msm.html


> makes interesting reading.



> --- dj7510 wrote:


> > Hello i would like to know if anyone here has seen

> > real true beneficial

> > results from taking MSM as a supplement. David

> > Wolfe amongst others ,

> > claim this is an Amazing supplement that brings

> > real and Lasting results.

> > Is the current MSM marketing blitz just a con

> > job for more $.... or is

> > this supplement the 'real deal' ?

> >

> > thanks,

> > Dave

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





> _________

> Try the all-new Mail. " The New Version is radically easier

to use " – The Wall Street Journal

> http://uk.docs./nowyoucan.html


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Thanks great article. Hard to evaluate it for its honesty as QUACKWATCH

obviously doesnt approve of anything thats truly healthy, ie raw food,

juicing, exercise, natural methods. So they as a source of reliable

information on Health is sadly , patheticaly hopless and totally commercialy

motivated . They're advice is for all of us to be butchered up by

physicians and left as Dead corpses , so they can buy more brand new


houses and Ferraris. Insane but true, welcome to modern day America


But nonetheless, it was a

thought provoking article.






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I MUST defend MSM. One reason many think it is hype because it is

mainly useful to those who have pains due to " wear and tear " , i.e.

over 50 crowd. Not sure what the average age on this list is but that

may be a reason I haven't seen anyone with a testimonial.


I'm 60 and can't do without my MSM. I have very bad " tennis elbow "

(which is not due to playing too much tennis, by the way) and I have

found nothing that is as non-toxic as MSM that helps anywhere near as

much. With MSM, pain goes away. Not right away, but within a week and

stays away if I take a daily dose. I DON't like to take pain killers,

even aspirin. IMO, MSM is much healthier than aspirin. I like the

fact that MSM takes a while to " kick in " , usually a sign (to me) that

the supplement is relatively mild.


It doesn't fix all chronic pain like asirin. Sorry I'm not more

knowledgeable about how it works.


Of course for those who believe you shouldn't take anything that you

can't pick up in the garden, then I realize I won't be able to provide

a convincing argument. But for anyone reading this who has " tennis

elbow " or arthritic joint pains, I heartily recommend that you give it

a try. I'm taking 1 gram per day (powder in water in the morning).


I can't remember what dosage I started with. Now that I'm on the raw

diet, I DO plan to start trying to phase some of my supplements out

but I have only been on the raw diet for a month. And my supplements

provided miracle fixes (if not cures) for several chronic ailments

that I was unable to get any doctor interested in other than to give

me a prescription drug. I was even offered Vioxx but I declined.


So my recommendation is to give MSM a try if you have chronic pain.

It is a fairly inexpensive supplement, you can buy it in most drug

stores but it is cheaper online. I won't give a online source since I

suspect someone might think I have some financial interest. Not the case.


You can always quit taking it and see if your pain is gone like I plan

to do in another month or so. It definitely is not addictive.


If you don't have joint pains, I don't see any reason to take it.


Good luck.




rawfood , dj7510 wrote:


> Hello i would like to know if anyone here has seen real true beneficial

> results from taking MSM as a supplement. David Wolfe amongst

others ,

> claim this is an Amazing supplement that brings real and Lasting


> Is the current MSM marketing blitz just a con job for more

$.... or is

> this supplement the 'real deal' ?


> thanks,

> Dave


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Hello, great testimonial, i appreciate your input on this. Im very

curious , as a side benefit have you also noticed any Positive changes in


Skin and Hair since taking MSM ?






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I used to have joint pains and what I thought was arthritis, but I'm afraid of

doctors (medical & naturopathic). After I had been raw for only about two weeks

all my joint pain and foot pains were gone and have not returned unless I

encounter too much salt.





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My joint pains have also gone since eating raw food. I am about

95%-100% raw, varies a little but not much. I also notice some

stiffness return with too much salt. Another thing I have noticed

about two much salt is that it really knocks me out. I feel like I

have been drugged when I wake up in the morning and no one can wake me

up during the night no matter how they try. Normally I am a fairly

light sleeper. Has anyone else experienced this with salt.




On Aug 19, 2006, at 5:55 PM, SV wrote:


> I used to have joint pains and what I thought was arthritis, but I'm

> afraid of doctors (medical & naturopathic). After I had been raw for

> only about two weeks all my joint pain and foot pains were gone and

> have not returned unless I encounter too much salt.


> Shari



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Yes, Tammy! After not eating salt for quite some time I indulged in some

homemade, dehydrated potato chips and I was extremely lethargic within about an

hour. It was very surprising to me. I never equated salt with energy, or lack

of I should say.





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How did you make the coorelation that it was salt, Shari? Did it take

some experimenting?




rawfood , " SV " <shavig wrote:


> I used to have joint pains and what I thought was arthritis, but I'm

afraid of doctors (medical & naturopathic). After I had been raw for

only about two weeks all my joint pain and foot pains were gone and

have not returned unless I encounter too much salt.


> Shari



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I knew it was the salt because that was the only condiment I used and the affect

(effect?) was almost instantaneous. One minute I was feeling fine and the next

I was almost asleep on the couch. I have eaten the same chips, minus salt, and

they did not have the a/effect on me.


Nothing scientific, just what I concluded. Might not have the same reaction

with other people.





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Hi Dave --


I don't know anything about MSM and it's affect on skin and hair.

But want to add that I take biotin (5 grams per day) for my

fingernails and it seems to really improve my skin as well as

fingernails. I used to take less and there was no effect. Improvement

with fingernail thickness happened before I started going to raw food

and much later after I started taking MSM - the reason I'm fairly sure

it is the biotin. Fingernails are still way under par though, raw

food (for a month) doesn't seem to have added any improvement.


Also, I would want to know the age of anyone who talks about joint

pains on this list. Those of us over 50 (and I'm 60) have a better

understanding of chronic pain due to joint wear and tear.


That said, I have noticed some improvement with residual joint pain

(that MSM didn't improve) since I have gone raw. I am hoping that

this effect will get even greater the longer I am on raw food.


As I said earlier, one of the best things about MSM is its low

toxicity and low price - a rather inexpensive experiment to see if you

have anything to gain, IMO. You need to stay on it for at least a

week though before you draw any conclusions.




rawfood , dj7510 wrote:


> Hello, great testimonial, i appreciate your input on this. Im very

> curious , as a side benefit have you also noticed any Positive

changes in your

> Skin and Hair since taking MSM ?


> dave

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rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of SV

Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:02 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: MSM supplements, Mostly Hype or worth the $ ?


I knew it was the salt because that was the only condiment I used and the affect

(effect?) was

almost instantaneous. One minute I was feeling fine and the next I was almost

asleep on the

couch. I have eaten the same chips, minus salt, and they did not have the

a/effect on me.


Nothing scientific, just what I concluded. Might not have the same reaction with

other people.




Actually, Shari, the very first tenet of the scientific method is dispassionate

observation. You

scientist, you! :):)






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I have been a raw foodist for close to 7 years and have always eaten salt

throughout. I too, have the issue with feeling " knocked out " in the morning

and sometimes in the afternoon after eating salt, but I never put two and

two together until now. Thanks!!!! I have had chronic pain since I was 5 and

have had it throughout being raw as well unless I have the MSM. Perhaps it

isn't the MSM? I have been taking MSM for over 20 years in powder form.

Maybe it is just salt. I even eat Himalayan salt. Guess it doesn't matter

what kind of salt you eat.


I'm actually allergic to garlic. :o LOL


I prefer a raw vegan list. I do however understand that everyone is

different and that's OK. :)


I studied with Ann Wigmore when I was a teenager. I used to be a strict NH.

I've done (3) 40 day water fasts. I have an extensive background in

nutrition and healing. I used to live on wheatgrass. I have a vast amount of

knowledge under my belt, but that doesn't ever stop me from asking questions

I love to LEARN! You never stop learning really. This diet can get pretty

ridiculous when it comes to orthorexia extremes. All my friends became

orthorexia extremists and then they just weren't any fun to hang out with

anymore. All the exclusions!! After a while, they wouldn't touch this or

that, stopped going to raw parties, etc...


It would be great to see everyone being able to freely express themselves.

Even though I own my own raw vegan list, I still love to read this one. :)


Blessings to everyone and thanks so much for the salt eye opener.





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Nice, Angela! Thanks!





rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Angela Elliott

Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:34 PM


[Raw Food] Re: MSM supplements, Mostly Hype or worth the $ ?




I have been a raw foodist for close to 7 years and have always eaten salt

throughout. I too, have the issue with feeling " knocked out " in the morning

and sometimes in the afternoon after eating salt, but I never put two and

two together until now. Thanks!!!! I have had chronic pain since I was 5 and

have had it throughout being raw as well unless I have the MSM. Perhaps it

isn't the MSM? I have been taking MSM for over 20 years in powder form.

Maybe it is just salt. I even eat Himalayan salt. Guess it doesn't matter

what kind of salt you eat.


I'm actually allergic to garlic. :o LOL


I prefer a raw vegan list. I do however understand that everyone is

different and that's OK. :)


I studied with Ann Wigmore when I was a teenager. I used to be a strict NH.

I've done (3) 40 day water fasts. I have an extensive background in

nutrition and healing. I used to live on wheatgrass. I have a vast amount of

knowledge under my belt, but that doesn't ever stop me from asking questions

I love to LEARN! You never stop learning really. This diet can get pretty

ridiculous when it comes to orthorexia extremes. All my friends became

orthorexia extremists and then they just weren't any fun to hang out with

anymore. All the exclusions!! After a while, they wouldn't touch this or

that, stopped going to raw parties, etc...


It would be great to see everyone being able to freely express themselves.

Even though I own my own raw vegan list, I still love to read this one. :)


Blessings to everyone and thanks so much for the salt eye opener.





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