Guest guest Posted December 27, 2006 Report Share Posted December 27, 2006 I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. just wondering. i dont smoke my self. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 27, 2006 Report Share Posted December 27, 2006 I don't smoke either and never did, so now that is 2 of us. Theresa \o/ Quoting Blondy <trinity082482: > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. just > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2006 Report Share Posted December 29, 2006 Blondy wrote: > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. just > wondering. i dont smoke my self. You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so worried about what other people do? Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been that way? Do you ever backslide? As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me vis a vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. I have much more interest in my personal raw life style management, my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. What someone else does is their own life. I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you eat raw do you smoke? I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill people and condone mass murder? Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over and look at mine or anyone else's. It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a really old book. Margaret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2006 Report Share Posted December 29, 2006 It will be okay Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. just > wondering. i dont smoke my self. You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so worried about what other people do? Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been that way? Do you ever backslide? As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me vis a vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. I have much more interest in my personal raw life style management, my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. What someone else does is their own life. I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you eat raw do you smoke? I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill people and condone mass murder? Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over and look at mine or anyone else's. It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a really old book. Margaret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2006 Report Share Posted December 29, 2006 Blondy wrote: > It will be okay Blondy, this is the world's coolest answer ever. It will be okay. What a neat idea. It will be okay. Let's hope so. Like I said before... make sure your own house is clean and smells good before you go looking at someone else's.... Like the Book says: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Sorry, Blondy, you started it... I am sure you did it innocently, but lots of others don't. On this list we are all humans. Yeah. Humans are interesting creatures. If you believe in God, then you believe that you were given free will Free will is a cool thing. You can do what you please. Oops! You do what you please and you have to face the consequences. What's really cool is that this concept ties into a lot of very fundamental American ideas about freedom. (yeah, it's a free country, but you will have to deal with what happens if you violate my freedom-- have you noticed how your freedom to control your own body is now being legislated once again-- check carefully, ladies...) Never mind. What I eat should be my choice, shouldn't it? OOPS!! Not according to the politicians in New York City! Those FAT (sorry, I mean PORCINE, oh no, I mean OBESE, no, I mean POMPOUS... yes, that word will do in this case) YO YOs (sorry, I don't have another word) believe that they can legislate what is in the food that restaurants serve. How STUPID is that? People are going to eat what they want to eat. If you won't let me eat fried food in a restaurant, I can make it at home, can't I? I mean, are they going to come into my house? Well, maybe that is on the way. Isn't that the way the pogroms in Europe started? Slow abrogations of personal rights? Everyone loves smashing Bush and Homeland Security, and maybe, just maybe (forgive me for being very VERY cynical... oh! and I've just learned to use this word after having it in my passive vocabulary for eons), smashing Bush and Homeland Security is a cover for sliding in worse controls. I mean... how dare you control what I can buy to eat? Ladies, let's think about what is next!!! (okay, boys, you can join in too)... If they can tell us what we can and cannot eat in a restaurant, it is a very short step to telling us what we can and cannot ingest legally (do you take vitamins? where do you buy them? Do you ingest/use " nutritional supplements " ? Do you realize that these items are under fire by US government agencies which would prefer to control them or even eliminate them? Okay, so you don't use nutritional supplements... but ... would you not want the freedom to do so should you choose to do so? This all gets very interesting when we even start, at the most basic level, to limit, or even criticize, the freedoms that others have always been able to enjoy. Just because you quit, or you never did doesn't mean that everyone else has to. Would you have half as much fun if all the people in the world were diehard raw vegans? Of course not. There would be no fun in being a raw vegan. It would be the way to go. What if the Japanes suddenly decided to stop killing whales and dolphins? Gee... no more fun... nothing to protest. If someone *forced* you to be raw vegan, would you be as happy with you lifestyle choice? Okay... let's go to something we all (supposedly) believe in here: raw food. What if I don't belive in 80-10-10? Should I go out and shoot myself? Should I quit the list? Should I feel FORCED to eat the way you do? What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie become despondent adn find that her life no longer had meaning? One of the fun things about living in the USA is that we pretty much still have freedom over what we eat (freedom over what we do with our bodies, as women, is being eroded even as I write) If I have the freedom to eat as I do, that means that someone else has the freedom to eat as she or he does. I do not get to be a food nazi. If I choose to call myself a raw foodist, you do not have the freedom to come and say that I wear leather shoes and so I cannot be a raw foodist... This stuff is personal choice, and it should remain personal choice. On this list, we should not be bashing people or discriminating against those people who might be working their way toward nirvana. *You* *are* working *your* own way toward nirvana, aren't you? Why, in America, can I not have the same freedom people who are *condemned* to the wheel of karma, and whose only out is nirvana have? I mean... who died and made a new god while I wasn't looking? People who smoke are working on their own time table, as arepeople who eat meat, and people who eat cooked food. People who are black are working on their own timetable. Sure, why not? It's about the same level, if you are working on political correctness. Let's be politically correct ACROSS THE BOARD, folks. Too many people seem to forget that, just because *they* think something is ideal, that should be *enforced* across the board. The scary thing is that such thinking grows, takes root, establishes priority, and then begins to invade areas of life we never meant to see it in. 60S and 70s people... be alert.. the freedoms we fought for are being abrogated left and right by the PC police. Those born in or after the 60s, ... be alert... freedoms we oldsters fought for are being abrogated by your new and wonderful ideas about political correctness. Freedoms you grew up *expecting* are disappearing, not because of the government, but because of your own apathy and *closed-mindedness* (yes, it is closed-minded to not allow others to eat what they want to!!!) Okay. Got that off my chest. Eat sugar if you want to... You have a right not to lie about it. Margaret > Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > > > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. > just > > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so > worried about what other people do? > > Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been that > way? Do you ever backslide? > > As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING to > do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me vis a > vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. > > I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other > people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. > > I have much more interest in my personal raw life style management, > my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. > > What someone else does is their own life. > > I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. > How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you eat > raw do you smoke? > > I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill > people and condone mass murder? > > Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over and > look at mine or anyone else's. > > It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a > really old book. > > Margaret > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2006 Report Share Posted December 29, 2006 Funny, when I read that post, I thought she/he was asking about curing food by smoking rather than by dehydrating -- thought it was a good question -- smoked foods are not really cooked and not really raw -- somewhere in the middle? Can you smoke fruits and veggies or nuts and seeds and would you even want to? Guess my mind just works differently. Aloha. - Margaret Gamez rawfood Thursday, December 28, 2006 7:29 PM [Raw Food] Re: Wondering Blondy wrote: > It will be okay Blondy, this is the world's coolest answer ever. It will be okay. What a neat idea. It will be okay. Let's hope so. Like I said before... make sure your own house is clean and smells good before you go looking at someone else's.... Like the Book says: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Sorry, Blondy, you started it... I am sure you did it innocently, but lots of others don't. On this list we are all humans. Yeah. Humans are interesting creatures. If you believe in God, then you believe that you were given free will Free will is a cool thing. You can do what you please. Oops! You do what you please and you have to face the consequences. What's really cool is that this concept ties into a lot of very fundamental American ideas about freedom. (yeah, it's a free country, but you will have to deal with what happens if you violate my freedom-- have you noticed how your freedom to control your own body is now being legislated once again-- check carefully, ladies...) Never mind. What I eat should be my choice, shouldn't it? OOPS!! Not according to the politicians in New York City! Those FAT (sorry, I mean PORCINE, oh no, I mean OBESE, no, I mean POMPOUS... yes, that word will do in this case) YO YOs (sorry, I don't have another word) believe that they can legislate what is in the food that restaurants serve. How STUPID is that? People are going to eat what they want to eat. If you won't let me eat fried food in a restaurant, I can make it at home, can't I? I mean, are they going to come into my house? Well, maybe that is on the way. Isn't that the way the pogroms in Europe started? Slow abrogations of personal rights? Everyone loves smashing Bush and Homeland Security, and maybe, just maybe (forgive me for being very VERY cynical... oh! and I've just learned to use this word after having it in my passive vocabulary for eons), smashing Bush and Homeland Security is a cover for sliding in worse controls. I mean... how dare you control what I can buy to eat? Ladies, let's think about what is next!!! (okay, boys, you can join in too)... If they can tell us what we can and cannot eat in a restaurant, it is a very short step to telling us what we can and cannot ingest legally (do you take vitamins? where do you buy them? Do you ingest/use " nutritional supplements " ? Do you realize that these items are under fire by US government agencies which would prefer to control them or even eliminate them? Okay, so you don't use nutritional supplements... but ... would you not want the freedom to do so should you choose to do so? This all gets very interesting when we even start, at the most basic level, to limit, or even criticize, the freedoms that others have always been able to enjoy. Just because you quit, or you never did doesn't mean that everyone else has to. Would you have half as much fun if all the people in the world were diehard raw vegans? Of course not. There would be no fun in being a raw vegan. It would be the way to go. What if the Japanes suddenly decided to stop killing whales and dolphins? Gee... no more fun... nothing to protest. If someone *forced* you to be raw vegan, would you be as happy with you lifestyle choice? Okay... let's go to something we all (supposedly) believe in here: raw food. What if I don't belive in 80-10-10? Should I go out and shoot myself? Should I quit the list? Should I feel FORCED to eat the way you do? What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie become despondent adn find that her life no longer had meaning? One of the fun things about living in the USA is that we pretty much still have freedom over what we eat (freedom over what we do with our bodies, as women, is being eroded even as I write) If I have the freedom to eat as I do, that means that someone else has the freedom to eat as she or he does. I do not get to be a food nazi. If I choose to call myself a raw foodist, you do not have the freedom to come and say that I wear leather shoes and so I cannot be a raw foodist... This stuff is personal choice, and it should remain personal choice. On this list, we should not be bashing people or discriminating against those people who might be working their way toward nirvana. *You* *are* working *your* own way toward nirvana, aren't you? Why, in America, can I not have the same freedom people who are *condemned* to the wheel of karma, and whose only out is nirvana have? I mean... who died and made a new god while I wasn't looking? People who smoke are working on their own time table, as arepeople who eat meat, and people who eat cooked food. People who are black are working on their own timetable. Sure, why not? It's about the same level, if you are working on political correctness. Let's be politically correct ACROSS THE BOARD, folks. Too many people seem to forget that, just because *they* think something is ideal, that should be *enforced* across the board. The scary thing is that such thinking grows, takes root, establishes priority, and then begins to invade areas of life we never meant to see it in. 60S and 70s people... be alert.. the freedoms we fought for are being abrogated left and right by the PC police. Those born in or after the 60s, ... be alert... freedoms we oldsters fought for are being abrogated by your new and wonderful ideas about political correctness. Freedoms you grew up *expecting* are disappearing, not because of the government, but because of your own apathy and *closed-mindedness* (yes, it is closed-minded to not allow others to eat what they want to!!!) Okay. Got that off my chest. Eat sugar if you want to... You have a right not to lie about it. Margaret > Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > > > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. > just > > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so > worried about what other people do? > > Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been that > way? Do you ever backslide? > > As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING to > do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me vis a > vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. > > I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other > people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. > > I have much more interest in my personal raw life style management, > my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. > > What someone else does is their own life. > > I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. > How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you eat > raw do you smoke? > > I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill > people and condone mass murder? > > Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over and > look at mine or anyone else's. > > It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a > really old book. > > Margaret > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2006 Report Share Posted December 29, 2006 Ya. We all are just human. That's why I struggle with raw daily. I wish I was strong willed. I find my self more motivated when I am sick and I know I have to get better. When I found out Im cancer free, I decided ya know I am okay. I stopped pushing so hard but I keep forgetting that preventing the worst is the best thing to do. Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > It will be okay Blondy, this is the world's coolest answer ever. It will be okay. What a neat idea. It will be okay. Let's hope so. Like I said before... make sure your own house is clean and smells good before you go looking at someone else's.... Like the Book says: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Sorry, Blondy, you started it... I am sure you did it innocently, but lots of others don't. On this list we are all humans. Yeah. Humans are interesting creatures. If you believe in God, then you believe that you were given free will Free will is a cool thing. You can do what you please. Oops! You do what you please and you have to face the consequences. What's really cool is that this concept ties into a lot of very fundamental American ideas about freedom. (yeah, it's a free country, but you will have to deal with what happens if you violate my freedom-- have you noticed how your freedom to control your own body is now being legislated once again-- check carefully, ladies...) Never mind. What I eat should be my choice, shouldn't it? OOPS!! Not according to the politicians in New York City! Those FAT (sorry, I mean PORCINE, oh no, I mean OBESE, no, I mean POMPOUS... yes, that word will do in this case) YO YOs (sorry, I don't have another word) believe that they can legislate what is in the food that restaurants serve. How STUPID is that? People are going to eat what they want to eat. If you won't let me eat fried food in a restaurant, I can make it at home, can't I? I mean, are they going to come into my house? Well, maybe that is on the way. Isn't that the way the pogroms in Europe started? Slow abrogations of personal rights? Everyone loves smashing Bush and Homeland Security, and maybe, just maybe (forgive me for being very VERY cynical... oh! and I've just learned to use this word after having it in my passive vocabulary for eons), smashing Bush and Homeland Security is a cover for sliding in worse controls. I mean... how dare you control what I can buy to eat? Ladies, let's think about what is next!!! (okay, boys, you can join in too)... If they can tell us what we can and cannot eat in a restaurant, it is a very short step to telling us what we can and cannot ingest legally (do you take vitamins? where do you buy them? Do you ingest/use " nutritional supplements " ? Do you realize that these items are under fire by US government agencies which would prefer to control them or even eliminate them? Okay, so you don't use nutritional supplements... but ... would you not want the freedom to do so should you choose to do so? This all gets very interesting when we even start, at the most basic level, to limit, or even criticize, the freedoms that others have always been able to enjoy. Just because you quit, or you never did doesn't mean that everyone else has to. Would you have half as much fun if all the people in the world were diehard raw vegans? Of course not. There would be no fun in being a raw vegan. It would be the way to go. What if the Japanes suddenly decided to stop killing whales and dolphins? Gee... no more fun... nothing to protest. If someone *forced* you to be raw vegan, would you be as happy with you lifestyle choice? Okay... let's go to something we all (supposedly) believe in here: raw food. What if I don't belive in 80-10-10? Should I go out and shoot myself? Should I quit the list? Should I feel FORCED to eat the way you do? What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie become despondent adn find that her life no longer had meaning? One of the fun things about living in the USA is that we pretty much still have freedom over what we eat (freedom over what we do with our bodies, as women, is being eroded even as I write) If I have the freedom to eat as I do, that means that someone else has the freedom to eat as she or he does. I do not get to be a food nazi. If I choose to call myself a raw foodist, you do not have the freedom to come and say that I wear leather shoes and so I cannot be a raw foodist... This stuff is personal choice, and it should remain personal choice. On this list, we should not be bashing people or discriminating against those people who might be working their way toward nirvana. *You* *are* working *your* own way toward nirvana, aren't you? Why, in America, can I not have the same freedom people who are *condemned* to the wheel of karma, and whose only out is nirvana have? I mean... who died and made a new god while I wasn't looking? People who smoke are working on their own time table, as arepeople who eat meat, and people who eat cooked food. People who are black are working on their own timetable. Sure, why not? It's about the same level, if you are working on political correctness. Let's be politically correct ACROSS THE BOARD, folks. Too many people seem to forget that, just because *they* think something is ideal, that should be *enforced* across the board. The scary thing is that such thinking grows, takes root, establishes priority, and then begins to invade areas of life we never meant to see it in. 60S and 70s people... be alert.. the freedoms we fought for are being abrogated left and right by the PC police. Those born in or after the 60s, ... be alert... freedoms we oldsters fought for are being abrogated by your new and wonderful ideas about political correctness. Freedoms you grew up *expecting* are disappearing, not because of the government, but because of your own apathy and *closed-mindedness* (yes, it is closed-minded to not allow others to eat what they want to!!!) Okay. Got that off my chest. Eat sugar if you want to... You have a right not to lie about it. Margaret > Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > > > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. > just > > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so > worried about what other people do? > > Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been that > way? Do you ever backslide? > > As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING to > do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me vis a > vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. > > I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other > people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. > > I have much more interest in my personal raw life style management, > my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. > > What someone else does is their own life. > > I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. > How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you eat > raw do you smoke? > > I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill > people and condone mass murder? > > Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over and > look at mine or anyone else's. > > It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a > really old book. > > Margaret > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 30, 2006 Report Share Posted December 30, 2006 Good morning, Margaret, I must say I was surprised to find " What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie become despondent and find that her life no longer had meaning? " I thought the list climate was already just about there. There are a few of us who lean toward 80/10/10 but more advocate higher fat and/or " eat what you want as long as it's raw. " Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the idea I get. And 80/10/10 is not original with Dr. D. Even 80/10/10 vegan isn't original. I followed that back in the late 70's through the teachings of Zane Kime of the Weimar Institute. I slid back into SAD but I never looked/felt better than I did then. What makes 80/10/10 unique with Dr. D. is that he has added " raw " . Where the Kime plan used a lot of grains, 811rv uses none. (I'll have to admit that I eat sweet corn when it's in season.) That being said, Kime taught that grains should be thoroughly cooked. And 80/10/10 raw vegan doesn't advise using the Master Cleanse or any other type of trauma to the body. As for coaches and their credentials, I don't know that credentials would do it for me. It would be if the coach is following his/her own teaching and is he/she healthy and successful as a result? Roger Haeske was my coach, early on, and still is. The reason I was drawn to him was because he was on the track of 811rv. I had never heard of Frederic Patenaude or Dr. D. at that point. But I DID know about 80/ 10/10 from my experience with the Kime plan and what he was advising made perfect sense to me. I'm probably veering away from the original intent of this post but I was taken aback when I was used as an example. Tommie rawfood , " Margaret Gamez " <mgamez wrote: > > Blondy wrote: > > It will be okay > > Blondy, this is the world's coolest answer ever. > It will be okay. > What a neat idea. > It will be okay. > > Let's hope so. > > Like I said before... make sure your own house is clean and smells > good before you go looking at someone else's.... > > Like the Book says: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. > > Sorry, Blondy, you started it... > I am sure you did it innocently, but lots of others don't. > > On this list we are all humans. Yeah. > Humans are interesting creatures. > If you believe in God, then you believe that you were given free > will > Free will is a cool thing. You can do what you please. > Oops! You do what you please and you have to face the consequences. > > What's really cool is that this concept ties into a lot of very > fundamental American ideas about freedom. (yeah, it's a free > country, but you will have to deal with what happens if you violate > my freedom-- have you noticed how your freedom to control your own > body is now being legislated once again-- check carefully, ladies...) > > Never mind. What I eat should be my choice, shouldn't it? OOPS!! Not > according to the politicians in New York City! Those FAT (sorry, I > mean PORCINE, oh no, I mean OBESE, no, I mean POMPOUS... yes, that > word will do in this case) YO YOs (sorry, I don't have another word) > believe that they can legislate what is in the food that restaurants > serve. How STUPID is that? > People are going to eat what they want to eat. > If you won't let me eat fried food in a restaurant, I can make it at > home, can't I? I mean, are they going to come into my house? Well, > maybe that is on the way. Isn't that the way the pogroms in Europe > started? Slow abrogations of personal rights? > > Everyone loves smashing Bush and Homeland Security, and maybe, just > maybe (forgive me for being very VERY cynical... oh! and I've just > learned to use this word after having it in my passive vocabulary > for eons), smashing Bush and Homeland Security is a cover for > sliding in worse controls. I mean... how dare you control what I can > buy to eat? > > Ladies, let's think about what is next!!! (okay, boys, you can join > in too)... If they can tell us what we can and cannot eat in a > restaurant, it is a very short step to telling us what we can and > cannot ingest legally (do you take vitamins? where do you buy them? > Do you ingest/use " nutritional supplements " ? Do you realize that > these items are under fire by US government agencies which would > prefer to control them or even eliminate them? > Okay, so you don't use nutritional supplements... but ... would you > not want the freedom to do so should you choose to do so? > > This all gets very interesting when we even start, at the most basic > level, to limit, or even criticize, the freedoms that others have > always been able to enjoy. > > Just because you quit, or you never did doesn't mean that everyone > else has to. > > Would you have half as much fun if all the people in the world were > diehard raw vegans? Of course not. There would be no fun in being a > raw vegan. It would be the way to go. > What if the Japanes suddenly decided to stop killing whales and > dolphins? Gee... no more fun... nothing to protest. > If someone *forced* you to be raw vegan, would you be as happy with > you lifestyle choice? > > Okay... let's go to something we all (supposedly) believe in here: > raw food. > What if I don't belive in 80-10-10? Should I go out and shoot > myself? Should I quit the list? Should I feel FORCED to eat the > way you do? > > What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie > become despondent adn find that her life no longer had meaning? > > One of the fun things about living in the USA is that we pretty much > still have freedom over what we eat (freedom over what we do with > our bodies, as women, is being eroded even as I write) > > If I have the freedom to eat as I do, that means that someone else > has the freedom to eat as she or he does. I do not get to be a food > nazi. > If I choose to call myself a raw foodist, you do not have the > freedom to come and say that I wear leather shoes and so I cannot be > a raw foodist... > This stuff is personal choice, and it should remain personal choice. > On this list, we should not be bashing people or discriminating > against those people who might be working their way toward nirvana. > > *You* *are* working *your* own way toward nirvana, aren't you? > > Why, in America, can I not have the same freedom people who are > *condemned* to the wheel of karma, and whose only out is nirvana > have? > > I mean... who died and made a new god while I wasn't looking? > > People who smoke are working on their own time table, as arepeople > who eat meat, and people who eat cooked food. People who are black > are working on their own timetable. Sure, why not? It's about the > same level, if you are working on political correctness. > > Let's be politically correct ACROSS THE BOARD, folks. > > Too many people seem to forget that, just because *they* think > something is ideal, that should be *enforced* across the board. > > The scary thing is that such thinking grows, takes root, establishes > priority, and then begins to invade areas of life we never meant to > see it in. > > 60S and 70s people... be alert.. the freedoms we fought for are > being abrogated left and right by the PC police. > > Those born in or after the 60s, ... be alert... freedoms we oldsters > fought for are being abrogated by your new and wonderful ideas about > political correctness. Freedoms you grew up *expecting* are > disappearing, not because of the government, but because of your own > apathy and *closed-mindedness* (yes, it is closed-minded to not > allow others to eat what they want to!!!) > > Okay. > Got that off my chest. > Eat sugar if you want to... You have a right not to lie about it. > Margaret > > > Margaret Gamez <mgamez@> > wrote: Blondy wrote: > > > > > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. > > just > > > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > > > You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so > > worried about what other people do? > > > > Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been > that > > way? Do you ever backslide? > > > > As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING > to > > do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me > vis a > > vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. > > > > I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other > > people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. > > > > I have much more interest in my personal raw life style > management, > > my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. > > > > What someone else does is their own life. > > > > I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. > > How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you > eat > > raw do you smoke? > > > > I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill > > people and condone mass murder? > > > > Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over > and > > look at mine or anyone else's. > > > > It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a > > really old book. > > > > Margaret > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 2, 2007 Report Share Posted January 2, 2007 it is nice for someone to realize we are all human! Obviously everyone on here doesn't always agree with what someone else says or does but can someone explain to me why things always turn negative? I like learning from everyone on here but sometimes the negativity is overwhelming. Blondy <trinity082482 wrote: Ya. We all are just human. That's why I struggle with raw daily. I wish I was strong willed. I find my self more motivated when I am sick and I know I have to get better. When I found out Im cancer free, I decided ya know I am okay. I stopped pushing so hard but I keep forgetting that preventing the worst is the best thing to do. Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > It will be okay Blondy, this is the world's coolest answer ever. It will be okay. What a neat idea. It will be okay. Let's hope so. Like I said before... make sure your own house is clean and smells good before you go looking at someone else's.... Like the Book says: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Sorry, Blondy, you started it... I am sure you did it innocently, but lots of others don't. On this list we are all humans. Yeah. Humans are interesting creatures. If you believe in God, then you believe that you were given free will Free will is a cool thing. You can do what you please. Oops! You do what you please and you have to face the consequences. What's really cool is that this concept ties into a lot of very fundamental American ideas about freedom. (yeah, it's a free country, but you will have to deal with what happens if you violate my freedom-- have you noticed how your freedom to control your own body is now being legislated once again-- check carefully, ladies...) Never mind. What I eat should be my choice, shouldn't it? OOPS!! Not according to the politicians in New York City! Those FAT (sorry, I mean PORCINE, oh no, I mean OBESE, no, I mean POMPOUS... yes, that word will do in this case) YO YOs (sorry, I don't have another word) believe that they can legislate what is in the food that restaurants serve. How STUPID is that? People are going to eat what they want to eat. If you won't let me eat fried food in a restaurant, I can make it at home, can't I? I mean, are they going to come into my house? Well, maybe that is on the way. Isn't that the way the pogroms in Europe started? Slow abrogations of personal rights? Everyone loves smashing Bush and Homeland Security, and maybe, just maybe (forgive me for being very VERY cynical... oh! and I've just learned to use this word after having it in my passive vocabulary for eons), smashing Bush and Homeland Security is a cover for sliding in worse controls. I mean... how dare you control what I can buy to eat? Ladies, let's think about what is next!!! (okay, boys, you can join in too)... If they can tell us what we can and cannot eat in a restaurant, it is a very short step to telling us what we can and cannot ingest legally (do you take vitamins? where do you buy them? Do you ingest/use " nutritional supplements " ? Do you realize that these items are under fire by US government agencies which would prefer to control them or even eliminate them? Okay, so you don't use nutritional supplements... but ... would you not want the freedom to do so should you choose to do so? This all gets very interesting when we even start, at the most basic level, to limit, or even criticize, the freedoms that others have always been able to enjoy. Just because you quit, or you never did doesn't mean that everyone else has to. Would you have half as much fun if all the people in the world were diehard raw vegans? Of course not. There would be no fun in being a raw vegan. It would be the way to go. What if the Japanes suddenly decided to stop killing whales and dolphins? Gee... no more fun... nothing to protest. If someone *forced* you to be raw vegan, would you be as happy with you lifestyle choice? Okay... let's go to something we all (supposedly) believe in here: raw food. What if I don't belive in 80-10-10? Should I go out and shoot myself? Should I quit the list? Should I feel FORCED to eat the way you do? What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie become despondent adn find that her life no longer had meaning? One of the fun things about living in the USA is that we pretty much still have freedom over what we eat (freedom over what we do with our bodies, as women, is being eroded even as I write) If I have the freedom to eat as I do, that means that someone else has the freedom to eat as she or he does. I do not get to be a food nazi. If I choose to call myself a raw foodist, you do not have the freedom to come and say that I wear leather shoes and so I cannot be a raw foodist... This stuff is personal choice, and it should remain personal choice. On this list, we should not be bashing people or discriminating against those people who might be working their way toward nirvana. *You* *are* working *your* own way toward nirvana, aren't you? Why, in America, can I not have the same freedom people who are *condemned* to the wheel of karma, and whose only out is nirvana have? I mean... who died and made a new god while I wasn't looking? People who smoke are working on their own time table, as arepeople who eat meat, and people who eat cooked food. People who are black are working on their own timetable. Sure, why not? It's about the same level, if you are working on political correctness. Let's be politically correct ACROSS THE BOARD, folks. Too many people seem to forget that, just because *they* think something is ideal, that should be *enforced* across the board. The scary thing is that such thinking grows, takes root, establishes priority, and then begins to invade areas of life we never meant to see it in. 60S and 70s people... be alert.. the freedoms we fought for are being abrogated left and right by the PC police. Those born in or after the 60s, ... be alert... freedoms we oldsters fought for are being abrogated by your new and wonderful ideas about political correctness. Freedoms you grew up *expecting* are disappearing, not because of the government, but because of your own apathy and *closed-mindedness* (yes, it is closed-minded to not allow others to eat what they want to!!!) Okay. Got that off my chest. Eat sugar if you want to... You have a right not to lie about it. Margaret > Margaret Gamez <mgamez wrote: Blondy wrote: > > > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. > just > > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so > worried about what other people do? > > Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been that > way? Do you ever backslide? > > As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING to > do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me vis a > vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. > > I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other > people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. > > I have much more interest in my personal raw life style management, > my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. > > What someone else does is their own life. > > I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. > How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you eat > raw do you smoke? > > I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill > people and condone mass murder? > > Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over and > look at mine or anyone else's. > > It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a > really old book. > > Margaret > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 2, 2007 Report Share Posted January 2, 2007 Let's all bring in the New Year toasting to the fact that we are indeed human, that we have the best intentions, and that through our diversity, we learn more than we ever could otherwise. Blissed be, Annie On 1/2/07, Terry Bakhtiari <pablobully wrote: > > it is nice for someone to realize we are all human! Obviously everyone > on here doesn't always agree with what someone else says or does but can > someone explain to me why things always turn negative? I like learning from > everyone on here but sometimes the negativity is overwhelming. > > Blondy <trinity082482 <>> wrote: Ya. We > all are just human. That's why I struggle with raw daily. I wish I was > strong willed. I find my self more motivated when I am sick and I know I > have to get better. When I found out Im cancer free, I decided ya know I am > okay. I stopped pushing so hard but I keep forgetting that preventing the > worst is the best thing to do. > > Margaret Gamez <mgamez <>> wrote: Blondy > wrote: > > It will be okay > > Blondy, this is the world's coolest answer ever. > It will be okay. > What a neat idea. > It will be okay. > > Let's hope so. > > Like I said before... make sure your own house is clean and smells > good before you go looking at someone else's.... > > Like the Book says: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. > > Sorry, Blondy, you started it... > I am sure you did it innocently, but lots of others don't. > > On this list we are all humans. Yeah. > Humans are interesting creatures. > If you believe in God, then you believe that you were given free > will > Free will is a cool thing. You can do what you please. > Oops! You do what you please and you have to face the consequences. > > What's really cool is that this concept ties into a lot of very > fundamental American ideas about freedom. (yeah, it's a free > country, but you will have to deal with what happens if you violate > my freedom-- have you noticed how your freedom to control your own > body is now being legislated once again-- check carefully, ladies...) > > Never mind. What I eat should be my choice, shouldn't it? OOPS!! Not > according to the politicians in New York City! Those FAT (sorry, I > mean PORCINE, oh no, I mean OBESE, no, I mean POMPOUS... yes, that > word will do in this case) YO YOs (sorry, I don't have another word) > believe that they can legislate what is in the food that restaurants > serve. How STUPID is that? > People are going to eat what they want to eat. > If you won't let me eat fried food in a restaurant, I can make it at > home, can't I? I mean, are they going to come into my house? Well, > maybe that is on the way. Isn't that the way the pogroms in Europe > started? Slow abrogations of personal rights? > > Everyone loves smashing Bush and Homeland Security, and maybe, just > maybe (forgive me for being very VERY cynical... oh! and I've just > learned to use this word after having it in my passive vocabulary > for eons), smashing Bush and Homeland Security is a cover for > sliding in worse controls. I mean... how dare you control what I can > buy to eat? > > Ladies, let's think about what is next!!! (okay, boys, you can join > in too)... If they can tell us what we can and cannot eat in a > restaurant, it is a very short step to telling us what we can and > cannot ingest legally (do you take vitamins? where do you buy them? > Do you ingest/use " nutritional supplements " ? Do you realize that > these items are under fire by US government agencies which would > prefer to control them or even eliminate them? > Okay, so you don't use nutritional supplements... but ... would you > not want the freedom to do so should you choose to do so? > > This all gets very interesting when we even start, at the most basic > level, to limit, or even criticize, the freedoms that others have > always been able to enjoy. > > Just because you quit, or you never did doesn't mean that everyone > else has to. > > Would you have half as much fun if all the people in the world were > diehard raw vegans? Of course not. There would be no fun in being a > raw vegan. It would be the way to go. > What if the Japanes suddenly decided to stop killing whales and > dolphins? Gee... no more fun... nothing to protest. > If someone *forced* you to be raw vegan, would you be as happy with > you lifestyle choice? > > Okay... let's go to something we all (supposedly) believe in here: > raw food. > What if I don't belive in 80-10-10? Should I go out and shoot > myself? Should I quit the list? Should I feel FORCED to eat the > way you do? > > What is the list climate suddenly swayed to 40-30-30? Should Tommie > become despondent adn find that her life no longer had meaning? > > One of the fun things about living in the USA is that we pretty much > still have freedom over what we eat (freedom over what we do with > our bodies, as women, is being eroded even as I write) > > If I have the freedom to eat as I do, that means that someone else > has the freedom to eat as she or he does. I do not get to be a food > nazi. > If I choose to call myself a raw foodist, you do not have the > freedom to come and say that I wear leather shoes and so I cannot be > a raw foodist... > This stuff is personal choice, and it should remain personal choice. > On this list, we should not be bashing people or discriminating > against those people who might be working their way toward nirvana. > > *You* *are* working *your* own way toward nirvana, aren't you? > > Why, in America, can I not have the same freedom people who are > *condemned* to the wheel of karma, and whose only out is nirvana > have? > > I mean... who died and made a new god while I wasn't looking? > > People who smoke are working on their own time table, as arepeople > who eat meat, and people who eat cooked food. People who are black > are working on their own timetable. Sure, why not? It's about the > same level, if you are working on political correctness. > > Let's be politically correct ACROSS THE BOARD, folks. > > Too many people seem to forget that, just because *they* think > something is ideal, that should be *enforced* across the board. > > The scary thing is that such thinking grows, takes root, establishes > priority, and then begins to invade areas of life we never meant to > see it in. > > 60S and 70s people... be alert.. the freedoms we fought for are > being abrogated left and right by the PC police. > > Those born in or after the 60s, ... be alert... freedoms we oldsters > fought for are being abrogated by your new and wonderful ideas about > political correctness. Freedoms you grew up *expecting* are > disappearing, not because of the government, but because of your own > apathy and *closed-mindedness* (yes, it is closed-minded to not > allow others to eat what they want to!!!) > > Okay. > Got that off my chest. > Eat sugar if you want to... You have a right not to lie about it. > Margaret > > > Margaret Gamez <mgamez > wrote: Blondy wrote: > > > > > I always wondered.. do 100% raw people smoke? smoking isnt raw. > > just > > > wondering. i dont smoke my self. > > > > You don't smoke. Good. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you so > > worried about what other people do? > > > > Is your diet 100% raw vegan? Are you sure? How long has it been > that > > way? Do you ever backslide? > > > > As far as I can see, what other people do has absolutely NOTHING > to > > do with what I do. What I do is the most important thing to me > vis a > > vis my personal lifestyle and my personal health. > > > > I really do not have time to sit around worrying about what other > > people do. That is THEIR life, not mine. > > > > I have much more interest in my personal raw life style > management, > > my struggles with cravings, my temptations, my successes, etc. > > > > What someone else does is their own life. > > > > I cannot even speak for Osama Bin Laden. > > How can I come out and ask such a weird question like... if you > eat > > raw do you smoke? > > > > I mean, if you follow God's laws, can you indiscriminately kill > > people and condone mass murder? > > > > Please make sure your own house is spotless before you come over > and > > look at mine or anyone else's. > > > > It seems to me I read something similar to that somewhere in a > > really old book. > > > > Margaret > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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