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Gratiot Co MI * GO TO RESEARCH TOMORROW!!ShepLab,Lab/Chowx These beautiful dogs need rescue!

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--- On Thu, 11/12/09, Barbara Repenning <arianthor wrote:


Thursday, November 12, 2009, 3:29 PM








Please repost, or maybe you know of someone in the area.


--- On Thu, 11/12/09, Wyvonnia <wyvonnia wrote:

Beautiful dogs need rescue!Thursday, November 12, 2009, 3:23 PM



Look at those faces! Poor dogs are headed to a research lab TOMORROW, if no one saves them today! Please circulate this plea for help!Call marie first, she handles the shelter communications (989) 875-2286, if transport needs are more than they can provide, then call me: Laurel 616 247 1456 betterhave@sbcgloba l.net (@ sbcglobal .net) Thank you ! Laurel Thanks!

3 dogs are pictured below, but there is at least one more that isn't pictured, so please read the entire alert. Laurel [betterhave@ sbcglobal. net] (@ sbcglobal .net) Wednesday, November 11, 2009 11:34 AM Fw: URGENT - Gratiot County Shep/Lab Needs Rescue! Importance: High Please take a look, we need a committed rescue by tomorrow - Thursday or these two go to research

tomorrow. There is also this one, w/ no picture as it just came in late yesterday: a 4 year old chow mix spayed owner surrender We'll deal with temp foster / transport / whatever it takes if you can help these dogs avoid a life of hell. Call marie first, she handles the shelter communications (989) 875-2286, if transport needs are more than they can provide, then call me: Laurel 616 247 1456 betterhave@sbcgloba l.net (@ sbcglobal .net) Thank you ! Laurel Marie green Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:32 AM Fw: URGENT - Gratiot County Shep/Lab Needs Rescue! another dog came in late Tues so not pictured. a 4 year old chow mix spayed owner surrender as couldn't afford.. Maria Lott <mlott@helpfurryfrie nds.com> (@ helpfurryfriends .com) URGENT - Gratiot County Shep/Lab Needs Rescue! Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 5:57 AM Gratiot County Animal Control has 2 dogs that are owner released. One is a Shepherd/Lab mix that was released

last Thursday and will be available for research on Thursday! She came in after we took pictures last Thursday and we didn't know about her until yesterday! She will be available to go to RESEARCH on THURSDAY (TOMORROW)! "Chloe" (#62) Shepherd/lab mix, female, 3 years old. She has been an outside dog, would probably adjust to being inside. Very friendly and affectionate. Good on a leash, good with other dogs, current rabies (expires 2011). If you can help us please contact Marie Green at rowdyjmgreen@ (@ .com) or call her at (989) 875-2286. We can help with pull and transport. Also as owner release is "Sugar Bear" (#57) Hound mix, female, about 6 months old. Very friendly, lots of energy - probably too much energy to be around very young children. Ready for basic obedience training. All right around other dogs. No shot or vet records. Available immediately. Stray

- (#187) Black lab mix, female, about 6 months old. Picked up near Lincoln and Croswell Road. Lots of energy on a leash, very friendly, probably not good around very young children because she is so energetic. Needs basic obedience training. Available on Tuesday, 11/17. If you can help with any of these dogs please contact Marie at (989) 875-2286 or call the shelter at (989) 875-2221. (You can now leave a message even though their answering machine doesn't say to.) We need to find a rescue for these dogs. Thanks, Maria Lott Help Furry Friends www.helpfurryfriend s.com Marie Green (989) 875-2286 Gratiot County Shelter Open Tue, Wed, Thurs from 10:00-4:30 Shelter phone: (989)875-2221( leave msg off hours)

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