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DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a truthfull teacher ?

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I don't know the answer to your question, but I think there is another possible

answer that you missed. He may believe that the supplements are beneficial when

in fact they aren't.


While there are unscrupulous people in this world, I find that most people are

actually trying to do good. The unfortunate part is that for every person out

there, there is a different perception of what good is. If people all behaved

within my perception of good what a wonderful world this would be :-)





Dave <dj7510


Thursday, August 17, 2006 4:33:13 PM

[Raw Food] DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a

truthfull teacher ?


I am trying to figure out all the Hype and seperate Fact from Fiction

on Various Hot button Important topics in the raw food community,

ie Supplements. .. MSM , MACA, VITAMINERAL GREEN, Various Green

powders, ANGSTROM SIZED MINERALS etc. The Main promoter of

these various 'raw food supplements ' is Mr. Wolfe. He promotes

them vigorously , intensely and claims even if eating a totaly 100%

organic raw food diet, you are still deficient in many Nutrients

especially all the Major and Trace Minerals. This issue would not be

so important if these supplemtns were not so Horribly Expensive !

But sadly they are, and it naturally makes one wonder..are the

promoters of these supplements simply Fakes and Frauds out to Make a

quick buck or as Mr. Wolfe Claims, we are at a stage and development

in our Modern Agriculture, that even the best of a Varied Organic

Raw Food diet simply isnt enough to be fully and adequately

Mineralized . the question is a vital and important one and i feel

is fundamental to Our desire to experience the highest health


It would be shamefull and almost

criminal , in my humble opinion , if Mr. Wolfe and others like him

are simply attempting to line their pockets and make some easy $ on a

naieve, Gullible and curious public wanting the best for

themselves. So yes i guess my ? goes Right to Mr. Wolfes

integrity, in this groups opinion is he 'the real deal' or just a

slick tounge, clever marketer on a mission to Acquire Massive

wealth ? He cant be both, its gotta be one or the other and id

like Everyone's insight and opinion on this.









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We do not need supplements. They only unbalance the body and make the people

selling them rich. If our soils are so deficient then why are the

supplements any better for us? Isn't the stuff in the supplements grown in

soil? Supplement pushers just want to scare us into buying our products. By

eating fruits and veggies we are getting WAY more nutrients than anyone

else. There is no need to worry. Trust your body and trust nature.



In light,






> " Dave " <dj7510



>[Raw Food] DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a

>truthfull teacher ?

>Thu, 17 Aug 2006 20:33:13 -0000


>I am trying to figure out all the Hype and seperate Fact from Fiction

>on Various Hot button Important topics in the raw food community,

>ie Supplements... MSM , MACA, VITAMINERAL GREEN, Various Green

>powders, ANGSTROM SIZED MINERALS etc. The Main promoter of

>these various 'raw food supplements ' is Mr. Wolfe. He promotes

>them vigorously , intensely and claims even if eating a totaly 100%

>organic raw food diet, you are still deficient in many Nutrients

>especially all the Major and Trace Minerals. This issue would not be

>so important if these supplemtns were not so Horribly Expensive !

>But sadly they are, and it naturally makes one wonder..are the

>promoters of these supplements simply Fakes and Frauds out to Make a

>quick buck or as Mr. Wolfe Claims, we are at a stage and development

>in our Modern Agriculture, that even the best of a Varied Organic

>Raw Food diet simply isnt enough to be fully and adequately

>Mineralized . the question is a vital and important one and i feel

>is fundamental to Our desire to experience the highest health


> It would be shamefull and almost

>criminal , in my humble opinion , if Mr. Wolfe and others like him

>are simply attempting to line their pockets and make some easy $ on a

>naieve, Gullible and curious public wanting the best for

>themselves. So yes i guess my ? goes Right to Mr. Wolfes

>integrity, in this groups opinion is he 'the real deal' or just a

>slick tounge, clever marketer on a mission to Acquire Massive

>wealth ? He cant be both, its gotta be one or the other and id

>like Everyone's insight and opinion on this.










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rawfood [ <rawfood >

rawfood ]

On Behalf Of Dave

Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:33 PM

[Raw Food] DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a

truthfull teacher ?


I am trying to figure out all the Hype and seperate Fact from Fiction on Various

Hot button

Important topics in the raw food community, ie Supplements... MSM , MACA,


Various Green powders, ANGSTROM SIZED MINERALS etc. The Main promoter of

these various 'raw food supplements ' is Mr. Wolfe. He promotes them vigorously

, intensely and

claims even if eating a totaly 100% organic raw food diet, you are still

deficient in many

Nutrients especially all the Major and Trace Minerals. This issue would not be

so important if these supplemtns were not so Horribly Expensive !


---SNIP ---





Hi Dave,

It's really quite simple. Our species has thrived on this planet for several

million years

without a single " supplemental product " of any kind, regardless of who is

selling it.


Look at it this way: it is indeed correct to say that the raw diet David

recommends is deficient

and in fact depleting to the system (though less so than SAD, by far, which is

why it seems to

work, for awhile). But if his diet worked, he wouldn't require stimulants. (Most

of his

supplements are indeed stimulants, as are some of his " healthy " foods.)


On my raw diet, I require no supplements of any kind ... by which I mean, my

diet precludes

their use.


Save your money, take a friend to Disneyland.







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Look at it this way: it is indeed correct to say that the raw diet David

recommends is deficient

and in fact depleting to the system (though less so than SAD, by far, which is

why it seems to

work, for awhile). But if his diet worked, he wouldn't require stimulants.




Hi all! I wanted to know more about the problems with David Wolfe's raw diet

recommendations. I am very new to this and love all the info that is generated

here. Wolfe is all over the place here (and I am in the Midwest HA! ) there is

not much of a raw foods lifestyle representation around here but when raw/living

foods diet is brought up his name is usually touted. We are always behind the

times in these parts...what are the downfalls of what he recommends. I have not

had a chance to read any of his books but the fact that his website is all about

supplements is a HUGE turnoff...and I sell supplements for a living (well I work

in a place where we sell supplements :)




Elchanan <VLinfo wrote:

rawfood [ <rawfood >

rawfood ]

On Behalf Of Dave

Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:33 PM

[Raw Food] DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a

truthfull teacher ?


I am trying to figure out all the Hype and seperate Fact from Fiction on Various

Hot button

Important topics in the raw food community, ie Supplements... MSM , MACA,


Various Green powders, ANGSTROM SIZED MINERALS etc. The Main promoter of

these various 'raw food supplements ' is Mr. Wolfe. He promotes them vigorously

, intensely and

claims even if eating a totaly 100% organic raw food diet, you are still

deficient in many

Nutrients especially all the Major and Trace Minerals. This issue would not be

so important if these supplemtns were not so Horribly Expensive !


---SNIP ---





Hi Dave,

It's really quite simple. Our species has thrived on this planet for several

million years

without a single " supplemental product " of any kind, regardless of who is

selling it.


Look at it this way: it is indeed correct to say that the raw diet David

recommends is deficient

and in fact depleting to the system (though less so than SAD, by far, which is

why it seems to

work, for awhile). But if his diet worked, he wouldn't require stimulants. (Most

of his

supplements are indeed stimulants, as are some of his " healthy " foods.)


On my raw diet, I require no supplements of any kind ... by which I mean, my

diet precludes

their use.


Save your money, take a friend to Disneyland.






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naieve, Gullible and curious public wanting the best for

> >themselves. So yes i guess my ? goes Right to Mr. Wolfes

> >integrity, in this groups opinion is he 'the real deal' or just


> >slick tounge, clever marketer on a mission to Acquire Massive

> >wealth ?



I am a little skeptical as well...most of what Mr. Wolfe preaches

definitely makes sense, and I do believe him to be a very intelligent

man, but with that being said he also is a human being trying to make

a living like us all. If your success/ livelyhood depended on the

public buying all of your products and attending your seminars

wouldn't you be inclined to say as much as you could to sell them? We

do not " need " everything he says we do, although I'm sure it's all

healthy for us. My advice is to use common sense, and listen to your

body. Too many minerals are just as bad as not enough!

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I am definitely in agreement with the person who said that Wolfe

frequently contradicts himself, and for that reason I am not a fan.

I tend to stick with those who are very clear concise and consistent

in their views. Also, people who deal with the foods themselves as

opposed to supplements.


I don't know what others have heard Wolfe state, but I heard him

state that (and I'm paraphrasing) " whereas before, he did not believe

that someone on a raw diet would need supplements, working with

certain people with certain illnesses has changed his mind. And

therefore, he now believes that SOME people with certain conditions

DEFINITELY need to supplement. " He then goes on to state that he

absolutely does not take supplements, but some people should.


I have not been impressed with his logic or knowledge base since I

started on my raw jouney, and statements like this certainly do not

help. I think that he is very aware that people on raw do not need

supplements, but he's making money and that's what matters. And even

if he wanted to retract his statements promoting supplements, this

would now take a huge chunk out of his income...not to mention that

people who previously looked at him as the king of raw would now

question his knowledge and intentions. Basically, he has dug a hole

for himself.


I think I'll stick with Victoria and the like.




rawfood , " shoe_lover26 " <shoe_lover26



> naieve, Gullible and curious public wanting the best for

> > >themselves. So yes i guess my ? goes Right to Mr. Wolfes

> > >integrity, in this groups opinion is he 'the real deal' or


> a

> > >slick tounge, clever marketer on a mission to Acquire Massive

> > >wealth ?



> I am a little skeptical as well...most of what Mr. Wolfe preaches

> definitely makes sense, and I do believe him to be a very


> man, but with that being said he also is a human being trying to


> a living like us all. If your success/ livelyhood depended on the

> public buying all of your products and attending your seminars

> wouldn't you be inclined to say as much as you could to sell them?


> do not " need " everything he says we do, although I'm sure it's all

> healthy for us. My advice is to use common sense, and listen to


> body. Too many minerals are just as bad as not enough!


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What worries me, is that a lot of people are put off

the raw food diet by 'gurus' like Wolfe. Sensible

people I know look up 'raw food' on the web, find most

raw food sites are selling hugely overpriced

superfoods, and are put off looking into it any

further. How can a diet logically be our natural diet,

if it only works if you take hundreds of £/$ worth of

supplements each month?


Obviously there are people out there who don't sell

any supplements and give geniunely helpful advice(Fred

Patenaude, Victoria Boutenko, Storm and Jinjee, for

example) but the less scrupulous ones are giving raw

food diets a bad name.


When I see these recipes online for smoothies, made

from maca, cacao, crystal manna (over $100 a pot!),

cacao butter, purple corn powder, agave nectar, etc. I

can't blame people for getting turned off. Sometimes

they don't have a single fresh ingredient! Just

because they aren't heated above a certain

temperature, doesn't stop these foods being highly



I must admit, I was somewhat taken in at first. We

all like easy answers, and the thought that we can

massively improve our health (and make up for all the

years of poor food choices) by eating a few goji

berries or adding maca to our morning smoothie is

alluring. I guess the problem is that fruit,

vegetables, and especially wild greens - the

healthiest foods we can eat and that should comprise

95% of a raw diet, are not things you can make a lot

of money from.


Oh well - here's to all the gurus who've resisted the

temptation to get rich quick at our expense!


--- " Saja B. " <sajaa wrote:


> I am definitely in agreement with the person who

> said that Wolfe

> frequently contradicts himself, and for that reason

> I am not a fan.

> I tend to stick with those who are very clear

> concise and consistent

> in their views. Also, people who deal with the

> foods themselves as

> opposed to supplements.


> I don't know what others have heard Wolfe state, but

> I heard him

> state that (and I'm paraphrasing) " whereas before,

> he did not believe

> that someone on a raw diet would need supplements,

> working with

> certain people with certain illnesses has changed

> his mind. And

> therefore, he now believes that SOME people with

> certain conditions

> DEFINITELY need to supplement. " He then goes on to

> state that he

> absolutely does not take supplements, but some

> people should.


> I have not been impressed with his logic or

> knowledge base since I

> started on my raw jouney, and statements like this

> certainly do not

> help. I think that he is very aware that people on

> raw do not need

> supplements, but he's making money and that's what

> matters. And even

> if he wanted to retract his statements promoting

> supplements, this

> would now take a huge chunk out of his income...not

> to mention that

> people who previously looked at him as the king of

> raw would now

> question his knowledge and intentions. Basically,

> he has dug a hole

> for himself.


> I think I'll stick with Victoria and the like.


> S~~


> rawfood , " shoe_lover26 "

> <shoe_lover26

> wrote:

> >

> > naieve, Gullible and curious public wanting the

> best for

> > > >themselves. So yes i guess my ? goes Right

> to Mr. Wolfes

> > > >integrity, in this groups opinion is he 'the

> real deal' or

> just

> > a

> > > >slick tounge, clever marketer on a mission to

> Acquire Massive

> > > >wealth ?

> >

> >

> > I am a little skeptical as well...most of what Mr.

> Wolfe preaches

> > definitely makes sense, and I do believe him to be

> a very

> intelligent

> > man, but with that being said he also is a human

> being trying to

> make

> > a living like us all. If your success/ livelyhood

> depended on the

> > public buying all of your products and attending

> your seminars

> > wouldn't you be inclined to say as much as you

> could to sell them?

> We

> > do not " need " everything he says we do, although

> I'm sure it's all

> > healthy for us. My advice is to use common sense,

> and listen to

> your

> > body. Too many minerals are just as bad as not

> enough!

> >











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Heh - my friends and i have a name for people like David Wolfe, which

is Raw Rock Stars. They come complete with groupies. I actually find

the phenomenon really amusing.


On a more serious note, there was a time when I thought his approach

was condescending and elitist, but he seems to have mellowed out a lot

which is nice because he really is a knowledgeable guy. I don't buy

anything off his site, but that's mostly because I live in a city where

I have what I need available to me. I did consider buying something

from his site once, but they wanted $12.00 to ship 3 vanilla beans and

well, that's just robbery.


I guess what i'm trying to say is that if you can separate the

knowledgeable David Wolfe from the overpriced supplement peddling David

Wolfe, you're bound to find some really useful information.



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Not only does he have groupies, he has a rock 'n roll band AND he was one of

five stars featured on a reality show on the SciFi channel last year or the year






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rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Friday, August 18, 2006 11:24 AM


[Raw Food] Re: DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a

truthfull teacher



I guess what i'm trying to say is that if you can separate the knowledgeable

David Wolfe from

the overpriced supplement peddling David Wolfe, you're bound to find some really






I certainly agree!


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I would like to propose that we consider the possibility that some raw foodist


suplements and others don't. I'm not sure it it wise to make sweeping general


about all raw foodists and their body's needs. We all have a different history

of abusing

our bodies and so in my opinion it follows that we all need different treatment

and care of

our bodies once we start healing them. Let's follow our instincts and intuition

and we will

find the answer for ourselves.

I believe that it is possible that David Wolfe is doing what he believes is

right and speading

the word in order to educate people about what he believes is correct. We all

have a

responsibility to decide if our body needs what he is selling and if our budgets

allow it.

I know some of Nature's First Law's products are expensive, however, having used


products and compared some of them to other similar but less expensive ones I am

continualy pleased with the quality of the products and I believe they are worth

their price.

If you are interested in their products but the price is prohibitive, consider

opening a

wholesale account. Many of their products are available at wholesale prices.


Another thought I'd like to share is this concept that being rich is somehow

negative. I am

not at the moment financially " rich " but my immediate financial needs are met

and I have

abundance in many other ways. I do hope to someday be financially prosperous


doing what I love in total joy. If that means selling a wonderful raw food

product or service

that people appreciate having available to them and are willing to contribute

financially to

my prosperity in order to have, I don't think there is anything wrong wih that.

If someone

comes along who can't afford it but still wants my products I would do my best

to make

them available to them in some way that feel joyous and equitable. I believe our


towards other peole's prosperity can, if it is negative and full of envy or

resentment, block

our ability to receive financial prosperity.

Lets bless David Wolfe, Stephen Arlin and his company and wish them well in all

they do

and let's vibrate that all who desire financial prosperity receive it while

following their

passion and providing a service to the community.


Denise Thomas



rawfood , " Elchanan " <VLinfo wrote:


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


> Friday, August 18, 2006 11:24 AM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a



> ?


> I guess what i'm trying to say is that if you can separate the knowledgeable

David Wolfe


> the overpriced supplement peddling David Wolfe, you're bound to find some



> information.


> Bridgitte

> __________________

> I certainly agree!

> Elchanan


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Thank you, Denise, for your sane remarks.


Nature's First Law does tend to gouge a little when they price things, and until

there is more competition he will be able to do so. Opening up a wholesale

account is a great idea! There is always a way around a situation if a person

chooses to 'think out of the box'. The people that created Nature's First Law

were pioneers in bringing hard to find, quality raw food items to the masses.

They should be blessed for that.


On the topic of " To Supplement or Not " : We live in a toxic world. Our soil is

vastly depleted. Most of us came to eat raw foods because we were presented

with 'health opportunities'. Mine was cancer. For some it may be IBS,

Arthritis, or Obesity, etc. Whatever the reason our bodies were calling out for

HEALTH! A few of the reasons a diet of 80 to 100 percent living foods is so

healing is because of the life force in the food and also the vitamins and

minerals it provides our bodies. Minerals, most especially, alkalize and aid

the body in almost every function. For instance, to digest our food we need

sodium to produce Hydrochloric Acid (HCL). If our bodies can not obtain enough

organic sodium to produce HCL from our diet it will take calcium as a second

choice. If we are not consuming enough calcium (and I think we all know that

this is not obtained by eating dairy as we've been brainwashed to think) through

diet, our body will remove it from our bones.


Conventionally grown food is so lacking minerals that much of it is actually

acidic. Although organic foods are 50 to 400 percent higher in vitamins and and

minerals than their conventionally grown counter parts, they are still lacking

the abundance of nutrients that were available even 20 years ago.


Those of us with these 'health opportunities' usually come to living foods as a

last resort. We need our health back and we need it fast! Drastic measures

must be taken. Taking as many high quality supplements as you can afford, along

with the living foods diet is one of the quickest ways. Even quicker is a high

quality cleanse (I've always used Arise and Shine), along with high quality

supplements and the living foods diet. If you feel you can't allocate funds for

supplements and cleansing, drinking as much fresh organic juice as possible will

aid your body in achieving the level of health you desire. When I first started

raw almost 3 years ago, I drank a gallon a day. Include lots of celery (high in

organic sodium) and dark greens. Also include a lot of sprouts in your diet.

They are very healing and SO INEXPENSIVE! They are also very easy to grow. You

could also learn about foraging for wild foods as they have massive nutrients

and goodies that does the body



You see, there are many choices. Pick the path that is right for you and stand

by it. Adapt when it is not working for you. Simple


So, back to the David Wolfe thing ... he is a businessman fulfilling a need.

And he also seems to be a dedicated teacher of raw foods and health.


OK, I'm done..... To your health!






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  • 3 weeks later...

good post Denise. Seems like everyone is quick to be so negative lately. Rather

I disagree or agree with someone and what they consider raw or choose to

supplement with I will listen, or read in this case, then draw my own

conclusion. I don't feel the need to jump on someone. And most people who feel

they have something to offer charge for the information. That is why we have so

many writers,etc. Naturally they need to be paid for what they provide.


sorriy I couldn't get it to edit my post


denisedthomas <denised> wrote:

I would like to propose that we consider the possibility that some raw

foodist need

suplements and others don't. I'm not sure it it wise to make sweeping general


about all raw foodists and their body's needs. We all have a different history

of abusing

our bodies and so in my opinion it follows that we all need different treatment

and care of

our bodies once we start healing them. Let's follow our instincts and intuition

and we will

find the answer for ourselves.

I believe that it is possible that David Wolfe is doing what he believes is

right and speading

the word in order to educate people about what he believes is correct. We all

have a

responsibility to decide if our body needs what he is selling and if our budgets

allow it.

I know some of Nature's First Law's products are expensive, however, having used


products and compared some of them to other similar but less expensive ones I am

continualy pleased with the quality of the products and I believe they are worth

their price.

If you are interested in their products but the price is prohibitive, consider

opening a

wholesale account. Many of their products are available at wholesale prices.


Another thought I'd like to share is this concept that being rich is somehow

negative. I am

not at the moment financially " rich " but my immediate financial needs are met

and I have

abundance in many other ways. I do hope to someday be financially prosperous


doing what I love in total joy. If that means selling a wonderful raw food

product or service

that people appreciate having available to them and are willing to contribute

financially to

my prosperity in order to have, I don't think there is anything wrong wih that.

If someone

comes along who can't afford it but still wants my products I would do my best

to make

them available to them in some way that feel joyous and equitable. I believe our


towards other peole's prosperity can, if it is negative and full of envy or

resentment, block

our ability to receive financial prosperity.

Lets bless David Wolfe, Stephen Arlin and his company and wish them well in all

they do

and let's vibrate that all who desire financial prosperity receive it while

following their

passion and providing a service to the community.


Denise Thomas


rawfood , " Elchanan " <VLinfo wrote:


> rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


> Friday, August 18, 2006 11:24 AM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: DAVID WOLFE....slick salesman out for a quick $, or a



> ?


> I guess what i'm trying to say is that if you can separate the knowledgeable

David Wolfe


> the overpriced supplement peddling David Wolfe, you're bound to find some



> information.


> Bridgitte

> __________________

> I certainly agree!

> Elchanan








Terry Lynn Bakhtiari

May God bless you

Today and always.











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