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only raw foods?

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Hello everyone I'm new and this is my first post please be gentle.

First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we raise

feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks around us.

We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the doctors

have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are both

in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

If this disturbs the group I will leave.

Tom & Laura

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Hello Tom & Laura,


Welcome to the group! Not every member here is 100% raw. Some members are on

a journey to rawdom, some are completely raw, and some want a larger

percentage of raw foods in their diet. When I am at home and able to arrange

it, I like to reserve two days per week for raw foods exclusively. That is

my personal threshold. The rest of the time I eat meats, but am careful to

ensure that the animals were not raised in commercial feedlots.


I think that it is important to find a lifestyle that you feel comfortable

with. Health does not depend solely on having a raw diet. Longevity also has

a genetic factor. As well, in 2006 a raw diet is still the preserve of those

who are western and wealthy. It does little good to advocate the advantages

of raw food to a slum dweller in Delhi who breathes in pollution and has no

interior plumbing or refrigeration. So in this respect, it all comes down to

personal choices for those who are able to switch to raw food.You should do

what feels comfortable for you. It sounds like you both already live a

healthy lifestyle and are respectful of the animals who share the planet

with you.


God Bless,





On 8/22/06, tom <laura_gamblin11 wrote:


> Hello everyone I'm new and this is my first post please be gentle.

> First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we raise

> feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

> healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks around us.

> We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

> anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the doctors

> have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

> maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are both

> in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

> If this disturbs the group I will leave.

> Tom & Laura












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What are feral cattle?


Raw food is a lifestyle choice. I am mostly a lurker, but I don't mind you

being on the list at all. I think the object of the list is for mutual

support and information, not for debating the pro's and con's of raw. Other than

that, it can be informative and interesting. I guess the question is, why would

you want to be on this list?


There is also a whole other segment of raw food that includes raw meats and

dairy. They have a too. I forget what it is called. You might be

interested in that, as it is a whole different take on raw foods. I used to

be on it but it really wasn't my thing. If you cant find it let me know and I

will try to remember or find the name!





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Please don't leave the group! even if it disturbes somebody, which I doubt! The


debates you may have read are not typical on this group in my experience. I lOVE


group and have had great advice from people here, very gentle and understanding


patient! so hang in there.

I hear the book " The China Study " explains why humans shouldn't eat meat very

thoroughly. My Mom just loaned it to me, although since I naturally don't want

to eat meat

I may not place it at the top of my priority list to read just yet.

I'll let someone else address the why of the no meat eating as I am not very


about that subject.

I hope you stay and enjoy the group, but either way there is no health benefit

in beating

yourself up about what you eat, so by all means, do the research and then decide


your preference is, but if after reading up on it you decide to still eat meat,

you'll know

that the decision comes from a place of knowledge which feels more like a


choice in my opinion.


Denise Thomas


rawfood , " tom " <laura_gamblin11 wrote:


> Hello everyone I'm new and this is my first post please be gentle.

> First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we raise

> feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

> healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks around us.

> We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

> anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the doctors

> have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

> maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are both

> in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

> If this disturbs the group I will leave.

> Tom & Laura


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> Hello everyone I'm new and this is my first post please be gentle.

> First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we raise

> feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

> healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks around us.

> We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

> anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the doctors

> have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

> maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are both

> in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

> If this disturbs the group I will leave.

> Tom & Laura




Tom & Laura,

Wow, that's an enviable life !


it's beyond me to go into why meat or not meat, but fwiw

here's my take on why folks go raw


a large percentage of raw foodists come from the vegan community,

their not eating meat is an issue of conscience, morality.


probably the great majority are health seekers.

many do it for nutritive beliefs. probably the most common rational

centers around enzymes, heat (cooking) destroys enzymes.


same school of thought can be extended to the belief that it's

preferable to eat only foods that are easily assimilated...think

of it as an engineering efficiency problem whereas work or energy

(life) is produced at the lowest cost of the body's conversion

of fuel. the simplistic rational being; to the degree the body's not

burdened with fuel assimilation it'll devote energy & time to other

areas. some believe our body is self sufficient at healing & lack

of vitality equates to overburden.


some do it to lose weight.


some do it as a healing modality


some do it because it's the latest thing to try.


have i missed any common reasons for doing raw, anyone ?



since you're interested in food/health related stuff, me too,

i've found three major schools of paticular interest;


raw, a pure or non-fadist, (imo) expression of which can be learned

at rawschool.com. also have a Y! group: rawschool


natural traditions, based on the study of traditional diets of healthful

indigenous populations. Google: " weston price " . also have

Y! groups, the major being: " native-nutrition "


the third major school, Chinese five element theory.

google " five element diet "


i'm just a beginner, but appears that the first two conflict

on major points, whereas the third can accomodate them both.

some would also distingush Ayurvedic. (i'm unfamiliar with it.)


i know you asked why do it when you're just fine as you are.

just like anything else, you won't actually know what it is until

you've done it.


best wishes,


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Hello, I am a new member.


It is my desire to be totally raw one day. But I live in a house of meat

eaters. They like certain raw stuff. My husband loves a pizza we used to get,

and my kids will eat anything but have to have meet.


I want to make my two-year-old totally raw, but I can't figure how to do it at

daycare and school.






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rawfood , lightcondor wrote:


> What are feral cattle?


> Raw food is a lifestyle choice. I am mostly a lurker, but I don't

mind you

> being on the list at all. I think the object of the list is for


> support and information, not for debating the pro's and con's of

raw. Other than

> that, it can be informative and interesting. I guess the question

is, why would

> you want to be on this list?


> There is also a whole other segment of raw food that includes raw

meats and

> dairy. They have a too. I forget what it is called.

You might be

> interested in that, as it is a whole different take on raw foods.

I used to

> be on it but it really wasn't my thing. If you cant find it let me

know and I

> will try to remember or find the name!

> Terry




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Hi Laura & Tom,


I'm sure there are lots of perspectives on this, but I'll share

mine. I have always been interested in what our natural diet is. I

looked around and saw so much unnatural " food " and I read about

different nutritional ideas. I got into organic food (including

meat), whole grains, etc. Then vegetarianism. Then I started to

question further. If we have to cook a food (especially grains) to

eat it, is that natural? What if we were really in nature? I know

some people get into the hunter-gatherer idea, but when I thought

about that more, it didn't really make sense to me. It would be

extremely difficult, if not impossible for me to chase down a rabbit

or a chicken or a boar and kill it with my bare hands and eat it raw

in nature. Other animals are designed for that, but I don't believe

I am. So the more I learned about a raw vegan diet and Natural

Hygiene, the more it made sense to me. Now, putting it into

practice is another matter in our culture which is not very

supportive of it yet!


Your question about why not meat, since you both seem healthy, is a

good one. It sounds like you are healthier than others around you.

Maybe deep down you are looking for even greater health, or know

something is missing, or could be even better? Something got you

curious to check out this group.


I'm new to this particular group (I'm on Rawschool & Path of Health

), but I don't think anyone will be disturbed by your

questions. Even though most of us are trying to be raw now, the

majority have been where you are at some point.


Best wishes on the journey,






rawfood , " tom " <laura_gamblin11 wrote:


> Hello everyone I'm new and this is my first post please be gentle.

> First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we


> feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

> healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks

around us.

> We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any

time on

> anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the


> have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

> maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are


> in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

> If this disturbs the group I will leave.

> Tom & Laura


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  • 2 weeks later...

welcome! I agree with the other poster that everyone has to find what they are

comfortable with. I don't think you should have to be 100% raw to be able to

post and share here.


laura_gamblin11 wrote: Hello everyone I'm new and this is my

first post please be gentle.

First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we raise

feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks around us.

We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the doctors

have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are both

in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

If this disturbs the group I will leave.

Tom & Laura







Terry Lynn Bakhtiari

May God bless you

Today and always.











Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+

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You need to do what is best for you. In fact, for raw foodists that

are eating veggies and fruits that are shipped from 1,000's of miles

away in the wintertime...their diet might not be the best as far as

sustaining the environment / adapting to the environment that they

live in are concerned.

A few weeks ago I went to a raw food again, and once again, I was

turned off by the majority of the people in the room. There was one

woman in particular, with her 7/8 year old daughter. Both were

emaciated and pale looking. The woman's facial skin was drawn. The

girl lacked vibrancy...she even appeared depressed. Is the raw diet

right for them? I wanted to say to them...you will not DIE or cause

yourself grave damage if you supplement your raw food diet with a few

healthy cooked whole grains. Cooked organic brown rice, a nice

organic grain pasta, etc. will be beneficial. I felt so sorry for the

little girl especially - she seemed to be a product of her mother's


I think people must ask WHY they are doing the raw foods diet, and

for what desired outcome. There seem to be many rawfoodists who live

a life stressing over the next meal, with a strong focus on self-

preservation. It can be sad.



rawfood , Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully



> welcome! I agree with the other poster that everyone has to find

what they are comfortable with. I don't think you should have to be

100% raw to be able to post and share here.


> laura_gamblin11 wrote: Hello everyone I'm new and

this is my first post please be gentle.

> First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we


> feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

> healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks

around us.

> We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

> anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the


> have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

> maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are


> in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

> If this disturbs the group I will leave.

> Tom & Laura

Terry Lynn Bakhtiari

> May God bless you

> Today and always.

> www.terrywithpcos.blogspot.com




> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.



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If you watch the Rave diet video it will answer all of the meat questions you


Plants have a lot of protein as well but most people don't realize it.

Even farm raised meat is loaded with cholesterol and fat that your body simply

does not need.

Try fruits and vegies for awhile and see how much better you feel even if they

aren't completely raw.



Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully wrote:

welcome! I agree with the other poster that everyone has to find what they are

comfortable with. I don't think you should have to be 100% raw to be able to

post and share here.


laura_gamblin11 wrote: Hello everyone I'm new and this is

my first post please be gentle.

First of all my husband and I are living on our own farm and we raise

feral cattle,hogs, and goats, we have been told that we have the

healthiest diet by both the medical, as well as the old folks around us.

We have no chemicals in anything we eat, or use them at any time on

anything we grow or raise. Why is it so wrong to eat meat the doctors

have told us that our brains need the protien from animal fat to

maintian healty equlibrium and synaptic chemical balance. WE are both

in great shape, and haven't even had a cold in 12 years.

If this disturbs the group I will leave.

Tom & Laura


Terry Lynn Bakhtiari

May God bless you

Today and always.






Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+

countries) for 2¢/min or less.


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rawfood , " miasouza " <amydelfinodesouza



>I wanted to say to them...you will not DIE or cause

> yourself grave damage if you supplement your raw food diet with a few

> healthy cooked whole grains. Cooked organic brown rice, a nice

> organic grain pasta, etc. will be beneficial. >


I agree with you wholeheartedly that a lot of raw foodists, in their

desire to adhere strictly to a narrow vision of what they should eat,

are quite unhealthy, but I would question recommending grains and

pasta. In my experience, no one gains much of any benefit from the

starch in grains and pasta, even if they are organic.


Gabriel Cousens has done a lot of research on B12 deficiency and has

written that a lot of vegan raw foodists really need to supplement with

B12, which may be why so many are pale and lacking in energy. That's

another subject though.

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The mother/daughter duo has started me wondering...Sunlight and

exercise are essential for any vegan diet, raw OR cooked. If I keep

indoors and neglect getting in the sun, I can look pretty pale. And

that's something no amount of makeup can duplicate. Maybe a tanning

bed, but I'd rather get it at the Source. As for exercise, muscle

tone not only helps with overall health but also with appearance. I'm

still working on mine. :) I'll be working on it when I'm 102. It

doesn't matter what raw diet you're following--811rv, Atkins Raw,

whatever, exercise and sunlight have to be part of it for radiant







rawfood , " Sharrhan " <sharrhanw wrote:


> rawfood , " miasouza " <amydelfinodesouza@>

> wrote:

> >

> >I wanted to say to them...you will not DIE or cause

> > yourself grave damage if you supplement your raw food diet with a


> > healthy cooked whole grains. Cooked organic brown rice, a nice

> > organic grain pasta, etc. will be beneficial. >


> I agree with you wholeheartedly that a lot of raw foodists, in


> desire to adhere strictly to a narrow vision of what they should


> are quite unhealthy, but I would question recommending grains and

> pasta. In my experience, no one gains much of any benefit from the

> starch in grains and pasta, even if they are organic.


> Gabriel Cousens has done a lot of research on B12 deficiency and


> written that a lot of vegan raw foodists really need to supplement


> B12, which may be why so many are pale and lacking in energy.


> another subject though.


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