Guest guest Posted December 20, 2006 Report Share Posted December 20, 2006 Hi All, I'm new to the group. I've been interested in raw for many years. I haven't made much of an effort to 'go raw', though now that I have this beautiful creature I call my son I have a great desire to. I exclusively breastfed my son, Zander, until he was a year old. He still nurses & eats only raw foods. Since starting solids his BMs have been 2 to 6 days apart & very difficult to pass. I didn't think a raw food baby could be constipated. Any suggestions? Warmly, Jennifer Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 20, 2006 Report Share Posted December 20, 2006 Hi Jennifer, I don't know if this will fit for your son or not. However, when my son was a baby I had a LOT of difficulty when I tried to start him on solids - he would get severely constipated. I didn't start trying until he was 8 months old and he'd get constipated even if the ONLY thing I gave him was prunes (I experimented with different things that should not have been constipating and it just didn't matter what he was given, anything solid was constipating for him). I kept thinking he maybe wasn't ready and would go back to breastfeeding exclusively. When he was over a year old and it was still happening someone suggested I try chiropractic care for him. It was weird but that helped a great deal. The chiropractor said he had spinal subluxations that he felt probably had occurred in utero (my son was a large baby at birth and I have a small frame). I started taking him 3 times/week at first and eventually he did get so that he was having bms every day. The food I was giving him wasn't raw at the time but given that you are experiencing something similar giving foods that shouldn't be constipating, I would wonder if something similar might be involved. Good luck!! Take care, Carol Ann Free Zensight Energy Healing Ebook & Spoon Bending Video! <> Hi All, I'm new to the group. I've been interested in raw for many years. I haven't made much of an effort to 'go raw', though now that I have this beautiful creature I call my son I have a great desire to. I exclusively breastfed my son, Zander, until he was a year old. He still nurses & eats only raw foods. Since starting solids his BMs have been 2 to 6 days apart & very difficult to pass. I didn't think a raw food baby could be constipated. Any suggestions? Warmly, Jennifer Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 20, 2006 Report Share Posted December 20, 2006 Hi Jennifer, I empathize with your concern. Some additional information would be helpful. Exactly what foods are you feeding him, and in what order? (Yes, order is important.) Elchanan _____ rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of Jennifer Duncan Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:54 PM rawfood [Raw Food] Constipated raw 16 month old Hi All, I'm new to the group. I've been interested in raw for many years. I haven't made much of an effort to 'go raw', though now that I have this beautiful creature I call my son I have a great desire to. I exclusively breastfed my son, Zander, until he was a year old. He still nurses & eats only raw foods. Since starting solids his BMs have been 2 to 6 days apart & very difficult to pass. I didn't think a raw food baby could be constipated. Any suggestions? Warmly, Jennifer <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=5520395/grpspId=1705015482/msgId =26615/stime=1166615384/nc1=3848446/nc2=4025304/nc3=3> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 21, 2006 Report Share Posted December 21, 2006 Hi Elchanan, In the morning we'll have apple/pear sauce (some combination of apples & /or pears, water, raisins, cinnamon, lemon juice) or a smoothie (rarely bananas, mostly some combination of mangos, apples, pears, frozen berries, water, and a couple ice cubes). Later in the day we'll have soup. Lately it's been broccoli soup (soaked almonds, water, broccoli, avocado, agave, garlic, olive oil, onion, sea salt, cumin, black pepper) or a veggie soup (tomato, celery, garlic, green onion, carrots, avocado, water). I've also been mixing flax oil in his food - 1 to 2 tbsp/day. That seems to be helping. And, of course, he nurses a lot during the day. I'm not raw and end up wondering how much of my diet is affecting him. Jennifer ~ I make milk. What's your superpower? ~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 21, 2006 Report Share Posted December 21, 2006 Raw foods don't constipate, really, but it may depend on what their diet is, etc. Schulze makes a herbal blend that is safe for children, even at that age, for constipation. He is at and is highly affordable and the real deal. His cleanses work great with a raw diet!! Erica Erica Albanese School Of RAWk Certified Raw Chef, Raw Nutritionist and Health Coach Advanced Practitioner of The Living Foods Lifestyle Coming Soon! SchoolOfRAWk (541)915-1995 Subscribe To My FREE Online Bulletin! Email me at SchoolOfRAWk Check out School Of RAWk on MySpace! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 22, 2006 Report Share Posted December 22, 2006 Raw foods can DEFINITELY constipate ... depends on the foods chosen! And no additives are ever advisable, particularly in one so young. This can probably be easily remedied ... but everyone is giving advice without having a clue what this child is actually eating, and has been for awhile. I did ask, yesterday, haven't seen a response, though. Without more information, all this advice (not just this message) is uninformed, at the very least. Best, Elchanan _____ rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of School Of Rawk Thursday, December 21, 2006 10:46 AM rawfood [Raw Food] Re: Constipated raw 16 month old Raw foods don't constipate, really, but it may depend on what their diet is, etc. Schulze makes a herbal blend that is safe for children, even at that age, for constipation. He is at and is highly affordable and the real deal. His cleanses work great with a raw diet!! Erica <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=5520395/grpspId=1705015482/msgId =26667/stime=1166726883/nc1=3848429/nc2=4025377/nc3=3> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 22, 2006 Report Share Posted December 22, 2006 Hi, For constipation, I usually look to see if there’s enough fiber and enough water. Kathleen Scheps -- Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.26/597 - Release 12/21/2006 6:45 PM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 22, 2006 Report Share Posted December 22, 2006 Greetings Jennifer, Thanks so very much for sharing in such detail. I can only imagine that you might be feeling concerned, even somewhat frightened, knowing that you are doing things that are " supposed to be just right " , yet realizing that there is a problem. FYI, it would be " normal " for your son to move his bowels roughly once per feeding, and generally within a reasonable time afterward (perhaps an hour or so, but that may vary until his system settles down.) I'm packing for a move and already told most people that I wouldn't be posting anymore for a couple of days, but I've continued scanning for a message from you, so as not to have you wait. I sense your eagerness to make positive changes. My apology if this response seems a bit brief, I'll share more in a couple of days. For now ... Basically, we humans run on oxygen, water, and fuel. When we consume enough of these three, then in general we do fine. By this I mean, if we are eating a diet that oxygenates, hydrates, and fuels us adequately, or sufficiently, then that diet is most likely to bring us all the other nutrients we need, and in healthful proportions. Of course, there are many other considerations, but perhaps beginning with this single idea will be helpful .... and manageable. The foods that best accomplish these three objectives -- oxygenation, hydration, fueling -- are those highest in water, simple sugar, and soluble fiber. These foods are fruits and tender greens. So from your list below, pears, bananas (yes, approx. 70% water), mangos, and apples fit this description, and pretty much everything else does not. And particularly in the system of someone so young (18 months, as I recall, don't have the prior post in front of me), and whose entire system is still developing, gentle is good, rough is, well, less than good. :) For example, any kind of nuts would be physically rough going down. And I strongly suggest that you eliminate all oils and salt, if you are using any salt. What I suggest for now is a simple step to " get things moving " ; then we can adjust more in a few days. Ready ...? Put your son on a " breast milk fast " for a bit. In other words, return him to his original diet, go " back to basics " . How long? Until the day arrives when he poops at least 2-3 times during daylight hours (i.e., excluding when he awakens). Then we can talk further about reintroducing other foods into his diet in a gentle, orderly way that will give you the information (as feedback from him) that you need. If you find it almost impossible to do 100% breast milk at this stage, then simply adjust the program, something like the following: do breast milk first each day, and for as many feedings as you easily can. Then switch to soft, wet fruits ... pears and mangos would be excellent choices, even better than bananas and apples just for the moment. Most important, feed these ONE food at a time ... for example, only mangos, or only pears. The goal is simplicity, to make the digestive load as light and easy as possible. Of course, let him eat as much as he desires, only control the selection, not the quantity. Okay? If you notice a few " icky " poops, that just grand (though perhaps stinky), as it's a sign that things are beginning to move again. The ickyness will pass. (No pun intended. It's now Friday AM. I shall be taking down my computer shortly, and probably be back online sometime Sunday the 24th. If/when you respond to this message, please send a copy to my personal account, Elchanan. I shall set up a rule in my email to flag any message from you, so that I find it and can respond quickly once I am back online. Finally, Jennifer, before I close I wish to speak to you about you for just a moment. I imagine it would be easy to question or judge yourself during a circumstance such as this. I encourage you, in the strongest way I can, to view yourself kindly. For you have done only what every mother does ... you have given your beautiful son the very best you know to give him. And when you have noticed a problem, you have sought help from others. These are acts of love and caring, and I would hope that you hold yourself in that way. And know that, in short order, your son will return to the easy, healthful state in which he is designed to live and thrive. Happy holidays to you, your family, and all who may be reading! Best, Elchanan _____ rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of Jennifer Duncan Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:38 AM rawfood [Raw Food] Re: Constipated raw 16 month old Hi Elchanan, In the morning we'll have apple/pear sauce (some combination of apples & /or pears, water, raisins, cinnamon, lemon juice) or a smoothie (rarely bananas, mostly some combination of mangos, apples, pears, frozen berries, water, and a couple ice cubes). Later in the day we'll have soup. Lately it's been broccoli soup (soaked almonds, water, broccoli, avocado, agave, garlic, olive oil, onion, sea salt, cumin, black pepper) or a veggie soup (tomato, celery, garlic, green onion, carrots, avocado, water). I've also been mixing flax oil in his food - 1 to 2 tbsp/day. That seems to be helping. And, of course, he nurses a lot during the day. I'm not raw and end up wondering how much of my diet is affecting him. Jennifer <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=5520395/grpspId=1705015482/msgId =26669/stime=1166729334/nc1=3848445/nc2=4025369/nc3=3> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 22, 2006 Report Share Posted December 22, 2006 Hi Elchanan, I responded to your post yesterday re the foods I've been feeding my son. Here's a copy of it: Hi Elchanan, In the morning we'll have apple/pear sauce (some combination of apples & /or pears, water, raisins, cinnamon, lemon juice) or a smoothie (rarely bananas, mostly some combination of mangos, apples, pears, frozen berries, water, and a couple ice cubes). Later in the day we'll have soup. Lately it's been broccoli soup (soaked almonds, water, broccoli, avocado, agave, garlic, olive oil, onion, sea salt, cumin, black pepper) or a veggie soup (tomato, celery, garlic, green onion, carrots, avocado, water). I've also been mixing flax oil in his food - 1 to 2 tbsp/day. That seems to be helping. And, of course, he nurses a lot during the day. I'm not raw and end up wondering how much of my diet is affecting him. Jennifer ~ I make milk. What's your superpower? ~ Jennifer ~ I make milk. What's your superpower? ~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 24, 2006 Report Share Posted December 24, 2006 Hi Elchanan, Thank you for taking the time to respond given the business of this time or year and the fact that you're moving. You were right on when you said that I am concerned about my son's health. It's been a very long time since he's had a BM after each feeding, even when solely breastfed, which has leads me to look at my own diet. When I read what you suggested I feel a bit overwhelmed - mostly when I think about people asking me what I'm doing and why. I will simplify his diet as well as I can. In fact, he's only had pear sauce, pureed carrots and breast milk for a few days now. And only a few teaspoons of the pear sauce and carrots. I just realized, as I've been sitting thinking about what else to write, that my overwhelm is also from my lack of clarity about how to eat a healthy, balanced raw food diet. I have read so much over the years, everything from eat anything raw including meat to eat only fruit. Now that I'm clear about where I am, I feel relief. I'll go back to exclusively breastfeeding my son and see what happens. I'm looking forward to your response. Jennifer ~ I make milk. What's your superpower? ~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 24, 2006 Report Share Posted December 24, 2006 The real answer to this problem is that the baby needs a good ecosystem with good natural flora. If he has candida then it will cause either constipation or diarrhea. The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates will tell you as a mother how to get the natural flora established in your son. This book gives REAL answers for REAL problems. You can get it online at for under $17.00 plus shipping/tax. I wish I knew about this when my children were small. They had tremendous ear infections and a cycle of sickness that plagues them in their 20's and 30's. By feeding your son the right foods, the use of probiotics and cultured foods (apple cider vinegar, kefir, and cultured vegetables) this should do the trick. Happy good health. By the way, this book can help your son's family be healthy too. Take care. Sam Jennifer Duncan <thanktheuniverse wrote: Hi Elchanan, Thank you for taking the time to respond given the business of this time or year and the fact that you're moving. You were right on when you said that I am concerned about my son's health. It's been a very long time since he's had a BM after each feeding, even when solely breastfed, which has leads me to look at my own diet. When I read what you suggested I feel a bit overwhelmed - mostly when I think about people asking me what I'm doing and why. I will simplify his diet as well as I can. In fact, he's only had pear sauce, pureed carrots and breast milk for a few days now. And only a few teaspoons of the pear sauce and carrots. I just realized, as I've been sitting thinking about what else to write, that my overwhelm is also from my lack of clarity about how to eat a healthy, balanced raw food diet. I have read so much over the years, everything from eat anything raw including meat to eat only fruit. Now that I'm clear about where I am, I feel relief. I'll go back to exclusively breastfeeding my son and see what happens. I'm looking forward to your response. Jennifer ~ I make milk. What's your superpower? ~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 26, 2006 Report Share Posted December 26, 2006 Hello Jennifer, You may want to check out the book called " Green for Life " if you have not already read it. If your baby can take the green smoothies, it might be a great start for his little system. No chewing involved. Also, try adding probiotics to his diet. Check out which has a certified organic probiotic superfood. I feed my kids (2 1/2 and 7 months) mostly raw, green smoothies, probiotics, and flax oil. Hope it helps. rawfood , " Jennifer Duncan " <thanktheuniverse wrote: > > Hi All, > > I'm new to the group. I've been interested in raw for many years. I > haven't made much of an effort to 'go raw', though now that I have > this beautiful creature I call my son I have a great desire to. > > I exclusively breastfed my son, Zander, until he was a year old. He > still nurses & eats only raw foods. Since starting solids his BMs have > been 2 to 6 days apart & very difficult to pass. > > I didn't think a raw food baby could be constipated. > > Any suggestions? > > Warmly, > Jennifer > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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