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any easy candida cures? (Graham vs. Cousens)

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This info came from Dr. Doug Graham, I emailed back and forth a little with him

on the subject. He wouldn't give me too much info as he said it's coming out in

a book, or something (from checking out his site just now it looks like it's on

a CD). Below find an article from his website: www.doctorgraham.cc/ titled " I

have candida or a yeast infection. How can I eat so much fruit? "


Personally, I have done a no fat diet for 10 days, I have done a juice fast

twice (mostly green juice with a little apple) - the first time for 14 days, the

second time for 17 days. I still have candida.


I also followed Dr. Cousen's (http://treeoflife.nu/gabriel.html) diet from

Rainbow Green Live Food Cusine for three months - no fruit, not even carrots for

the first 6 months. I stopped cause I couldn't take it anymore! It was summer

in Seattle and so many luscious and glorious fruits were available, one day I

just pigged out on something juicy and sweet ... and that was the end of that.

Oh, plus I was experiencing a healing crisis in my right kidney.


I am not as familiar with Dr. Graham's credentials, on his site he states he has

been a chiropractor and raw foodist for 20 some years. Personally, I am more

impressed with Dr. Cousens' creditials - has anyone read " Conscious Eating " or

" Rainbow Green ... " ?. Below the Dr. Graham article you will find a link to an

article from Dr. Cousens, along with the specific paragraph of the article that

I thought fit in to this conversation. The article is long and convoluted with

a lot of high level nutrition information - the paragraph is the sixth one from

the bottom if you want to go directly to it. I suggest reading the whole thing,



Jeeze - it would be so nice if the product mentioned by Sharon (Spirokete) works





From Dr. Graham:

I have candida or a yeast infection. How can I eat so much fruit?

Written by Administrator

Excess fat is the culprit in candida, not sugar, per se. When fat levels in the

blood rise, so does blood sugar, because excess fat inhibits insulin from

performing its function of escorting sugar out of the bloodstream. The excess

fat lines the blood vessel walls, the cells, insulin receptor sites, the sugar

molecules themselves, and the insulin with a thin coating of fat, thus blocking

and inhibiting normal metabolic activity.

Too much sugar in the blood is as life threatening as too little and can result

in serious illness or death. Yeast, or candida, is a constant presence in the

blood; it serves as a life preservation mechanism, blooming when there is an

excess of sugar in the blood stream to bring blood sugar down to a

non-threatening level. When the sugar is distributed and used by the cells of

the body, the yeast quickly dies off as it is supposed to.

If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will remain in the

bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies instead of feeding the 18

trillion cells of your body. Starved for fuel, these cells can no longer

metabolize energy, and you become tired, and feel rundown. Because all

carbohydrate, fat, and protein that we eat is converted to simple sugar

(glucose) if it is to be used by the cells for fuel, the way out of this cycle

is not to eat less sugar, but to consume less fat. When fat levels drop, the

sugar starts to get processed and distributed again, and the yeast levels drop

because there is no longer excess sugar available.

This question is addressed in detail on this CD



Dr. Cousens:


The idea of eating fat to slow the uptake of fruit sugar is, I believe, a valid

approach because the glycemic index has to do with how fast sugar gets into the

system. Nevertheless, it doesn’t deal with the fact that a high-sugar diet is

still not good for you. A high-sugar diet stimulates inflammation, which causes

the leptin resistance and insulin resistance, potentially bringing us into

Syndrome X, or “metabolic syndrome.” 40 million people in the U.S. have this

syndrome, which is high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and

inability to lose weight. We have to be careful how far we go, and sugar

definitely still is a danger, but whether it comes slow or fast makes a

difference if you have hypoglycemia, and you won’t get quite so many wide swings

in your blood sugar. You still get the sugar though, which stimulates candida

and fungus growth, and is connected to cancer as well, because cancer cells need

10 to 50 times more sugar intake for them to

function at their most pathogenic, treacherous level.





enchanteddreams <enchanteddreams


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:10:53 AM

Re: [Raw Food] any easy candida cures?


I believe it was Victoria Boutenko (Raw Family) who said 5-10 days of no fat

would cure candida. They found it was the fats, not the sugars, that was

messing up the body.



> Can I do anything within the raw diet itself?










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I, personally, look at the results more than the credentials. I have

had outstanding results, health-wise and weight-wise, with a plan

more similar to Dr. Graham's. However, I am not and never have been a

candida sufferer. Dr. Graham also doesn't like to hand out generic

information wholesale because every person is different and needs

more specific advice that can only come with a consultation. Dr.

Cousen's approach makes no sense to me. Sorry. I don't think God

would have made fruit so yummy if He had expected us to eat it






rawfood , Paula Wood <wolfmother1 wrote:


> This info came from Dr. Doug Graham, I emailed back and forth a

little with him on the subject. He wouldn't give me too much info as

he said it's coming out in a book, or something (from checking out

his site just now it looks like it's on a CD). Below find an article

from his website: www.doctorgraham.cc/ titled " I have candida or a

yeast infection. How can I eat so much fruit? "


> Personally, I have done a no fat diet for 10 days, I have done a

juice fast twice (mostly green juice with a little apple) - the first

time for 14 days, the second time for 17 days. I still have candida.


> I also followed Dr. Cousen's (http://treeoflife.nu/gabriel.html)

diet from Rainbow Green Live Food Cusine for three months - no fruit,

not even carrots for the first 6 months. I stopped cause I couldn't

take it anymore! It was summer in Seattle and so many luscious and

glorious fruits were available, one day I just pigged out on

something juicy and sweet ... and that was the end of that. Oh, plus

I was experiencing a healing crisis in my right kidney.


> I am not as familiar with Dr. Graham's credentials, on his site he

states he has been a chiropractor and raw foodist for 20 some years.

Personally, I am more impressed with Dr. Cousens' creditials - has

anyone read " Conscious Eating " or " Rainbow Green ... " ?. Below the

Dr. Graham article you will find a link to an article from Dr.

Cousens, along with the specific paragraph of the article that I

thought fit in to this conversation. The article is long and

convoluted with a lot of high level nutrition information - the

paragraph is the sixth one from the bottom if you want to go directly

to it. I suggest reading the whole thing, though.


> Jeeze - it would be so nice if the product mentioned by Sharon

(Spirokete) works safely!





> From Dr. Graham:

> I have candida or a yeast infection. How can I eat so much


> Written by Administrator

> Excess fat is the culprit in candida, not sugar, per se. When fat

levels in the blood rise, so does blood sugar, because excess fat

inhibits insulin from performing its function of escorting sugar out

of the bloodstream. The excess fat lines the blood vessel walls, the

cells, insulin receptor sites, the sugar molecules themselves, and

the insulin with a thin coating of fat, thus blocking and inhibiting

normal metabolic activity.

> Too much sugar in the blood is as life threatening as too little

and can result in serious illness or death. Yeast, or candida, is a

constant presence in the blood; it serves as a life preservation

mechanism, blooming when there is an excess of sugar in the blood

stream to bring blood sugar down to a non-threatening level. When the

sugar is distributed and used by the cells of the body, the yeast

quickly dies off as it is supposed to.

> If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will

remain in the bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies instead

of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your body. Starved for fuel,

these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you become tired,

and feel rundown. Because all carbohydrate, fat, and protein that we

eat is converted to simple sugar (glucose) if it is to be used by the

cells for fuel, the way out of this cycle is not to eat less sugar,

but to consume less fat. When fat levels drop, the sugar starts to

get processed and distributed again, and the yeast levels drop

because there is no longer excess sugar available.

> This question is addressed in detail on this CD



> Dr. Cousens:


> The idea of eating fat to slow the uptake of fruit sugar is, I

believe, a valid approach because the glycemic index has to do with

how fast sugar gets into the system. Nevertheless, it doesn't deal

with the fact that a high-sugar diet is still not good for you. A

high-sugar diet stimulates inflammation, which causes the leptin

resistance and insulin resistance, potentially bringing us into

Syndrome X, or " metabolic syndrome. " 40 million people in the U.S.

have this syndrome, which is high blood pressure, hypertension,

diabetes, obesity, and inability to lose weight. We have to be

careful how far we go, and sugar definitely still is a danger, but

whether it comes slow or fast makes a difference if you have

hypoglycemia, and you won't get quite so many wide swings in your

blood sugar. You still get the sugar though, which stimulates candida

and fungus growth, and is connected to cancer as well, because cancer

cells need 10 to 50 times more sugar intake for them to

> function at their most pathogenic, treacherous level.





> enchanteddreams <enchanteddreams

> rawfood

> Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:10:53 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] any easy candida cures?


> I believe it was Victoria Boutenko (Raw Family) who said 5-10 days

of no fat

> would cure candida. They found it was the fats, not the sugars,

that was

> messing up the body.

> Cheryl


> > Can I do anything within the raw diet itself?

> >










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Hi Paula,


Here is a link to an article by Frederic Patenaude about the high-

fruit vs. high-fat raw diets:




Here's a link to a short blurb by Patenaude on candida:




I'm not sure of the specifics of what you've tried and I don't know

enough to give any advice there. If you need more help, you might

consider a raw food coach for more info and/or tailoring your diet.

Nora Lenz at www.rawschool.com is very knowledgeable, accessible,

and has reasonable rates. Elchanan of the Path of Health

group (http://health.PathOfHealth/) has

written and spoken about this and also might be able to help if you

post on that group.


Best wishes,





rawfood , Paula Wood <wolfmother1 wrote:


> This info came from Dr. Doug Graham, I emailed back and forth a

little with him on the subject. He wouldn't give me too much info

as he said it's coming out in a book, or something (from checking

out his site just now it looks like it's on a CD). Below find an

article from his website: www.doctorgraham.cc/ titled " I have

candida or a yeast infection. How can I eat so much fruit? "


> Personally, I have done a no fat diet for 10 days, I have done a

juice fast twice (mostly green juice with a little apple) - the

first time for 14 days, the second time for 17 days. I still have



> I also followed Dr. Cousen's (http://treeoflife.nu/gabriel.html)

diet from Rainbow Green Live Food Cusine for three months - no

fruit, not even carrots for the first 6 months. I stopped cause I

couldn't take it anymore! It was summer in Seattle and so many

luscious and glorious fruits were available, one day I just pigged

out on something juicy and sweet ... and that was the end of that.

Oh, plus I was experiencing a healing crisis in my right kidney.


> I am not as familiar with Dr. Graham's credentials, on his site he

states he has been a chiropractor and raw foodist for 20 some

years. Personally, I am more impressed with Dr. Cousens'

creditials - has anyone read " Conscious Eating " or " Rainbow

Green ... " ?.

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Great Articles Thank you for sharing

my Good friend Dr. Neesh (has his own line of awesome

pure supplements as well and owns 3 practices) is a

PhD in Nutrition and Natualpathic medicine agrees with

all of this !

--- Laurie <laurie wrote:


> Hi Paula,


> Here is a link to an article by Frederic Patenaude

> about the high-

> fruit vs. high-fat raw diets:





> Here's a link to a short blurb by Patenaude on

> candida:





> I'm not sure of the specifics of what you've tried

> and I don't know

> enough to give any advice there. If you need more

> help, you might

> consider a raw food coach for more info and/or

> tailoring your diet.

> Nora Lenz at www.rawschool.com is very

> knowledgeable, accessible,

> and has reasonable rates. Elchanan of the Path of

> Health

> group

> (http://health.PathOfHealth/)

> has

> written and spoken about this and also might be able

> to help if you

> post on that group.


> Best wishes,


> Laurie



> rawfood , Paula Wood

> <wolfmother1 wrote:

> >

> > This info came from Dr. Doug Graham, I emailed

> back and forth a

> little with him on the subject. He wouldn't give me

> too much info

> as he said it's coming out in a book, or something

> (from checking

> out his site just now it looks like it's on a CD).

> Below find an

> article from his website: www.doctorgraham.cc/

> titled " I have

> candida or a yeast infection. How can I eat so much

> fruit? "

> >

> > Personally, I have done a no fat diet for 10 days,

> I have done a

> juice fast twice (mostly green juice with a little

> apple) - the

> first time for 14 days, the second time for 17 days.

> I still have

> candida.

> >

> > I also followed Dr. Cousen's

> (http://treeoflife.nu/gabriel.html)

> diet from Rainbow Green Live Food Cusine for three

> months - no

> fruit, not even carrots for the first 6 months. I

> stopped cause I

> couldn't take it anymore! It was summer in Seattle

> and so many

> luscious and glorious fruits were available, one day

> I just pigged

> out on something juicy and sweet ... and that was

> the end of that.

> Oh, plus I was experiencing a healing crisis in my

> right kidney.

> >

> > I am not as familiar with Dr. Graham's

> credentials, on his site he

> states he has been a chiropractor and raw foodist

> for 20 some

> years. Personally, I am more impressed with Dr.

> Cousens'

> creditials - has anyone read " Conscious Eating " or

> " Rainbow

> Green ... " ?.










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It's funny, I guess it just comes back again and again to every 'body' being

different and intuitive eating. When I first went raw I had a very high fruit

diet and my body couldn't take it. I now eat mostly greens and fat (avocado and

coconut), with a little fruit as snacks throughout the day and I feel WAY








Tommie <jerushy


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:51:19 AM

Re: [Raw Food] any easy candida cures? (Graham vs. Cousens)



I, personally, look at the results more than the credentials. I have

had outstanding results, health-wise and weight-wise, with a plan

more similar to Dr. Graham's. However, I am not and never have been a

candida sufferer. Dr. Graham also doesn't like to hand out generic

information wholesale because every person is different and needs

more specific advice that can only come with a consultation. Dr.

Cousen's approach makes no sense to me. Sorry. I don't think God

would have made fruit so yummy if He had expected us to eat it




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I'm glad you found what works for you. I wouldn't be able to maintain

that for long.





rawfood , Paula Wood <wolfmother1 wrote:


> It's funny, I guess it just comes back again and again to every

'body' being different and intuitive eating. When I first went raw I

had a very high fruit diet and my body couldn't take it. I now eat

mostly greens and fat (avocado and coconut), with a little fruit as

snacks throughout the day and I feel WAY better.



> Paula




> Tommie <jerushy

> rawfood

> Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:51:19 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] any easy candida cures? (Graham vs. Cousens)



> I, personally, look at the results more than the credentials. I


> had outstanding results, health-wise and weight-wise, with a plan

> more similar to Dr. Graham's. However, I am not and never have been


> candida sufferer. Dr. Graham also doesn't like to hand out generic

> information wholesale because every person is different and needs

> more specific advice that can only come with a consultation. Dr.

> Cousen's approach makes no sense to me. Sorry. I don't think God

> would have made fruit so yummy if He had expected us to eat it

> sparingly.


> Tommie

> http://reallyrawfoo d.com












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