Guest guest Posted November 4, 2009 Report Share Posted November 4, 2009 This group is not the place for dubious conspiracy theories... - Paul Rance/Founder, Green Vibrations. , Jonathan Mark <flyby wrote: > > Flyby News - <> > Editor - Jonathan Mark > November 3, 2009 - > <,84983,\ >WHO > Flu H1N1 * NAZI Finance * Goldstone > > > " A great civilization is not conquered from without > until it has destroyed itself from within. " > > -- Will Durant > > 1) The WHO Flu Scam keeping hold on the truth > - - Shannon Brownlee: Does the Vaccine Matter? > - - Making Risky Vaccinations and Toxic Antibiotics Obsolete > - - The WHO Flu Scam Video now available > 2) NAZI Continuum Overtaking US, UK, Israel, and World Peace > - - Bush SR. In Germany To Sabotage Payment Process > - - Capitol Hill Exposed Censoring Derivatives Critic > - - The American Ruling Class ~ and rave reviews > - - Brzezinski Says Ignore US Public on Afghanistan > - - Innocent Victims of Extraordinary Rendition Cannot Sue in US Courts > - - Condemning Goldstone Report on Israeli War Crimes in Gaza?!? > - - Support The Goldstone Report > 3) Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet > - - Snow Cap Melting Away Atop Mount Kilimanjaro > 4) The Tragedy of Leonard Peltier vs. the US > - - Jehan Abdur-Raheem on Leonard's parole denial - Correction > 5) Critical Breaking News - updated > > Editor's Notes: > > The subject of the dangerous H1N1 (with evidence > of it being created in a laboratory) begins this > issue. The article by Dr. Leonard Horowitz > discloses potential conflicting interest in his > helping to formulate and market OxySilver™, an > advanced silver hydrosol. FN also discloses being > affiliated with this product. As this > <\ es/OxySilver%20Research%20Paper%20by%20Dr.%20Horowitz.pdf>17-page > report shows: " The entire class of nanosilver > solutions is gaining substantial scientific > support and recognized value in healthcare for > service in disease remediation and health > promotion. " This product could be a lifesaver. > All funds received from FN's affiliation is used > to cover our expenses for campaigns for life's > survival in the 21st Century. On this subject, > too, I recommend watching and sharing > < & view=article & id=866%3Ath\ e-who-flu-scam-video-now-avialable-free-as-download & catid=1%3Alatest-news & Itemid\ =64 & lang=pl>The > WHO Flu Scam DVD. > > In item 2, learn about the > <\ s>DVD > of Germany, the NAZI connection with the head of > US intelligence corruption, George Bush, Sr., > following the path set forth by his father in > supporting a fascist new world takeover. Many > separate one issue from another. The larger story > is almost too much to take in. But what are our > options? The US basis for its military > invasion-occupation of Afghanistan is based on > the `official' version (myth) of what happened on > September 11, 2001. Only the truth will set us > free. Meanwhile, Christopher Story and others are > showing signs of an awakening world at the brink > of global financial failure. Also in the second > item too, take note of > <>The > American Ruling Class, a dramatic, musical, > documentary satire that attempts to answer the > question 'Who rules America?' The > interview-segment with James Baker was > particularly satisfying in its exposing corrupt > doublespeak-evil of this man who was involved in > the 2000 election coup d'etat. And don't miss the > link to take action, > <>Support The Goldstone Report. > > Meanwhile, the snowcap is melting away atop Mount > Kilimanjaro. Crises are looming almost on every > level. Climate chief Lord Stern gives practical > and healthful advice for humans to give up meat > for lowering our carbon footprint on the planet. > In the fourth item, Peter Matthiessen, author of > The Spirit of Crazy Horse, writes an op-ed in the > NY Times, " The Tragedy of Leonard Peltier vs. the > US. " In the last item, catch up on all the recent > posts at FN. Note especially Stephanie Kraft's > October 22nd article, > <> " Flying > Girders, Falling Towers " on Richard Gage, AIA, > presentation in Northampton, MA. It begins with > the question: " Is the public ready to consider > evidence that controlled demolition brought down > the World Trade Center skyscrapers? " It > concludes: " Increasingly, the signs are that they will. " > > New Beginning, New End > > Time forged in mystery > Flowing to drips of anxiousness > Sweating out toxins and breathing in space > Where none existed before, > Except in our minds; now > Trembling into a disappearing act – > Frozen in fear as glaciers melt away > And consumption is on its last binge.. > Where tomorrow holds uncertainty > And logic is confined in its space > Between denial and insanity, > Or perhaps science is on its last breath and voyage > From the perspective of humankind-nature, > And yet, a new day begins. > > Jonathan Mark > 28 October 2009 > > > ---------- > > CRITICAL BREAKING NEWS > > <>H1N1 Swine Flu > <> " National > Emergency " Warning! > > < & view=article & id=866%3Ath\ e-who-flu-scam-video-now-avialable-free-as-download & catid=1%3Alatest-news & Itemid\ =64 & lang=pl>The > WHO Flu Scam Video > < & view=article & id=866%3Ath\ e-who-flu-scam-video-now-avialable-free-as-download & catid=1%3Alatest-news & Itemid\ =64 & lang=pl>Free > Online or $5 regular US mail! > > <>9yr\ -old > boy tortured, > <>say\ s > former Guantanamo detainee > > < & & url=ht\\ 2-20%26linkCode%3Das2%26camp%3D1789%26creative%3D9325%26creativeASIN%3D156656786\ 6>The > Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7, > Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False > By <>David Ray Griffin > For a review of this book by Jerry Mazza: > <> " Just Say No to Nist.. " > > <>Richard > Gage, AIA, 14-City Tour > <>New > Zealand - Australia - Japan > * > <>Imperium Watch: > <>Flying > Girders, Falling Towers > 22 October 2009 - Valley Advocate - Stephanie Kraft > > <>The American Ruling Class > A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on > class in America that attempts to answer > the question 'Who rules America?' > > <>FBI > Whistleblower Names Names > Scott Horton * Antiwar Radio * Interview > <>Sib\ el > Edmonds and John M. Cole > > Special Film by John Hankey > <>Dark Legacy > <>George Bush and the Assassination of JFK > > 24 October 2009 > <>Peter Dale Scott: " The JFK Assassination: > NY Times Acknowledges CIA Deceptions " > > > ---------- > When I despair, I remember that all through history > the way of truth and love has always won. > There have been tyrants and murderers > and for a time they seem invincible > but in the end, they always fall -- > think of it, ALWAYS. > > -- Mahatma Gandhi > > ---------- > 02 November 2009 - Democracy Now! > <>Capitol > Hill Exposed Censoring Derivatives Critic > > 30 October 2009 - Bob Chapman - The International Forecaster > <>Facing > A Total Breakdown Of Financial Markets > > 02 October 2009 - John Perkins Newsletter > <\ ml>Latin > America Strikes Back > > Financial Analysis - > <>World Reports - Global Intelligence > 03 November 2009 > <\ s>Bush > SR. In Germany To Sabotage Payment Process > 30 October 2009 > <>\ German > Arrests Mask Major Bush Syndicate Bust > > ---------- > > <\ es/OxySilver%20Research%20Paper%20by%20Dr.%20Horowitz.pdf>OXYSILVER™<http://oxys\\ %20Research%20Paper%20by%20Dr.%20Horowitz.pdf>: > The Green Technology Making > <\ es/OxySilver%20Research%20Paper%20by%20Dr.%20Horowitz.pdf>Risky > Vaccinations and Toxic Antibiotics Obsolete. > By Leonard G. Horowitz > DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, DMM > > 12 May 2009 > < & sid=afrdATVXPEAk>Swine > Flu May Be Human Error, > Scientist Says, WHO Investigates > > 22 September 2009 > <>Researchers > refine theory for lab origin of swine flu > > 28 August 2009 > <>Wake > Up, America: Forced vaccinations, > quarantine camps, health care interrogations > <>and > mandatory " decontaminations " > > Recommended alternative to over-used > conventional antibiotics and vaccinations: > <>O X Y S I L V E > R<>™ > > <>Comparison > of OxySilver to Colloidal Silver > > <,22803,\ >Testimonial > by Jonathan Mark > [item 2 - July 21, 2009 Flyby News] > > For more research links, see: > <>FLU 'ODDITIES' > & > Dr. Horowitz's > <>FluScam<>.com > > > ---------- > For a list serve for discussions and related posts, > including files and fliers for events and more, see: > > <FlybyNews>FlybyNews > > Also, for > < & friendID=\ 95489346 & albumId=642597 & authKey=hoMpEiJUky0qsnxRI9w%2f57uXxOTWVoIJuuSJ%2f7QLGVGx\ BvB3u3%2fHiUlPPeKdPC4sE9drRT8ArIRwuk9JPQ5kNzM1pXQMrWmBTw1iiYPQ1vU%3d>pics > and more > visit > <>FlybyNews@MySpace > & > < & ref=profile>FaceBook Profile > > Also, check out: > <>Valley 9/11 Truth > > ***************************************************************************** > For full issue with articles and links, see: > November 3, 2009 - > <,84983,\ >WHO > Flu H1N1 * NAZI Finance * Goldstone > ***************************************************************************** > > You can (free) for forthcoming issues > at the bottom of the homepage for Flyby News > <>~<>~<>~ ~<>~<>~<> > for life's survival in the 21st Century > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2009 Report Share Posted November 4, 2009 Flyby News - Editor - Jonathan Mark November 3, 2009 - WHO Flu H1N1 * NAZI Finance * Goldstone “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” -- Will Durant 1) The WHO Flu Scam keeping hold on the truth - - Shannon Brownlee: Does the Vaccine Matter? - - Making Risky Vaccinations and Toxic Antibiotics Obsolete - - The WHO Flu Scam Video now available 2) NAZI Continuum Overtaking US, UK, Israel, and World Peace - - Bush SR. In Germany To Sabotage Payment Process - - Capitol Hill Exposed Censoring Derivatives Critic - - The American Ruling Class ~ and rave reviews - - Brzezinski Says Ignore US Public on Afghanistan - - Innocent Victims of Extraordinary Rendition Cannot Sue in US Courts - - Condemning Goldstone Report on Israeli War Crimes in Gaza?!? - - Support The Goldstone Report 3) Climate chief Lord Stern: give up meat to save the planet - - Snow Cap Melting Away Atop Mount Kilimanjaro 4) The Tragedy of Leonard Peltier vs. the US - - Jehan Abdur-Raheem on Leonard’s parole denial - Correction 5) Critical Breaking News - updated Editor's Notes: The subject of the dangerous H1N1 (with evidence of it being created in a laboratory) begins this issue. The article by Dr. Leonard Horowitz discloses potential conflicting interest in his helping to formulate and market OxySilver™, an advanced silver hydrosol. FN also discloses being affiliated with this product. As this 17-page report shows: “The entire class of nanosilver solutions is gaining substantial scientific support and recognized value in healthcare for service in disease remediation and health promotion.” This product could be a lifesaver. All funds received from FN's affiliation is used to cover our expenses for campaigns for life’s survival in the 21st Century. On this subject, too, I recommend watching and sharing The WHO Flu Scam DVD. In item 2, learn about the DVD of Germany, the NAZI connection with the head of US intelligence corruption, George Bush, Sr., following the path set forth by his father in supporting a fascist new world takeover. Many separate one issue from another. The larger story is almost too much to take in. But what are our options? The US basis for its military invasion-occupation of Afghanistan is based on the ‘official’ version (myth) of what happened on September 11, 2001. Only the truth will set us free. Meanwhile, Christopher Story and others are showing signs of an awakening world at the brink of global financial failure. Also in the second item too, take note of The American Ruling Class, a dramatic, musical, documentary satire that attempts to answer the question 'Who rules America?' The interview-segment with James Baker was particularly satisfying in its exposing corrupt doublespeak-evil of this man who was involved in the 2000 election coup d'etat. And don't miss the link to take action, Support The Goldstone Report. Meanwhile, the snowcap is melting away atop Mount Kilimanjaro. Crises are looming almost on every level. Climate chief Lord Stern gives practical and healthful advice for humans to give up meat for lowering our carbon footprint on the planet. In the fourth item, Peter Matthiessen, author of The Spirit of Crazy Horse, writes an op-ed in the NY Times, “The Tragedy of Leonard Peltier vs. the US.” In the last item, catch up on all the recent posts at FN. Note especially Stephanie Kraft's October 22nd article, “Flying Girders, Falling Towers” on Richard Gage, AIA, presentation in Northampton, MA. It begins with the question: " Is the public ready to consider evidence that controlled demolition brought down the World Trade Center skyscrapers? " It concludes: " Increasingly, the signs are that they will. " New Beginning, New End Time forged in mystery Flowing to drips of anxiousness Sweating out toxins and breathing in space Where none existed before, Except in our minds; now Trembling into a disappearing act – Frozen in fear as glaciers melt away And consumption is on its last binge.. Where tomorrow holds uncertainty And logic is confined in its space Between denial and insanity, Or perhaps science is on its last breath and voyage From the perspective of humankind-nature, And yet, a new day begins. Jonathan Mark 28 October 2009 CRITICAL BREAKING NEWS H1N1 Swine Flu " National Emergency " Warning! The WHO Flu Scam Video Free Online or $5 regular US mail! 9yr-old boy tortured, says former Guantanamo detainee The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7, Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False By David Ray Griffin For a review of this book by Jerry Mazza: " Just Say No to Nist.. " Richard Gage, AIA, 14-City Tour New Zealand - Australia - Japan * Imperium Watch: Flying Girders, Falling Towers 22 October 2009 - Valley Advocate - Stephanie Kraft The American Ruling Class A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on class in America that attempts to answer the question 'Who rules America?' FBI Whistleblower Names Names Scott Horton * Antiwar Radio * Interview Sibel Edmonds and John M. Cole Special Film by John Hankey Dark Legacy George Bush and the Assassination of JFK 24 October 2009 Peter Dale Scott: " The JFK Assassination: NY Times Acknowledges CIA Deceptions " When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. -- Mahatma Gandhi 02 November 2009 - Democracy Now! Capitol Hill Exposed Censoring Derivatives Critic 30 October 2009 - Bob Chapman - The International Forecaster Facing A Total Breakdown Of Financial Markets 02 October 2009 - John Perkins Newsletter Latin America Strikes Back Financial Analysis - World Reports - Global Intelligence 03 November 2009 Bush SR. In Germany To Sabotage Payment Process 30 October 2009 German Arrests Mask Major Bush Syndicate Bust OXYSILVER™ : The Green Technology Making Risky Vaccinations and Toxic Antibiotics Obsolete. By Leonard G. Horowitz DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, DMM 12 May 2009 Swine Flu May Be Human Error, Scientist Says, WHO Investigates 22 September 2009 Researchers refine theory for lab origin of swine flu 28 August 2009 Wake Up, America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory " decontaminations " Recommended alternative to over-used conventional antibiotics and vaccinations: O X Y S I L V E R™ Comparison of OxySilver to Colloidal Silver Testimonial by Jonathan Mark [item 2 - July 21, 2009 Flyby News] For more research links, see: FLU 'ODDITIES' & Dr. Horowitz's FluScam For a list serve for discussions and related posts, including files and fliers for events and more, see: FlybyNews Also, for pics and more visit FlybyNews@MySpace & FaceBook Profile Also, check out: Valley 9/11 Truth ***************************************************************************** For full issue with articles and links, see: November 3, 2009 - WHO Flu H1N1 * NAZI Finance * Goldstone ***************************************************************************** You can (free) for forthcoming issues at the bottom of the homepage for Flyby News <>~<>~<>~ ~<>~<>~<> for life's survival in the 21st Century Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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