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Alissa Cohen

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I could not sleep last night and was channel surfing at some horrible hour of

the morning; while flipping by the " Tyra Banks Show " I hear " RAW " , so I stopped

and listened. I came in on the middle of a discussion of " diets " . When I got

there a very fit, handsome doctor was talking about eating burgers and losing

weight. There were two other " experts " sitting on the side and were arguing

with him. Then it was Alissa's turn and while they gave her time I don't think

they were very polite to her, especially the doctor. He was rolling his eyes

and shaking his head and asking for " scientific proof " of whatever it was she

said. She made angel hair pasta (with the saladacco) with marinara sauce while

on the air. He wouldn't taste it at first and then made a horrible face when he

finally took a thimble size taste.


After that they proceeded to introduce 6 women divided into three teams for a

weight loss challenge. They said it will air in a few months. Any Tyra

watchers out there? I'd like to see the end of it all. Maybe I'll try to write

Alissa and encourage her to put it out to the raw boards when it will air.


My only concern was that Alissa did not come across as looking very healthy at

all. She actually looked overweight. I'm hoping it was only the illusion of

television, but from where I was laying, it was not a very good advertisement

for raw food.


Anybody else catch the show?





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Hi Shari

yes I saw the show and had a mixed opinion. I noticed she didn't look her

best, a stylist could have fixed that. She had layered her clothing and wasn't

wearing flattering colors for her.

They were very rude to her but I thought it was great how she responded so

peacefully. I think when people are confronted by someone wanting concrete

answers unless you answer concretely the person becomes exasperated. The Dr was

asking for specifics, Alissa was using common words in her sentences

'like,things,stuff'. If she had said the actual things (names of symptoms or

diseases) and not been so vauge it might have opened up more dialog.

In the end I thnk it's great she was on as it will have people start to ask

questions. My son did yesterday, " Why do people make animals into food? " he's 8.

On the chat boards there were some really nice raw foodists who popped up and

are chatting now and Tyra says she reads them all!

One last note not so favorable. One of the individuals chosen for Alissa's

team was woman who previously had gastric bypass surgery. Many who have had

that surgery cannot digest nuts, seeds or raw veggies. What a poor match, she

might have a serious problem.

Be in the Best of Health



SV <shavig wrote:

I could not sleep last night and was channel surfing at some horrible

hour of the morning; while flipping by the " Tyra Banks Show " I hear " RAW " , so I

stopped and listened. I came in on the middle of a discussion of " diets " . When I

got there a very fit, handsome doctor was talking about eating burgers and

losing weight. There were two other " experts " sitting on the side and were

arguing with him. Then it was Alissa's turn and while they gave her time I don't

think they were very polite to her, especially the doctor. He was rolling his

eyes and shaking his head and asking for " scientific proof " of whatever it was

she said. She made angel hair pasta (with the saladacco) with marinara sauce

while on the air. He wouldn't taste it at first and then made a horrible face

when he finally took a thimble size taste.


After that they proceeded to introduce 6 women divided into three teams for a

weight loss challenge. They said it will air in a few months. Any Tyra watchers

out there? I'd like to see the end of it all. Maybe I'll try to write Alissa and

encourage her to put it out to the raw boards when it will air.


My only concern was that Alissa did not come across as looking very healthy at

all. She actually looked overweight. I'm hoping it was only the illusion of

television, but from where I was laying, it was not a very good advertisement

for raw food.


Anybody else catch the show?





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" One of the individuals chosen for Alissa's team was woman who previously had

gastric bypass surgery. Many who have had that surgery... "


Wonder if that is part of the " plan " . I'm afraid they cannot let Alissa win the

contest of weight loss. It would send the population into a tizzy!


I missed who the other woman was and what her philosophy is on food and dieting.





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I caught the show. One of the reasons I wanted to check out a Raw Group. I

thought she was a little heavy but that encouraged me because that means she's

gotta be eating! a misconception I have about raw foods and changing the way of

life is that you don't eat!


I thought the male doctor was rude. (Dr. Ian?) and Julie - she at least knew and

delivered her facts even though I thought they were tainted by her opinion.


I don't watch it regularly enough to know if they have shown the results yet.

But I would love to see how it all works out!




SV <shavig wrote: I could not

sleep last night and was channel surfing at some horrible hour of the morning;

while flipping by the " Tyra Banks Show " I hear " RAW " , so I stopped and listened.

I came in on the middle of a discussion of " diets " . When I got there a very

fit, handsome doctor was talking about eating burgers and losing weight. There

were two other " experts " sitting on the side and were arguing with him. Then it

was Alissa's turn and while they gave her time I don't think they were very

polite to her, especially the doctor. He was rolling his eyes and shaking his

head and asking for " scientific proof " of whatever it was she said. She made

angel hair pasta (with the saladacco) with marinara sauce while on the air. He

wouldn't taste it at first and then made a horrible face when he finally took a

thimble size taste.


After that they proceeded to introduce 6 women divided into three teams for a

weight loss challenge. They said it will air in a few months. Any Tyra

watchers out there? I'd like to see the end of it all. Maybe I'll try to write

Alissa and encourage her to put it out to the raw boards when it will air.


My only concern was that Alissa did not come across as looking very healthy at

all. She actually looked overweight. I'm hoping it was only the illusion of

television, but from where I was laying, it was not a very good advertisement

for raw food.


Anybody else catch the show?




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I didn't get to watch the show but went to the website for some details and I

can't wait to see the outcome!


Rachel Goldberg-Dancer <yogangel7 wrote: Hi Shari

yes I saw the show and had a mixed opinion. I noticed she didn't look her best,

a stylist could have fixed that. She had layered her clothing and wasn't wearing

flattering colors for her.

They were very rude to her but I thought it was great how she responded so

peacefully. I think when people are confronted by someone wanting concrete

answers unless you answer concretely the person becomes exasperated. The Dr was

asking for specifics, Alissa was using common words in her sentences

'like,things,stuff'. If she had said the actual things (names of symptoms or

diseases) and not been so vauge it might have opened up more dialog.

In the end I thnk it's great she was on as it will have people start to ask

questions. My son did yesterday, " Why do people make animals into food? " he's 8.

On the chat boards there were some really nice raw foodists who popped up and

are chatting now and Tyra says she reads them all!

One last note not so favorable. One of the individuals chosen for Alissa's team

was woman who previously had gastric bypass surgery. Many who have had that

surgery cannot digest nuts, seeds or raw veggies. What a poor match, she might

have a serious problem.

Be in the Best of Health



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You know I got to thinking about her looks and I agree her clothing was nasty.

And her hair would look so much better in an updo. It makes her face look



Any place we can go to give her and the girls encouragement? Any place we can

go to tell Tyra thanks for having a raw food chef included?





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I happened to watch the Tyra Banks show also and was shocked that

someone supposedly living the raw lifestyle so long, was so fat &

unhealthy looking. Alissa does raw a disservice - not only for her

appearance but for telling the public that " you can eat whatever you

want, whenever you want - as long as it is raw " . As we know, " eating

pie for breakfast, brownies for lunch & enchiladas for dinner every

day " will create imbalances.


When I see someone so overweight who has been raw that long, it says

they are either not doing something they should be or doing too much

of another thing. That, or they're in it for the business


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Yes Tyra has a website connected to her show. I left a message. The more support

the better, even interest becomes support in terms of ratings in a show.


SV <shavig wrote: You know I got to thinking about her

looks and I agree her clothing was nasty. And her hair would look so much better

in an updo. It makes her face look brighter.


Any place we can go to give her and the girls encouragement? Any place we can go

to tell Tyra thanks for having a raw food chef included?





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I didn't see the show, but I heard about it on Raw Vegan Radio. They

said the doctor's diet was an everything-in-moderation type, meaning

people could eat whatever--hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza--just so long as

they don't overdo any particular " food " group or something, i guess.


And the other woman advocates a standard american " diet " of mosre

fruits and vegs, with also yogurt, etc. More calorie-counting-based, i



For America's sake, I really hope the raw diet does really well

relative to the other two, if not giving really dramatic results... :/

Here's hoping.





rawfood , " SV " <shavig wrote:


> " One of the individuals chosen for Alissa's team was woman who

previously had gastric bypass surgery. Many who have had that surgery... "


> Wonder if that is part of the " plan " . I'm afraid they cannot let

Alissa win the contest of weight loss. It would send the population

into a tizzy!


> I missed who the other woman was and what her philosophy is on food

and dieting.


> Shari



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rawfood , " jem_3000 " <jem_1000 wrote:


> I didn't see the show, but I heard about it on Raw Vegan Radio.


> said the doctor's diet was an everything-in-moderation type,


> people could eat whatever--hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza--just so

long as

> they don't overdo any particular " food " group or something, i



> And the other woman advocates a standard american " diet " of mosre

> fruits and vegs, with also yogurt, etc. More calorie-counting-

based, i

> believe.


> For America's sake, I really hope the raw diet does really well

> relative to the other two, if not giving really dramatic

results... :/

> Here's hoping.


> Jen



> rawfood , " SV " <shavig@> wrote:

> >

> > " One of the individuals chosen for Alissa's team was woman who

> previously had gastric bypass surgery. Many who have had that

surgery... "

> >

> > Wonder if that is part of the " plan " . I'm afraid they cannot let

> Alissa win the contest of weight loss. It would send the


> into a tizzy!

> >

> > I missed who the other woman was and what her philosophy is on


> and dieting.

> >

> > Shari

> >

> >

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I'm not sure why you would post this on our board. I think this is analagos to

flames- which raw folks like to stay away from.

There is no way to be positive, that either party is who they say they are.

Even so it is a private matter.




babaaexandra <babaaexandra wrote:

After a search, I was horrified to discover the following tape of

Alissa's husband Dennis:










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