Guest guest Posted January 5, 2007 Report Share Posted January 5, 2007 Hello Mark.. I'm Silver DD (but my given name is Melissa - you choose which you want to use). I read your post and something dawned on me. if diabetes and heart disease can be reversed by a change in diet, why the hell didn't anyone ever tell my dad this?? he died almost a year ago this coming April, and he had had diabetes since I was roughly 20 years old - and I'm 40 now. I'll tell you something else too.. I don't pretend to have any answers.. in fact, I know next to nothing about eating healthy, which is why I am here, because the medical system has also failed me. I have had an eating disorder my entire life mainly due to abuse in my youth. it has caused me to overeat for my entire life. the problem here is that most people think that those of us who are in this condition, got this way because we gorged on candies, cookies, chips, ice cream, etc etc. this isn't true at all. my problem is that I " comfort ate " . the only thing with comfort eating is, you feel uncomfoprtable afterwards, and even worse than you did before you began eating. so then you eat more because you feel miserable, which in turn causes even more misery. well, I have come to the point that I am TIRED of feeling miserable. I have been to the doctor I don't know how many times, and outright begged them for help. and when I was told " try going on a diet..try weightwatchers " , I screamed back that I have tried damn near every diet known to man.. if the problem were simply going on a diet, wouldn't just any of them work? and then they wanted to put me on fluoxetine (prozac) to counteract the feelings of misery and low self worth, but also put a lid on suppressing the appetite. doctors don't seem to be very bright, even considering how many years they had to study to get where they are today. doctors, in my humble opinion, are simply nothing more than glorified drug pushers. I am going to be very honest here on several points. A). I weigh currently over 400 pounds. I'm not happy with this and it makes me feel ashamed of myself and extremely miserable, not to mention unsexy and just plain, I'd be lying if I said the reason I want to lose weight is so people would find me attractive - I don't want this kind of attention to be very honest. I've had 3 children and they are mostly grown, so things like that don't figure high on my list of important things to accomplish in this life. however, I would love to be able to look in the mirror and say YEAHHHHHHHHH! B). a couple of months ago, I decided I was going to make certain promises to God and myself. 2 of those promises included becoming a vegetarian, and stopping smoking. I achieved both of those things. I gave myself until the end of 2006 to fully cease meat eating, and totally stop smoking. the smoking I stopped as of Nov 2nd, so it's been a full 9 weeks today (Friday, Jan 5th), and as for meat eating, well, I had some chicken on several occasions last year, but once we got into December, I think I had it maybe once or twice, and then have not had any meat at all ever since. so these are 2 goals I have successfully achieved. I am seeing my issue here as having an addiction. I had a cigarette addiction, and I gave it up. it wasn't easy and sometimes it still isn't, but I figure if I can quit the most difficult drug in the world, I can somehow manage to not be addicted to food anymore. the main problem I am seeing here is variety, and not knowing what to make. I think it would be seriously helpful if anyone here could maybe compile recipes and make menus, this way, people can go in there, have a look around, especially when they are stuck for ideas as to what to make, because being honest, this is a prioblem for me. I am very new to being a vegetarian, and ideas are what is needed. yes there are a bazillion recipes out there. but going through a million before you decide what sounds good and what doesn't is alot of effort to put into something, and is no good in the short term. being a vegetarian is not my end goal, but until I can research and refine things, I don't know every little detail of every product sold on the store shelves, as far as what might have eggs or animal products in it and what might not. and I'm not just looking for animal ingredients - I'm also looking into what brands/stores use GM foods and what brands/stores do not. according to Marks and Spencers, they are the first and only store nationwide who do not have ANY GM products. great stuff. anyway, to get back to the original reason for this post, you mentioned having been thrown off diabetic boards for telling them that their disease could be reversed.. it sounds to me like they are set in their ways and almost would rather jab themselves twice a day with 90 units and still be able to eat cake and ice cream or drink beer etc etc than to contemplate doing something a little different and give up all the garbage that made them sick in the first place! you know, one thing REALLY comes to mind here.. the war in Iraq has NOTHING on the war on foods.. if you ask me, the government and the FDA have been responsible for addictions, disease, and death than just about any war out there. that's just my 2 pence worth..and I believe I have rambled on far long enough, so I will end here and wait to hear from any and all interested folks. for what it's worth Mark, I take my hat off to you (if I were wearing one that is) for making the effort. you've done alot more than alot of people have, so hats off to you for caring.. have a great day everyone YS Silver DD (who is well known for her epic posts) ((Erica, I too was long ago booted from the ADA boards, the AHA boards, the AARP health boards, etc. reason was I am a " spammer " for providing a few links to Dr's Fuhrman, McDougal, Essylstyn, Cousins, Oz, you know, basically ANYONE that has an ACTUAL track record of helping people actually get rid of the diseases being discussed. Also, offering to give RAVE away for FREE, is considered spamming. How I profit from this elludes me. Seems all these board moderators want is to endlessly keep people in victim mode, discussing dangerous, nasty side effect, life long treatments that don't work. Obviously, none of these people pay me to send folks their way, I'm just enthusiastic after being personally cured of diabetes and heart disease this simple way and I'm pissed off at how simple it is and want to spread the info to those willing to do a little work and take personal responsibility for their health. Many are willing but need a start. Just doing my part (maybe a bit more) to help the inevitable avalance of people rejecting the food industry poisons and adopting healthy organic, non-GMO, plant based diets. Mark)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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