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Happy Events and recipes for Mar : The Raw Gourmet Newsletter Feb 22, 2007

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If you miss al Gore's message, last week you can still view the film for free

Mar 2 @ Riverdale Colledge 6-10pm (1800-2200h) Hosted by Jack Layton,MP

Tel: (416) 405-8914


Canada.com TheStar.com - News - Voices: Al Gore for president

Toronto Star, Canada - 3 hours ago

I believe Al Gore can and will do more good for his cause by not getting sucked

into the nightmare that George W. Bush is going to leave behind. ...

Al Gore chides Canada on eco-record Canoe.ca

Climate change crusader Al Gore treated like rock star Guelph Mercury


Al Gore brings green message to Toronto, Montreal CTV.ca

DigitalJournal.com - Canada.com

all 26 news articles »

Nobel Peace Prize Gets 181 Nominations, Including Al Gore

Black soya 'cuts diabetes risk'

BBC News - 6 hours ago

Eating black soya beans could lower fat and cholesterol levels and may help

prevent diabetes, a study suggests. Yellow soya is already known to lower

cholesterol, but black soya is used in traditional oriental medicine as a

treatment for diabetes.

Black soya beans in diet could help prevent diabetes Scotsman

The beans that battle obesity Daily Mail

China Daily - Dog Flu Diet and Diseases - Earthtimes.org - Irish Health

all 29 news articles »

Natto Recipes www.gaia21.net/natto/recipe.htmSoy Update Information - Newest

Research Reasons Why You Should ...(10) Recent advances in processing have

transformed the gray, thin, ... The first soy foods were fermented products like

tempeh, natto, miso and soy sauce. ...

www.dldewey.com/columns/soyupdf.htm - 68k - Cached - Similar pages Do you know

that Soy Sprouts, Miso,Natto, and tempeh do not have beanny taste that soy milk

and to-fu have

10 Ways to Boost Your MemoryMedical trials revealed that those fed a high soya

diet showed improvements in verbal and non-verbal memory and in mental

flexibility, all of which are ...

www.alinaam.org.za/library/bmemory.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages







Earthtimes.org Scarlett Johansson hopes adult movie superstar Jenna Jameson can


Bosh, NY - 21 hours ago

Playboy writes: 'Scarlett Johansson is the apex of beauty and sensuality - from

her porcelain skin to her fully feminine figure to her mysterious charisma, ...

Scarlett Johansson Voted Playboy's Sexiest Celebrity Fashion Monitor Toronto

Playboy magazine have chosen Scarlett Johansson as their sexiest ...


Scarlett Johansson Named Playboy’s Sexiest Celeb The Gossip Girls


all 34 news articles »

Scarlett Johansson visits poor

France24, France - 1 hour ago

Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson is in India visiting projects to help the

country's poor, the international aid agency Oxfam said Thursday. ...

Get fit in five days | Diet And Fitness | Health | TelegraphWhen Scarlett

Johansson heard I'd been wrestling with Angelina, she demanded a go, too. ...

There's the latest US celebrity raw-food craze; Jorge Cruise's ...

www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jhtml?xml=/health/2005/07/21/hsalz17.xml - 42k -

Cached - Similar pages



What's New

Gore wasting energy?

Britney blames baby



The benefits of folic acid





Dog Flu Diet and Diseases Supplement use doesn't help and may harm, study


Seattle Times - 8 hours ago

By Rob Stein. Supplements that millions of Americans take to stave off disease

and slow the aging process do not boost longevity and appear to actually

increase the risk of dying, according to the most comprehensive study of whether

popular ...

Vitamin fear watered down The Australian

Antioxidant vitamins not life savers Globe and Mail

BBC News - SpiritIndia - Playfuls.com - Medical News Today

all 310 news articles »




(entrance by Book City)




Diabetes is a chronic condition which limits the body's ability

to cope with sugar. Homeopathy, herbs and nutrition support the body and

help establish balance. These natural therapies are compatible with

conventional treatments and facilitate balancing the blood sugar, increase

insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin dependency. Come and learn

innovative ways to help yourself cope with Diabetes with Homeopathic Doctor

and Bowen Therapist, Alexis Touyz, DSHomMed.




Come meet Frances Rock DTCM R.Ac. DCH., Doctor of Traditional

and learn how diet, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine

can improve a woman's cycle and increase fertility either as a stand alone

modality or in conjunction with Artificial Reproductive Techniques.




Sea Vegetables hold unsurpassable health benefits. Learn how

amazing Sea Vegetables can access optimal health by recharging the immune

system, unlocking cellular energy and natural detox with nutritionist John

Koveos B.Sc in Food and Nutrition. As a formulator and Educator, John

regularly appears on television and radio discussing many health topics.

John is a Canadian expert in natural medicine with over ten years




Come see this stunning, award-winning film that shows the impact

of genetically modified crops and animals has on you and the planet. A Bonus

Feature includes the documentary, " Hidden Dangers in Kid’s Meals " that

explains the potential health risks of GMO’s and what we can do to minimize

risk. Free organic popcorn!



Exams, homework or poor memory getting you down? Do not despair.

Nora Pope N.D., Naturopathic Doctor will give you the brain food and brain

support you need to get through the school year with soaring grades!!

From 24 hours:

Cherries: True, the cherry season is short in Ontario, but they're right now --

and, boy, do they taste great. They're a source of fibre, beta-carotene and

potassium but also contain anthocyanins, plant chemicals with powerful

antioxidant properties.


photo and recipe submitted by Sophia Heronema

Cherry Pie


Crust (run through a champion juicer or a good food processor)

2 cups raw almonds

1 cups pine nuts

1 cup dates

2 tablespoons of carob powder

1 or 2 tsp vanilla

1/16 tsp pumpkin pie spice.

1 orange juiced


Line a cake pan with surran wrap and flatten out pie crust

Filling (run through a champion juicer)

frozen cherries

fruit should now have the consistency of soft serve ice cream


Spread the sorbet over the pie crust

Store in freezer for several hours before serving



Nomi Shannon <nomi wrote:

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The Raw Gourmet Newsletter

Feb 22, 2007





Eat Well on a Budget


On food budgets both large and small one can eat poorly or one can eat well.

The following contains some simple guidelines I have come up with to reinforce

your healthy high raw or all raw diet on a reduced budget. I have also included

a few survival tips as I have am very interested in Smart Survival Methods for

Raw Foodists.



When times are hard globally or personally, our stress levels often drive us

to treat our mind/body less than optimally, shall we say. But during any type of

hard-times, it is more important than ever to eat right in order to maintain

physical health and a high level of immunity. By maintaining your own

equilibrium -physically, mentally and spiritually-you are better able to do what

is necessary; whether that means dealing with basic survival for yourself and

those close to you, or reaching out to those in need and contributing your best

to make your country and your world a better place to be.



When you are feeling secure about the high level of your natural immunity, it

is easier to steer clear of the kind of mass fear that the evening news

promotes. This kind of self-confidence in your own health and energy can not

happen overnight. Now is the time to Re-New your New Year New You vows, and

hopefully what I have to say about how to eat well without it costing more than

you can afford will serve as motivation. I hope so. I invite you, friends and

readers of my newsletter to email me your successful budget busting tips too, I

will include them in the next newsletter. (Not sure if you've noticed yet, but

part of MY New Year New You plan is to write more newsletters.) Please send your

ideas to me at: nomi.



Here are some strategies to help you eat in a healthy way so you can develop

and maintain the energy and vitality necessary to function on a high level

during difficult or good times. Economics are specifically taken into

consideration so that your health and immunity will remain high on a tight

budget. This will allow you to contribute the maximum amount of energy to the

causes you feel the most important whether they be related to family values,

work, ministry, survival, charity, or world health/peace.





The Strategies

1. It is important that you know the best places to obtain ingredients in

your area. Always check out the seasonal produce and sales. Take advantage of



2. Apples, oranges, bananas, carrots and cabbage are available year round and

usually affordable.


3. Get together with a group to purchase your food. Belonging to a food co-op

saves money. Sometimes large groups can arrange for wholesale prices. You will

especially notice savings on the more exotic or expensive items like tropical

fruits, nuts and nut butters.



4. Consider simplifying even more and foregoing the more exotic and expensive




5. Carefully look over the reduced price produce-it is often still good; just

not pretty -but usually very ripe and ready to eat on the same day as purchase.

Produce departments are likely to mark down very ripe and spotted bananas, which

are perfect for freezing to use in smoothies and desserts. Likewise, very ripe

and soft fruit gets bruised then marked down but it is edible and a good buy.



6. Young coconuts can be purchased in many cities for sixty to seventy cents

each, and comprise a meal by themselves. Check in Asian markets for young

coconuts, inexpensive pea sprouts and other interesting greens.



7. Don't waste anything. If there is one inch of red pepper left, save it for

raw soup.



8. Root vegetables are inexpensive, last quite awhile in the refrigerator and

are full of nutrients, minerals and fiber. If you eat cooked food, they are an

excellent choice for baking or steaming. Served raw either grated or turned into

pasta with a saladacco ( spiral slicer) they become a gourmet item. Look for

parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, parsley root, celery root and don't forget beets

and carrots.



9. Eat monomeals four or five times a week; for example, just melon or just

apples or just greens at one meal. Not only can you take advantage of local

produce and sales prices this way, but you also save time in food prep and lots

of digestive energy!



10. Most Americans eat too much. According to a study in the August 1996 issue

of Scientific American, we spend $33 billion annually on weight-loss products

and schemes. The message here is: cut back on your quantities. (This advice does

not apply to children, they need calories, fat and protein for proper growth and




11. Don't be put off by the high per pound price of mixed greens (called

mesclun in some areas). Even at $6.99 a pound, a good -sized bag will cost less

than half of that. Greens are light. Be sure they are dry when purchased, they

will weigh less and keep longer. One helpful tip especially if you are buying

for one or two people, is compare the salad bar by weight prices with the price

per pound of the greens over in the produce department, sometimes you can do

better to buy your greens at the salad bar.



12. If you juice regularly, feed some of the pulp to your pets mixed in with

their other food, it adds a lot of bulk/fiber to their diet, helps them to feel

full but doesn't stuff them with calories and fat. You can also put some of your

pulp into salad, carrot pulp is especially good for this. Pulp is also a great

addition to dehydrated crackers.



13. Take the time now to learn as much as you can about local foraging. Unless

you live in the high desert, there is almost always edible food in the woods and

fields around you, probably even in your yard. A good illustrated book is

helpful, I like Edible Wild Plants, by Thomas Elias and Peter Dykeman, and there

are many others. Try to find a book that specializes in your geographical area.

See if you can locate a master herbalist in your area that specializes in wild

edible foods. Get a group of friends together and learn how to forage in your

area. This is great fun for the whole family, can supplement your purchased

food, and even save your life in times of crisis.



My favorite season for foraging is fall, grapes are plentiful as well as

dandelion, plantain and rocket. When I lived in Sedona AZ, all of winter and

spring I picked bowls-full of mustard greens on my daily walks near my home.

Later in the season, I picked the yellow blossoms from the mustard plants. And,

even when the heat of summer began I could still find mustard greens in the

shade and along streams. Over half of my greens intake for several months of the

year was foraged mustard. Perhaps it is my imagination, but I notice higher

energy levels when I eat foraged greens rather than store bought ones. If you

are lucky enough to live near woods, spring and summer will offer up quite a

bounty. While there are ways to discover for yourself if something is edible,

save that for emergencies and buy some good foraging books or get from the

library . This kind of information doesn't go out of style so you may find some

great books in vintage book stores and the like.



To me, knowing at least the basics about foraging, being able to identify at

least 5 or 6 or more edibles in your own area, is like insurance. For now, it is

fun to find it and eat it as you go or bring it home to supplement what you buy.

But also if, heaven forbid, there were a true catastrophe and there were no food

to buy, wouldn't you feel better if you knew you could survive because you knew

where you could find edible food? There is even a lot available to eat in the

cold of winter if you know where to look for it. Peace of mind is such a good

thing, don't you think?



14. It is extremely economical to grow your own sprouts, not just the

jar-grown variety but the type grown in soil in nursery flats or cafeteria

trays. The most highly nutritious sprouts are soil grown sunflower and

buckwheat. If you decide to soil sprout at home, consider also growing baby

lettuce greens at the same time. Other delicious sprouts to grow include:

cabbage, turnip, peas, radish, mustard, spinach and kale. My book, The Raw

Gourmet has general instructions and growing charts. I recommend The Sprout

Garden by Mark Braunstein for more in- depth sprouting information. By growing

sunflower, buckwheat, pea and other sprouts at home, you are getting the very

best food known to man in the least expensive way possible. It will cost you

only pennies for a pound of high protein, high chlorophyll, high vitamin, high

mineral and high enzyme food. If you are interested in preparing for survival

purposes, you will need to store soil, flats, seeds and any other equipment

you may need for your crops. Or, look into the various types of sprouters that

allow you to grow the sprouts that you normally grow in the soil hydroponically.

In times of true crisis, other than what you can forage, sprouts could most

likely be the only fresh food you will be able to obtain. (Coming soon: an

article about a superfood that will give you all the benefits of sprouts and



15. Stock up one time on pantry essentials, then replenish as needed.

Buying in bulk saves money if you buy wisely-purchase only food that you know

that you will use. If you live far from a reasonable source for these items,

remember too that the more you order at one time from a mail order company the

less per pound the shipping will cost. For those of you lucky enough to live

near a Trader Joe they usually have the following items raw and organic: nuts,

almond butter, some dried fruit.



16. If you own a dehydrator (if you don't perhaps now is a good time to buy

one-go to http://www.rawgourmet.com/excalibur_dehydrator.html to see

dehydrator on special until March 1) make up simple flax seed crackers in

quantity and replenish when the stock gets low.







Basic Pantry Essentials raw tahini

raw nut butters

sunflower seeds (hulled)

nuts such as walnut or almond, hulled

Inshell nuts for snacks

flax seeds

olive oil

nama shoyu or sea salt


sea weeds: dulse, kelp

sprouting items

Your favorite dried herbs and spices

Carob powder

Dried fruit such as dates and apricots



Flax Seed Cracker Recipes


Each time I make flax seed crackers I do them up differently but here is a

guideline. Take 5-6 cups of brown or golden flax seeds and add 5-6 cups of pure

water. Allow to stand at room temperature for 4-6 hours. Then, fill your blender

container (to the top) with some or all of the following, 3 to 5 cups of pureed

tomatoes, 1 cup rehydrated sun dried tomatoes, juice from 1 lemon plus a bit of

lemon rind, 2-3 whole onions, 6-10 garlic cloves, any other spices or herbs you

think that you will enjoy. Stir the flax seeds and this mixture together, do not

blend as you do not want to break open the flax seeds, that will cause them to

start becoming spoiled before they can finish dehydrating, flax seed oil is very

volatile -it spoils quite quickly. I love the taste of caraway seeds so I add in

4-6 tablespoonfuls of whole caraway seeds to the mixture, but you might prefer

fresh or dried cayenne, italian herbs, bits of chopped olive, etc... Spread

mixture on teflex trays about

1/4 inch thick or less. Set your dehydrator at about 125 until the crackers

are dry and warm to the touch on top, then lower the temperature to 115-120.

When dry on top, score crackers to the size you want (I usually do 2 X 2

inches). Flip crackers over, and carefully lift the teflex sheets off, leaving

the crackers to finish drying on the screen mesh that come with the trays. Be

sure your crackers are utterly dry thoughout so that they won't spoil. Run the

dehydrator for an extra half-day if need to be, just to be sure. They will not

get over done. Store in an airtight container like a jar with a tight lid or zip

lock plastic bags.



Another yummy flax seed cracker " recipe " is a sweet one. Start with the same

5-6 cups of seeds and water. Only this time your blender will be filled with

sweet things, not savory. I like using 6-8 ripe bananas, a handful of dates

along with water and maybe a little cinnamon, then dehydrate as above.



Another great favorite of mine is apple crackers. I often make one batch of

half apple and half banana. Start with the flax seeds and water mixture. Then

fill your blender up with applesauce made from fresh whole apples, as well as a

handful of dates and lots of cinnamon. Lately I have been making up about 3/4 of

a blender of apple/date mixture and roughly grating 4 or five apples and mixing

all together, the large grated pieces are yummy in the cracker and it looks very

cool too.



All these flax seed cracker recipes keep indefinitely. Great for travel and

for emergencies. The sweet ones taste wonderful with a little bit of almond

butter spread on them and the savory ones are great with sliced avocado or some



Note: there is a great deal of misinformation going around the internet and

even in some books about correct dehydrating temperatures. Some individuals are

setting the thermostat as low as 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This low temperature

invites mold to set in long before the food is dehydrated. The truth is, the

food never reaches the temperature at which the dehydrator is set. To use

conventional cooking as an illustration: When (years and years ago, or maybe you

just heard about this) you set your Christmas turkey to roast at 350 degrees

Fahrenheit, many hours later it would be done at 170 degrees. Likewise the

dehydrator, setting the thermostat above 115 degrees does not heat the food up

to that temperature. You can get all fancy and buy a thermometer if you want,

but I just check the crackers by touching them, when they are quite warm and dry

that is when I lower the temperature. Certainly cold wet crackers will take many

hours before they even begin to heat up, there is

no reason to worry about killing enzymes until they are warm and dry. Do not

make the mistake of running your dehydrator at only 90 degrees, by doing this

you are creating unhealthy food.





The Raw Gourmet

PO Box 10396

Wilmington NC 28404






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