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KARA Newsletter

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Monthly Newsletter No. 11

November, 2009









Hi everyone,

This month has been pretty busy with improvements being made to help us better protect animals and with KARA's new manager tackling issues head on . . .





Memorial Service for Dumbi


Dumbi was the name of a miniature dog that died as a result of a fall onto concrete at a Daegu subway station. A normal dog, not weakened by unnatural breeding practices, would have survived the fall.

The irony was that Dumbi died on the day she was being made an honorary subway station attendant! KARA and others held a memorial to draw attention to "manufactured" mini-pets and to their exploitation in promotional events.

Read about the sad story of Dumbi here.





Dog Farm Near High School


Unbelievably, in the Yongin region south of Seoul there is a dog farm right next to a high school. Both teachers and students have been complaining about it and the awful smells and cries they have to put up with.

KARA went down to investigate and found appalling conditions. Talks are in progress to shut the place down.

Read about this disgraceful situation here.





KARA Protests Moves by MBC to Televise Hunting Program


When word came out that MBC, a television station in Seoul, was planning to televise a program involving celebrities hunting pigs, KARA and other animal welfare groups sprung into action.

A news conference was called on November 30 at the National Assembly building, not far from the MBC station building, to call attention to MBC's irresponsibility and its sick idea of entertainment.

Read about the events here.





Seoul Agricultural & Marine Products Corporation Bullies Pet Owners


KARA answered calls for help after learning that the Seoul Agricultural & Marine Products Corporation, which runs Garak Market, was telling shop owners to get rid of pets.

The tactics used involved fines and threats of business closure. This seemed rather heavy handed for a small group of shop owners whose pets accompany them to work.

Read about KARA's investigation here.





Anti-Dog Meat Petition Ongoing


At the time of writing, United Dogs' online petition against Korea's dog meat industry is over the 308,000 mark. This is a great achievement, but the ambitious aim of a million signatures is still a long way off.

If you haven't signed already, head on over and sign the petition. If you need to, you can see different language versions of the page using its top-right drop down list.

Please tell your friends!





This Issue's Net Highlights


Most people know that one thing you should avoid is veal because it involves humans torturing the infants of other animals. It's not just the confinement calves suffer, they are also subjected to other cruelties and inhumane slaughter. WARNING: it is graphic.


Author Ari Solomon thinks that it is only stupid people that say animals are stupid. We agree with him. See why only an idiot would call animals stupid.


Perhaps the answer to the problems of factory farming lies in Peter Singer's suggestion to introduce a meat tax. Though judging by the range of

ill-informed comments, it won't get a lot of support.


It seems like not a week goes by without another expose of the horrors of factory farming. Here is yet another investigation into the nightmare of pork farming. If you don't like what you see, don't eat pork.


What seems to make the terrible treatment of pigs even worse is that yet another study has found that they are really quite intelligent.

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