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PETA'S Glaring Hypocrisy Continues to Set the AR Movement Back

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" It was a charity event for 600 guests in Tucson, Arizona, whose organisers had

consulted the animal welfare group Peta, to see if there would be any objection

to having lobster on the menu. Peta said it would be acceptable, if the lobsters

were killed in the CrustaStun machines rather than being boiled or drowned in

fresh water. Peta bought two of the machines and paid for Mr Buckhaven to travel

out to demonstrate them. "








" Painless " method of killing crustaceans developed


By Andy McSmith


Saturday, 21 November 2009


Many diners are deterred from ordering lobster because of fears about how they

are killed.


The heart-rending sound that a lobster makes as it is boiled alive puts off many

a home chef from preparing the dish for a dinner party.


But now anyone can serve up a buttered lobster freshly cooked in their own

kitchen, safe in the knowledge that it has been humanely killed, thanks to a

British entrepreneur.


Simon Buckhaven has created a machine that takes less than a second to

efficiently and painlessly zap a lobster, crab or other crustacea to death. The

price – at £2,500 – may deter some but many an animal lover or restaurant

chef will think it a small price to pay for a cruelty-free death. Plus,

according to the manufacturer, the CrustaStun also makes the meat taste better.


Inside one of the little machines that are going on sale this week, a lobster

takes just 0.3 seconds to die, whereas it can live for three minutes in boiling

water. A crab takes even longer to die as it is boiled to death – up to four

and a half minutes.


After several trials here and in the US, Mr Buckhaven's firm, Studham

Technologies, in Bedfordshire, has developed a machine that takes five seconds

to use, and meets health and safety and other regulations on both sides of the



The entrepreneur is firmly in the " yes " camp in the old argument about whether

lobsters feel pain. One side is that their nervous systems are not complex

enough to experience what humans would recognise as pain, implying that, for a

lobster, being placed in boiling water would be like being sent gently to sleep

in a warm whirlpool bath.


This conclusion was buttressed by research published in Norway in 2005, but in

November 2007, Professor Robert Elwood, of Queen's University, Belfast,

published the results of an experiment which involved daubing acid on the

antennae of prawns. The animals immediately reacted by touching the affected

areas, a reaction consistent with experiencing pain, although other specialists

in the same field argued that the prawns may simply have been cleaning their

antennae, without suffering distress.


Mr Buckhaven is in no doubt that research like Professor Elwood's is conclusive,

and means that the practice of subjecting crustaceans to a slow death will have

to end.


" These are sentient animals, who feel pain and distress, and you should not boil

them alive, or drown them in fresh water, or cut them in half while they're

alive, " he said. " A lot of people who love to eat lobster do not like preparing

it at home because they have to cook it in boiling water. And restaurants are

more frequently hearing questions from customers about how their lobster will be

killed. "


He added that in one blind test, customers were given lobsters killed in boiling

water and lobster that had died in a CrustaStun, and every participant said that

they preferred the meat from the electrocuted animals. " It was sweeter meat and

better consistency, " he said. " If you eat an animal which had been under stress

before it died, it affects the meat quality. "


However, a planned demonstration of the CrustaStun turned into an unmitigated

disaster – not least for 1,800 lobsters.


It was a charity event for 600 guests in Tucson, Arizona, whose organisers had

consulted the animal welfare group Peta, to see if there would be any objection

to having lobster on the menu. Peta said it would be acceptable, if the lobsters

were killed in the CrustaStun machines rather than being boiled or drowned in

fresh water. Peta bought two of the machines and paid for Mr Buckhaven to travel

out to demonstrate them. The machines were shipped out separately. Sadly, the

delivery company let them down, 1,800 lobsters died horribly, and the machines

turned up in Tucson two days late. " We were completely let down, and are suing

to get the money back, " Mr Buckhaven said.


Despite that catastrophe, he is convinced that there will be a growing demand

for his machines. His company is now offering two types of lobster zappers. The

larger industrial models, which cost over £60,000 each, are already in use in

the UK, Ireland, Norway and Portugal. Some supermarkets are now stocking lobster

only if it has been killed by electrocution.










While robbing the poor to pay for more war

You redefine goodness as terror.

By helping the homeless, the hungry, the voiceless

Our names appear on your list.

The crimes we commit are honoring life

And aiding all sentient beings;

But to fascists who seek only profits and power;

Those who are merciful, moral and mild

Pose the most serious risk.

It's TRUTH you fear above all else

So you murder and muzzle and lock it away

Attempting to hide your own moral decay.

Our country has fallen to greed and corruption

And peace will never prevail

As long as evil calls itself light

And ignores and denies every living kind's plight.

The money flows freely, but never to nurture the weak

It pads the fat pockets of those least deserving

While sucking the life from the helpless and meek

Victimized activists hold strong and steady never giving our power away;

Defying your lying, terrorist label, biding time for the justice we seek.



~Brennan Browne~




Trust our government to delay, bungle and kill every worthwhile social program

they undertake; yet with incredible speed and efficiency--shred the Bill of

Rights and the Constitution.


~Brennan Browne~




ANY act which threatens to take political or corporate power/profits from the

status quo.


~Brennan Browne~



The concept of 'animal rights' values the simple premise that ALL living

creatures have a " right " to be allowed to live their lives without

victimization--free from brutality. It is a right that EVERY being strives for.


~Brennan Browne~



Animal Rights--Rational, not Radical.



Man IS superior to every other being...in his ability to excuse away those parts

of himself too vile for self-examination.


 ~Brennan Browne~

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