Guest guest Posted August 18, 2006 Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 OK Friends, (Cowgirl here again)...I've spent a while this evening in study researching and came to these conclusions...and I'm not trying to sway those who wish to leave off the use of this wonderful medicinal food, but rather to share that I have indeed answered my own question which I posed earlier about whether raw garlic is safe : Summary about the Garlic Controversy By Diana Gallagher In all my research on the net, I have only found one “study” suggesting the detrimental aspects of garlic crossing the blood brain barrier and found NO other information on pilots being prohibited from eating garlic by law for supposed safety hazards. There seems to be only the one article against garlic on the net, and it does not convince me of any hazards of garlic…on the contrary, since the pro’s I have listed for garlic below suggest it is indeed the great all time herb I have come to know and appreciate. I have now come to believe that if indeed, garlic does cross the blood-brain barrier, that is probably a good thing so it can help chelate the toxins like heavy metals that also make it across How much to take and How to take: 2 cloves per day of raw garlic cut into 1/8 " slices and dropped into soup or meat dishes " after " the cooking is done. Do not cook the garlic, or crush it, or press it in a garlic press. Just cut it into 1/8 " place in food that has already been cooked. Add to (put in) food " every " day: Ginger, cloves, oregano, and curry. Forms of garlic, which contain no allicin (e.g., cooked, steamed, microwaved and aged garlic extract), have demonstrated an array of benefits in studies. Therefore, it is logical that compounds other than allicin are responsible for such benefits. To date, well over 100 compounds have been identified in garlic preparations. Presently, S-allyl cysteine appears to be a very promising compound with good absorption. The pharmacokinetic studies of S-allyl cysteine demonstrated rapid absorption and almost 100% bioavailability after oral administration. In addition, since both the safety and effectiveness of S-allyl cysteine have been reported, this compound appears to play an important role in garlic's medicinal effects. Since individual compounds, such as S-allyl cysteine, have shown activity in studies and are absorbed by the body, it is likely that a synergism of various compounds provide the benefits of garlic. Anti-Microbial effects Pharmacological studies found that it has a very wide anti-microbe spectrum. It has anti bacterial, anti mycobacterium, anti fungal, anti protozoa, and anti viral properties. Anti bacterial effects A 0.5% aqueous solution of the bulb was lethal to Salmonella typhi within five minutes after contact. It was significantly bacteriostatic or bactericidal against the following: Staphylococci, Neisseria meningitides, Streptococcus pneumonia, Shigelia dysentery, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi and paratyphi, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, var. hominis, and Vibrio cholerae. Bacteria resistant to penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, or chlortetracycline were sensitive to allitridi. The mechanism of the antibacterial action of allitridi involved a combination of its oxygen atom with cysteine to avert the formation of cystine, thus interrupting essential oxidation and reduction reactions in the bacteria. Anti fungal effects Anti fungal action was observed in vitro against Schlemm’s Dermatomyces flavosa, Trichophyton vilaceum, and Candida albicans. In vitro tests proved that 1-125 mcg/ml of diallyl thiosulfonate was inhibitory against Candida albicans as was 0.05-1 mcg/ml to Cryptococcus rubrae and 3.2-12.5 mcg/ml to Cryptococcus. The minimum inhibitory dose of allitridi on fungi was 1mcg/ml; its effect was about the same as that of amphotericin B, but was far less toxic. Anti protozoal effects. The ameba trophozoites soon lost their activity upon direct contact with the 5-15% aqueous suspension of the bulb. Experiments using direct contact and fumigation methods showed that garlic juice killed all Trichomonas organisms in 10-25 minutes, and the volatile components in 90-180 minutes, whereas 0.5% of the bulb filtrate deactivated Trichomonas vaginalis in five minutes. A 0.1% injective preparation of the bulb was lethal to tsutsugarnushi fever, including richettsiasis. 2. Anti-neoplastic and other effects Allitridi has anti-neoplastic effects. It has anti-mitotic action against the cells of ascites sarcoma MTK-1 in rats and those of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice. The fresh garlic bulb fed to C3H/He female mice completely suppressed breast cancer. The active component might be allicin. In ascitic and solid types of liver carcinoma in mice, the garlic oil significantly prolonged the survival period of the animals. Marked inhibitory action was detected against many solid sarcoma in animals after intraperitoneal or intra-tumor injection of the oil at dose of 50 to 100 mg/kg; the inhibition rate was 40-50%. The anti-mitotic effect of the synthetic garlic oil on cancer cells which eventually led to cell death was more pronounced and stable than that of the natural garlic oil. The main anti-neoplastic component is therefore, preliminary diallyl thiosulfonate (allitridi). This garlic ingredient has also immune enhancing, and blood lipid reducing effects, etc. 3. Pharmacokinetics After intake of S-labeled allitridi orally, the total radioactivity in organs peaked in four hours, and in eight hours it was reduced to half of the peak value. After intravenous injection of allitridi into mice, concentrations detected 10 minutes later were highest in the lungs, and in descending order in the heart, intestines, blood, fat, brain, muscles, spleen, and liver. The metabolism of allitridi in the body was very rapid; most of the intravenous dose was transformed into water-soluble metabolites within 10 minutes, and was rapidly distributed to all organs. The main route of excretion was the urine, and partly the feces. 4. Toxicity It has almost no toxicity with an LD50 of 134.9mg/kg in mice; 67.45 to 134.9 times higher than its therapeutic dose (1 to 2 mg/kg). Rabbits fed with 0.15% of allitridi at a dose of 3ml/kg twice daily for 10 weeks show no pathological change in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and lungs. Allitridi is a very safe substance. D. Clinical Applications: It has been used for: 1. Lyme Disease, as an anti-spirochete agent, because it has strong ability passing blood brain barrier, it is especially good for central nerve system infections. 2. Bacterial infections. It suppresses gram positive and negative bacteria. Good for bronchitis, sinusitis. For tuberculosis, especially for drug-resistant T.B. 3. Fungal infections, Candidiasis and deep fungal infections 4. Protozoa infections, Amebic dysentery, 5. Use as strong anti-oxidant Allitirdi has been clinically used in China for more than twenty years. It is potent enough to treat many common infections, such as bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, deep fungal infections (cryptococcus maligitis), whooping cough, endobronchial tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, oxyuriasis, trichomonas vaginitis, etc. For most of these conditions, the cure rate is above 80 percent. Recent studies done by the AIDS Research Alliance in Los Angeles and our clinical experience found that it can be used to treat cryptosporidiosis. Our clinic has been using this substance successfully to treat many infectious conditions. Sulphur in garlic crosses blood brain barrier to help detox heavy metals Garlic protects blood, immuno-stimulant, supplies detoxifying sulphur, anti-parasitic, microbial, aids intestinal cleansing…inactivates cilantro (another heavy metal detox…so use on alternate days) “I always insist that anyone trying to get rid of toxic metals use several different chelators that are synergistic. This is why Malic acid and organic garlic are such a critical part of the oral Essential Daily Defense program” 6. There is a synergistic effect between different treatments for heavy metal excretion. The combination of Chlorella - bear's garlic - Chinese parsley is after all the basis of heavy metal excretion Diana Gallagher (Cowgirl 4 Jesus) Get your email and more, right on the new .com Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 18, 2006 Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 The only thing that bothers me about your writing is that it is continually referred to as " medicinal " . I do not choose to take anything on a regular basis that is " medicinal " . Anti-bacterial? Anti-fungal? Anti anthing and everything.....Well, here we go again with the germ theory. Not going there this time, everyone seems to know my stand on it so I'll hush up right now. I do love garlic, but my consumption has gone from everyday to once in the last 40+ days. And it still tasted great. But it will not be " 2 cloves per day of raw garlic cut into 1/8 " slices and dropped into soup or meat dishes " after " the cooking is done. " Not even on raw food. Shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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