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My NEW RAW Charity Event this Sun & NEW Raw Bamboo Organic Cotton Fashion line

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Hi Bryan Au here! My friends at RAWvolution.com are thriving their

RAW Cafe is doing really great and they are opening a new RAW

Bookstore/Yoga Space right next door on Main Street in Santa Monica!

They asked me to teach RAW Classes and do workshops, I have teamed

up with an amazing RAW Friend that does INCREDIBLE

Workshops/Healings and it is a lot of info I can e=mail you the

flyer he has been doing this for 24 years and has 200 + clients that

love his techniques we are teaming up to do RAW Food classes/events

and workshops/healings at the new space so e=mail me or Call Philip

if you are interested!


I am also starting up a new ECO Bamboo Organic Cotton Blend Denim

Fashion line! Yes we eat RAW Organic now we can WEAR it in style

while feeling and looking great! You can wear my new RAW Organic Eco

Fashions and save the planet in the most fun way possible I have a

fashion show at BB KING Blues Club at Universal City Walk this March

24 if you want to come out it is during FASHION WEEK in LA so will

get tons of press/media I am one of the runway models. You can also

CUSTOM ORDER your own line of Bamboo Organic Cotton Jeans/Mini

Skirts/Dresses/Vests/Suits for men and women from me directly all

pieces are $200 and can be customed fitted/tailored to you! Bamboo

Organic Cotton Blend Denim is totally brand new no one has it yet

but me! I will be outsourcing more exotic custom ECO fabrics and

fashions too. I am open to investors for any of the above

activities! I am also doing a Charity Event that benefits Homeless

Pets this Sunday in Studio City (North of Hollywood) so you can come

out and sample some of my food for free tickets are $20 and it goes

to a great cause there will be Hollywood Celebrities, fashion show,

me and I will be selling/signing books and my new DVD:




http://apeaction.org/Sponsors.html I am half way down the page.


Here are MY RAW Classes info and Philips workshops it is a lot of

info but REALLY RAWsome!


Iridology Iris Photo And Chart

Live Cell Analysis Photos Of The Blood


Ø PART ONE – FREE INTRODUCTION – Learn the connection between

your health & emotions & how you can heal at all levels. Also an

intro to Iridology, Live Cell Analysis & a powerful method of

accupressure called Body Electronics. Eye photos taken & signup for

Parts 2 & 3. Thursdays 7-9pm. Available to groups of 10 or more on



LIFESTYLE - In this workshop, you can receive Iridology & Live Cell

Analysis in a format which can support you in transforming your

life. Additional areas covered for fine tuning your health include

Ayurveda, metabolic type, blood type, pH, nutrition & herbology.

$75 includes workshop & materials. Two Saturdays a month 10am to



HEALING Learn meditations and a process for finding inner peace,

fulfillment and clarity on your purpose. This helps to prepare you

for a powerful method of accupressure called Body Electronics which

can bring about dramatic healing physically and emotionally.

Workshop includes procedure as well as giving and receiving a

session. $75 includes workshop & materials. Two Sundays a month

10am to 6pm. Both days paid together $135.

Ø PART FOUR – SUPPORT GROUP Receive support in healing all

levels and continue your education as we practice Parts One through

Three and cover new materials on a weekly basis. $20 a week covers

workshop, materials, and regular photos of your eyes and blood for

followup on your progress. Wednesdays 7-10pm.


To RSVP For Intro & For Location/Details Call (310) 876-4199.


By Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C.


Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation,

it's location, and in what stage it's manifesting. The iris reveals

body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the

transitions that take place in a person's body according to the way

he/she lives.


Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the

iris of the eye. The iris is that portion of the eye that carries

the color. Iris was the goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology;

she was also messenger of the gods in the Iliad. Under

magnification, the iris reveals itself to be a world of minute

detail, a land of many features.


The iris represents a communication system capable of handling an

amazing quantity of information. The code reveals itself in the

character of the individual iris fibers. There are uncounted numbers

of these fibers present. The combinations of various fiber

characters make up an infinite variety.


Presently, as in the past, many primary health care doctors have

used this form of analysis along with other diagnostic techniques to

facilitate a more complete understanding of their patient's health

care needs.


The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of

the soul. We now acknowledge them as the mirror of the body.

Manifestations in and about the eyes have long been used to gain

insight into a person's state of health. Today, it is realized that

the information revealed in the eyes is greater than was formerly



A closer inspection with the tools made available by our expanding

technology reveals the iris to be a micro computer readout of bodily

function and condition that truly merits every thinking man's honest

and fair-minded consideration.


Through the application of iridology, it is possible to observe

normal and abnormal reflex signs. It does not compare all people

together to create a " normal, " but rather compares an individual's

strengths to their weaknesses; a weak organ in a strong body

produces different characteristics, yet it is still a weakness for

that person.




The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting

the outside world. It is an extension of the brain, being incredibly

endowed with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic

blood vessels, muscle and other tissues.


The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way

of the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers receive their

impulses by way of their connections to the optic nerve, optic

thalami, and spinal cord They are formed embryologically from

mesoderm and neuroectoderm tissues. Both sympathetic and

parasympathetic nervous systems are present in the iris.


In this way, Nature has provided us with a miniature television

screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve

reflex responses. We are discovering that the eye works in two ways,

not only does it enable us to bring images of the outside world

within, it also shows images of what is within to the outside.


Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in the body tissues by

manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue

changes and locations.


The scientific explanation of exactly how this process works

neurologically is still forthcoming. Much research is being devoted

to a clearer understanding of this phenomenon.


In the meantime, we can rest confidently in the over 150 years of

collected empirical data to know that what we have learned to date

is very accurate and reliable for the minority of normally organized

human beings.


The iris reveals an individual's strengths and weaknesses, and what

has been done to the body through incorrect living habits. It also

reveals the wonder of one who has lived a good life according to the

laws of the universe.




Normal & Parasitized Red Blood Cells – Normal & Weakened White Blood





All microscopes are essentially the same and are used to obtain an

enlarged image of very small objects to reveal structural detail not

otherwise identifiable with the human eye.


Darkfield gets its name from the optical device known as a

condenser. It is constructed so that its illumination, or the

passing of light, causes the viewing specimen to appear bright on a

black or dark background.


A Microscopist is a skilled practitioner in the use of the

microscope. A Nutritional Microscopist analyses and recommends, and

does not diagnose or prescribe. The microscope is an excellent

screening tool to help us choose appropriate nutrients and lifestyle

changes and to see how we are progressing in our healing path as we

fine tune more and more.




Live blood cell analysis is carried out by lancing a small drop of

blood from the finger, and placing it on a microscope slide, with a

cover slide to keep it in a living, moving dynamic state. It is

then observed through the opticals of the darkfield microscope.

This allows us to observe, first hand, many details of our health, a

few being the function of our digestion, immune system, liver,

kidneys, levels of toxicity, and even tiny parasites! Our cellular

ecosystem is revealed like an inner microscopic city with it's many

inhabitants and own protective defense force.


By monitoring our blood condition, we can assist in balancing the

dietary nutrients and lifestyle that will enhance our overall health.


By Robert Tennyson Stevens


Body Electronics is a simple yet dramatic form of sustained

acupressure. For more than 6,000 years, acupressure techniques such

as Reflexology and Shiatsu have been used to stimulate organ and

gland meridians through pressure on certain points of the body.

Body Electronics uses these same points, yet this technique goes far

beyond its ancestors.


" Broken bones mend in hours, broken noses in minutes. "

Using this work, I have watched and experienced broken bones mend in

hours, broken noses in minutes. I have seen curved spines

straighten, spinal calcifications dissolve, and arthritic spurs melt—

not just once or twice, but hundreds of times. I have experienced

the return of nerve supply, memory and creativity, have even seen

eyes change color, getting lighter and lighter. All you iridologists

might " look " into this. This work is so dramatic and illuminating,

that it has taken me four years to be ready to write this article.


" Eyes change color. "

The system of points is easy to learn. Find the pain and push—is

about as technical as it gets. This rule of thumb also is ancient

yet traditionally, acupressure practitioners work these painful

points, stimulating an organ or gland, and then move on to other

points. In Body Electronics, a single point often is held for hours.

As the initial pain recedes, the point gets warm and often becomes

extremely hot. Those who have done Reflexology treatments know that

painful points on the hands and feet often feel like crystals

beneath the skin. These can even be felt to break apart or melt away

during treatment.


" ... Crystals are tiny computer chips of memory. "

These crystals are tiny computer chips of memory. Like snowflakes,

each crystal in the body is unique, coded with thought, word and

emotional patterns—all parts of our past that we have suppressed.

Whenever we do not experience something with love, that resistance

grows a crystal somewhere in the body. The nature and location of

that crystal depends on what is suppressed. Anger, for instance,

affects the thyroid. Grief affects the pancreas and adrenals, fear

affects the thymus, and so on.


" Whenever we do not experience something with love, that resistance

grows a crystal somewhere in our body. "

In the old crystal radio sets, the shape of the crystals determined

the frequency of the messages. We are finding that the body's

crystals send and receive thoughts and feelings the same way. Our

anger crystals draw angry experiences and people, grief crystals

draw moody, emotional ones, etc. These crystals impede the flow of

nerve force to the body. Applying pressure to a painful point on the

body and holding it until the crystal is dissolved releases the

memory that is the true source of pain.


" The body's crystals send and receive thoughts and feelings. "

Crucial to the process is a willingness to re-experience the

suppressed memory with love, not resisting the pain—physical or

emotional. As these traumas are released, so too are the

corresponding thought, word and emotional patterns—the " I can'ts "

and other reactive patterns that often govern our lives. With these

gone, the body and mind return naturally to the inherent divine

blueprint, and hence the seemingly miraculous results. Even genetic

memory can be released, allowing physiological changes. You cannot

change the body without affecting the mind. They are inseparable.

For this reason, it is paramount that the body be nutritionally or

vibrationally prepared. The scriptural quote, " God will not reside

in an unclean tabernacle " seems to apply. Food enzymes, chelated

colloidal minerals and fresh and raw foods are a big part of the

physical preparedness for Body Electronics. The nutritional system

used with Body Electronics has created wonderful changes by itself.

After learning this system from its founder, Dr. John Ray, studying

with him for 2,500 hours, and teaching Body Electronics in 26

states, I am more convinced than ever that, " As a man thinketh in

his heart, so is he. " We do create our own world. The bottom line,

therefore, to a successful healing system must be personal

responsibility. Accepting that responsibility is part of every Body

Electronics session.


" Love is truly the most powerful force in the universe. "

Body Electronics demonstrates the power of love over resistance,

hate, and confusion. Love is truly the most powerful force in the

universe. Through Body Electronics, one can watch and feel this love

change both body and consciousness in a very short time. I believe

Divinity is bringing us all the ways to attain itself. In one

quote, " Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good " , the

responsibility to know is placed on each of us individually. The

answers are here if we but ask, seek and knock.


Much RAW love and hugs,

Bryan Au


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This may be a dumb question, but any chance you will teach " cooking " class?

I live in the valley and would LOVE to find a place that would show me

everything from the basics (sprouting, making mylk, etc.) to actually making

a meal that others could enjoy. I know MANY people who have wanted to get

into raw, but it is these things that itimidate them and keep them from

suceeding. Please let me know if this is something you will be doing or if

there is any other place I can learn this.






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:58 AM


[Raw Food] My NEW RAW Charity Event this Sun & NEW Raw Bamboo

Organic Cotton Fashion line


Hi Bryan Au here! My friends at RAWvolution.com are thriving their RAW Cafe

is doing really great and they are opening a new RAW Bookstore/Yoga Space

right next door on Main Street in Santa Monica!

They asked me to teach RAW Classes and do workshops, I have teamed up with

an amazing RAW Friend that does INCREDIBLE Workshops/Healings and it is a

lot of info I can e=mail you the flyer he has been doing this for 24 years

and has 200 + clients that love his techniques we are teaming up to do RAW

Food classes/events and workshops/healings at the new space so e=mail me or

Call Philip if you are interested!


I am also starting up a new ECO Bamboo Organic Cotton Blend Denim Fashion

line! Yes we eat RAW Organic now we can WEAR it in style while feeling and

looking great! You can wear my new RAW Organic Eco Fashions and save the

planet in the most fun way possible I have a fashion show at BB KING Blues

Club at Universal City Walk this March

24 if you want to come out it is during FASHION WEEK in LA so will get tons

of press/media I am one of the runway models. You can also CUSTOM ORDER your

own line of Bamboo Organic Cotton Jeans/Mini Skirts/Dresses/Vests/Suits for

men and women from me directly all pieces are $200 and can be customed

fitted/tailored to you! Bamboo Organic Cotton Blend Denim is totally brand

new no one has it yet but me! I will be outsourcing more exotic custom ECO

fabrics and fashions too. I am open to investors for any of the above

activities! I am also doing a Charity Event that benefits Homeless Pets this

Sunday in Studio City (North of Hollywood) so you can come out and sample

some of my food for free tickets are $20 and it goes to a great cause there

will be Hollywood Celebrities, fashion show, me and I will be

selling/signing books and my new DVD:




http://apeaction.org/Sponsors.html I am half way down the page.


Here are MY RAW Classes info and Philips workshops it is a lot of info but



Iridology Iris Photo And Chart

Live Cell Analysis Photos Of The Blood


Ø PART ONE – FREE INTRODUCTION – Learn the connection between

your health & emotions & how you can heal at all levels. Also an intro to

Iridology, Live Cell Analysis & a powerful method of accupressure called

Body Electronics. Eye photos taken & signup for Parts 2 & 3. Thursdays

7-9pm. Available to groups of 10 or more on request.


LIFESTYLE - In this workshop, you can receive Iridology & Live Cell Analysis

in a format which can support you in transforming your life. Additional

areas covered for fine tuning your health include Ayurveda, metabolic type,

blood type, pH, nutrition & herbology.

$75 includes workshop & materials. Two Saturdays a month 10am to 6pm.


HEALING Learn meditations and a process for finding inner peace,

fulfillment and clarity on your purpose. This helps to prepare you for a

powerful method of accupressure called Body Electronics which can bring

about dramatic healing physically and emotionally.

Workshop includes procedure as well as giving and receiving a session. $75

includes workshop & materials. Two Sundays a month 10am to 6pm. Both days

paid together $135.

Ø PART FOUR – SUPPORT GROUP Receive support in healing all

levels and continue your education as we practice Parts One through Three

and cover new materials on a weekly basis. $20 a week covers workshop,

materials, and regular photos of your eyes and blood for followup on your

progress. Wednesdays 7-10pm.


To RSVP For Intro & For Location/Details Call (310) 876-4199.


By Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C.


Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation, it's

location, and in what stage it's manifesting. The iris reveals body

constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that

take place in a person's body according to the way he/she lives.


Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of

the eye. The iris is that portion of the eye that carries the color. Iris

was the goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology; she was also messenger of

the gods in the Iliad. Under magnification, the iris reveals itself to be a

world of minute detail, a land of many features.


The iris represents a communication system capable of handling an amazing

quantity of information. The code reveals itself in the character of the

individual iris fibers. There are uncounted numbers of these fibers present.

The combinations of various fiber characters make up an infinite variety.


Presently, as in the past, many primary health care doctors have used this

form of analysis along with other diagnostic techniques to facilitate a more

complete understanding of their patient's health care needs.


The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of the soul.

We now acknowledge them as the mirror of the body.

Manifestations in and about the eyes have long been used to gain insight

into a person's state of health. Today, it is realized that the information

revealed in the eyes is greater than was formerly imagined.


A closer inspection with the tools made available by our expanding

technology reveals the iris to be a micro computer readout of bodily

function and condition that truly merits every thinking man's honest and

fair-minded consideration.


Through the application of iridology, it is possible to observe normal and

abnormal reflex signs. It does not compare all people together to create a

" normal, " but rather compares an individual's strengths to their weaknesses;

a weak organ in a strong body produces different characteristics, yet it is

still a weakness for that person.




The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the

outside world. It is an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed

with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels,

muscle and other tissues.


The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the

brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers receive their impulses by way of

their connections to the optic nerve, optic thalami, and spinal cord They

are formed embryologically from mesoderm and neuroectoderm tissues. Both

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are present in the iris.


In this way, Nature has provided us with a miniature television screen

showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex

responses. We are discovering that the eye works in two ways, not only does

it enable us to bring images of the outside world within, it also shows

images of what is within to the outside.


Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in the body tissues by

manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes

and locations.


The scientific explanation of exactly how this process works neurologically

is still forthcoming. Much research is being devoted to a clearer

understanding of this phenomenon.


In the meantime, we can rest confidently in the over 150 years of collected

empirical data to know that what we have learned to date is very accurate

and reliable for the minority of normally organized human beings.


The iris reveals an individual's strengths and weaknesses, and what has been

done to the body through incorrect living habits. It also reveals the wonder

of one who has lived a good life according to the laws of the universe.




Normal & Parasitized Red Blood Cells – Normal & Weakened White Blood Cells




All microscopes are essentially the same and are used to obtain an enlarged

image of very small objects to reveal structural detail not otherwise

identifiable with the human eye.


Darkfield gets its name from the optical device known as a condenser. It is

constructed so that its illumination, or the passing of light, causes the

viewing specimen to appear bright on a black or dark background.


A Microscopist is a skilled practitioner in the use of the microscope. A

Nutritional Microscopist analyses and recommends, and does not diagnose or

prescribe. The microscope is an excellent screening tool to help us choose

appropriate nutrients and lifestyle changes and to see how we are

progressing in our healing path as we fine tune more and more.




Live blood cell analysis is carried out by lancing a small drop of blood

from the finger, and placing it on a microscope slide, with a cover slide to

keep it in a living, moving dynamic state. It is then observed through the

opticals of the darkfield microscope.

This allows us to observe, first hand, many details of our health, a few

being the function of our digestion, immune system, liver, kidneys, levels

of toxicity, and even tiny parasites! Our cellular ecosystem is revealed

like an inner microscopic city with it's many inhabitants and own protective

defense force.


By monitoring our blood condition, we can assist in balancing the dietary

nutrients and lifestyle that will enhance our overall health.




Body Electronics is a simple yet dramatic form of sustained acupressure.

For more than 6,000 years, acupressure techniques such as Reflexology and

Shiatsu have been used to stimulate organ and gland meridians through

pressure on certain points of the body.

Body Electronics uses these same points, yet this technique goes far beyond

its ancestors.


" Broken bones mend in hours, broken noses in minutes. "

Using this work, I have watched and experienced broken bones mend in hours,

broken noses in minutes. I have seen curved spines straighten, spinal

calcifications dissolve, and arthritic spurs melt— not just once or twice,

but hundreds of times. I have experienced the return of nerve supply, memory

and creativity, have even seen eyes change color, getting lighter and

lighter. All you iridologists might " look " into this. This work is so

dramatic and illuminating, that it has taken me four years to be ready to

write this article.


" Eyes change color. "

The system of points is easy to learn. Find the pain and push—is about as

technical as it gets. This rule of thumb also is ancient yet traditionally,

acupressure practitioners work these painful points, stimulating an organ or

gland, and then move on to other points. In Body Electronics, a single point

often is held for hours.

As the initial pain recedes, the point gets warm and often becomes extremely

hot. Those who have done Reflexology treatments know that painful points on

the hands and feet often feel like crystals beneath the skin. These can even

be felt to break apart or melt away during treatment.


" ... Crystals are tiny computer chips of memory. "

These crystals are tiny computer chips of memory. Like snowflakes, each

crystal in the body is unique, coded with thought, word and emotional

patterns—all parts of our past that we have suppressed.

Whenever we do not experience something with love, that resistance grows a

crystal somewhere in the body. The nature and location of that crystal

depends on what is suppressed. Anger, for instance, affects the thyroid.

Grief affects the pancreas and adrenals, fear affects the thymus, and so on.


" Whenever we do not experience something with love, that resistance grows a

crystal somewhere in our body. "

In the old crystal radio sets, the shape of the crystals determined the

frequency of the messages. We are finding that the body's crystals send and

receive thoughts and feelings the same way. Our anger crystals draw angry

experiences and people, grief crystals draw moody, emotional ones, etc.

These crystals impede the flow of nerve force to the body. Applying pressure

to a painful point on the body and holding it until the crystal is dissolved

releases the memory that is the true source of pain.


" The body's crystals send and receive thoughts and feelings. "

Crucial to the process is a willingness to re-experience the suppressed

memory with love, not resisting the pain—physical or emotional. As these

traumas are released, so too are the corresponding thought, word and

emotional patterns—the " I can'ts "

and other reactive patterns that often govern our lives. With these gone,

the body and mind return naturally to the inherent divine blueprint, and

hence the seemingly miraculous results. Even genetic memory can be released,

allowing physiological changes. You cannot change the body without affecting

the mind. They are inseparable.

For this reason, it is paramount that the body be nutritionally or

vibrationally prepared. The scriptural quote, " God will not reside in an

unclean tabernacle " seems to apply. Food enzymes, chelated colloidal

minerals and fresh and raw foods are a big part of the physical preparedness

for Body Electronics. The nutritional system used with Body Electronics has

created wonderful changes by itself.

After learning this system from its founder, Dr. John Ray, studying with him

for 2,500 hours, and teaching Body Electronics in 26 states, I am more

convinced than ever that, " As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. " We do

create our own world. The bottom line, therefore, to a successful healing

system must be personal responsibility. Accepting that responsibility is

part of every Body Electronics session.


" Love is truly the most powerful force in the universe. "

Body Electronics demonstrates the power of love over resistance, hate, and

confusion. Love is truly the most powerful force in the universe. Through

Body Electronics, one can watch and feel this love change both body and

consciousness in a very short time. I believe Divinity is bringing us all

the ways to attain itself. In one quote, " Prove all things and hold fast to

that which is good " , the responsibility to know is placed on each of us

individually. The answers are here if we but ask, seek and knock.


Much RAW love and hugs,

Bryan Au







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Hi Karena!


Yes I have the BEST RAW Cooking classes and hands on course! I have 2 versions

one that is 1 week long and is $2,000 and you will learn EVERYTHING I know and

be a certified RAW Chef/Expert. The other classes are $125 and are about 3 hours

long, I have some in the Westchester Area near LAX Airport in a very nice large

house with a huge kitchen.


I can also do classes in your area if you can get like at least 10 or more

people to pre pay for a class at $125 each, I can come to your area if you have

a place and people! Please e-mail me thank you!


People LOVE my classes, food, book and really enjoy it!


All the best,

Bryan Au



Karena Cruse <kc wrote:

This may be a dumb question, but any chance you will teach " cooking "


I live in the valley and would LOVE to find a place that would show me

everything from the basics (sprouting, making mylk, etc.) to actually making

a meal that others could enjoy. I know MANY people who have wanted to get

into raw, but it is these things that itimidate them and keep them from

suceeding. Please let me know if this is something you will be doing or if

there is any other place I can learn this.






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:58 AM


[Raw Food] My NEW RAW Charity Event this Sun & NEW Raw Bamboo

Organic Cotton Fashion line


Hi Bryan Au here! My friends at RAWvolution.com are thriving their RAW Cafe

is doing really great and they are opening a new RAW Bookstore/Yoga Space

right next door on Main Street in Santa Monica!

They asked me to teach RAW Classes and do workshops, I have teamed up with

an amazing RAW Friend that does INCREDIBLE Workshops/Healings and it is a

lot of info I can e=mail you the flyer he has been doing this for 24 years

and has 200 + clients that love his techniques we are teaming up to do RAW

Food classes/events and workshops/healings at the new space so e=mail me or

Call Philip if you are interested!


I am also starting up a new ECO Bamboo Organic Cotton Blend Denim Fashion

line! Yes we eat RAW Organic now we can WEAR it in style while feeling and

looking great! You can wear my new RAW Organic Eco Fashions and save the

planet in the most fun way possible I have a fashion show at BB KING Blues

Club at Universal City Walk this March

24 if you want to come out it is during FASHION WEEK in LA so will get tons

of press/media I am one of the runway models. You can also CUSTOM ORDER your

own line of Bamboo Organic Cotton Jeans/Mini Skirts/Dresses/Vests/Suits for

men and women from me directly all pieces are $200 and can be customed

fitted/tailored to you! Bamboo Organic Cotton Blend Denim is totally brand

new no one has it yet but me! I will be outsourcing more exotic custom ECO

fabrics and fashions too. I am open to investors for any of the above

activities! I am also doing a Charity Event that benefits Homeless Pets this

Sunday in Studio City (North of Hollywood) so you can come out and sample

some of my food for free tickets are $20 and it goes to a great cause there

will be Hollywood Celebrities, fashion show, me and I will be

selling/signing books and my new DVD:




http://apeaction.org/Sponsors.html I am half way down the page.


Here are MY RAW Classes info and Philips workshops it is a lot of info but



Iridology Iris Photo And Chart

Live Cell Analysis Photos Of The Blood


Ø PART ONE – FREE INTRODUCTION – Learn the connection between

your health & emotions & how you can heal at all levels. Also an intro to

Iridology, Live Cell Analysis & a powerful method of accupressure called

Body Electronics. Eye photos taken & signup for Parts 2 & 3. Thursdays

7-9pm. Available to groups of 10 or more on request.


LIFESTYLE - In this workshop, you can receive Iridology & Live Cell Analysis

in a format which can support you in transforming your life. Additional

areas covered for fine tuning your health include Ayurveda, metabolic type,

blood type, pH, nutrition & herbology.

$75 includes workshop & materials. Two Saturdays a month 10am to 6pm.


HEALING Learn meditations and a process for finding inner peace,

fulfillment and clarity on your purpose. This helps to prepare you for a

powerful method of accupressure called Body Electronics which can bring

about dramatic healing physically and emotionally.

Workshop includes procedure as well as giving and receiving a session. $75

includes workshop & materials. Two Sundays a month 10am to 6pm. Both days

paid together $135.

Ø PART FOUR – SUPPORT GROUP Receive support in healing all

levels and continue your education as we practice Parts One through Three

and cover new materials on a weekly basis. $20 a week covers workshop,

materials, and regular photos of your eyes and blood for followup on your

progress. Wednesdays 7-10pm.


To RSVP For Intro & For Location/Details Call (310) 876-4199.


By Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C.


Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation, it's

location, and in what stage it's manifesting. The iris reveals body

constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that

take place in a person's body according to the way he/she lives.


Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of

the eye. The iris is that portion of the eye that carries the color. Iris

was the goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology; she was also messenger of

the gods in the Iliad. Under magnification, the iris reveals itself to be a

world of minute detail, a land of many features.


The iris represents a communication system capable of handling an amazing

quantity of information. The code reveals itself in the character of the

individual iris fibers. There are uncounted numbers of these fibers present.

The combinations of various fiber characters make up an infinite variety.


Presently, as in the past, many primary health care doctors have used this

form of analysis along with other diagnostic techniques to facilitate a more

complete understanding of their patient's health care needs.


The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of the soul.

We now acknowledge them as the mirror of the body.

Manifestations in and about the eyes have long been used to gain insight

into a person's state of health. Today, it is realized that the information

revealed in the eyes is greater than was formerly imagined.


A closer inspection with the tools made available by our expanding

technology reveals the iris to be a micro computer readout of bodily

function and condition that truly merits every thinking man's honest and

fair-minded consideration.


Through the application of iridology, it is possible to observe normal and

abnormal reflex signs. It does not compare all people together to create a

" normal, " but rather compares an individual's strengths to their weaknesses;

a weak organ in a strong body produces different characteristics, yet it is

still a weakness for that person.




The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the

outside world. It is an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed

with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels,

muscle and other tissues.


The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the

brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers receive their impulses by way of

their connections to the optic nerve, optic thalami, and spinal cord They

are formed embryologically from mesoderm and neuroectoderm tissues. Both

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are present in the iris.


In this way, Nature has provided us with a miniature television screen

showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex

responses. We are discovering that the eye works in two ways, not only does

it enable us to bring images of the outside world within, it also shows

images of what is within to the outside.


Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in the body tissues by

manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes

and locations.


The scientific explanation of exactly how this process works neurologically

is still forthcoming. Much research is being devoted to a clearer

understanding of this phenomenon.


In the meantime, we can rest confidently in the over 150 years of collected

empirical data to know that what we have learned to date is very accurate

and reliable for the minority of normally organized human beings.


The iris reveals an individual's strengths and weaknesses, and what has been

done to the body through incorrect living habits. It also reveals the wonder

of one who has lived a good life according to the laws of the universe.




Normal & Parasitized Red Blood Cells – Normal & Weakened White Blood Cells




All microscopes are essentially the same and are used to obtain an enlarged

image of very small objects to reveal structural detail not otherwise

identifiable with the human eye.


Darkfield gets its name from the optical device known as a condenser. It is

constructed so that its illumination, or the passing of light, causes the

viewing specimen to appear bright on a black or dark background.


A Microscopist is a skilled practitioner in the use of the microscope. A

Nutritional Microscopist analyses and recommends, and does not diagnose or

prescribe. The microscope is an excellent screening tool to help us choose

appropriate nutrients and lifestyle changes and to see how we are

progressing in our healing path as we fine tune more and more.




Live blood cell analysis is carried out by lancing a small drop of blood

from the finger, and placing it on a microscope slide, with a cover slide to

keep it in a living, moving dynamic state. It is then observed through the

opticals of the darkfield microscope.

This allows us to observe, first hand, many details of our health, a few

being the function of our digestion, immune system, liver, kidneys, levels

of toxicity, and even tiny parasites! Our cellular ecosystem is revealed

like an inner microscopic city with it's many inhabitants and own protective

defense force.


By monitoring our blood condition, we can assist in balancing the dietary

nutrients and lifestyle that will enhance our overall health.




Body Electronics is a simple yet dramatic form of sustained acupressure.

For more than 6,000 years, acupressure techniques such as Reflexology and

Shiatsu have been used to stimulate organ and gland meridians through

pressure on certain points of the body.

Body Electronics uses these same points, yet this technique goes far beyond

its ancestors.


" Broken bones mend in hours, broken noses in minutes. "

Using this work, I have watched and experienced broken bones mend in hours,

broken noses in minutes. I have seen curved spines straighten, spinal

calcifications dissolve, and arthritic spurs melt— not just once or twice,

but hundreds of times. I have experienced the return of nerve supply, memory

and creativity, have even seen eyes change color, getting lighter and

lighter. All you iridologists might " look " into this. This work is so

dramatic and illuminating, that it has taken me four years to be ready to

write this article.


" Eyes change color. "

The system of points is easy to learn. Find the pain and push—is about as

technical as it gets. This rule of thumb also is ancient yet traditionally,

acupressure practitioners work these painful points, stimulating an organ or

gland, and then move on to other points. In Body Electronics, a single point

often is held for hours.

As the initial pain recedes, the point gets warm and often becomes extremely

hot. Those who have done Reflexology treatments know that painful points on

the hands and feet often feel like crystals beneath the skin. These can even

be felt to break apart or melt away during treatment.


" ... Crystals are tiny computer chips of memory. "

These crystals are tiny computer chips of memory. Like snowflakes, each

crystal in the body is unique, coded with thought, word and emotional

patterns—all parts of our past that we have suppressed.

Whenever we do not experience something with love, that resistance grows a

crystal somewhere in the body. The nature and location of that crystal

depends on what is suppressed. Anger, for instance, affects the thyroid.

Grief affects the pancreas and adrenals, fear affects the thymus, and so on.


" Whenever we do not experience something with love, that resistance grows a

crystal somewhere in our body. "

In the old crystal radio sets, the shape of the crystals determined the

frequency of the messages. We are finding that the body's crystals send and

receive thoughts and feelings the same way. Our anger crystals draw angry

experiences and people, grief crystals draw moody, emotional ones, etc.

These crystals impede the flow of nerve force to the body. Applying pressure

to a painful point on the body and holding it until the crystal is dissolved

releases the memory that is the true source of pain.


" The body's crystals send and receive thoughts and feelings. "

Crucial to the process is a willingness to re-experience the suppressed

memory with love, not resisting the pain—physical or emotional. As these

traumas are released, so too are the corresponding thought, word and

emotional patterns—the " I can'ts "

and other reactive patterns that often govern our lives. With these gone,

the body and mind return naturally to the inherent divine blueprint, and

hence the seemingly miraculous results. Even genetic memory can be released,

allowing physiological changes. You cannot change the body without affecting

the mind. They are inseparable.

For this reason, it is paramount that the body be nutritionally or

vibrationally prepared. The scriptural quote, " God will not reside in an

unclean tabernacle " seems to apply. Food enzymes, chelated colloidal

minerals and fresh and raw foods are a big part of the physical preparedness

for Body Electronics. The nutritional system used with Body Electronics has

created wonderful changes by itself.

After learning this system from its founder, Dr. John Ray, studying with him

for 2,500 hours, and teaching Body Electronics in 26 states, I am more

convinced than ever that, " As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. " We do

create our own world. The bottom line, therefore, to a successful healing

system must be personal responsibility. Accepting that responsibility is

part of every Body Electronics session.


" Love is truly the most powerful force in the universe. "

Body Electronics demonstrates the power of love over resistance, hate, and

confusion. Love is truly the most powerful force in the universe. Through

Body Electronics, one can watch and feel this love change both body and

consciousness in a very short time. I believe Divinity is bringing us all

the ways to attain itself. In one quote, " Prove all things and hold fast to

that which is good " , the responsibility to know is placed on each of us

individually. The answers are here if we but ask, seek and knock.


Much RAW love and hugs,

Bryan Au




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