Guest guest Posted January 3, 2007 Report Share Posted January 3, 2007 Hello all Happy Raw Year to you all.... So I have been studying candidia as much as I can with the " yeast handbook " but I have some questions that either I missed answers to in the book, or they wernt there. 1. How can I tell for sure if I have candidia? Is there a medical test that can be run? Blood, urine or what not? I would like to have a way to tell if I am making progress in treating this. 2. Other than eliminating all sugars and yeasts etc from diet, and aside from doing a cleanse, is there any way to help get rid of it? I see in the health food stores, lots of candidia kits and herbal suplements that claim to help. One health food person showed me a bottle of stuff that is supposed to break down the walls of the yeast to kill it off. But I didnt buy anything yet, I wanted to get everyone opinions first and see if there is any thing that the general consensus suggests. 3. Once you do get rid of candidia is it easy for it to come back? Someone told me if I dont get it under controll, and I get pregnant that I would pass it on to the baby. So of coarse I want some answers on this..... 4. Thats about it for I appreciate everyones help on this. I really love this group and have learned so much about the human body and how to take better care of myself. I wish I could make this site required! Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 4, 2007 Report Share Posted January 4, 2007 1. Find a reputable natural doctor who does saliva and/or stool tests for it. You can read more on it in the best book on the topic: SICK AND TIRED: RECLAIM YOUR INNER TERRAIN by Dr. Robert Young -- I believe he has an office, too. Dr. Davis (who I disagree with on diet) does it nationally (by mail) at and it's affordable. A doctor here in Eugene will do it too, plus he does kinesiology to test you for how to treat it, etc. But they say that symptoms are a good way of checking. A crude test is to spit when you first wake up, FIRST THING, into a clear glass of distilled water. If trails start coming down from your spit, you have an overload of bacteria. Dr. Davis even said this was fairly accurate. 2. Cleansing, yes. I'm about to follow a raw vegan organic version of the body ecology diet to finally knock it out. You have to switch the anti-fungals up as candida shapeshifts. Basically, use oregano oil, THEN switch to olive leaf extract, THEN grapefruit seed extract, etc (in lemon!) and so on. Make foods like coconut oil and garlic your best friend. Eliminate sugars, eat low fats. I drink fresh almond milk (enzymes always help) and raw chocolate (cacao) and celery juice with superfood and TONS OF PROBIOTICS (kombuca tea, rejuvelac, raw apple cider vinegar in water, raw veggie kraut, coconut kefir, supplements, etc). There's a lot you CAN eat. Stevia and Xylitol are sweeteners like sugar that are candida-safe. That is about it, though. Xylitol is made from birch trees and is an ANTI-FUNGAL, actually. My friend makes anti-fungal rich chocolate fudge with it and cacao and coconut oil. So, THERE IS HOPE on an anti-candida diet! :-) Herbs like Cumanda by NutraMedix (whom I like b/c of the quality) and Samento are excellent, too. I wouldn't bother with most cleanses only because for really systemic candida, it takes more than just doing a cleanse for a month or even 6 weeks. You have to change your diet and it takes time. I have never abstained long enough - even raw, I ate the fruits and stuff. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT LATER ON, if you keep the fermented foods and some other foods that keep it in check, you CAN eat a more moderate diet, with some sugars, espscially fruit, totally. Just don't go back to it too soon. The problem with most gut cleanses is that they treat THE GUT, and systemic candida can be in your knees (arthritis), heart (tightness of chest, weak limbs), and brain (ADD, bipolar, depression, etc). You have to change the whole routine, not just add that in and hope it goes away. That is what I've found. It will depend on the severity, though, too. Pick up The Body Ecology Diet book too, maybe. I would also do a colon cleanse, like Blessed Herbs ($90 but WORTH IT). 3. Yes, you can give it to your baby. That's how most of us get it. Then, we do at least 1 round of antibiotics or eat tons of antibiotics daily in our foods. We also eat no probiotics (that bit in commercial yogurt really doesn't count). And we do other immuno-suppressive things, like eat a lot of sugar and processed foods. So, yeah, it's a good thing to take care of. SCARY AND TRUE: It has been documented medically that WHEN CANDIDA MEETS A HUMAN CELL, IT OVERTAKES IT. When you feel out of control, you probably ARE. Isn't that just frightening!? Hope this helps! Erica Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 5, 2007 Report Share Posted January 5, 2007 Hi Erica, Your regimen sounds great! I'm wondering about the Rejuvelac though. Do you have a foolproof way to make it so that it doesn't get contaminated? A lot of the Wigmore clients couldn't tolerate Rejuvelac and their candida got worse from it, and some of the groups that evolved out of the Hippocrates experience no longer use it for that reason. I'm wondering what the secret is for foolproof Rejuvelac. Thanks-- Sharrhan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 6, 2007 Report Share Posted January 6, 2007 Dobby the house elf wrote: > 1. How can I tell for sure if I have candidia? Is there a > medical test that can be run? Blood, urine or what not? I would > like to have a way to tell if I am making progress in treating > this. There are allopathic medical tests, but most doctors don't want to do them. Dark field microscopy will show if you have candida. The question is: do you want to do this on your own, or do you want to consult with (and pay) professionals (most, if not all, of whom will not be covered by medical insurance) The best thing you can do, without hooking up with a naturopathic doctor (ND, naturopath) who does this kind of work is notice how you are feeling. One of the things that tends to happen is that you feel better after die-off and so you stop doing the program. The book does cover this, in that: if you follow the program faithfully for the prescribed amount of time, you will find yourself candida free. That is the self-care route. > 2. Other than eliminating all sugars and yeasts etc from diet, > and aside from doing a cleanse, is there any way to help get rid > of it? I do believe that Yeast Connection Handbook lists a number of " health food store-available " products that you can use. I work with an older edition of the book (a new one has come out in the past 4 or 5 years), and I find that using the " remedies " mentioned remains worthwhile. In the past 5 or 6 years, a number of products have come onto the market. When people ask me about a product, I suggest that they evaluate the product's usage instructions and decide, for themselves, whether they are willing to use the product as indicated. That is what most of the products are about now, as I see it: what you are willing to do. Some people are willing to keep to a time table, some people want a pill, some people want something more " natural " , some people want something more traditional that has been proven to work.... For example: the product that NOW makes (I think it is called " Candida-something " works well.... *if* you follow the instructions, along with a candida-elimination diet for the prescribed time. Unfortunately, there *is* no short-cut, i.e., no one has come up with a pill that you can take for 15 days or 30 days and you will have no more candidiasis. Fortunately, if you are already following a raw food diet, it is much easier to do a candida-elimination diet: all you need to do is eliminate the high-glycemic vegetables and fruit, as per the prescribed candida-elimination diet--- i.e., if you look at the diet, and follow the different stages, simply by *not* eating what is *not* on the list, you will have success. The " nutritional supplements " help speed things along by causing die- off more quickly (I have known people who have eliminated candidiasis simply by *religiously* following the elimination diet, but most people want more fireworks and faster awareness of results, i.e., reduction of symptoms, which is where the supplements come in. The most important things to do are a good thorough colon cleanse (if you want to contact me privately, I will be more specific, but I am not in the business of advertising), and, then, if you feel like it, a candida cleanse (although, if you do a parasite cleanse, if you check the ingredients carefully, you can get one that has the same ingredients that kill candida -- a parasite) Now, you do *not* have to go and buy those things -- you do know that, don't you? I mean, you *can* do a serious formal/traditional/no fooling around/the way it was written/no additions/no changes/no modifications Master Cleanse for 10-14 days (big elimination of anything in your system) and then continue with the Phase 1 Elimination -- this is what I have done, and it works really well for me. (sometimes I do continue on with grapefruit seed extract afterwards, along with the diet) (yes, I have had to repeat candidiasis elimination-- I don't know about you, but, if I have surgery, I don't really want to risk infection, so I buy the antibiotics, knowing that, as soon as the course of antibiotics is over, I will start Phase 1 again... the good thing is that it takes less time if you start right away) > 3. Once you do get rid of candidia is it easy for it to come > back? Yep! You can get it back if you do things that will bring it on, like all the things that are on your average candidiasis " do you have it " questionnaire (such as the one in the Yeast Connection Handbook, and others which you can find through Internet searches) That is the fun of it. I first became aware of candidiasis through a Reiki student. She brought all of her own food, and, for whatever reason, felt it necessary to explain to me why (probably because she was a newly graduated ND, having studied naturopathy as a way to relieve herself of the symptoms she was experiencing) > Someone told me if I dont get it under controll, and I get > pregnant that I would pass it on to the baby. Oh, yes! Someone I know has just had twins (a boy and a girl), and they are both infected -- I have become aware because another friend noticed something while diapering the little girl and asked me. It is so sad that a little 6 week old baby should suffer so. Unfortunately, in this particular case, it is unlikely that the children will receive more than symptom-relieving allopathic medicine. If you are VERY interested in the topic (and I sense you may be), there is a place that you might want to look at: I am not connected with these people in any way, but I have found that their products are generally right on, and, often, cheaper than other options. (the proprietor is very opinionated, but it is a good idea, still, to sign up for their email newsletter, as well as their snail mail catalog, which is a fabulous resource in itself -- I think it has an entire section on parasites and candidiasis) Another fabulous site is (I keyed in " candida " in their search, to come up with everything they offer -- pretty much what Crooks recommends) They also have a snailmail catalog you can to This is an all natural pharmacy which is located in New York City (lucky me!) Their prices are extremely competitive (I'm always surprised when I go there at the bargains). They also send out a very cool catalog with all sorts of interesting articles interspersed with the product listings. I'd recommend signing up for it if only for constructive bathroom reading! It would also be good to peruse the herbalhealer site, find out whatever they say there, and then check the prices at willners. (see! I am not connected to these people!) Then, when you find what you want, you could check any other online site (I'd recommend, which offers very good prices) Candida elimination is a slow thing the first time out. You actually do have to follow the ENTIRE protocol (even if you go the allopathic route, if you can get a doctor to go with you -- usually they will only do this with people who have been on chemotherapy-- and take the full course it takes 9 months -- and that way, you have to be on constant liver monitoring!) The way you know for sure that you are candida free is when you have done the entire program and you feel good. Then, you decide whether or not you want to stay on a maintenance program for life (sort of, if you think of it, like the idea presented in the Atkins diet... you will always be aware of what you eat, you will always avoid things that are likely to make you sick again, the minute you begin to feel sick again, you will go back to " induction " or " phase 1 " ) I learned this from my Reiki student, and I have seen its benefits in my own life. I hope this helps. Margaret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 6, 2007 Report Share Posted January 6, 2007 Sharrhanwrote: >I'm wondering about the Rejuvelac though. Do you have a foolproof way > to make it so that it doesn't get contaminated? A lot of the Wigmore > clients couldn't tolerate Rejuvelac and their candida got worse from > it, and some of the groups that evolved out of the Hippocrates > experience no longer use it for that reason. > I'm wondering what the secret is for foolproof Rejuvelac. Now, this is interesting to me, since I do like rejuvelac. and I am always " candida aware " (or paranoid) You've made me think about how I do.... The first time I did candida elimination, I was not into rejuvelac, so that was not an issue. When I have been on candida elimination since then (blessedly, not often!), I have followed the rules and eliminated any and all fermented food products (yeah, bye bye apple cider vinegar, which is a mainstay in my personal health program!) So that means that I have not used rejuvelac when I have been on candida elimination.... I had never thought of it before. I expect that, if someone is a die-hard rejuvelac fan, and they find themselves in the throes of candidiasis, the best way to know would be to put rejuvelac on the second phase and see what happens... by Phase 2, you are pretty aware of what is going on, and if you add in something, you can notice what happens pretty quickly, and eliminate it if you are having effects you would rather not have. This goes along with " allergy rotation diets " in which you eliminate just about everything and then slowly add in one by one different foods to see what will happen. Since candida tends to behave like " allergy " , or vice versa, this would seem, to me, to be the best way to go. I, personally, will probably never try it, but you might. You know your body, and... you are on your own! I think that the reason that a lot of the " established " raw food " institutions " , i.e. places to which people " retire " to deal with health issues " , may have abandoned rejuvelac is that, to deal with health issues on a more wholesale basis, it is best to use foods which are easily assimilated by the largest population. Using rejuvelac would require more intimate monitoring of clients-- possibly more than the institution might be willing to do -- no judgement here-- they do what is best for the largest population they are targeting-- just objective reasoning. If you are working with your own self, you know what works well for you. If you eliminate it, and then add it back in, you are the one creating the regimen, and you are more conscious of what is going on, and you know who you have to answer to. This is, as I see it, the beauty of nutritional, and the awareness of allergy healing (interestingly, candida elimination and allergy healing do tend to dovetail) I hope this helps. Margaret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2007 Report Share Posted January 9, 2007 I would concur with what Margaret posted with the following notations. For me, the Candida Diet or Cave Man Diet didn't work at all. But I have discovered over time that a flair-up is often precipitated with not drinking enough pure water and consuming too many refined sugar sweets. So I really work hard at having MORE water than recommended and for each bite of refined sugar I consume, I counter it with two really large " gulps " of water (works as a nice I'm-too-full-to-eat-more diet). Do also remember that oftentimes the " die off " of the candida will cause headaches and lethargy until the body is able to rid itself of the yeast. Kendra ________________________________ rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of Margaret Gamez Friday, January 05, 2007 9:48 PM rawfood [Raw Food] Re: questions about candidia Dobby the house elf wrote: > 1. How can I tell for sure if I have candidia? Is there a > medical test that can be run? Blood, urine or what not? I would > like to have a way to tell if I am making progress in treating > this. There are allopathic medical tests, but most doctors don't want to do them. Dark field microscopy will show if you have candida. The question is: do you want to do this on your own, or do you want to consult with (and pay) professionals (most, if not all, of whom will not be covered by medical insurance) The best thing you can do, without hooking up with a naturopathic doctor (ND, naturopath) who does this kind of work is notice how you are feeling. One of the things that tends to happen is that you feel better after die-off and so you stop doing the program. The book does cover this, in that: if you follow the program faithfully for the prescribed amount of time, you will find yourself candida free. That is the self-care route. > 2. Other than eliminating all sugars and yeasts etc from diet, > and aside from doing a cleanse, is there any way to help get rid > of it? I do believe that Yeast Connection Handbook lists a number of " health food store-available " products that you can use. I work with an older edition of the book (a new one has come out in the past 4 or 5 years), and I find that using the " remedies " mentioned remains worthwhile. In the past 5 or 6 years, a number of products have come onto the market. When people ask me about a product, I suggest that they evaluate the product's usage instructions and decide, for themselves, whether they are willing to use the product as indicated. That is what most of the products are about now, as I see it: what you are willing to do. Some people are willing to keep to a time table, some people want a pill, some people want something more " natural " , some people want something more traditional that has been proven to work.... For example: the product that NOW makes (I think it is called " Candida-something " works well.... *if* you follow the instructions, along with a candida-elimination diet for the prescribed time. Unfortunately, there *is* no short-cut, i.e., no one has come up with a pill that you can take for 15 days or 30 days and you will have no more candidiasis. Fortunately, if you are already following a raw food diet, it is much easier to do a candida-elimination diet: all you need to do is eliminate the high-glycemic vegetables and fruit, as per the prescribed candida-elimination diet--- i.e., if you look at the diet, and follow the different stages, simply by *not* eating what is *not* on the list, you will have success. The " nutritional supplements " help speed things along by causing die- off more quickly (I have known people who have eliminated candidiasis simply by *religiously* following the elimination diet, but most people want more fireworks and faster awareness of results, i.e., reduction of symptoms, which is where the supplements come in. The most important things to do are a good thorough colon cleanse (if you want to contact me privately, I will be more specific, but I am not in the business of advertising), and, then, if you feel like it, a candida cleanse (although, if you do a parasite cleanse, if you check the ingredients carefully, you can get one that has the same ingredients that kill candida -- a parasite) Now, you do *not* have to go and buy those things -- you do know that, don't you? I mean, you *can* do a serious formal/traditional/no fooling around/the way it was written/no additions/no changes/no modifications Master Cleanse for 10-14 days (big elimination of anything in your system) and then continue with the Phase 1 Elimination -- this is what I have done, and it works really well for me. (sometimes I do continue on with grapefruit seed extract afterwards, along with the diet) (yes, I have had to repeat candidiasis elimination-- I don't know about you, but, if I have surgery, I don't really want to risk infection, so I buy the antibiotics, knowing that, as soon as the course of antibiotics is over, I will start Phase 1 again... the good thing is that it takes less time if you start right away) > 3. Once you do get rid of candidia is it easy for it to come > back? Yep! You can get it back if you do things that will bring it on, like all the things that are on your average candidiasis " do you have it " questionnaire (such as the one in the Yeast Connection Handbook, and others which you can find through Internet searches) That is the fun of it. I first became aware of candidiasis through a Reiki student. She brought all of her own food, and, for whatever reason, felt it necessary to explain to me why (probably because she was a newly graduated ND, having studied naturopathy as a way to relieve herself of the symptoms she was experiencing) > Someone told me if I dont get it under controll, and I get > pregnant that I would pass it on to the baby. Oh, yes! Someone I know has just had twins (a boy and a girl), and they are both infected -- I have become aware because another friend noticed something while diapering the little girl and asked me. It is so sad that a little 6 week old baby should suffer so. Unfortunately, in this particular case, it is unlikely that the children will receive more than symptom-relieving allopathic medicine. If you are VERY interested in the topic (and I sense you may be), there is a place that you might want to look at: I am not connected with these people in any way, but I have found that their products are generally right on, and, often, cheaper than other options. (the proprietor is very opinionated, but it is a good idea, still, to sign up for their email newsletter, as well as their snail mail catalog, which is a fabulous resource in itself -- I think it has an entire section on parasites and candidiasis) Another fabulous site is <> (I keyed in " candida " in their search, to come up with everything they offer -- pretty much what Crooks recommends) They also have a snailmail catalog you can to This is an all natural pharmacy which is located in New York City (lucky me!) Their prices are extremely competitive (I'm always surprised when I go there at the bargains). They also send out a very cool catalog with all sorts of interesting articles interspersed with the product listings. I'd recommend signing up for it if only for constructive bathroom reading! It would also be good to peruse the herbalhealer site, find out whatever they say there, and then check the prices at willners. (see! I am not connected to these people!) Then, when you find what you want, you could check any other online site (I'd recommend, which offers very good prices) Candida elimination is a slow thing the first time out. You actually do have to follow the ENTIRE protocol (even if you go the allopathic route, if you can get a doctor to go with you -- usually they will only do this with people who have been on chemotherapy-- and take the full course it takes 9 months -- and that way, you have to be on constant liver monitoring!) The way you know for sure that you are candida free is when you have done the entire program and you feel good. Then, you decide whether or not you want to stay on a maintenance program for life (sort of, if you think of it, like the idea presented in the Atkins diet... you will always be aware of what you eat, you will always avoid things that are likely to make you sick again, the minute you begin to feel sick again, you will go back to " induction " or " phase 1 " ) I learned this from my Reiki student, and I have seen its benefits in my own life. I hope this helps. Margaret Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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