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Open letter to [uCLA] Vivisectors:



If what you do is ethical, moral and humane, then let it be done with

transparency -- build glass laboratories with open doors, so the world can judge

for itself your meritorious works. Why crouch and hide behind blatant lies in

which your industry continuously omits its massive failures, while exaggerating

its progress? This, as your colleagues huddle in windowless cubicles, behind

bolted doors; busily " saving " the human race amid worthless, repetitious,

hideous and often outrageously ridiculous experiments. Selling yourself to the

highest bidder -- your corporate partners in animal terrorism -- is a conscious

decision, which you and others who choose careers in areas of research using

live victims, eagerly buy into. It is a business of corruption and murder for

profit. Rife with scientific fraud. Perpetrating obscenities on living beings so

vile, it would make any psychopath wet with pleasure. Billions tortured and

slain, tossed onto the neverending

pile of souls sacrificed, just to keep the behemoth gravy train flowing. Money

is the motive for what you do; and disguising that evil through public displays

of pseudo-heroic rhetoric -- " saving mankind " -- is as rotten and nauseating to

those of us who know the truth, as are the bodies of the abused, innocent beings

which fill your labs.



Your narcissistic arrogance has you believing that those outside of your

[delusional] vivisectionist clan, are too stupid and uninformed to " appreciate "

your efforts on their behalf. And yet, you represent one of the most shamefully

clueless, morally and ethically retarded groups within our race. A group so

dense, that it must repeat the same failed experiments literally millions of

times, while expecting a different outcome. Is this not the behavior of a

classic moron? Or, in reality, is it about the trillions of dollars raked in by

keeping the public believing that a cure to their woes is almost within reach?

The carrot and the stick. Continue giving us your money [and dying from our

failures] and in return we will save you...someday. It's a con game; where

obscene riches, courtesy of the masses which buy the lie, feed an ever-growing,

bloated monstrosity. A lie set forth by corporate vampires sucking off the

decaying corpses of billions of animals

and humans, victimized and murdered by them, so they can continue to expand and




Now, more than ever, the public must be made aware of the real agenda behind the

vivisection industry -- profits -- and only profits!



Please, actively encourage friends, family, co-workers and others to STOP

supporting death walks -- via 5 and 10K runs -- or donations where profits are

funneled into torture programs. START supporting anti-vivisectionist

alternatives; create your own fund-raisers for ethical, non-invasive research

and petition our govt to stop funding slice & dice research with our tax

dollars. We need to drive those who perform barbaric, medieval animal

experimentation back into the slime from whence they came.



Brennan Browne




The concept of 'animal rights' values the simple premise that ALL living

creatures have a " right " to be allowed to live their lives without

victimization--free from brutality. It is a right that EVERY being strives for.


~Brennan Browne~

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