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warts on hands??

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Hey everyone...I have been raw off/on for about a year, but for the

last 3 months have been 99% with hardly any slip-ups!! I feel

wonderful, have boundless energy, and my skin is glowing more than

ever...the only problems is I've suddenly developed warts on my hands

the last couple weeks. I've never had warts before and I'm grossed

out! What causes this to happen? Do you think it's a way my skin is

detoxing? And finally, are there any home remedies for these nasty

bumps? I would appreciate any insite/experience form the group!!




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I have done some reading and I think it is related to a vitamin A

deficiency. anyone else?


--- shoe_lover26 <shoe_lover26 wrote:


> Hey everyone...I have been raw off/on for about a year, but for the

> last 3 months have been 99% with hardly any slip-ups!! I feel

> wonderful, have boundless energy, and my skin is glowing more than

> ever...the only problems is I've suddenly developed warts on my hands


> the last couple weeks. I've never had warts before and I'm grossed

> out! What causes this to happen? Do you think it's a way my skin is

> detoxing? And finally, are there any home remedies for these nasty

> bumps? I would appreciate any insite/experience form the group!!


> Thanks!

> rawjules










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rawjules wrote:

> I've suddenly developed warts on my hands

> the last couple weeks.


> What causes this to happen?


Hah! this is interesting, because I just got wart remedies from a

book my mom ordered recently.

In answer to your first question - warts are from a virus. That means

you touched a wart, or you touched someone who had touched a wart, or

ou touched somewhere a wart had touched, or .... you just got warts!!!


It is not a detox symptom. It is a contagious thing.


Anyway, here are some natural de-warting techniques:

1 - Put Vitamin E oil on the wart daily. Do it until the wart goes away.

May take several months. Keep the faith, baby!

2 - Take an extremely ripe banana (where the skin is black). Remove a

small square of the black banana peel and place it on the wart.

Cover with gauze and tape. Repeat each night for a week. (I would

keep the black skin in the refrigerator or the freezer -- and


3 - Crush a clove of garlic. Put olive oil on the wart and then put

the crushed garlic clove on top of it all. Cover with an elastic

bandage. Repeat daily (you can reuse the bandage)

The first signs of " working " are a tingling and/or a burning

sensation. Then, after a few days, you may notice a blister. Just

keep re-applying the olive oil and garlic clove. Keep the faith!


These are old folk remedies. Old folk remedies get to be old folk

remedies because they work. Be patient.


Then, there is the remedy that an ND told me at Willner's, the natural

pharmacy here: put thuja oil on the wart and cover it with a bandaid.

Repeat every day until the wart goes away.


I really hate warts, and I get them from time to time, so I am happy

to have these remedies, which I will use!

Good luck!


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I've also heard to put an aspirin on a wart. Something about acedacylic (sp)

acid is what works. Just remember Advil, Excedrin, and the like are NOT

aspirin. Only aspirin is pure aspirin and can be used.





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rawfood , " SV " <shavig wrote:


> I've also heard to put an aspirin on a wart.


Aspirin is pretty neat stuff! I haven't tried it for warts, but

I know that, when my room-mate had shingles, and I did not have

money, and I went to the herbalist's store (and she will NEVER give

you advice -- smart woman - she is not a doctor, never mind that she

has been there for at least 30 years), she admired a ring I was

wearing that I had made, and I slipped it off and gave it to her, and

she told me to grind up aspirin in warm water and have my room-mate

" wash " the affected area with the solution (by " wash " , I mean " make

the water/aspirin solution be on the affected area wetly and let it

stay there and dry " )

It did help.


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