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~ PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY ~Stand Up -- Speak Out!The animals need your voice! Please take just a few moments to send Ethical Products Inc. and Bosleys Food Supply letters/faxes/phone calls and/or emails of condemnation for selling fur-trimmed toys! Sample letter below. Vary to make it your own. The animals thank you!Ethical Products Inc.27 Federal PlazaBloomfield . NJ . 07003Website: www.ethicalpet.comPhone: 1-800- 223-7768Fax: (973) 484-4830 or (973)707-0701E-mail: cs[cs at ethicalpet . com]Bosleys Food Supply [Carries fur-trimmed toys]E-mail: info[info at bosleys . com ]SAMPLE LETTER:Sirs:I am furious and disgusted to discover you use real fur for your so-called "Ethical Pet" product line [also

sold at Bosleys Pet Store, Vancouver BC]. I find this to be ironic and highly disturbing given your company name. There can be no justification whatsoever -- least of all for profits -- to inflict this kind of torture and death on sentient beings. To create worthless trinkets based on the obscene suffering [anal electrocution, live skinning and boiling, neck snapping, abuse, neglect, lack of food, water and protection from the elements] of defenseless and voiceless creatures is barbaric. I will be asking friends, family and associates to boycott Ethical Pet and Bosleys, until these "products" are completely discontinued and permanently removed from your company's inventory. Unless and until you display true ethics and rise up to your moral responsibility, not only as a business, but a steward of our planet; which takes into consideration compassion and your impact on ALL beings; I will be forced to continue to take my business elsewhere. One

wonders how long you will be able to withstand such ongoing negative consequences to your profits, based on a cruel and thoughtless business decision, in such a depressed economy. Sincerely,*********************************************************************************************BABY ANIMAL / BIRD RESCUE TIP: Start saving the lint from your dryer. If you should ever find yourself in need of a nest, you can create one by using this as an ultra soft material to line a container. Rodents, birds and many others seek out similar materials in nature with which to build their nests. Trust our government to delay, bungle and kill every worthwhile social program they undertake; yet with incredible speed and efficiency--shred the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. ~Brennan Browne~THE GOVERNMENT’S COVERT, BUT TRUE, DEFINITION OF TERRORISM:ANY act which threatens to take

political or corporate power/profits from the status quo.~Brennan Browne~The concept of 'animal rights' values the simple premise that ALL living creatures have a "right" to be allowed to live their lives without victimization--free from brutality. It is a right that EVERY being strives for. ~Brennan Browne~Animal Rights--Rational, not Radical. Man IS superior to every other being...in his ability to excuse away those parts of himself too vile for self-examination. ~Brennan Browne~

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