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Salt: Elchanan/Cindy + March's postings

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I am re-posting a post made by Don Quai, Tammy and Tommie last March 29th on

this subject. I responded to it by asking a question, which is in the beginning

of the re-post, that I think is important to our current debate. Hopefully

Elchanan and Cindy could help answer it, regarding the following posts that I

ask it of??? THANK YOU:


Don & paddlerwoman,

From reading both of your posts, it seems that sodium chloride is corrosive

BECAUSE it builds up in the tissues to toxic levels BECAUSE it isn't

ionic/angstrom-sized. Right?


1. Would sodium chloride NOT be corrosive as long as it is ionic and

angstrom sized? (I tried pouring boiling water into a jar of table salt and

shook it around/let it sit overnight. The salt never dissolved! The water

above it was cloudy, though I lend that to the chemicals involved in the

processing of it?).




On Mar 29, 2006, at 1:09 AM, Don Eitner wrote:

Tue, 28 Mar 2006 19:57:01 -0500

Re: Re: drinking vinegar/salt addiction


Salt is salt no matter what it is called. Sodium chloride is a toxic corrosive

chemical. Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan both are 97 to 98% Sodium chloride. All

salt is inorganic, meaning it cannot be used by the human body. This is why we

have plants. One of their jobs is to take up these salts and make them ionicÂ

by splitting them up from the other element they are connected to and combining

them with an enzyme that allows our body to utilize them. Without the enzyme and

the plant making magic it is just inorganic salt. Salt will enter the body as

salt and leaves just the same way. Ever notice how your perspiration tastes

salty? That is because your body cannot use salt. It will do everything it can

to eliminate salt. It will, if it cannot get rid of it immediately, dilute it

with water from your cells. This dehydrates your cells and leads to cell death.

This is one of the causes of artheriosclerosis. This diluted salt solution, yes

it is still sodium chloride, will then


transported, via the blood stream creating havoc to the arteries as it moves

along, to be deposited somewhere undeer your skin until it can be disposed of

safely. This usually occurs through your urine or sweat and tears. Also through

mucus from sinuses. The only sodium the human body can use comes from plants

like celery. The human body has no use for salt. It does have a tremendous use

for sodium, however. But this is not sodium chloride or sodium bicarbonate or

anything like that. This is sodium that is made organic by a plant through the

magic of photosynthesis by cleaving off the extra element and adding on an

organic enzyme. So it really doesn't matter what name you wish to give salt it

is still salt. As for all the other minerals that are purported to be in Celtic

grey and Himalayan, well they are all inorganic as well. You want minerals get

them from 100% raw living foods, fruits, green leafy vegetables, raw nuts and


Don Quai


paddlerwoman wrote:


Thank you for taking the time to answer. I would like to share the source of my

information regarding Celtic and Himalayan salt.

" For a mineral to be utilized at the intracellular level, it must be in an

angstrom-size (that is , so infinitesimal it is measured in units of angstroms),

and these particles must be completely water-soluble. It is only the ionic form,

or angstrom-size level, of minerals that can enter the cells and activate the

proper DNA structures to actuate the guiding

frequencies for the function of the body. An angstrom is one

-thousandth of a micron, and one-millionth of a meter. The

significance of this information is that almost all the mineral supplements on

the market are larger than micron sizes. Now, it can be a little confusing, but

think about it this way: Particles that are micron in size and larger will be

absorbed by the blood, but they are too large to be absorbed intracellularly and

inside the nucleus. These larger forms stay in the bloodstream , and eventually

become deposited

in various tissue locations. Angstrom-size particles travel through the cells,

and if the body doesn't need them, it will simply discharge them with no buildup

of minerals to crate potential toxicity in the tissues.

We observe that the roots of plants are designed to break down the soil and

utilize and absorb mineral particles, angstrom-size - that's what they do. With

the help of fulvic acid in the humus material, plants are able to take these

minerals in, and break them down into angstrom-size.. which they use. Once we

understand that, we understand that the vegetables we eat transfer

angstrom-size minerals are key to optional mineral absorption. It takes about

twelve years for farmland to become deficient of angstrom-size minerals. For

this reason,

farmers would often move every twelve years. These excess mineral of

micron-size or larger can cause a variety of problems. The paradox, which is

hard to understand, is that while the tissues are full of minerals, in a sense,

the cell is lacking in the angstrom-size minerals. This is one reason why we

can us salt (Himalayan or Celtic sea salt) products for our bodies with amazing

results, because they are in the ionic angstrom-sizes. If salt isn't in the

ionic form, we simply aren't able to absorb minerals into our bodies. Table

salt as well as any heated salt is covalently bonded. It is not available for

use in the body and can cause a toxic build-up. This may also potentially apply

to salts that are sun dried. the process of sun drying, like many other forms of

heating, causes electrons not to be available and the ions to form more tight

bonds that make them inaccessible for assimilation. If salt creates a savory

and watery feeling in the mouth, then it is still

ionic. If it dries the mouth, this suggests that it has converted to the less

assimilable covalent form. Although larger miner forms or covalently bonded

salt may help us initially on one level ,, eventually they have the potential of

building up to toxic overload. Paradoxically, one of the most effective ways to

pull out these accumulated minerals is to provide the same mineral in

angstrom-size. Angstrom-size minerals act as building blocks for more than six

thousand different enzymes needed for optimal function in our bodies. If we

don't have the proper minerals for those enzymes to work in the particular

organs that are needed, we do not, in

a sense, have the cellular building materials for repair and

regeneration of our tissues " (Gabriel Cousens, Spiritual Nutrition pp 415,416

" The vegan diet tends to wash chlorine out of the system; therfore, it is

important to bring a lot of chlorine and sodium salts into the system through

these foods and natural salts such as Celtic, Himalayan.... " ( ibid. p 429)

" Chlorine unites with potassium to work within the muscle system and give tone

to the motor centers. It also can help excite the sexual system. Chlorine helps

support the blood

cell function, and is obviously important in the formation of

hydrochloric acid. It's a cleanse of the lymph, and it enhances peristalsis and

circulation. Chlorine helps to heal blood diseases, nervous disorders, poor

muscle function, skin inflammation, lymphatic congestion, and congested livers. "

(ibid, p. 429)

" Often people have extracellular fluids that are quite mineral depleted. The

least expensive way to ameliorate this is with ionic salts such as Himalayan ,

Celtic, Krystal or Real salt. These salts are non-heated salts. They have ionic

bonding. " (ibid., p479)

As you can see. I have given the question as to whether all salt is the same

some thought and done some research on it. I have reached a different conclusion

than you have. My conclusions are: One, To function properly my body needs salt

at the angstrom level. Two, I agree with you that getting this salt from my

food is the best source but since most land on which food is grown in this

country is overused and I have no way of knowing if the farmers are doing

anything to

remineralize their soils, I should supplement the food, although one could

consider salt part of their food. Three, Himalayan and Celtic salt are angstrom

size salt and have additional minerals that my body probably needs at angstrom

size. Therefor, the use of Four, Himalayan and Celtic sea salt will help my body

maintain a healthy status as it is in a form that my body can utilize and/or

covert into other products, such as chlorine, that it needs to function.




Elchanan <VLinfo wrote:

Greetings Cindy, and thanks so very much for responding to my post. I

enthusiastically welcome your input, and I hope that together, we might turn

this dialog into a nice learning experience. First I'll respond on several

specific points you've raised, then I'll make a request to continue the

conversation. I hope you'll choose to participate!!

You write: " I don't agree with your 'logic' with regard to something being toxic

no matter what it's concentration.... Just because a substance is toxic in a

certain dosage dose not follow that it is toxic in all doses... "

As a generalization, I agree completely, and if I have given the impression

otherwise, then I have communicated unclearly.

You continue: " ...in fact the very same substance could very well be therapeutic

in a certain dose. "

Here I sense that we hold different perspectives. I believe in Nature's

design, that is, I believe the body monitors, cleanses, and restores itself.

Except in cases of trauma (and a few other very rare circumstances), I do not

use nor recommend treatments of any kind; these only serve to block the body's

own, natural processes. We may observe evidence that this is so, for example,

when people experience " retracing " of old

symptoms. This term was first used, to my knowledge, by Samuel Hahnemann,

originator of homeopathic. Basically, whenever the body has begun a cleansing /

restoration process, and that process is blocked from completion (whether by

trauma, therapeutic intervention, poor diet and lifestyle), then eventually,

given the opportunity, the body may reproduce the original symptoms, to a

degree, as it completes the restoration process.

Almost all reported deficiencies in western societies are a myth. For it is not

from a dietary deficiency, but rather from endless leaching out of valuable

material faster than the body can ever possibly replace that material, that

causes what are perceived as " deficiencies " . The term " deficiency " implies that

the solution lies in " taking something " . But if we understand that the process

is really one of excessive loss, and not one of insufficient gain, then we may

take steps to remove the cause of the loss. In general, this means that we must

stop ingesting something, or change some aspect of our behavior to reduce

stressors in our lives, etc.

Such a shift occurs, for example, when people switch from eating largely cooked

to largely raw foods, and particularly if they choose foods that are highly

alkalizing to the body and well-matched to its digestive capacities. These

include primarily fruits and greens, which are high in water and therefore

oxygen, high in fuel (simple sugars), high in vitamins and minerals, etc. AND

low in proteins, fats, and hard indigestible fiber.

Anyway, my point here is simply that I do not seek nor recommend anything for

its " therapeutic " properties; I believe that all such interventions (except in

cases of trauma, as I stated above, and occasionally with the exception of

certain energetic modalities), are directly counterproductive.

Returning to the salt topic ... you write: " Obviously sodium chloride is an

ionic bond and this occurs naturally within our bodies when the chloride anion

and the sodium cation join and is vital for our metabolic function (and

therefore survival. " Are you suggesting here that our bodies create sodium

chloride internally? If so, then I'd surely love to know where in the body this

occurs, and under what circumstances, and I'd be truly grateful if you would

share that information.

All of which leads me to my request: Would you be willing to share exactly where

in the body, and by what process, sodium chloride is broken apart, such that the

sodium ion and the chloride ion become permanently separated and indecently

available? For if I am incorrect, then I would truly love to know!






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