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Dr. Manny's Good Health Awards: Celebrities Who Live Healthy Lives

Sunday , February 25, 2007


By Dr. Manny Alvarez


Take away the glitz, the glamour, the television cameras, the after

parties with their certainly taxable, obviously extravagant goodie

bags, the highly paid comedian to host the ceremony; subtract Joan

Rivers and her couture commentary since there's no red carpet in

cyberspace... and you've got The First Annual Dr. Manny Awards.


There would be bald gold statues awarded, but due to potential legal

issues we nixed that idea, but we have kept the idea of giving credit

where credit may be due. Celebrities live their lives in the

spotlight, and while they may not always lead, they may often provide

example. So at a time when the substance abuse, eating disorders, and

other unhealthy habits of popular celebrities are dominating the

news, we've singled out a few celebrities who provide us with

examples of healthy living and use their fame to promote good health

in their own way.


Best Body Attitude Award


Everyday, women are bombarded with unrealistic images of what society-

-or at least the fashion-entertainment industrial complex in the

United States-- considers the ideal of female beauty. Although these

images and ideals of beauty may not change in the near future,

perhaps--thanks to the recipient of this award-- more women will

become more accepting of their own bodies, and less concerned with

what the media or advertisers decide their bodies should look like.


Being healthy begins in the mind, and the decisions we make and the

attitudes we hold affects the health of our bodies. We have to accept

our bodies for what they are and understand that the decisions we

make about our health, good and bad, will affect the " base " we were

born with.


Women need to be very strong mentally to arrive at such a place. For

this reason, the Dr. Manny Award goes to Tyra Banks for exposing the

reality behind some recently published unflattering paparazzi

photographs of her.


On her television show, Tyra addressed the fallacy of the " normal "

body--how magazines can make celebrities's figures look much better

than they actually are, and how the paparazzi works hard to take

photographs that make stars look worse than they are.


The unflattering pictures may leave women thinking that Tyra needs to

get on the treadmill, but realizing that celebrities look not-so-

different than the rest of us when they're not strategically posed

for a photo shoot, honing their bodies for a film role, or being

touched up with the magic of technology could help all of us develop

a more positive outlook toward our own bodies.


The Break Up to Shape Up Award


Would you be a bit stressed-out if your husband left you for another

woman? How about if that other woman were Angelina Jolie? Yes, that

might cause more than a little bit of stress


This award goes to Jennifer Aniston, who turned to yoga to help

recover from her break-up with Brad Pitt. Surely the actress was

under a lot of stress, and exercise, particularly yoga practice, with

its calming nature, is an excellent remedy to relieve stress and

depression and can even increase your libido.


Perhaps her yoga therapy will help put some romance into her next



The Raw Foods, Raw Power Award


More and more people have been trying to get back to basics when it

comes to food and nutrition. Buying organic foods is one way to

eliminate the additives in processed foods, genetically-modified

ingredients and insecticides, from your diet. Take it one step

further, and you've got a raw foods diet.


Heating food causes the natural enzymes in food to break down, so the

goal of the raw foods movement, according to its advocates, is to

preserve the enzymes in food by eating only foods that have not been

heated above a certain temperature--typically, 118 degrees. Food rich

in enzymes is not only healthier, say raw foods advocates, it is also

more easily digested and will help you feel more energetic and even

look younger.


Raw foodists consume fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts,

though some also add fish, meat and dairy products. There are

concerns that individuals might not get all the nutrients they need

from a diet that eliminates meats, fish, dairy, and processed foods,

but having people think about the health benefits of foods in their

more natural states might have more people making healthier choices

with their cooked foods.


This Dr. Manny Award is to be shared between former super model Carol

Alt and Woody Harrelson. These two celebrities have probably been the

most visible in spreading the word on raw foods.


The SuperFoods Award


So-called " superfoods " are nutrient-rich foods that can make us

healthier and feel more energetic. Some say superfoods can even help

us to look younger. Superfoods making headlines recently include acai

berries, blueberries, cranberries, pomegranates, and omega-acid rich

fish like salmon.


The latest addition to the superfoods family is watercress. Recent

studies show that this leafy vegetable, rich in iron, calcium, and

Vitamin C, may reduce the risk of cancer.


Actress Elizabeth Hurley gets a Dr. Manny award for raising the

awareness of superfoods with the revelation and accompanying media

flurry that watercress soup helps her stay slender. (The actress also

uses her fame to promote the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.)


While we hope Liz Hurley is not making watercress soup the sole

element of her diet, superfoods can be a valuable source of nutrition

and an important part of your overall diet.


Superfoods are a safe way to get vitamins and nutrients in an

unprocessed form, easily absorbed into your body.


The Lifetime Achievement Award


One Hollywood celebrity has for years used her star power to help

make a better life for thousands affected by a serious disease.


Elizabeth Taylor will mark her 75th birthday on Feb 27, and for her

tireless efforts to raise awareness and funding for AIDS research, we

honor her with the Dr. Manny Award for Lifetime Achievement.


After helping to start the The Foundation for AIDS Research in 1985

following the death of friend and co-star Rock Hudson, she went on to

create the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation in 1991 and has raised

nearly $300 million to date to help fight this deadly disease



Last year, following the New Orleans tragedy, Elizabeth Taylor

personally donated a mobile medical unit to the New Orleans AIDS Task



Elizabeth Taylor has for many years now demonstrated how to use

celebrity for the good of all, and set an example for all Hollywood

stars to follow. Happy Birthday, Elizabeth. And Thank You.


It's A Wrap


While the lives of many Hollywood celebs serve more as " cautionary

tales " of how not to live, there are more than a few members of the

entertainment industry who provide us with the inspiration and

example to better our own health. Maybe, through their celebrity,

they simply make us aware of alternative ways to be healthy or help

improve the health of people around us.


So there you have it; the First Annual Dr. Manny Awards for

outstanding contributions to healthy living by celebrities. No

lengthy acceptance speeches. No annoying commercial breaks. No

flashes to Jack Nicholson in the audience. But maybe we'll need some

bald statuettes next year. It's just not an award ceremony without



FOXnews.com Health writer Lawrence La Raia contributed to this report.


For more great information on living healthy through every decade of

life, click here to check out Dr. Manny's book The Check List (Harper

Collins, 2007).


Dr. Manny Alvarez is the managing editor of health news at

FOXNews.com, and is a regular medical contributor on the FOX News

Channel. He is chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and

Gynecology and Reproductive Science at Hackensack University Medical

Center in New Jersey. Additionally, Alvarez is Adjunct Professor of

Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine

in New York City.


Blissed be, Annie

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