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Michael Markarian:=2

0Animals & Politics



















Good News and Bad News Bears



Posted: 22 Sep 2009 11:46 AM PDT


I testified this morning at a hearing of the House Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife, opposing a bill by Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) that would allow hunters to import trophies of sport-hunted polar bears from Canada. I wrote about the legislation back in June when it was introduced, and said we would

hear the same personal appeals from individual hunters that we heard back in 1994, when a gaping loophole was punched through the Marine Mammal Protection Act and trophy hunters were allowed to bring in more than 900 polar bear heads and hides over the next decade and a half.



H.R. 1054 would allow hunters to import trophies of

sport-hunted polar bears from Canada.

And that’s exactly what we heard this morning, when trophy hunters and their advocates made the case that 41 dead bears are just sitting in cold-storage, and it wouldn’t hurt any additional bears just to allow them to be imported and put on display, even though the polar bear has now been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The problem, of course, is the cumulative impact of these repeated requests. Whether it’s elephant ivory or polar bear pelts, each time we allow trade in a protected species, we resuscitate the market for these items, increase the incentiv

e for poaching and sport hunting, and make it harder for law enforcement to crack down on trafficking in wildlife contraband. Trophy hunters are encouraged to kill more threatened and endangered species and just keep them in storage until their congressional allies can provide a government bail-out.


Rep. Young, along with Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.)—who described himself with glee as the former lobbyist for Safari Club International before he entered Congress—trotted out the usual tired bromides about this being part of an “anti-hunting agenda†and they criticized animal protection groups for using the courts and Congress to protect polar bears.

They conveniently forgot it was the trophy hunters themselves who chose to file suit challenging the threatened status of polar bears, with the issue of whether to allow trophy imports currently being litigated in court, and it’s the hunting advocates who are now seeking a legislative end-run around the ban on polar bear imports. Not the animal advocates.

It was also the hunting groups that had been warning their members for 16 months—from the proposed listing in January 2007 to the effective date of listing in May 2008—that the polar bear was likely to become protected under the Endangered Species Act, and that hunters who chose to spend their money seeking polar bears in the Arctic did so at their own risk of not being able to import their tro

phies. The Safari Club, Conservation Force, and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance all provided stern and repeated warnings to their supporters, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service even attended the Safari Club conventions in both 2007 and 2008 to provide information to hunters about the proposed listing. In 2007, for example, Conservation Force had this to say:


American hunters are asking us whether they should even look at polar bear hunts in light of the current effort by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to list this species as threatened. The listing, you’ll recall, will trigger provisions in the Marine Mammal Protection Act banning all polar bear trophy imports to the US.…The bottom line is, no American hunter should be putting hard, non-returnable money down on a polar bear hunt at this point. Also, Americans with polar bear trophies still in Canada need to get them home soon or risk losing them.


In fact, the number of polar bear trophies imported into the U.S. rose dramatically in advance of the listing—to 112 trophies in 2007, more than doubling the previous year’s number of 52 imports. The hunting groups were urging people to get their polar bears before the listing took effect, and that’s clearly what most hunters did. These last few bears killed simply represent poor planning on the part of a few hunters who didn8

0t listen, when most of their counterparts knew what was coming and rushed in to get their bears. It’s a self-inflicted problem, and now they’re crying to lawmakers without any regard for the plight of these majestic and troubled creatures.

Reps. Young and Broun and the Safari Club even had the gall to claim that polar bear populations are increasing and that trophy hunting has helped the majestic animals survive. As if they’ve been living under an ice floe while the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Polar Bear Specialist Group noted recently that the polar bear population is declining, while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided there was ample scientific evidence to list the polar bear as a threatened species last year, and while several countries are now considering a proposal to increase protections for polar bears under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Flora and Fauna. The mantra from the hunting groups is usually one of making decisions on

sound science, not emotion, but here they are making emotional appeals about hunters who just want to import their trophies, and manufacturing “science†to suit their own ends.

The passage of H.R. 1054 would reward a few dozen individuals who gambled at their own risk, and attempted to game the system knowing that the door would soon be closed to polar bear trophy imports, as it was previously for more than two decades. The ESA and MMPA protections should not be subverted simply to pacify a handful of trophy hunters who, with full knowledge that the species would likely be listed because of serious threats to its survival, chose to ignore all warnings from the U.S. government and hunting groups, and pursue a bearskin rug for their trophy room.

One has to wonder, in fact, just how much of Safari Club’s time and budget is devoted to helping people shoot bears. In addition to pulling out all the stops to try and convince Congress to reopen imports of sport-hunted polar bear trophies, they’ve been trying to reopen grizzly bear hunting, too. I received the news at today’s hearing that they, thankfully, missed their mark.

Last year, a number of environmental groups sued to stop the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from removing the Greater Yellowstone Area grizzly bear population from the list of threatened species. The Safari Club intervened in the case, and fought hard to ensure that grizzly bears would wind up in sport hunters’ cross-hairs.

Fortunately, Judge Molloy in Montana would have none of it, and ruled that the agency violated federal law in prematurely removing grizzlies from the list of threatened species. The court found that the majority of the regulatory mechanisms relied upon by the agency—a conservation strategy, forest plan amendments, and state plans—are not adequate to protect the grizzly bear population. The court also held that the government failed to consider the grizzly bears’ ability to adapt to the decline of whitebark pine nuts, an important food source for the bears.


Judge Molloy stopped the de-listing of Yellowstone’s grizzly bears, and in the process dashed the hopes of many a Safari Club member who want to see their names enshrined in the trophy hunting record books. Let’s hope Congress follows Judge Molloy’s thoughtful example, and shoots down the misguided bid to reopen the importation of sport-hunted polar bear trophies as well.

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